at the end of the day, because i changed the style of garad, i lived in garodny , and in maladzechna,it turned out so that i was untied, and the whole thing was such a pin, pachynats new , eight, well, i was such a mara from the dyatsinstvo, i told myself in the meeting, i knew that i would live a life of change and the people, well, they didn’t spoil me , ale ўsyo roўna, i i believed, i was convinced that i was crazy. requirements it’s just zeinichats, and all i’m looking forward to the divorce told my fathers, that i say, i can’t live much in the city, everything is crushing, everything is not the same, and i say , i’ll leave you, i’ll leave danika and i’ll go find the hut, they’ll laugh, but i’ll sit on rovar, she went searching, she found out, and for the gety house it was required to wait for a year, oh well, why so, they didn’t sell me a packet, then they sold it, oh well, there’s shmat, and then all the same... they said, no, no great father, but, well, i believed that this was my home, i had no doubts, but i didn’t believe it, yana she said, well, not atrymaetstsa, well, well,