bubonic plague melissa r. dubose has a few characteristics that i would like to mention. one, she worked as a prosecutor in the department of rhode island attorney general, where i used to work and where i used to work as attorney general for a bit. and she did very busy active service there in the criminal prosecution side and was very well regarded by her peers. she spent nearly ten years as a corporate in-house counsel at a fortune # 500 -- fortune 500 company, snyder electric and learned the law from that side and then she served on the rhode island district court, which is a very fast-paced busy court where your judgment is constantly called on and she has shown herself to be a very patient and well-reregarded judge -- well-reguarded judge. she is a graduate of rhode island's own providence college. she was a history teacher in providence schools for 11 years before she embarked on her legal career. she was educated at the roger williams university school of law, which not only graduated her but thought so highly of her they invited her back to sit on the board of th