at the park adpachynku ў stsyapyantsy lasya was grazing, a perfect month for relaxation.hey love to eat myastsova zhakhars, and today they loved and dzikiya lived. lasikha shtodnya go through and plant the meat planters with fresh water until it’s smeared. it’s not turned off, it’s still alive in the park. unusual, they even shot a video and let him through, well, of course, everyone missed him, of course, they missed him, he stood there, but calmly left. it is necessary to remember what kind of life there is, what kind of place is in the populated area and in contact with the chalaveks, you might get sick due to mischief. special special edition and the closest ones for an hour the gathering of these people lived near the park. it’s true, the process is not easy. you need to work in such a way that no one gets hurt, no one lives, and no one gets hurt. and for the amatara , gardening and batanism provide lemon lessons. particularly in practice, teachers learn how to spritz fruit spills and look at them. specialists navat. learn about the maystar class of your khatnia regi