shanounaya yulia, now you are the same person who is on the screen for mikita, mikita pastaraetstsa adgadats, , yes. the slide is coming, it’s sometimes airy, the ball, yes, well, you have a hutkast, kali weasel, yulia, now you are a patlumachytse dzeyaslou, as you say in torture, what a slave, this timid dzhauchynki, on the lessons of labor, yana this timid, what a slave , shits, so, tsudoўna agulnya. and the tsudonnaya tlumachennye, remembrance, kali caress, months, the first slide, this one lived, the bird, the chicken, no, this bird, the bat, i live in the house, the sword, yes, the slide is coming, mikita, this one is at the veska, there are fish going there. step on the slide, geta staetstsa grazing tago , as we unleashed the cashier. and captain mikita, you are a patlumachtse dzeyaslou. yong adkazvae on torture, what to do. does it happen that people go to the train and are afraid? before i close the doors. are you late? the funniest contest getai gulni is over, i’m happy, you’ve finished your task, smiles on yours animals talk about this, go, what kindness, and receive this applause,