royan, formerly known as alamde is one of the favorite hangouts for those traveling in mazandran along میشن و خب این آرامش رو هم. environments, which is exclusive to a region known as herkania, a green belt which is stretched along the southern coast of the caspian sea, and a small part of the republic of azerbaijan. alpati is the name of one of the famous natural attractions in northern iran. it's located in the heart of the royan forest, and unlike other waterfalls that pour down in a 90 degree angle, the off pati is more of a combination of swirling streams that pour down in between the rocks in a 45 degree angle. "the dazzling beauty of the region owes itself to the situation of the albers mountain range, which acts like a gigantic wall that prevents rain clouds of the caspian sea from escaping to the other side, thus creating abundant rainfall, which eventually results in the creation of this green explosion. this is lovige, a mountainous area near the city of..." neur, a place famous for its honey production, but as you can see, it's wintertime and the bees are sleeping, and besi