vendshaft, get through it, calling the marshy sands , end up at the storage facility to open the doorcode for the lock. once inside , you can only touch the lasers three times. take the main crystal and you will have 2 minutes to get back out. you should hurry, the ceiling is pressed. may come to the sand, the aliens decided that the girl would cope with this test perfectly, the uzbek beauty glace is already at the start, turin and jupiter will help her from the command post. uzbekistan. the most difficult stage is this one inside the cage, firstly, it’s narrow, secondly, there are colors, effects, special effects, the time is not very, i will say so, not very long, but i’m sure jasmine, jasmine is an athlete, a champion, she’s under so, she can handle it, that’s why i specially put her there, you will need to look more closely, she will tell you the numbers, qalasiz, ana, topding, topding, qonday, qalaysan, menga birinchi xattaligini aytib berishlar. ikkinchi eshikda o'ng qo'lda tepada ikkinchisichi ikkinchisi pastga tushganingastga tushganing ha bo'ldi tushundim bo'ldi okey ketdi bo