you have one of the most obsessed israel haters at the "new york times," thomas freedman born a jew.urse you have the ownership of the "new york times," which was a jewish and i think through intermarriage is lutheran or something like that of course it's not just them plenty of gentiles involved. but i want to read something to you very quickly. america and the holocaust by david s whiteman was a christian who was appalled at what he saw at the "new york times." it had the guts to call them out. the "new york times" of the time was owned by the shoals burger family, still is. these are people whose ancestry german and jewish but they are in the tank for franklin roosevelt franklin roosevelt did not want a lot of reporting about the holocaust because he might have to do something about it. worse, his state department put caps on the amount of jews who would be brought into the united states or could escape to the united states who were facing extermination. that cap was way below the legal cap that congress had set. only about 200,000 jews came to the united states in the course of t