just washed xia here, that is, here in the wells i collected, so i collected, so so, because well, pershapachatkovaere, well, for the rest little thing. as soon as we moved, we changed the windows there, there was a need for a tax from their name, and we all started working on water, i don’t know, for a couple of months, i was unaffected and didn’t treat, because i felt like this was some kind of luck, and i, well, i had a geta ў far-fetched. and what the heck is this in general, for us there’s a bathhouse, all the laznya, yes, but i’m at the same time in ramonets, because i ’m working, but we grew up, well, work, if it was already so tedious, and i already think... that tens the naprikants are clear, i’m already earning as i wanted, and i’ll live contentedly further, you can will brush her teeth in the room, well, we can already move there, i perfectly understand what convenience is for a girl, especially with regard to hygiene and the ability to take care of herself, even such difficulties did not stop diana, but rather, on the contrary , provoked her. your divorce is somehow connected with your