sarbaz negur, 16 km long ashar zarabad pipeline, 93 km long and palisan pipeline of soran. and pescoveh zabeli was built with a length of 153 kilometers. 9 cities will also be connected to gas, god willing. 130 villages. a total of 147 villages in the province are blessed with gas. the gas story did not end there. this clean energy has traveled from zahedan to the north of the province in the 13th government . and now in four parts of iran, bekhash, mirjaveh, zabul. with the investment of 400 million dollars, gas has arrived. the projects that we are witnessing the opening of, that is, 9 cities and 130 villages, amounting to 990 billion tomans have been spent on the budget, and god willing, with the opening of this project, 69 thousand rural and urban households will enjoy the blessing of gas. the gas has reached the cities , villages, regional petrochemical power plants of astana and the industrial city of makran, the promise of gas supply by the government. the 13th was achieved in this province. rahna zarbanian, radio and television news agency. yes, we saw ms. zarbanian