now luigi danielle is a senior electra and international law and international criminal law. nothing of law school. he joins us not from the city of not seeing him in central england, kentucky with us on the program. i mean, they're all short term and long term ramifications as james all about together to just mention for report like this in terms of how we could be analyzed and dissected. and by who thanks for letting me in for the question as to what you already told was underlining the international court of justice, where the genocide case is pending is a you, when julie's the show know, which means that these independent commission of inquiry report, so we left the quads. i'd be den, shari bailey. you yeah. the married stage of the judgment at the i. c g. that's for a start to the end of the, the international activity on or to which the procedures are as already sold august . we're on the for both what crime symbols, so kinds of use. do you want any teach or the parties through this conflict? and then that are all the seats society exit doors around toward that we relea