svasti, vider, this is a slavic bazaar.the steps grew up, viter for us is a holiday, the slovenian bazaar, viter with the quasi that floats on the evening day, wherever i am, the song will always be with me, vider for... this is the city , where we are rashadah, viteg for us, this is a holiday, a slavic bazaar, viteg with quasi, that the evening pinoy floats to us, wherever they beat, like a song, will always be with me, wherever i am, a crisis like a song. people's artist of belarus vladimir provolinsky, khvilinka theater show, ensemble department of choreography of the belarusian state university of culture and arts, debut dance project. simple vigilance, and i’m just aimala, bostra! brodka will put down their names, heavenly bells, to the rats of the sirce, that the hutka would be, eternally not. the laws of the sky, the images of their glory, the light of the scene changes, and not the ustrychy, you are a chalavechak of truth , pavinen trimazza, imely, the heavens, the heavenly eatles, the pryham sertsy, that the hutka