this is how anatoly khommich and andrey letvinovich climbed to the pedestal of the second cis games inletics in 2023 . we are developing athletics, volleyball, football, a total of 304 children are involved in our training, we have a coaching staff of 10 people, and two coaches are highest category, two coaches from the first category, three coaches from the second category. other sports facilities in the pruzhany region were not left without attention. on the second day of the festival, the delegation visited water and ice palaces, as well as a specialized... also further in the program, festival guests will enjoy a sports and historical quest around the city’s facilities and the opening ceremony of the festival with a presentation of the roller skate park. the death of a polish soldier on the border is a pretext for information pumping and escalation - said an official representative state border committee of belarus anton bychkovsky. information about the death of a polish soldier was widely disseminated from the very beginning in the polish media and extremist internet resources. a