it's exactly like , for example, cases like chai debchi, which were raised a lot, and now i'm a judge. we are waiting to see about the crime that has been committed , not us, as the supervisor of the judiciary, if the judicial system handles this case in the way it is doing, whether this case or other cases that we in the judicial committee are supervising. for example, one of the cases that we followed up in the judicial system last year was the issue of one of the country's governors, who was arrested by the judge in a case. and the governor of this provincial capital had arrested him. well, we believed that the procedure for dealing with the case for the governor who was arrested in this case was not carried out properly because the judge who gave the verdict was guilty of the disclosure made by the governor. it means that the judge had given the verdict, but his way of working based on the law, it was wrong. he should not be the judge of the right to hear a case in which zainaf himself was involved, because he complained to the commission about the complaint of the governor's fami