in 1500, in 76, stefan batory or istvan batory, a formidable enemy of ivan the terrible, who came fromfamily, became the polish king. stefan baturius successfully for the polish-lithuanian commonwealth ended the livonian war. in 1580 , a truce was concluded in yamzapolye. russia lost all its conquests, as well as the lands on the border with the polish-lithuanian commonwealth and the coastal baltic. cities in 1584, ivan the terrible dies, leaving behind a complex memory, but this memory includes reforms of military service, the judicial system and public administration, under him the code of law of 1550 was compiled , the kazan, astrakhan and siberian khanates were conquered. but the selfish enemy is not the only enemy of our prosperity. worse than the germans, livonians, russian power, the formidable left behind significant literary works. the swede, after the death of tsar fyodor anch in 1598, the zemsky sobor elected boris gadunov as successor to the throne, according to modern concepts , liberals began the active penetration of progressive western ideas into russia. godunov reforme