ringing in hillel zidel, managing director at kennet.bout the reputation, the returns you have already given you what sort of returns have you got? hillel: hey, thanks so much for having me on the show. it is great to be here. we are investing kennet vi right now k we have a long track record of more than 20 years in the sector, focusing on business-to-business software companies as well -- particularly those who have been bootstrapped and getting to a great close on kennet vi, in order to do that, you need to have a strong track record. kennet vi is a continuation of what we have been doing. we are really excited. ed: what is the back story for wanting to focus on saas? hillel: a few things. first, scalability. these companies can scale rapidly. they have high-growth margins. they are educable businesses. with saas, we focus on business-to-business companies and really those that are mission-critical or essential to their underlying customers. what we really care about is, is his company solving a real problem of their customer? one of