victoria bereshchak, real estate market expert, was in touch. will put an end to this in the column about money during the war, but the big broadcast continues, there will be more, watch us! well, if you remember, after the tragedy, after another shelling of russia, ukrainian cities, after the one... which took place in okhmatyd, a scandal happened on the same day, because a number of ukrainian instagram bloggers, more precisely bloggers, among them there are more girls, they began to post almost identical stories with the following meaning: it's time to give up, we don't feel sorry for you, let 's give it to peace, well, they also talked about the fact that our government ... the government steals and that they say it is no better than the russians, and after the scandal broke out and these people began to accuse them of almost working for russia, and they began to make excuses at first, and then here is one of them, her name is nastya umka, that's her name, she recorded the following video. and in the morning i received a very interesting call