, hunter biden, howard, macey biden. finnegan and hunter president's grandson also seated senior advisor mike and steve racheti ashley biden had her eyes closed nodding and breathing deeply and dabbed her eyes with her shirt a couple of times. this is an emotional time. he's still going to be president and republicans say there's a problem with that. harold. >> dana. >> glad you shared who was in the office with him because it is important for everyone to know how emotional and how much gratitude they had and he has. you know, i'm reminded as brit said that this is -- this sounded like a convention acceptance speech he recited miss accomplishments he talked about his service he talked about how he got to where he is and campaigny people may give him rope on that but i'm a christian brett an my faith means a lot to me as i heard him speaking all i could think was -- there's a season for everything. there was a season for him to think about running for office there was a season to run and a season to win. and senate even a