with you was the program of truthfulness i am ingabelova, all the best to you. i played school all the time. i just introduce myself to them as the head of the education department, and then i just say my catchphrase, and now guys, we’re just talking, so i’m just your girlfriend or friend now and i advise all my parents, somewhere he has shortcomings, but this you need to see all the good in him and learn lessons with him, go to his events and take him aside, it’s not easy to be a leader now, firstly... 81 institutions are 81 leaders, plus the administration, plus teachers, parents, children , this is all a component, one person can never handle any question, so we have a team, this is a team of managers, deputies, this component unit produces its results, today i cannot say that i am alone, no, i always say we, we can, we parents and children will do any event to help us, first we... that its flagship is a person should work, how a person should rest and in general how a person should live. the secret is simple, human relations with everyone, no matter what, ju