of caracos, the country club with golf courses, lives side by side with bario cheppilin.fe, but there are also huge bario cities. the largest bario caracasar has a population of about million people. this. do the police have control over the residents of barius? the question is rhetorical, because inside such areas there are enough of their own armies that are armed to the teeth. in general, barius is the twin brother of the notorious brazilian favelas and the huge kibera slums in kenya, where many still live without electricity, running water or sewerage. kooloon is perhaps the most famous example of a disadvantaged area in the world, having been a fortress city in the 19th century, in the 20th century it became synonymous with the word unsafe. in in the middle of the 20th century, it was controlled by triads, and the government had no access to the wild fortress. in the middle of the 20th century, kowloon received the status of itself. densely populated city in the world, it turns out that at that time there were 2 million people per square kilometer of land, it seems t