gold at the geographical olympics in france, first prize at the bogdan varhal performing competitionn serbia, a medal at the science and energy forum in turkey, are just some of the achievements on the geographical map of our talents, in demand at home. this is what the breastplate looks like. a laureate of a special fund for the support of talented youth, a certificate is attached to it, this is a very honorable title, and from now on, when you indicate your creative achievements, of course you say first of all that you are the owner of a grand prize special fund, this immediately sets the radiation, support, of course, is felt from the state, and the place chosen for this event is also certainly important, because it is necessary to honor the memory. not only moving forward, but also shaping the civic position of the country's creative scientific elite with respect for our historical past. grand prizes are symbolically received on the eve of independence day together with the strength of our unity in the victory memorial hall. these squares carefully preserve the names of the heroe