arthur stroud, thomas ryan conrad, jason walker, lucy violet, billy bracket. for cindy it eaten -- for the people who took their own lives and those killed by an abuser, for the family and friends who now have to live with the unimaginable pain that comes from losing a loved one to violence, and for anyone who survived that violence, but who can never fully heal. we have a lot to work to do in this body, creating and debating proposals that are balanced and measured, with care, with dignity, but it is worthwhile because one of the fundamental obligations we have is to keep people safe. as i close, i cannot escape the troubling fact that violence has become all too common in our culture. acts of brutality and anger are glorified and normalized in video games, tv shows, films, and social media. apps that reduce our humanity and leave us angry and bitter towards one another. acts that are part of a culture that too often promotes violence as a way to address, but never really resolve differences. as a society, we've got to consider how we can reject the vitriol t