talked about ober once oberlander's group, this is a man who, in principle, is guilty of mass crimes, dyonetsfruits there, he calmly worked there, they helped him there, he was given certain things. and he could easily grow fruit there, sometimes hes would come to see him, then he and dönitz would argue, because dönitz believed that hes was behaving too intensely, too like that, pretending to be too great, and he didn’t deserve it, that was all already in that very germany, which we call united germany, they are there, true, they served time there, they didn’t last long, almost all of them were released in the mid-fifties, there was no one left there except getz, they were all already free, but i wanted to at the beginning. after all, about football, vladimir rudolfovich, well , i can’t, as a football player, a football player should just tell chevly’s comments about the loss, i’m not happy about the loss of the ukrainian team, this is a game, let the strongest win, but deutcheveli invented absolutely the kind of commentary that is needed repeat, they wrote, well, of course i lost ukrainian t