it can't even be measured and it's required to behe by the a bottle of gin and excessive alcohol. do we? oh, and beyond alcohol. well, mr. congressman, i don' the the ingredients release out by#i t manufacturers yesterday goes f bbeen provided by any manufacturer of a food product products they're not required to disclose pricing processing agents. we have supplied those data to the us gernment for over ten years. we have fully cooperated with the department of health and human services a prior chairman of this company testified before congressffered our ingredient list to year. we've not been trying to hide anything. we've been fully cooperative on this. we' bhighly responsible in having not only each of those zed, but analyzed in totality, analyzing the by independent toxicologist ana little bit distressed, as i hear some of your answers with respt to your flippant attitude on the impact of nicotine and its addictiveness and the impact of cigaretingene. i called your attention to your left. that stack of books, medical evidence, overwhelm