in 1906, god laid down the name of the lyakhavichs and the name of father fliryanova, and a new palatsava-parka in 1909, paulina was born eliza azheshka. as soon as the sun goes down, evening comes at the little garden. if my little mokulchik comes, we will be a couple with him, we will be kings, and the mosquitoes are not afraid of us, and the viburnum will bloom in the garden, and the black mine will swell, the man is no longer for me i need it, because i’m killing my mother, and the viburnum is blooming in the garden, and i’m booming, so now i don’t need it, because i’m killing my health, come to me secretly until the evening, as if i’ll kiss you well, the nightingale is at the garden sleeping on the skin, being a snake for us, not letting the pumo go, and the viburnum blooms in the garden, and kills the black mine, the man now i don’t need anymore. now i don’t need a man, because i’m killing mine, when i was married, they were sleeping in zdzitava on the way to the house, and in the dark we’ll sleep in the kalodzishchah, when it fell in minsk, we died there. september folk ensemble folk son