even saying this, to regret what doesn’t exist now, i’m already a different person, i’m no longer the tasis loneliness, i learned to win, i learned to simply live. then - somehow it happened, when i found out that she had a serious diagnosis and that she really only had a few days left to live, i came to her one day and she said to me: aziza, open the cabinet, i open the cabinet, and i get it three icons, i’m talking about, i’m saying, svetlanachna, why are they here, she says, so, here i am, so that no one can see, well, i’m not an orthodox person, i’m like this sometimes, well, she’s i couldn’t even get up, she says, i can’t even look like that, but i know that i have them here and well... god probably hears me, i say: yes, god hears you anyway, i pull you out , that means these icons, i say, let’s, i say, we’ll put them right next to you, right at the head of the head, and i say, let’s baptize you, i say, you you know, we will pray for you, i say, i myself am an orthodox person, i say, come on, suddenly she says to me, give aziza, when, i say, we’ll decide now, i mean i’m running, i’m ca