other nationalities that are there, and accordingly, this hatred that exists against the indigenous ponevosse peoples, she, she is already essential, but against the background of this delusion and this absurdity connected , including with the last measures, she will spread, moreover, no one is any selective or not trying to do it point by point, they said that tarak was done by four tajiks, which means that the entire tsadji people are to blame, which has a population of 10 million there and 2 million there plus or minus the diaspora on the territory of the russian federation, moreover, these black huns and fools do not divide there the tajiks are guilty, so the uzbeks are also guilty, the tatars and beshkor are guilty. that is, it will definitely contribute to an additional crack and strengthening of this national tension, which existed a long time ago and still exists not only there in the north caucasus, but also in most other cities of the russian federation. regarding the first part of your conversation, when the fsb looked there or not, the question is not that it is really difficult