they have to pay it in the system of the national migration organization. and pashmaq belonging to loved ones who come from azerbaijan and central asia there is chazaba, there is shlamcheh, they are all different loved ones, but they are definitely loved ones who are immigrants who are legally in iran. they can participate in this event. thank you very much, mr. hamzai , sda reporter. of course, it is better to say that the editor of the police department of sda news agency is still with us. i am here and i am reading a pilgrimage letter , my dear hossein, my dear hossein . it's on my head, we're going to be at the shrine on friday night, my dear hossein, good morning to you, let's go to bakhsh bin. morning program, ms. correspondent , good morning, good morning to you too, dear viewers. hello and i say good morning. well, at the beginning of the news , there is actually news about paris, the venue of the olympics. we know that at the same time as the day of the opening ceremony, three or four days ago, the trains in this city in the capital of france faced a very widespread disruption,