number of victims is almost 45 times higher than that of the belarusian hut, 41 times that of the czech lydeceand 18 times that of the french ogadukh. there was a mass murder of civilians a punitive operation by hungarian and german units in response to the actions of soviet partisans led by the officer of the nkvd, ussr, oleksiy fedorov. the fact that fydorov's partisan group outnumbered the karatarians by the number of soldiers by almost 10 times adds to the tragedy of this event, but, but, partisans. nothing was done to save the residents of koryukivka, according to the information i read, they just watched it from the forest, and then the hungarians left, the residents returned, and they returned and finished those residents, and the partisans watched, let 's remember and call today, at least the hungarian authorities not to repeat the mistakes of their predecessors during the second world war, during the horthy dictatorship, and espresso calls to join the gathering in baguio for evacuation. wounded and transportation of combat kits, as well as for automobile and recovery services for the