regret it at all, dance , dance, dance, dance, dance, well done, so much energy, amazing, valeria, how artemia he became more attentive, he began to clear the dishes from the table after himself, how is that? i’m also cleaning up after her, seriously, yes it helps, you’re cool, because my children say, i won’t take this into my hands for anything, you’re cool, the dog helps, of course, with the help of paper i take it like this, from you there are two cats living in the country, how they get along with the dog, they don’t climb at all, the cat is ready to protect his friend from the dog with terrible force, the very first meeting. my sister and i were killed by dogs and he just came to us came for rescue help and we took him in, uh-huh, we didn’t know, we thought, well, a yard, not a yard, white, handsome, then it turned out that he was straight from an angora, wow, just a beast, a beast, very scary, activity in at the moment, it protects us, yes, rather a little. there are a lot of performances, it’s true, everyone’s favorite ones always call those spectators, these are anna karenina, count o