Jun 26, 2024
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asÍ comenzamos. ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ carolina: hola, ¿quÉ tal?rolina sarassa, este 26 de junio, tu "ediciÓn digital", tu compaÑÍa al mediodÍa. borja: el medio este amanece inundado tras los estragos de un fuerte sistema de tormentas la casa blanca ha declarado zona de desastre mayor en iowa, en la gobernadora del estado estÁ pidiÉndole a los condados afectados que soliciten la asistencia de fema. carolina: en minnesota tambiÉn continÚa la vigilancia de una importante repuesta que estÁ a punto del colapso tras una falla. esto podrÍa ser catastrÓfico si ocurre. veamos quÉ dice la gobernadora. >> [habla en inglÉs] borja: siguiendo con el tema, un hombre de new jersey estÁ siendo recordado como un autÉntico hÉroe tras ser alcanzado por un rayo en una playa, ya estaba escapando de una tormenta, pero regreso para advertirle a un grupo de niÑos que se alejara, pero recibiÓ se fuerte descarga elÉctrica. la pareja de la vÍctima dice que esa fue la Última conversaciÓn que tuvieron. >> [habla en inglÉs] carolina: salvo la vida de >> [habla en inglÉs] caroli
asÍ comenzamos. ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ carolina: hola, ¿quÉ tal?rolina sarassa, este 26 de junio, tu "ediciÓn digital", tu compaÑÍa al mediodÍa. borja: el medio este amanece inundado tras los estragos de un fuerte sistema de tormentas la casa blanca ha declarado zona de desastre mayor en iowa, en la gobernadora del estado estÁ pidiÉndole a los condados afectados que soliciten la asistencia de fema. carolina: en minnesota tambiÉn continÚa la vigilancia de una importante repuesta...
Jun 20, 2024
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carolina: los cristianos, tengo entendido. >> ¿cuÁl de ellos? ¿los catÓlicos?iÓn establecida. ahora, cada dÍa estamos viendo cÓmo hay un a la republicana que estÁ utilizando el tema de la moral, de la imposiciÓn de esa moral cristiana, de las cuales yo comparto a nivel personal, creo que es importantÍsimo, y tambiÉn a nivel institucional creo que es importante crear conciencia en los niÑos. pero despuÉs que tÚ empiezas por un camino como este, que estÁs imponiendo una serie de reglamentos, al borde de la religiÓn, si yo fuera una persona musulmana, te pedirÍa, si voy a mandar a mi hijo a ese colegio pÚblico, que tiene lo diezman de mente, yo quisiera que tambiÉn se pusieran allÍ los versos del corÁn". allÍ cada vez vas regalÁndote mÁs y mÁs, y llega un momento donde estas imponiendo tu moral y tu religiÓn, en tu colegio pÚblico. borja: seÑor peÑalver, como ha dicho carolina, conoce a perfecciÓn la constituciÓn de este paÍs, los estados unidos de amÉrica, se dice algo sobre que la educaciÓn tiene que ser aconfesional, esa separaciÓn entre la iglesia y la educaci
carolina: los cristianos, tengo entendido. >> ¿cuÁl de ellos? ¿los catÓlicos?iÓn establecida. ahora, cada dÍa estamos viendo cÓmo hay un a la republicana que estÁ utilizando el tema de la moral, de la imposiciÓn de esa moral cristiana, de las cuales yo comparto a nivel personal, creo que es importantÍsimo, y tambiÉn a nivel institucional creo que es importante crear conciencia en los niÑos. pero despuÉs que tÚ empiezas por un camino como este, que estÁs imponiendo una serie...
Jun 19, 2024
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carolina: de acuerdo.e bellingham, que muestran unas manchas bastante oscuras en su cara . . borja: el deportista de sÓlo 20 aÑos tendrÍa melasma, una condiciÓn dermatolÓgica que se acentÚa por el sol. para hablar del tema nos acompaÑa el doctor elio galÁn, experto en estÉtica y anti envejecimiento. ¿cuÁn comÚn es tener melasma? >> saludos, el melasma es una condiciÓn dermatolÓgica en el cual el paciente presenta una alta producciÓn de quÉ forma melanina, y nos da el color de la piel, es una afecciÓn dermatolÓgica muy comÚn que aparece fundamentalmente en mujeres y hombres que presenten cierta condiciÓn mÉdica preexistentes, tambiÉn se debe a factores genÉticos y hereditarios, el consumo de anticonceptivos orales, lo mÁs importante en este caso es la exposiciÓn al sol. carolina: no queremos que nuestra cara sea parte de esta estadÍstica, quÉ podemos hacer mÁs allÁ de ponerme protector solar para evitar este tipo de manchas en la piel y si las tenemos, hay tratamiento? >> asÍ es, lo mÁs importante en este c
carolina: de acuerdo.e bellingham, que muestran unas manchas bastante oscuras en su cara . . borja: el deportista de sÓlo 20 aÑos tendrÍa melasma, una condiciÓn dermatolÓgica que se acentÚa por el sol. para hablar del tema nos acompaÑa el doctor elio galÁn, experto en estÉtica y anti envejecimiento. ¿cuÁn comÚn es tener melasma? >> saludos, el melasma es una condiciÓn dermatolÓgica en el cual el paciente presenta una alta producciÓn de quÉ forma melanina, y nos da el color...
Jun 7, 2024
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carolina: te queremos, andrea. que vi lo fácil que recogía mi pelo cuando me lo secaba! un minuto y ya está. ¡mira! los paños heavy duty son extra gruesos para súper atrapar y retener. hasta su pelo. guau. y para el polvo, amo mi heavy duty duster. sus fibras flexibles atrapan el polvo al contacto, hasta arriba y alrededor sin tener que mover nada. soy una fan. te encantará swiffer, o te devuelven tu dinero. ♪ cuando tienes eczema moderado a grave está bien lucirse. lúcete. con dupixent lúcete con una piel con menos lesiones y notablemente menos picazón. los adultos y niños de 6 meses o más con eczema tienen muchas razones para lucir su piel. con dupixent, el medicamento biológico número uno recetado por dermatólogos y alergólogos puedes estar un paso adelante del eczema. te ayuda a bloquear una fuente principal de inflamación en el interior de tu cuerpo que puede causar eczema ayudando a sanar tu piel desde adentro. pueden producirse reacciones alérgicas graves que pueden ser severas. informa a tu médico si tienes
carolina: te queremos, andrea. que vi lo fácil que recogía mi pelo cuando me lo secaba! un minuto y ya está. ¡mira! los paños heavy duty son extra gruesos para súper atrapar y retener. hasta su pelo. guau. y para el polvo, amo mi heavy duty duster. sus fibras flexibles atrapan el polvo al contacto, hasta arriba y alrededor sin tener que mover nada. soy una fan. te encantará swiffer, o te devuelven tu dinero. ♪ cuando tienes eczema moderado a grave está bien lucirse. lúcete. con...
Jun 21, 2024
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carolina: hasta el lunes.
carolina: hasta el lunes.
Jun 30, 2024
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carolina. well, mr. speaker, elected officials, distinguished family, loved ones of the reverend billy graham, i bring greetings from the state of carolina. it is such an honor to be with you on this special day. and as i'm sure many of you here already know, it is all an honor every day to be from the great state of north carolina. our state has given this nation its first flight, its first public university, its rich farmland, its best college basketball, even its first declaration of freedom. with the halifax results today, north carolina gives the nation a symbol representing, one of our dearest treasures, the reverend billy graham, a man of faith, a man of north carolina, the the reverend graham was known as a minister to millions as the pastor to presidents. a selfless man of god who lived out calling by preaching and teaching across the world, always returning to his beloved home in the blue ridge mountains of north carolina, for respite. then return again to worldwide ministry. i'll nev
carolina. well, mr. speaker, elected officials, distinguished family, loved ones of the reverend billy graham, i bring greetings from the state of carolina. it is such an honor to be with you on this special day. and as i'm sure many of you here already know, it is all an honor every day to be from the great state of north carolina. our state has given this nation its first flight, its first public university, its rich farmland, its best college basketball, even its first declaration of...
Jun 18, 2024
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edwin: muy buenas tardes borja y carolina.eden ver las imÁgenes en directo que le estamos presentando en el salÓn de estado de la mansiÓn presidencial poco a poco se ven llegando los invitados que van desde miembros de la comunidad, lÍderes tambiÉn, miembros del congreso que han sido invitados para presenciar esta segunda orden ejecutiva que firma el presidente biden en este mes con respecto a materia de inmigraciÓn. como en explicado muy bien ustedes, la primera de alguna forma busca darle un alivio y una protecciÓn de la deportaciÓn a medio millÓn de inmigrantes indocumentados que hayan vivido en el paÍs por mÁs de 10 aÑos y que tambiÉn por una dÉcada estÉn unidos en matrimonio legal con un ciudadano estadounidense, esto por supuesto una vez sea admitido y procesado por el departamento de seguridad nacional, estas personas tendrÁn un periodo de tres aÑos para solicitar una residencia permanente y lo mejor del caso, segÚn abogados, es que podrÍan solicitar ese beneficio quedÁndose en los estados unidos sin tener que incurrir
edwin: muy buenas tardes borja y carolina.eden ver las imÁgenes en directo que le estamos presentando en el salÓn de estado de la mansiÓn presidencial poco a poco se ven llegando los invitados que van desde miembros de la comunidad, lÍderes tambiÉn, miembros del congreso que han sido invitados para presenciar esta segunda orden ejecutiva que firma el presidente biden en este mes con respecto a materia de inmigraciÓn. como en explicado muy bien ustedes, la primera de alguna forma busca...
Jun 27, 2024
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carolina: sÓlo por univisiÓn. expresamente para ellos.
carolina: sÓlo por univisiÓn. expresamente para ellos.
Jun 6, 2024
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carolina: la pequeÑa el ofreciÓ alimento.un safari en texas, cuando una jirafa agarrÓ su camiseta y la levantÓ en el aire. >> nos detuvimos para alimentar a las jirafas, me di vuelta para mirar por la ventana trasera y vÍa la jirafa acabando ahÍ mismo, luego la agarrÓ y no la vi mÁs, cuenta su padre. andrea: segÚn, fue un accidente. >> [habla en inglÉs] estaba sosteniendo la bolsa de esta manera, y la jirafa fue a buscar la bolsa, no hay ya, pero terminÓ tomando su camiseta tambiÉn y levantÁndola, pero afortunadamente no llegÓ demasiado alto antes de que la jirafa la dejara caer y cuando cayÓ, su madre estaba justo ahÍ para atraparla. entre las recomendaciones de seguridad durante safaris tenemos siempre seguir las indicaciones del guÍa, no salir del vehÍculo salvo en las zonas designadas para hacerlo, y no sentarse en el techo del vehÍculo ni sacar parte del cuerpo fuera de las ventanas. ellos cuentan que despuÉs del susto fueron a una tienda de regalo y le compraron una jirafa de juguete. andrea: otra recomendaciÓn importan
carolina: la pequeÑa el ofreciÓ alimento.un safari en texas, cuando una jirafa agarrÓ su camiseta y la levantÓ en el aire. >> nos detuvimos para alimentar a las jirafas, me di vuelta para mirar por la ventana trasera y vÍa la jirafa acabando ahÍ mismo, luego la agarrÓ y no la vi mÁs, cuenta su padre. andrea: segÚn, fue un accidente. >> [habla en inglÉs] estaba sosteniendo la bolsa de esta manera, y la jirafa fue a buscar la bolsa, no hay ya, pero terminÓ tomando su...
Jun 25, 2024
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edwin: ¿quÉ tal, carolina? buenas tardes.iente sigue siendo sumamente extraÑo de cara este debate, sobre todo por la impopularidad tanto de trump como del actual presidente joe biden, tanto de la edad de ambos,y que considera que la persona que se considere ganadora de este debate tendrÁ una clara ventaja, porque nos Últimos sondeos se ha dado el empate virtual entre demÓcratas y republicanos, y la persona que salga victorioso podrÍa marcar la pauta de cara a las elecciones presidenciales de cara al mes de noviembre. por eso, el tema de preparaciÓn sigue siendo clave, en el caso de trump, lo he hecho a travÉs de reuniones con aliados polÍticos, con amigos del partido republicano para discutir temas de polÍticas pÚblicas, pero su campaÑa estÁ diciendo que eso no es preparaciÓn para un debate, sino mÁs bien el trabajo que debe hacer un mandatario. ellos en un comunicado dijeron "en biden necesita ensayos para encontrar alguna manera de explicar este desastre que ha hecho en nuestra naciÓn". importante recalcar que en el caso de
edwin: ¿quÉ tal, carolina? buenas tardes.iente sigue siendo sumamente extraÑo de cara este debate, sobre todo por la impopularidad tanto de trump como del actual presidente joe biden, tanto de la edad de ambos,y que considera que la persona que se considere ganadora de este debate tendrÁ una clara ventaja, porque nos Últimos sondeos se ha dado el empate virtual entre demÓcratas y republicanos, y la persona que salga victorioso podrÍa marcar la pauta de cara a las elecciones...
Jun 23, 2024
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carolina.u onhis spia day. and as i'm sure many of you here already know, it is all an honor every day to be from the great state of north carolina. our state has given this nation flight, its first public university, its rich farmland, its best college basketball, even its first declaration of results today, north carolina gives the nation a symbol representing, one of our dearest treasures, the reverend billy graha a man known as a minister to millions as the pastor to presidea selfld out calling by preaching and teaching across the world, always returning to his beloved home in the blue ridge mountains of north carolina, for respite. then return againo worldwide ministry. i'll never forget as a child ar■' preach in carter findley stadium ini raleigh, he brought together people of races.ent faiths today, we acknowledge that he is a better representation of our state than the statue it replaces, which brought memories ofnful history, of racism. not that perfect. that.ld have been the first to
carolina.u onhis spia day. and as i'm sure many of you here already know, it is all an honor every day to be from the great state of north carolina. our state has given this nation flight, its first public university, its rich farmland, its best college basketball, even its first declaration of results today, north carolina gives the nation a symbol representing, one of our dearest treasures, the reverend billy graha a man known as a minister to millions as the pastor to presidea selfld out...
Jun 5, 2024
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vuelvo contigo al estudio, carolina.a hablar es lo que ahora estÁn pidiendo los abogados del expresidente, donald trump, y se refieren a ese caso especÍfico de los pagos a la actriz porno stormy daniels. la defensa del exmandatario le pide a la jueza juan merchan la suspensiÓn de esa ley mordaza, argumentando que el juicio ya culminÓ y ahora se espera que el magistrado dicte la sentencia el prÓximo 11 de julio. en tanto, millones de clientes de elgin ti esperan tranquilos despuÉs de enfrentar interrupciones que afectaron mÁs de 20 estados en los estados unidos, este segundo incidente que impactaesta compaÑÍa en lo que va de este aÑo. at&t dijo a la "ediciÓn digital" mediante un comunicado lo siguiente "el problema entre operadores en ya fue resuelto, gracias a la paciencia de nuestros clientes". vera y son dijo que las operaciones estÁn funcionando bien a pesar de la queja de algunos usuarios. tambiÉn, esta hora hay una investigaciÓn en curso por un tiroteo ocurrido frente a la embajada de estados unidos en beirut. el ej
vuelvo contigo al estudio, carolina.a hablar es lo que ahora estÁn pidiendo los abogados del expresidente, donald trump, y se refieren a ese caso especÍfico de los pagos a la actriz porno stormy daniels. la defensa del exmandatario le pide a la jueza juan merchan la suspensiÓn de esa ley mordaza, argumentando que el juicio ya culminÓ y ahora se espera que el magistrado dicte la sentencia el prÓximo 11 de julio. en tanto, millones de clientes de elgin ti esperan tranquilos despuÉs de...
Jun 6, 2024
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-- in north carolina is absolutely strong. [applause] now, i do feel compelled to remind everybody in this room that four years ago russia was in check iran was in check china was in check our southern border was secure, our economy was strong and getting better, and the world was a much safer place. look where we are today. after four years under joe biden andd democratic control russia has invaded ukraine iranopenly attacked israel for the first time ever. china is saber rattling all across the taiwan straits and threatening taiwan. over. 1010 million illegal -- 10 million illegal immigrants that we know of have come across our southern border. we don't know who they are we don't know where they are and we don't know what we're doing. our economy is getting crushed by the weight of joe biden's inflationaryof policies. thanks to bidenomics it costs twice as much to buy a house today as it did four years ago. rent is up 50%. gasoline prices are up 55%. we are right now nowhere near as safe a world as productive a world and as
-- in north carolina is absolutely strong. [applause] now, i do feel compelled to remind everybody in this room that four years ago russia was in check iran was in check china was in check our southern border was secure, our economy was strong and getting better, and the world was a much safer place. look where we are today. after four years under joe biden andd democratic control russia has invaded ukraine iranopenly attacked israel for the first time ever. china is saber rattling all across...
Jun 22, 2024
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for.ladies and gentlemen, the honorable roy cooper, governor of north carolina carolina. well, mr. speaker, elected officials, distinguished family, loved ones of the reverend billy graham i brithe state of carolina. to be with you on this special day. here already know, it is alln be from the great state of north carolina. our state has given this nation its first flight, its first university, its rich farmland, its best college basketball, even its first declaration of freedom. with the halifax today north carolina gives the natio representing, one of our dearest tures, the reverend billy graham, a man of fa north carolina, the the reverend graham was known as a minister to millions as the pastor to presidents. a selfless man of god who lived out calling by preaching and teaching across theld always returning to his beloved home in the blue ridge mountains of north carolina, for respite. then return again to worldwide ministry. i'll never forget as a child hearing him preach in carter findle stadium in raleigh, he brought toge people of different faiths and different we acknowled
for.ladies and gentlemen, the honorable roy cooper, governor of north carolina carolina. well, mr. speaker, elected officials, distinguished family, loved ones of the reverend billy graham i brithe state of carolina. to be with you on this special day. here already know, it is alln be from the great state of north carolina. our state has given this nation its first flight, its first university, its rich farmland, its best college basketball, even its first declaration of freedom. with the...
Jun 1, 2024
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i said, i'll tell you how we did it in north carolina.it comes to getting out the vote, we have to have a conversa.there are two things yo do. you've got to get your people to the polls and you have to persuade the unaffiliated, the independents, the undescended voters. and we are going to do that by making sure that we are reaching out to them and we are talking to them. everyone in this room has heard me say it a dozen times, and all of my former staff is in the back groaning right now because they know it's coming. [laughter] the most important statistic in all of politics is if you have a five minute conversation with an undecided voter they are 6% more likely to vote and vote for youi candidate. we are going to have more five-minute conversations with undecided voters than we have ever had in the history of this country. 50% of our votes are going to be cast before election day this year not just in north carolina ■=, but across the country. that includes republicans, it includes independents, it includes all voters. we are going to
i said, i'll tell you how we did it in north carolina.it comes to getting out the vote, we have to have a conversa.there are two things yo do. you've got to get your people to the polls and you have to persuade the unaffiliated, the independents, the undescended voters. and we are going to do that by making sure that we are reaching out to them and we are talking to them. everyone in this room has heard me say it a dozen times, and all of my former staff is in the back groaning right now...
Jun 3, 2024
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. ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ carolina: hola, cÓmo estÁn?to, borja voces y carolina sarassa, arrancando la semana, lunes 3 de junio, esta es su "ediciÓn digital", su compaÑÍa al mediodÍa. borja: comenzamos con el histÓrico triunfo de la oficialista, la seÑora claudia sheinbaum como presidenta electa de mÉxico luego de una masiva participaciÓn. la noticia ha acaparado titulares en todo el mundo. en la madrugada cientos de personas se congregaron en el zÓcalo capitalino para festejar el triunfo de la actual presidenta. carolina: este prÓximo mes de octubre sheinbaum tomarÁ el cargo que deja el presidente lÓpez obrador. en su cuenta de instagram que ya sigue creciendo y se acerca a 1 millÓn de seguidores aprovechÓ diciendo "gracias, gracias, gracias. no les voy a fallar, vamos a avanzar con el segundo piso de la cuarta transformaciÓn". borja: ¿quiÉn es claudia sheinbaum? es licenciada en fÍsica, tiene una maestrÍa en energÍa en la unam. apoyo causas como de las madres desaparecidas y tambiÉn apoyo a los presos polÍticos, era hasta hace muy poco
. ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ carolina: hola, cÓmo estÁn?to, borja voces y carolina sarassa, arrancando la semana, lunes 3 de junio, esta es su "ediciÓn digital", su compaÑÍa al mediodÍa. borja: comenzamos con el histÓrico triunfo de la oficialista, la seÑora claudia sheinbaum como presidenta electa de mÉxico luego de una masiva participaciÓn. la noticia ha acaparado titulares en todo el mundo. en la madrugada cientos de personas se congregaron en el zÓcalo capitalino para festejar...
Jun 10, 2024
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carolina: soy carolina sarassa.os niÑos pequeÑos tiene pesadillas luego de que un hombre con ropa de batman ingresÓ a su casa en la noche, abusÓ de ella sexualmente e intentÓ asfixiarla. borja: ella nunca imaginÓ quiÉn serÍa. vamos a ver. ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] reportera: parecÍan la pareja perfecta. se conocieron en la preparatoria. tuvieron dos hijos. su matrimonio iba bien. pasÓ el tiempo y morgan decidiÓ separarse de su esposo. tuvieron dificultades en el matrimonio, pero nada grave, hasta una madrugada. estaba dormida y alguien entrÓ a su vivienda, la golpeÓ, la violÓ por mÁs de una hora. ella pensÓ que no saldrÍa de allÍ, pero el hombre se fue y la dejÓ amarrada. esta es la foto que la policÍa dio a conocer. apareciÓ un hÉroe a salvarla, su exesposo. la policÍa llegÓ y lo interrogÓ y algo pareciÓ sospechoso, por quÉ fue a la casa de su exmujer a las 2:00 de la maÑana. el hombre fue detenido. semana despuÉs, encontraron fotografÍas de Él vigilando a morgan. y saliÓ un video de vigilancia del hombre antes del asalto y de
carolina: soy carolina sarassa.os niÑos pequeÑos tiene pesadillas luego de que un hombre con ropa de batman ingresÓ a su casa en la noche, abusÓ de ella sexualmente e intentÓ asfixiarla. borja: ella nunca imaginÓ quiÉn serÍa. vamos a ver. ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] reportera: parecÍan la pareja perfecta. se conocieron en la preparatoria. tuvieron dos hijos. su matrimonio iba bien. pasÓ el tiempo y morgan decidiÓ separarse de su esposo. tuvieron dificultades en el matrimonio, pero nada grave,...
Jun 1, 2024
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big fans of north carolina, the entire party. and i'm here with the famous jason and very famous lara■j trump. and everybody is ready for you to win november 5. mr. trump: hello, everybody. i'd like to jussay hello to everybody. i wish i was there. i wish i was there with them but we'll be there a lot. you know, it's a state we did ve well in. and you have fantastic people and you have lara that loves it maybe more than anybody because she happened to grow up there and was born there and raised there and she loves it. we won it twice and the primaries twice and have nothing but victories there. i want to thank everybody. we're leading in all of the polls, right now every poll. and hopefully that will continue. we have a lot of vicious, horrible people after us. but we're going to win and win i think decisively. nobody can want this guy as president. he's the worst president ever had. i can say it strongly because i know and i see. i deal with it. there's never been anybody with the weaponization like him, which is so bad. never h
big fans of north carolina, the entire party. and i'm here with the famous jason and very famous lara■j trump. and everybody is ready for you to win november 5. mr. trump: hello, everybody. i'd like to jussay hello to everybody. i wish i was there. i wish i was there with them but we'll be there a lot. you know, it's a state we did ve well in. and you have fantastic people and you have lara that loves it maybe more than anybody because she happened to grow up there and was born there and...
Jun 25, 2024
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edwin: ¿quÉ tal, carolina? buenas tardes.mente extraÑo de cara este debate, sobre todo por la impopularidad tanto de trump como del actual presidente joe biden, tanto de la edad de ambos,y que considera que la persona que se considere ganadora de este debate tendrÁ una clara ventaja, porque nos Últimos sondeos se ha dado el empate virtual entre demÓcratas y republicanos, y la persona que salga victorioso podrÍa marcar la pauta de cara a las elecciones presidenciales de cara al mes de noviembre. por eso, el tema de preparaciÓn sigue siendo clave, en el caso de trump, lo he hecho a travÉs de reuniones con aliados polÍticos, con amigos del partido republicano para discutir temas de polÍticas pÚblicas, pero su campaÑa estÁ diciendo que eso no es preparaciÓn para un debate, sino mÁs bien el trabajo que debe hacer un mandatario. ellos en un comunicado dijeron "en biden necesita ensayos para encontrar alguna manera de explicar este desastre que ha hecho en nuestra naciÓn". importante recalcar que en el caso de biden, la preparaciÓn
edwin: ¿quÉ tal, carolina? buenas tardes.mente extraÑo de cara este debate, sobre todo por la impopularidad tanto de trump como del actual presidente joe biden, tanto de la edad de ambos,y que considera que la persona que se considere ganadora de este debate tendrÁ una clara ventaja, porque nos Últimos sondeos se ha dado el empate virtual entre demÓcratas y republicanos, y la persona que salga victorioso podrÍa marcar la pauta de cara a las elecciones presidenciales de cara al mes de...
Jun 20, 2024
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carolina: cambiando de tema.rana. al observar que algunos miembros con ciertos genes no lo tuvieron les abriÓ una pista para una posible forma de tratar esta enfermedad buscando copiar sus efectos protectores y crear futuros medicamentos. en la " ediciÓn digital" tenemos al doctor que hizo este estudio. borja: es muy importante el avance de esta ciencia con una enfermera tan dura como esta. seguimos con mÁs temas de salud y atentos a este nuevo caso. la nueva miss universo de ecuador no sÓlo se ha hecho viral sino tambiÉn por revelar que parece una enfermedad sin cura. carolina: esta extraÑa afecciÓn estÁ relacionada con el hipotiroidismo que en estados unidos afecta a cinco de cada 100 personas. esto fue lo que visto a su momento el doctor y director mÉdico de alta mira. >> esta enfermedad tiene diferentes partes. en un principio la glÁndula va tener que activarse mucho mÁs y al final de cuenta con todos los ataques el mismo cuerpo empieza completamente a dejar de funcionar creando hipotiroidismo, aumento de pes
carolina: cambiando de tema.rana. al observar que algunos miembros con ciertos genes no lo tuvieron les abriÓ una pista para una posible forma de tratar esta enfermedad buscando copiar sus efectos protectores y crear futuros medicamentos. en la " ediciÓn digital" tenemos al doctor que hizo este estudio. borja: es muy importante el avance de esta ciencia con una enfermera tan dura como esta. seguimos con mÁs temas de salud y atentos a este nuevo caso. la nueva miss universo de...
Jun 26, 2024
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mace of south carolina. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 1316, the gentlewoman from south carolina, ms. mace, and a member opposed each will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from south carolina. ms. mace: thank you, mr. chairman. i rise today in support of my amendment to ensure that no funds in the department of state foreign operations appropriations bill from being obligated, expended or otherwise made available to the united nations high commissioner for refugees or unhcr. in 2022, the united states contributed a total of $2.2 billion to the unhcr which accounts for approximately 40% of total funding. you might think that given america's outsize role in funding of the -- outsized role in funding of this, it might serve in the national interests of the united states. unfortunately this is not the case. like many international institutions, including the international organization for migration, which we debated earlier, the unhcr has become hostile to american sovereignty
mace of south carolina. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 1316, the gentlewoman from south carolina, ms. mace, and a member opposed each will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from south carolina. ms. mace: thank you, mr. chairman. i rise today in support of my amendment to ensure that no funds in the department of state foreign operations appropriations bill from being obligated, expended or otherwise made available to the united nations high commissioner for...
Jun 23, 2024
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south carolina.ost recent book from which tonight's talk drawn is an example of courage, the blinding of sergeant isaac woodard and the awakening ofuman and judge w york times as riveting dremarkar y s as a timely a monumental achievement. gurglesh of whom are with us tonight. richie, who practices law in charleston, and joseph, who graduated yesterday from the fordham law school. i couldon, but i won't because like you i'm anxious to join me in welcoming judgethank justice jackson for t kind introduction. and we we have i had been confirmed. we were sort of our relationship i have been confirmed about a year in sentencing commission nominee for the district court but not yet. and we were at a sentencing commission conference and we had these wonderful conversations. and we have been friends and colleagues since. so we're so proud of her. and i'm truly honored to be here with in this event onnine, 1952. thurgood marshall, the legendary chief counsel, the naacpte courm and commenced his the supreme co
south carolina.ost recent book from which tonight's talk drawn is an example of courage, the blinding of sergeant isaac woodard and the awakening ofuman and judge w york times as riveting dremarkar y s as a timely a monumental achievement. gurglesh of whom are with us tonight. richie, who practices law in charleston, and joseph, who graduated yesterday from the fordham law school. i couldon, but i won't because like you i'm anxious to join me in welcoming judgethank justice jackson for t kind...
Jun 3, 2024
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his dad was the the presidee north carolina naacp.e was you to someone who, he always had a camera around his neck. he prided himself on being a a photographer, a photojournalist, but he covered the civil rights cases. he was a fraternity brother of marshall a very close friend. they actually sort off traveled together whe they would cover trials. when marshall was summoned to warings office, rivera was within and he walked to the door and, stay out. when he came out marshall told them what happened. late in life after justice marshall and judge waring had passed, rivera said i need to tell a secret, because i know a story. and here told it, he told it actually twice in oral histories, oral history sections at and north carolina. here i have this rather startling story of ex parte communication regarding the most important case in american history, and i was nervous about it. i only had one source, right? i had this one guy. i was at a meeting of judges, and there was that angela jones who had been a carter appointee, had been on the
his dad was the the presidee north carolina naacp.e was you to someone who, he always had a camera around his neck. he prided himself on being a a photographer, a photojournalist, but he covered the civil rights cases. he was a fraternity brother of marshall a very close friend. they actually sort off traveled together whe they would cover trials. when marshall was summoned to warings office, rivera was within and he walked to the door and, stay out. when he came out marshall told them what...
Jun 23, 2024
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he president of the north carolina acp. a photographer, a photojournalist. but he covered the civil rights cases. he was aníraternity brher of and a very close friend. they actually sort of traveled together when. they would cover the trials and when marshall was was to waring's him and he walked to the door and, stayed out. and when he came out, marshall told him what happened late in life after justice marshall and the judge, a passed rivera said, i need to tell aec know story a. he twice oral histories for the historian dukh carolina. anyo here, i have this parte communication.ry the most important case in history. and i was nervous aboutt. and i was, you know and i only had one source. and. i was at a meeting of judges. there was nathaniel whocarter a. he'd been on the sixth circuit andsel of the naacp a little bit later era. but was around and. our mutual friend michel charles said to me, go talk to nate. he might know something about judge i pulled him aside and i said, you know, i'm w wonderinge said. well, are you w
he president of the north carolina acp. a photographer, a photojournalist. but he covered the civil rights cases. he was aníraternity brher of and a very close friend. they actually sort of traveled together when. they would cover the trials and when marshall was was to waring's him and he walked to the door and, stayed out. and when he came out, marshall told him what happened late in life after justice marshall and the judge, a passed rivera said, i need to tell aec know story a. he twice...
Jun 30, 2024
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clair county, south carolina, if we do this. judge waring was unpersuaded telling marshall, this is the case. this is the time. marshall urged judge to think practically, noting that any decision by him overturning plessy would be reversed on appeal by the fourth circuit, wearing that since they challenged the public school, contested constitutionality of the state law, he would request the appointment of a three judge panel and any appeal would automatically go into docket of the united states supreme court. up to this point, the ucp's highly successful legal strategy had been carefully. it was a carefully built one case from the top of another, never trying to get ahead of the supreme court. the path waring was suggesting was a bold and unflinching on segregation route and branch. a few minutes after this dramatic encounter, waring convened the pretrial conference in briggs and publicly pressed on whether he was challenging constitutionality of public segregation. marshall he was an to dismiss his pending lawsuit and refile a
clair county, south carolina, if we do this. judge waring was unpersuaded telling marshall, this is the case. this is the time. marshall urged judge to think practically, noting that any decision by him overturning plessy would be reversed on appeal by the fourth circuit, wearing that since they challenged the public school, contested constitutionality of the state law, he would request the appointment of a three judge panel and any appeal would automatically go into docket of the united states...
Jun 28, 2024
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them north carolina. [cheering] [cheering] [cheering] [cheering] ♪ [cheering] ♪ center is american history tv features hisc. watch dental nominees and political features from the past of the lichens. jimmy carter the 1976 democratic national. >> we got a too long. too long had to fight the settlement. too long run by guido. eastern c-span2 and watch live campaign 2024 republican national convention july 15 toratic national convention august 19 to the 22nd. >> tune into3$ convention starting with republican event in. next democraonn august 19. stay connected to c-span for unfiltered glimpse of democracy at work.ç watch list this summer on c-span c-span now free mobile pretty unfiltered powered by cable. >> c-span is your unfiltered people government funded by these television companies and more including media. founded on a powerful idea frved minorities. the case of delivery they get ahead. >> a front row to >> senators maggie hassan john boseman rebooked on the 80th anniversary of the date during a conv
them north carolina. [cheering] [cheering] [cheering] [cheering] ♪ [cheering] ♪ center is american history tv features hisc. watch dental nominees and political features from the past of the lichens. jimmy carter the 1976 democratic national. >> we got a too long. too long had to fight the settlement. too long run by guido. eastern c-span2 and watch live campaign 2024 republican national convention july 15 toratic national convention august 19 to the 22nd. >> tune into3$...
Jun 27, 2024
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we do run in north carolina a ferry system serving eastern north carolina if it is a $74 million a year operation with 23 vessels and eight routes including the season one. we are incredibly proud ofn running the system. thank you for the support congress did in creating the rural ferry capital program. that's a $29 a year competitive grant program. we are very grateful to be up to compete for that fund. it is incredibly oversubscribed to build a vessel cost us the been on the d type of vessel anywhere from 30-$50 million. centipede in its $20 at $20 million pot is incredibly difficult. so we would very much appreciate consideration of additional resources to the rural ferry capital program. also, there are some mileage requirements on what allows you to compete in the bigger pot of money that could be considered to maybe expand to allow more ferry systems system ton the. thank you so much for the questions. and talk just a littletire bit t how the ferry system is a critical during hurricanes and other natural disasters, like we often have north carolina. >> that is so true. thinking ba
we do run in north carolina a ferry system serving eastern north carolina if it is a $74 million a year operation with 23 vessels and eight routes including the season one. we are incredibly proud ofn running the system. thank you for the support congress did in creating the rural ferry capital program. that's a $29 a year competitive grant program. we are very grateful to be up to compete for that fund. it is incredibly oversubscribed to build a vessel cost us the been on the d type of vessel...
Jun 12, 2024
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arrived in north carolina. thank you. >> thank you for that and thank you to the bipartisan infrastructure law, north carolina received seven core door i.d. awards last year, how do you anticipate the funding improving north carolina's ability to invest in and accelerate the development of passenger rail in our state? >> corridor i.d. is really important because community needs, as stephen had said, the community needs to understand what a project will cost, the corridor i.d. unlocks $5000 worth of planning funds so we can work with communities to define what the service outcomes art they would like to see and what the infrastructure investments will be needed to make that happen. which each of our communities admitted to the corridor i.d. program, we are meeting with them to understand what is the kind of service outcomes they would like to see, what is the match they will need, at what time in this process i would give this is an example meeting with the community of fayetteville recently, they are very excit
arrived in north carolina. thank you. >> thank you for that and thank you to the bipartisan infrastructure law, north carolina received seven core door i.d. awards last year, how do you anticipate the funding improving north carolina's ability to invest in and accelerate the development of passenger rail in our state? >> corridor i.d. is really important because community needs, as stephen had said, the community needs to understand what a project will cost, the corridor i.d....
Jun 17, 2024
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carolina: afortunadamente estÁ bajo arresto. gracias.sociales en las Últimas horas que tiene cÁncer, aquÍ desde la "ediciÓn digital" le deseamos pronta ♪ ♪ reportera: calor, fuertes vientos y poca humedad son los factores que propagaron un incendio a mÁs de 6000 acres, tengo el reporte. sharell: $500 mensuales es
carolina: afortunadamente estÁ bajo arresto. gracias.sociales en las Últimas horas que tiene cÁncer, aquÍ desde la "ediciÓn digital" le deseamos pronta ♪ ♪ reportera: calor, fuertes vientos y poca humedad son los factores que propagaron un incendio a mÁs de 6000 acres, tengo el reporte. sharell: $500 mensuales es
Jun 1, 2024
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[applause] as opposed to north carolina. just want to tell you because many of you probably have never been to north dakota or you don't know anybody from north dakota. take a minute and think what it's like every time you see a list of all the states alphabetically, we are behind you guys. [laughter] and so i am proposing that there is a new list. that if you have a state that has a geographic label in front of it like the word "north," it should be listed in order of those that are actually the farthest north one. [applause] at is what i am thinking. i don't know where that is going to go. but just a thought. we don't have a toast int have e toast. after the pledge you have a state toast and i am looking at the state toast and we are the strong, grow great, where the weak are, grow stronger. but the word north carolina is not in there. so i am taking that thing home. [laughter] [applause] i mean, to me, executive order tuesday morning right after memorial day. [laughter] the official toast of the norte states named north,"
[applause] as opposed to north carolina. just want to tell you because many of you probably have never been to north dakota or you don't know anybody from north dakota. take a minute and think what it's like every time you see a list of all the states alphabetically, we are behind you guys. [laughter] and so i am proposing that there is a new list. that if you have a state that has a geographic label in front of it like the word "north," it should be listed in order of those that are...
Jun 20, 2024
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, bringing further jobs and opportunity to north carolina and we are excited to see rth carolina-madelant up and down the eastern seaboard including when the new trains arrived in thank you. >> thank you for that and thank you to the bipartisan infrastructure law, north carolina received seven core door i.d. awards last year, how do you anticipate the funding improving north carolina's ability to invest in and accelerate the development of passenger >> corridor i.d. is really important because community needs, as stephen had said, the community to understand what a project will cost, the corridor i.d. unlocks $5000 worth of planning funds so we can work with define what the service outc like to see and what the infrastructure investments will be needed to make that happen. which each of admitted to the corridor i.d. program, we are meetthe kind of service outcomes they would like to see, what is the match they will need, at what time in this process i would give this is an example meeting with the community of fayetteville recently, they are very excited to have their core door admitt
, bringing further jobs and opportunity to north carolina and we are excited to see rth carolina-madelant up and down the eastern seaboard including when the new trains arrived in thank you. >> thank you for that and thank you to the bipartisan infrastructure law, north carolina received seven core door i.d. awards last year, how do you anticipate the funding improving north carolina's ability to invest in and accelerate the development of passenger >> corridor i.d. is really...
Jun 13, 2024
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arrived in north carolina.>> thank you for that and thank you to the bipartisan infrastructure law, north carolina received seven core door i.d. awards last year, how do you anticipate the funding improving rtna's ability to invest in and accelerate the development of passenger rail in our state? >> is really important because understand what a project will cost, the corridor i.d. unlocks $5000 worth of planning funds so we can work with communities to define what the service outcomes art they would like to see and what the infrastructure investments will be needed to make that happen. which each of our communities admitted to the corridor i.d. program, we are meeting with them to understand what is the kind of service outcomes they would like to see, what is the match they will need, at what time in this process i would give this is an example meeting with the community of fayetteville recently, they are very excited to have their core door admitted into the program, they see a connection between fayettle real
arrived in north carolina.>> thank you for that and thank you to the bipartisan infrastructure law, north carolina received seven core door i.d. awards last year, how do you anticipate the funding improving rtna's ability to invest in and accelerate the development of passenger rail in our state? >> is really important because understand what a project will cost, the corridor i.d. unlocks $5000 worth of planning funds so we can work with communities to define what the service...
Jun 29, 2024
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let's go get them, north carolina.cheering] [cheering] [cheering] [cheering] ♪♪ [cheering] ♪♪ tune in to c-span's live coverage of the 2024 national political convention starting with republicans for-day event in milwaukee on july 15. next up, catch the democrats in chicago, kicking off on august 19. stay connected to c-span for unfiltered glimpse of democracy at work. what republican and democratic national convention's live this summer on c-span, c-span now our , free mobile app, or online at c-span.org. stan, your unfiltered view of politics. wered by cable. announcer: stan is your unfiltered view of government, funded by these television companies and more, including midco. >> where are you going? or maybe a better question is, how far do you want to go? and how fast do you want to get there? now we're getting somewhere. so let's go.
let's go get them, north carolina.cheering] [cheering] [cheering] [cheering] ♪♪ [cheering] ♪♪ tune in to c-span's live coverage of the 2024 national political convention starting with republicans for-day event in milwaukee on july 15. next up, catch the democrats in chicago, kicking off on august 19. stay connected to c-span for unfiltered glimpse of democracy at work. what republican and democratic national convention's live this summer on c-span, c-span now our , free mobile app, or...
Jun 10, 2024
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, georgia, alabama, north carolina, my mom, north carolina.this country is the rest of us. i didn't go that far. but you are a proud south. you wear your marching on your shoulders. yeah, you wearr shoulders. and this book starts for me in time when this nation had to covid. mm. we were. and we sick and tired of being sick and and a young man nd he cried out, mom, mama, take us so the book, the moment it about a nt on and a very i'm a very, very emotipers. right. and don't i don't care i'll judge me. i let my therapist judge me if i need to. but i was it was the time when don don lemon said, i look like a young teddy pendergrass. i had an afro and my beard out and, you know, we were doing tv from our room tables and we weren't going to the we weren't going to put in my pajama pants. yeah and i had just gotten out the bed. and my twins, they were they babies at the time, baby babies at the time. and they were in our bed. they usually in our bed in the early part of the morning and daughter was upstairs because they were doing virtual learning.
, georgia, alabama, north carolina, my mom, north carolina.this country is the rest of us. i didn't go that far. but you are a proud south. you wear your marching on your shoulders. yeah, you wearr shoulders. and this book starts for me in time when this nation had to covid. mm. we were. and we sick and tired of being sick and and a young man nd he cried out, mom, mama, take us so the book, the moment it about a nt on and a very i'm a very, very emotipers. right. and don't i don't care i'll...
Jun 9, 2024
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, georgia, alabama, north carolina, my mom, north carolina. you this country is the rest of us. i didn't go that far. yo south. you wear your marching on your shoulders. yeah, you wear your your community on your shoulders. and this book starts for me in time when this nation had to face itself covid. mm. we were. and we sick and tired of being sick and tired and a young man had knee on his neck and he cried out, mom, mama, take us there. so the book, the moment it about a moment that i was on and a very i'm a very, very emotional person, you see, is a cry. right. and don't i don't care i'll judge me. i let my therapist judge me if i need to. but i was it was the time when don don lemon said, i look like a young teddy pendergrass. i had an afro and my beard out and, you know, we were doing tv from our room tables and we weren't going to the barbers. we weren't going to put in my pajama pants. yeah and i had just gotten out the d. and my twins, they were they babies at the time, baby babies at the time. and they were in our bed. they usually in
, georgia, alabama, north carolina, my mom, north carolina. you this country is the rest of us. i didn't go that far. yo south. you wear your marching on your shoulders. yeah, you wear your your community on your shoulders. and this book starts for me in time when this nation had to face itself covid. mm. we were. and we sick and tired of being sick and tired and a young man had knee on his neck and he cried out, mom, mama, take us there. so the book, the moment it about a moment that i was on...
Jun 15, 2024
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transparency is foundational in the carolina.nsparent. >> yeah, one for mr 2016, amtrak awarded the 2.5 federal billion dollars plan. which i hope contributed to your record may 2024, the revenue? well, i'm part of that. however today these train sets are still ice. i don't know why amtrak agrees you mentioned in your opening, what can we expect the newest train sets to enter into service? >> well, thank you, chairman nell. you're right thwequite a while these could be in service by the end of the year. when we went out to bid for thtrains, they're of course not a domestic high speed rail industry here at the time. a competitive procurement, and we went through a ocess established by the faa, which required prototype trains to be built, and additional trains, and then to be tested both it's simulation model. that is underway, and yis fulfilling all of the requirements of the fra. it's really ulston's job, as ri going well, and we wish we hada we're working very hard to have that happen and hold our accoun process. >> thank you, i
transparency is foundational in the carolina.nsparent. >> yeah, one for mr 2016, amtrak awarded the 2.5 federal billion dollars plan. which i hope contributed to your record may 2024, the revenue? well, i'm part of that. however today these train sets are still ice. i don't know why amtrak agrees you mentioned in your opening, what can we expect the newest train sets to enter into service? >> well, thank you, chairman nell. you're right thwequite a while these could be in service by...
Jun 15, 2024
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, georgia, alabama, north carolina, my mom, north carolina. you this country is the rest of us. i didn't go that far. but you are a proud south. you wear your marching on your shoulders. yeah, you wear your your community on your shoulders. and this book starts for me in time when this nation had to face itself covid. mm. we were. and we sick and tired of being sick and tired and a young man had knee on his neck and he cried out, mom, mama, take us there. so the book, the moment it about a moment that i was on and a very i'm a very, very emotional person, you see, is a cry. right. and don't i don't care i'll judge me. i let my therapist judge me if i need to. but i was it was the time when don don lemon said, i look like a young teddy pendergrass. i had an afro and my beard out and, you know, we were doing tv from our room tables and we weren't going to the barbers. we weren't going to put in my pajama pants. yeah and i had just gotten out the bed. and my twins, they were they babies at the time, baby babies at the time. and they were in our b
, georgia, alabama, north carolina, my mom, north carolina. you this country is the rest of us. i didn't go that far. but you are a proud south. you wear your marching on your shoulders. yeah, you wear your your community on your shoulders. and this book starts for me in time when this nation had to face itself covid. mm. we were. and we sick and tired of being sick and tired and a young man had knee on his neck and he cried out, mom, mama, take us there. so the book, the moment it about a...
Jun 9, 2024
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georgia, alabama, north carolina, my mom, north carolina. you this country is the rest of us. i didn't go that far. but you are a proud south. you wear your marching on your shoulders. yeah, you wear your your community on your shoulders. and this book starts for me in time when this nation had to face itself covid. mm. we were. and we sick and tired of being sick and tired and a young man had knee on his neck and he cried out, mom mama, take us there. so the book, the moment it about a moment that i was on and a very i'm a very, very emotional person, you see, is a cry. right. and don't i don't care i'll judge me. i let my therapist judge me if i need to. but i was it was the time when don don lemon said, i look like a young teddy pendergrass. i had an afro and my beard out and, you know, we were doing tv from our room tables and we weren't going to the barbers. we weren't going to put in my pajama pants. yeah and i had just gotten out the bed. and my twins, they were they babies at the time, baby babies at the time. and they were in our be
georgia, alabama, north carolina, my mom, north carolina. you this country is the rest of us. i didn't go that far. but you are a proud south. you wear your marching on your shoulders. yeah, you wear your your community on your shoulders. and this book starts for me in time when this nation had to face itself covid. mm. we were. and we sick and tired of being sick and tired and a young man had knee on his neck and he cried out, mom mama, take us there. so the book, the moment it about a moment...
Jun 25, 2024
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more than 343,000 households in north carolina spend over half .other expenses like health transportation and groceries. access to safe and affordable housing is essential to the well-being of working families and individuals in north carolina. and throughout the country. that's why i'm proud to introduce the keepousing affordable act. the keep housing affordable act is aruution that incentivizes developers to homes for a long time to come. my bill will bolster and expand the l income housing tax credit, which currently only requires affordable housing unit years. my bill would provide incentives for units to remainffordable for decades to come. this will help boost the affordable housinghance home que long-term stability for low-income andiddle-income communities across north carolina's 13th district. i'll keep working to forth commonsense ideas and solutions to lower housing costs a of affordable housing. thank you, mr. speaker. i yieldker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr. self, for fe minutes. mr. self:r. speaker, i
more than 343,000 households in north carolina spend over half .other expenses like health transportation and groceries. access to safe and affordable housing is essential to the well-being of working families and individuals in north carolina. and throughout the country. that's why i'm proud to introduce the keepousing affordable act. the keep housing affordable act is aruution that incentivizes developers to homes for a long time to come. my bill will bolster and expand the l income housing...
Jun 30, 2024
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want you to know i'm not away from north carolina. thanks to all state and local leaders you why i'm here north carolina. [chanting]ál four more years! [chantin carolina i intend to win the state in november. [cheering] we win the election.mericans. raise the law of the land. [cheering]. [cheering] 40 million americans have insurance today. [cheering] we are goingct children watern for every child in america. [cheering] we are goingo secure our border and protect legal immigration. [cheering] unlike the other guy werein like putin. [cheering] ever. we are going to. [chanting]ng to preserve, protect and defend our democracy. that is what's at. freedom, democracy.ering] america is at stake. i don't know what you did last night but i minutes on stage debating a guy who [laughter] [cheering] my guess he a new record for the most lies he told in a single debate. [cheering] economy he created. he lied about thef people. he closed businesses and schools, losing their homes all over this country. america on its back. i pulled trump one of two
want you to know i'm not away from north carolina. thanks to all state and local leaders you why i'm here north carolina. [chanting]ál four more years! [chantin carolina i intend to win the state in november. [cheering] we win the election.mericans. raise the law of the land. [cheering]. [cheering] 40 million americans have insurance today. [cheering] we are goingct children watern for every child in america. [cheering] we are goingo secure our border and protect legal immigration. [cheering]...
Jun 28, 2024
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he is speaking of that campaign. raleigh, north carolina. let's. let's listen to what he has to say. the what. 7 the so it's great to be with you all the story that i didn't read and mary jo until the 5th time he asked me 5 truth is i loved him from the start the so i'm gonna repeat that line cuz i think it's the most important. i loved to him from the start i saw in him in the same character that i see in him today. and even though he has space on imaginable tragedies, his optimism is i'm going to test right. is on shaky people. yes. how is on the turn? the, you know, use your head, so he'll our country. hell, hell, bring us all recover from that. hey, on the last administration we on choose our chapter in history, but we can choose who leads us through it. at this moment with these, these barrels the world is facing. there is no one that i would rather have sitting in the oval office right now. then my husband, the last big sage was job. i'm a president with integrity and character to . 7 this election is a bout, you know, it's fighting for the f
he is speaking of that campaign. raleigh, north carolina. let's. let's listen to what he has to say. the what. 7 the so it's great to be with you all the story that i didn't read and mary jo until the 5th time he asked me 5 truth is i loved him from the start the so i'm gonna repeat that line cuz i think it's the most important. i loved to him from the start i saw in him in the same character that i see in him today. and even though he has space on imaginable tragedies, his optimism is i'm...
Jun 10, 2024
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, georgia, alabama, north carolina, my mom, north carolina.ou this country is the rest of us. i didn't go that far. but you are a proud south. you wear your marching on your shoulders. yeah, you wear your your community on your shoulders. and this book starts for me in time when this nation had to face itself covid. mm. we were. and tired of being sick and tiredhad knee on his ne cried out,om, mama, take us there. so the book, the moment it about a moment that i was on and a very i'm a very, very emotional person, and don't i don't care'l judge me. t me if i need to. but i was it was the time when don don lemon said, i look like a young teddy pendergrass. i had an afro and my beard out and, you know, we were doing tv from our room tables and we weren't going to the barbers. we weren't going to put in myyet the bed. and my twins, they were they babies at the time, baby babies at the time. and they were in our bed. they usually in our bed in the in early part of the morning and daughter was upstairs because they were doing virtual learning. and
, georgia, alabama, north carolina, my mom, north carolina.ou this country is the rest of us. i didn't go that far. but you are a proud south. you wear your marching on your shoulders. yeah, you wear your your community on your shoulders. and this book starts for me in time when this nation had to face itself covid. mm. we were. and tired of being sick and tiredhad knee on his ne cried out,om, mama, take us there. so the book, the moment it about a moment that i was on and a very i'm a very,...
Jun 28, 2024
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not byla what he's talking abou in north carolina today. andor that is a huge, huge problem.hink he calmed some nerves with the speech today and his activities in the aftermath of the debate, i think the next thing you're going to see, if we see it, if there is a two or three drop in the polls where donald trump takes a small lead, then i think you'll see the choreus again raise their voices and say, can we take a chance in this perilous, perilous moment of american history and -- and have joe biden as the nominee running against donald trump whn is an existential threat in most people's i minds to democracy. can we take that chance? i think maybe what just happened today paused that conversation to some degree. but i think if polls start dropping and it is going to be raised again. >> and you got to figure out as a campaign how to fix it. joe biden can only control his performance, right. having said that, the campaign can put him in places and in the number of places to help him to succeed, right. a lot of folks are suggesting already today, needs to get out there, he needs
not byla what he's talking abou in north carolina today. andor that is a huge, huge problem.hink he calmed some nerves with the speech today and his activities in the aftermath of the debate, i think the next thing you're going to see, if we see it, if there is a two or three drop in the polls where donald trump takes a small lead, then i think you'll see the choreus again raise their voices and say, can we take a chance in this perilous, perilous moment of american history and -- and have joe...
Jun 7, 2024
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north carolina is a very politically competitive state.te has a legitimate shot and our job in this campaign is about making sure voters understand the stakes of the election and the clarity of the choice, the choice between competing visions. mine is forward-looking and inclusive. it is about fighting for people and tapping the potential of every person to build a safer and stronger state and you have heard the man. the vision and hate. he says awful, hateful things about people and north carolina has got to do better and we can do better. in the selection if we work hard we will do better. >> we heard just now in your campaign ad what he says about women and abortion, but he also said i absolutely want to go back to the america where women couldn't vote. do the women of north carolina know that? do they know he said that? >> i don't think people really know the awful beliefs mark robinson has. he got elected in 2020 in the lieutenant governor race. there frankly was not a lot of media attention. there weren't tv commercials, so voters we
north carolina is a very politically competitive state.te has a legitimate shot and our job in this campaign is about making sure voters understand the stakes of the election and the clarity of the choice, the choice between competing visions. mine is forward-looking and inclusive. it is about fighting for people and tapping the potential of every person to build a safer and stronger state and you have heard the man. the vision and hate. he says awful, hateful things about people and north...
Jun 7, 2024
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north carolina is a very politically competitive state. every candidate has a legitimate shot. and what our job, in this campaign is about, is making sure voters understand the stakes of the selection and the clarity of the choice the choice between competing visions. mine is forward-looking and inclusive. it is about fighting for people and tapping the potential of every person to build a safer and stronger state. and you heard the man. his vision is division and hate. he says awful, hateful things about people and north carolina has got to do better. and we can do better to win this election if we work hard, we will do better. >> we heard in your campaign ad, what he says about women and abortions. but he also says, said, i absolutely want to go back to the america where women couldn't vote. to the women of north carolina know that? do they know he said that? >> i don't think people really know just the awful police that mark robinson has. he got elected in 2020, it was lieutenant governor race. wasn't a lot of media attention dedicated
north carolina is a very politically competitive state. every candidate has a legitimate shot. and what our job, in this campaign is about, is making sure voters understand the stakes of the selection and the clarity of the choice the choice between competing visions. mine is forward-looking and inclusive. it is about fighting for people and tapping the potential of every person to build a safer and stronger state. and you heard the man. his vision is division and hate. he says awful, hateful...
Jun 28, 2024
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let's go get up north carolina a rousing speech by president biden. >> there in north carolina on the heels of a terrible debate performance last night. in what rylee could have been a greek closing argument that he couldn't be last night, and that this crowd was certainly very receptive to, he said, ended the end. i know. i'm not a young man to state the obvious, but he went on to say, i know what i do know, i know how to tell the truth. i know right from wrong. i know how to get things done and he was trying to eric assure voters that he wouldn't be doing this, but he didn't know that he could do this job another four years. he's always and clearly obviously a very friendly audience, right? he's buried a campaign rally, eds packed with supporters. there was no audience last night, of course, in the debate, but certainly a different joe biden than what we saw last night, which i think in many ways begs the question of how much of this is also an attempt by the campaign at a reset trying to reset that image that is in voters minds. this joe biden versus the joe biden on that stage? >>
let's go get up north carolina a rousing speech by president biden. >> there in north carolina on the heels of a terrible debate performance last night. in what rylee could have been a greek closing argument that he couldn't be last night, and that this crowd was certainly very receptive to, he said, ended the end. i know. i'm not a young man to state the obvious, but he went on to say, i know what i do know, i know how to tell the truth. i know right from wrong. i know how to get things...
Jun 28, 2024
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we all love north carolina _ carolina. we all love north carolina. what _ carolina.carolina. we all love north - carolina. what and goose is bitter 127th _ carolina. what and goose is bitter 127th raiiy~ — carolina. what and goose is bitter 127th rally. and _ carolina. what and goose is bitter 127th rally. and it's— carolina. what and goose is bitter 127th rally. and it's hard - 127th rally. and it's hard to believe _ 127th rally. and it's hard to believe i— 127th rally. and it's hard to believe. i seldom - 127th rally. and it's hard to believe. i seldom see - 127th rally. and it's hard to believe. i seldom see their husbands _ believe. i seldom see their husbands. their— believe. i seldom see their. husbands. their husbands... believe. i seldom see their- husbands. their husbands... but believe. i seldom see their— husbands. their husbands... but they are happily— husbands. their husbands... but they are happily married. _ husbands. their husbands... but they are happily married. i— husbands. their husbands... but they are happily married. i said _ husbands. their h
we all love north carolina _ carolina. we all love north carolina. what _ carolina.carolina. we all love north - carolina. what and goose is bitter 127th _ carolina. what and goose is bitter 127th raiiy~ — carolina. what and goose is bitter 127th rally. and _ carolina. what and goose is bitter 127th rally. and it's— carolina. what and goose is bitter 127th rally. and it's hard - 127th rally. and it's hard to believe _ 127th rally. and it's hard to believe i— 127th rally. and it's hard to...