earlier on, we spoke to truesdale , on, we spoke to nevin truesdale, the chief executive of the jockeyly quality jump racing. the elite of jump racing. this festival is right up there in terms of the world's best jumps festival , people can expect the festival, people can expect the really top quality horses racing against each other in brilliant races, but a lot of things going on around the site as well. you know, we've got the style awards tomorrow, we've got the orchard, we've village, we've got the shopping village, there's people to we've got the shopping village, the|involved people to we've got the shopping village, the|involved in people to we've got the shopping village, the|involved in when eople to we've got the shopping village, the|involved in when theye to we've got the shopping village, the|involved in when they come get involved in when they come here, people see it here, and i think people see it as of a pilgrimage. and as a bit of a pilgrimage. and it's massively to it's massively important to the local gloucestershire as local gloucestershire economy as well. you kn