coolidge, senior editor for the issue insight publication, who was at the event he told us, she talked to some delegates to express their fatigue over yet another your crime center convent. while their national interests are being down played. i was able to interact with a good number of the delegations that different levels and also interact with some of the journalists covering the event. and from the delegation perspective, you there. i think overall, most more kind place looking at the performance, the statements that they read over the 2 days basically were written in advance. and there were no changing of minds. and delegations basically said that, you know, we, we know we're not going to change any minds. this is an event, it's a spectacle, it's to, it's designed to show solidarity in unit indemnity, etc. but there was also vice president, a, an exhaustion part of it, which is fine. you know, how much of this do we have to continue to go through an every meetings g, 7, g, 20 nato. you in general assembly here, which all zalinski ukraine's zalinski ukraine and there is a t. and t