these youth, as it were, just beat their brains out, they don’t want to remember, but at the time when bessarabiao on, so if they are now they want to return to romania, but this means returning to nowhere for the moldovans, but unfortunately they don’t understand this, this is how it works, explain to me, that is, well, they jumped out of the soviet union, they were again shown how it works, goebbels explained, he wrote why even goebbels? i remember recently reading a decree, meaning hitler , about the destruction of krakow, well, when the germans were already giving in, retreating, and hitler gave orders to destroy warsaw, there is krakow, by the way, the polish countries, yes, including prague, we know this story, there were orders, justification, to kill culture, well, to destroy objects, material, yes, stone objects of culture, means to kill a nation, to kill a national creation, that is, even leaving, he is already... a magnet, well, this is a small, poorly educated lady, i don’t want to remember, yes, what is her name, another doll, just yes, well , you know, she may even be less of a doll