is still very young, so he weighs much less than an adult male, but in about six months, domir willnd let’s say one an additional person who creates such movement in the enclosure can pass throughout the entire territory, can come up behind each trainer, this adds... confidence to the animals when they are no longer afraid of finding an additional someone in the enclosure who, for example, is not involved in feeding, damir still worked, despite the fact that people were trampling around him, though i didn’t succeed, well, okay, he’s very people-oriented in principle, he’s very interested in working, it gives him pleasure, it’s a pity that i don't it worked out, but the main thing is that everything worked out for you, we weighed them all, everything is fine, thanks mash, maybe i’ll come back someday. yes, come out, we will definitely come back, continue training, and we will definitely make friends with damir again. we spent a long time trying to persuade the ema hen to weigh herself, now we will try to persuade her to take her medicine. by the way, this is a common antigerelt drug.