look in the names, it's clear because they're translating them from greek, some people speak about tetus in, some say tetos in, some say tortus, now titus or tartus, it's the same person, but these are arab translations for the foreign name. and also before the birth of christ, 100 years before, they did all this to them, and after that incident, he dispersed them, they were dispersed throughout the world, they dispersed of the israeli, some went to iraq, some to iran, some reached the khazar, some were lost in kurdistan, iraq, some people came to the arabian peninsula, some of them, and by the way brother. and sisters, there was not in jerusalem, at least and maybe in all of palestine, during that time there were no jews to... start with and when the second khalifa came and he made reconciliation with the senior religious christian clerics, the religious christian clerics, they are the ones who requested from the second khalifa to be part of the agreement that jews don't return to, so this was meaning this was a christian condition, so they were spread about, most clerics say these are