olesya kovalenko was born and raised in novosibirsk, her great-grandfather worked on the land all hisheat. after the revolution, he suffered the same fate as oksana perepelkina’s ancestors. decades later, the work of his great-grandfather decided to revive his father. i was 3 years old when farming was born, so at that age i remember very well how it was, for me, as a child, it was incredibly interesting, i still remember these tractors in which i sat, i really loved driving through the fields with my father, i remember the feeling when you walk across the field, the feeling when you run your hand over the wheat, and it all comes with ... the main one, of course, is wheat; growing it in the siberian climate is incredibly difficult and incredibly interesting. and now, when my little son is eager to go to work, wants to ride combine harvesters, it is always a great joy for me, because i understand that he, too, can now pick up the this love, well, to pick it up, of course, in quotes, this love for what... our family is already in the second generation, we have already found out that whe