Jul 19, 2024
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>> creo que gabriel deja en est >> creo que gabriel dejan este >> creo queen este show. >> creo que gabrielo y un gran amigo. >> les quiero agradecer, estas cuatro paredes me llenaron de conocimiento, de ilusiones. de momentos mÁgicos. me presentaron una familia. tiene su casa aquÍ. para ustedes. >> gracias. >> pusiste una marca muy bonita, gabriel. >> nos ha dejado perfectamente claro el nivel de persona. >> yo sÉ que es una competencia de cocina, pero es bonito ver al ser humano y asÍ te vamos a recordar. y creo que prima por encima de cualquier cosa. llegÓ el momento de que tomes tus cuchillos y abandones la cocina de top chef vip para siempre. >> los quiero, mi gente. gracias. me estoy yendo con la frente en alto, orgulloso de haber hecho este plato que hice y siento que representa mi aprendizaje y crecimiento de la competencia. invito a la gente en casa que le den fuerza a las cosas positivas y a las cosas negativas. >> chicos, maÑana vuelven a cocinar. se acercan los retos determinantes de la competencia con la final cerca. todos deben estar a la altura. a descansar y a prepararse par
>> creo que gabriel deja en est >> creo que gabriel dejan este >> creo queen este show. >> creo que gabrielo y un gran amigo. >> les quiero agradecer, estas cuatro paredes me llenaron de conocimiento, de ilusiones. de momentos mÁgicos. me presentaron una familia. tiene su casa aquÍ. para ustedes. >> gracias. >> pusiste una marca muy bonita, gabriel. >> nos ha dejado perfectamente claro el nivel de persona. >> yo sÉ que es una competencia...
Jul 19, 2024
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>> gabriel siempre sonriente, amigable. con buena vibra.? >> tengo en mi cabeza cÓmo quiero hacer el plato, bonito y no como el tÍpico plato de p pasta. >> 45 segundos, gary. >> pÓrtate bien. >> siempre. >> mÁs o menos. >> mÁs o menos otro. >> los veo como tres soldados que no se rinden, con un b batallÓn dispuestos a enfrentar sea lo que sea. >> 30 segundos. >> 60 minutos nunca son su suficientes para nada. >> gary se estÁ riendo creo que de los nervios. >> gary estÁ hecho un manojo de nervios. todo se cae, todo lo tira. >> es reto de eliminaciÓn. >> 10, 9, 8, 7. >> mÁs lento, carmen. >> 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. manos arriba! >> m(musica). >> Él siempre grita y hace g gestos agresivos. no es n necenec necesario tantos gritos y tanto show. >> un paso atrÁs de sus es estaciones. >> veo a los tres. >> por un momento veo como que no lograron emplatar a tiempo. no sÉ si alguien se quedÓ sin emplatar, ayudas. >> ¿terminaron? >> los tres estamos sumamente nerviosos. pero pase lo que pase voy a quedar contento con lo que hice. >> los veo satisfechos, per
>> gabriel siempre sonriente, amigable. con buena vibra.? >> tengo en mi cabeza cÓmo quiero hacer el plato, bonito y no como el tÍpico plato de p pasta. >> 45 segundos, gary. >> pÓrtate bien. >> siempre. >> mÁs o menos. >> mÁs o menos otro. >> los veo como tres soldados que no se rinden, con un b batallÓn dispuestos a enfrentar sea lo que sea. >> 30 segundos. >> 60 minutos nunca son su suficientes para nada. >> gary se...
Jul 8, 2024
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o sea, no era gabriel.tando bajar la temperatura de gabriel, que llegÓ a estar tan alta que sus Órganos dejaron de funcionar. >> dijo Él “el corazÓn estÁ bien hinchado”. dijo “si lo resucitamos y le ponemos las tablas”, dijo “va a reventar”. cuando estÁbamos ahÍ con Él, se miraba que se le estaba asÍ. pero Él tambiÉn estaba bien hinchado y estaba bien sedado. y tenÍa un ojo cerrado y otro medio abierto. roberts: cuando el mÉdico le explicÓ la seriedad de la condiciÓn de su hijo, no lo podÍa creer. locutor: ¿por quÉ no hay protecciones laborales para los trabajadores que pasan largas horas bajo el sol? un grupo buscÓ cambiar esa situaciÓn. >> tenemos una soluciÓn y necesitamos que el mundo >> tenemos una soluciÓn y necesitamos que el mundo entienda eso. creía...no necesitar swiffer, ¡hasta que vi lo fácil que recogía mi pelo cuando me lo secaba! un minuto y ya está. ¡mira! los paños heavy duty son extra gruesos para súper atrapar y retener. hasta su pelo. ¡guau! te encantará swiffer, o te devuelven tu dinero
o sea, no era gabriel.tando bajar la temperatura de gabriel, que llegÓ a estar tan alta que sus Órganos dejaron de funcionar. >> dijo Él “el corazÓn estÁ bien hinchado”. dijo “si lo resucitamos y le ponemos las tablas”, dijo “va a reventar”. cuando estÁbamos ahÍ con Él, se miraba que se le estaba asÍ. pero Él tambiÉn estaba bien hinchado y estaba bien sedado. y tenÍa un ojo cerrado y otro medio abierto. roberts: cuando el mÉdico le explicÓ la seriedad de la...
Jul 7, 2024
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yes, even though gabriel attal _ be promised. yes, even though gabriel attal has _ be promised.as handed in - be promised. yes, even though gabriel attal has handed in hisl gabriel attal has handed in his resignation, that doesn't mean he won't be promised either and right now you're about to see a of negotiations and that exposes the reality of the new popular front, the alliance of parties that don't usually work together, and now the campaign is over, the tactical voting they were banking on is over, and they are going to have to figure how they can govern together, deal together, who do you support? they are happy, for happiness, apparently. they are going to have to decide how they can work together and implement proposals that don't always marry together. jean—luc melenchon, his agenda is seen as very radical, and that the leader of the greens... antifascist is what some people are screaming here. they have an agenda they believe there not marry with john that have an agenda they believe there not marry withjohn that knowledge jump, not marry withjohn that knowledge jump,
yes, even though gabriel attal _ be promised. yes, even though gabriel attal has _ be promised.as handed in - be promised. yes, even though gabriel attal has handed in hisl gabriel attal has handed in his resignation, that doesn't mean he won't be promised either and right now you're about to see a of negotiations and that exposes the reality of the new popular front, the alliance of parties that don't usually work together, and now the campaign is over, the tactical voting they were banking on...
Jul 21, 2024
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but her brother, gabriel? coming up. gabriel this and the only one with doubts. the confession is one thing, but did police have anything else on denis? >> i am going, wait a minute, they fell nothing that would corroborate his story. corroborate his story. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works. icy hot. ice works fast. ♪♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels. because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. >>> hi, i'm richard lui with a news update. new york governor kathy hochul has requested a federal emergency declaration in response to an unprecedented number of tornadoes in new york state. new york has seen 17 tornadoes this month which is
but her brother, gabriel? coming up. gabriel this and the only one with doubts. the confession is one thing, but did police have anything else on denis? >> i am going, wait a minute, they fell nothing that would corroborate his story. corroborate his story. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works. icy hot. ice works fast. ♪♪ heat makes...
Jul 18, 2024
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gabriel: rubia y ligera, y buena. jesÚs: quÉ cambiarÍas de tu cuerpo? gabriel: muchas cosas. melena rubia que aÚn mantiene.es lo Único que ha cambiado, muchos rumores la rodean sobre haber pasado por el quirÓfano para operarse la nariz, algo que ella ha negado. y no es un secreto que yailin la mÁs viral siempre a sido abierta en compartir los cambios que se ha hecho. asÍ lucÍa hace unos aÑos, dentro de los procedimientos que se ha realizado estÁ el aumento de busto, glÚteos, lipoescultura, rinoplastia para afinar su nariz y relleno en sus labios. y quÉ tal daddy yankee? aunque parece que no envejece lo cierto es que su transformaciÓn es notablesi comparamos sus fotos actuales con lo que comenzÓ y aunque quirÚrgicamente no ha sido un cambio grande se especula que se hace mucho botox. el haberse quitado el bigote hace aÑos le dio una apariencia mÁs juvenil. segÚn el propio cantante su truco de belleza es colocarse aceite de oliva en su rostro. la actriz gaby spanik ha dado de que hablar es que en su rostro se le ve un notable cambio, siempre ha sido muy honesta con las cirugÍas
gabriel: rubia y ligera, y buena. jesÚs: quÉ cambiarÍas de tu cuerpo? gabriel: muchas cosas. melena rubia que aÚn mantiene.es lo Único que ha cambiado, muchos rumores la rodean sobre haber pasado por el quirÓfano para operarse la nariz, algo que ella ha negado. y no es un secreto que yailin la mÁs viral siempre a sido abierta en compartir los cambios que se ha hecho. asÍ lucÍa hace unos aÑos, dentro de los procedimientos que se ha realizado estÁ el aumento de busto, glÚteos,...
Jul 8, 2024
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gabriel trataba mal a irina.ey y nuestro santo. por eso hacemos todo. ella es una mujer muy hermosa. le encanta compartir el escenario. es bonito tener compaÑera asÍ. creo que lo mÁs bonito son mujeres unidas que jamÁs estÉn vencidas. >> las cosas se han dado de una manera tan bonita. obviamente, desde hace del dueto y sacarlo tan rÁpido. fue prÁcticamente porque ya venÍa a mÉxico. entonces, dijimos grabar juntas rÁpido. pagamos el vÍdeo ya. —— hagamos el vÍdeo ya. yo voy a cantar aquÍ. yo llego de mÉrida. me voy del aeropuerto. maÑana me vuelvo a ir. tenemos que aprovechar los momentos que estamos juntas. lo momento donde podemos cantar en vivo para todos. la canciÓn lleva una semana en unos dÍas. quÉ maravilla poderlo cantar en un lugar tan maravilloso y con gente tan talentosa. >> en este mismo concierto tambiÉn estuvieron presente marta sÁnchez para unir el talento. [mÚsica] >> quÉ hermoso que nos juntemos todas las mujeres para literal para engrandecer, para disfrutar, para hacernos sentir las reinas que som
gabriel trataba mal a irina.ey y nuestro santo. por eso hacemos todo. ella es una mujer muy hermosa. le encanta compartir el escenario. es bonito tener compaÑera asÍ. creo que lo mÁs bonito son mujeres unidas que jamÁs estÉn vencidas. >> las cosas se han dado de una manera tan bonita. obviamente, desde hace del dueto y sacarlo tan rÁpido. fue prÁcticamente porque ya venÍa a mÉxico. entonces, dijimos grabar juntas rÁpido. pagamos el vÍdeo ya. —— hagamos el vÍdeo ya. yo voy...
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i'm still here with the brother of wiggs one of the junior massage. gabriel shifting gabriel, you were interrupted by me in part one when you were talking about the importance to normal everyday people. if people don't know who julian assange is just knowing vaguely and legal proceedings that have been talked about for 14 years, it was, it was, as you say, the was in iraq and afghanistan. i was talking about this stuff that was destroyed . there was no public interest defense. i knew when a legal scholars, when the biden's justice department, in the plea deal told them you have to destroy some information that hadn't previously unpublished. there was no defense on the sides of the legal team to go. but what if some of it is in the public interest? no, no, no, no, julian, actually one thing that julian did say, during this hearing is that the he didn't realize that the espionage act trumps the 1st amendment. and i think that's clearly, that was a very clear and in direct message to everybody out there. what this what this play deal and what this persecution actually means is that did yo
i'm still here with the brother of wiggs one of the junior massage. gabriel shifting gabriel, you were interrupted by me in part one when you were talking about the importance to normal everyday people. if people don't know who julian assange is just knowing vaguely and legal proceedings that have been talked about for 14 years, it was, it was, as you say, the was in iraq and afghanistan. i was talking about this stuff that was destroyed . there was no public interest defense. i knew when a...
Jul 23, 2024
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las ex de gabriel.karla: vÁmonos a tu tierra a los Ángeles un pequeÑo libro de niÑos se convirtiÓ en una gran pelÍcula de hollywood. fran: luis sandoval nos cuenta todos los detalles vamos a ver. [habla en inglÉs] [habla en inglÉs+ luis: es una divertida pelÍcula para toda la familia inspirada en un libro con el mismo nombre que ha dado la vuelta al mundo. [ habla en inglÉs] luis:en el libro es un niÑo que posee un libro mÁgico y lo que dibuja en el se vuelven realidad. un villano que deba a querer robar el mÁgico creaciÓn. >> el libro es tan conocido que para participar en este proyecto y fue muy divertido. >> los mensajes mÁs importantes son la imaginaciÓn y creer en ti y en tus capacidades. luis: me contaron lo que significÓ para ellos participar en la cinta. >> fue muy divertido y me encantÓ cÓmo usar una historia tan sencilla pero tan querida convertirÁn una pelÍcula. luis: quÉ tan grande era su imaginaciÓn. >> yo usaba mi imaginaciÓn a lo grande hacia pelÍculas con mis juguetes como si mis muÑecos
las ex de gabriel.karla: vÁmonos a tu tierra a los Ángeles un pequeÑo libro de niÑos se convirtiÓ en una gran pelÍcula de hollywood. fran: luis sandoval nos cuenta todos los detalles vamos a ver. [habla en inglÉs] [habla en inglÉs+ luis: es una divertida pelÍcula para toda la familia inspirada en un libro con el mismo nombre que ha dado la vuelta al mundo. [ habla en inglÉs] luis:en el libro es un niÑo que posee un libro mÁgico y lo que dibuja en el se vuelven realidad. un villano...
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to julia massage gabriel shifting. gabriel, you were interrupted by me in part one when you were talking about the importance to normal everyday people. if people don't know who julia massage is just knowing vaguely and legal proceedings that have been talked about for 14 years. it was, it was, as you say, the was in iraq and afghanistan. i was talking about this stuff that was destroyed . there was no public interest defense. i knew when a legal scholars, when the bindings justice department in the play deal told them you have to destroy some information that hadn't previously unpublished. there was no defense on the sides of the legal team to go. but what if some of it is in the public interest? no, no, no, no, julian, actually one thing the julian did say, during this hearing is that that he didn't realize that the espionage act trumps the 1st amendment. and i think that's clearly that was a very clear and direct message to everybody out there. what this what this play deal and what this prosecution actually means is that did you go? because in this colonial magistrate, us colonial ma
to julia massage gabriel shifting. gabriel, you were interrupted by me in part one when you were talking about the importance to normal everyday people. if people don't know who julia massage is just knowing vaguely and legal proceedings that have been talked about for 14 years. it was, it was, as you say, the was in iraq and afghanistan. i was talking about this stuff that was destroyed . there was no public interest defense. i knew when a legal scholars, when the bindings justice department...
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i'm still here with the brother of what he likes, kind of the julia massage gabriel shifting. gabriel, you were interrupted by megan pump one when you were talking about the importance to normal everyday people. if people don't know who julian assange is just knowing vaguely and legal proceedings that have been talked about for 14 years, it was, it was, as you say, the was in iraq and afghanistan and i was talking about this stuff that was destroyed. there was no public interest defense. i knew when a legal scholars, when the bindings justice department in the plea deal told them you have to destroy some information that hadn't previously unpublished. there was no defense on the sides of legal team to go. but what if some of it is in the public interest? no, no, no, no, julian, actually one thing the julian did say, during this hearing is that the he didn't realize that the espionage act trumps the 1st amendment. and i think that's clearly, that was a very clear and direct message to everybody out there. what this what this play deal and what this persecution actually means is that, d
i'm still here with the brother of what he likes, kind of the julia massage gabriel shifting. gabriel, you were interrupted by megan pump one when you were talking about the importance to normal everyday people. if people don't know who julian assange is just knowing vaguely and legal proceedings that have been talked about for 14 years, it was, it was, as you say, the was in iraq and afghanistan and i was talking about this stuff that was destroyed. there was no public interest defense. i knew...
Jul 9, 2024
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it didn't take long for the president to convince gabriel attal, who knew this would be the outcome.ill happen next, but we probably won't have a new prime minister by july 18th. macron and gabrieltal welcomed the formation of the far left. they deprived us of victory this evening. president emmanuel macron decided on a big gamble, which ended better than many thought, but it’s still not a victory, although the extreme right was defeated, the alliance of the left with the far left will claim that it has a right to a share in the french government. the concerted national campaign produced an unprecedented turnout that benefited everyone except lepin. all eyes are on france as the european military power, a key ally of ukraine, is plunged into political uncertainty, with france unstable and distracted, the effect of which could affect events beyond the country itself. i spoke to several government sources usa, there is a double story here: on the one hand, the usa does not comment on the internal affairs of france, but at the same time i asked the source, why did the usa feel a sense o
it didn't take long for the president to convince gabriel attal, who knew this would be the outcome.ill happen next, but we probably won't have a new prime minister by july 18th. macron and gabrieltal welcomed the formation of the far left. they deprived us of victory this evening. president emmanuel macron decided on a big gamble, which ended better than many thought, but it’s still not a victory, although the extreme right was defeated, the alliance of the left with the far left will claim...
Jul 5, 2024
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louis gabrielle hays. thank you, good to see you.mna: google announced this week it is well-behind on a pledge to all but eliminate its net carbon emissions by 2030. its emissions are actually up nearly 50% since 2019. one factor: artificial intelligence and the energy required to power it via the company's massive data centers. as economics correspondent paul solman reports, the ai arms race has experts worried about its climate consequences. paul: by now you have probably seen chatgpt, which economist simon johnson prompted to substitute for me in a recent story. >> good evening. i am reporting on a compelling new analysis stirring debate in economic circles. paul: now meet mary, a chatbot avatar companion created recently for us on the app replica. she is connected to chatgpt, but can also flirt on her own. >> are you always this irresistible? paul: and finally, here is 3d micah. >> [indiscernible] >> virtue need not stem from deeper philosophies or moral systems. paul: and micah is also hooked up to chatgpt. how quickly can't ami
louis gabrielle hays. thank you, good to see you.mna: google announced this week it is well-behind on a pledge to all but eliminate its net carbon emissions by 2030. its emissions are actually up nearly 50% since 2019. one factor: artificial intelligence and the energy required to power it via the company's massive data centers. as economics correspondent paul solman reports, the ai arms race has experts worried about its climate consequences. paul: by now you have probably seen chatgpt, which...
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one of the julia massage gabriel shifting. gabriel, you were interrupted by me in part one when you were talking about the importance to normal everyday people. if people don't know who julian assange is just knowing vaguely and legal proceedings that have been talked about for 14 years, it was, it was, as you say, the was in iraq and afghanistan. i was talking about this stuff that was destroyed . there was no public interest defense. i knew when a legal scholars, when the bindings justice department in the plea deal told them you have to destroy some information that hadn't previously unpublished. there was no defense on the sides of legal team to go. but what if some of it is in the public interest? no, no, no, no, julian, actually one thing that julian did say, during this hearing is that the he didn't realize that the espionage act trumps the 1st amendment. and i think that's clearly, that was a very clear and direct message to everybody out there. what this what this play deal and what this prosecution actually means is that did you go? because in this colonial magistrate view as c
one of the julia massage gabriel shifting. gabriel, you were interrupted by me in part one when you were talking about the importance to normal everyday people. if people don't know who julian assange is just knowing vaguely and legal proceedings that have been talked about for 14 years, it was, it was, as you say, the was in iraq and afghanistan. i was talking about this stuff that was destroyed . there was no public interest defense. i knew when a legal scholars, when the bindings justice...
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i'm still here with the brother of wiggs, one of the junior massage. gabriel shifting. gabriel, you were interrupted by me in part one when you were talking about the importance to normal everyday people. if people don't know who julian massage is just knowing vaguely and legal proceedings that have been talked about for 14 years, it was, it was, as you say, the was in iraq and afghanistan. i was talking about this stuff that was destroyed . there was no public interest defense. i knew when a legal scholars when the bindings justice department in the plea deal told them you have to destroy some information that hadn't previously unpublished. there was no defense on assigned to the legal team to go. but what if some of it is in the public interest? no, no, no, no, julian, actually one thing that julian did say, during this hearing is that that he didn't realize that the espionage act trumps the 1st amendment. and i think that's clearly that was a very clear and direct message to everybody out there. what this what this play deal and what this prosecution it actually means is that did you
i'm still here with the brother of wiggs, one of the junior massage. gabriel shifting. gabriel, you were interrupted by me in part one when you were talking about the importance to normal everyday people. if people don't know who julian massage is just knowing vaguely and legal proceedings that have been talked about for 14 years, it was, it was, as you say, the was in iraq and afghanistan. i was talking about this stuff that was destroyed . there was no public interest defense. i knew when a...
Jul 20, 2024
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francine: gabrielle chanel was like a pioneer. and i feel like, when you talk about her, it's also maybe telling a little bit about your story. i mean, you have a unique story. you grew up in a town in india where not many females were educated to a higher level. leena: yes. francine: so what was that journey like? leena: it was a long journey. it is -- i grew up in a small town in the southwest of india called kolhapur. and the world of luxury, refinement, sophistication was very far away from where i grew up. it was a small town like any other. most of my memories of me running barefoot in the town, or having my little bike and riding around. women being ambitious was not the norm. in fact, i remember my mother constantly telling me, "who will marry you, you are so ambitious," and "do you really know what you're going to do with your life?" and so, very limited access to role models, to opportunities. i did engineering after sort of convincing everybody in my family that engineering was good for girls, which was great. it was el
francine: gabrielle chanel was like a pioneer. and i feel like, when you talk about her, it's also maybe telling a little bit about your story. i mean, you have a unique story. you grew up in a town in india where not many females were educated to a higher level. leena: yes. francine: so what was that journey like? leena: it was a long journey. it is -- i grew up in a small town in the southwest of india called kolhapur. and the world of luxury, refinement, sophistication was very far away from...
Jul 20, 2024
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francine: gabrielle chanel was like a pioneer. and i feel like, when you talk about her, it's also maybe telling a little bit about your story. you have a unique story. you grew up in a town in india where not many females were educated to a higher level. leena: yes. francine: so what was that journey like? leena: it was a long journey. it is -- i grew up in a small town in the southwest of india called kolhapur. and the world of luxury, refinement, sophistication was very far away from where i grew up. it was a small town like any other. most of my memories of me running barefoot in the town, or having my little bike and riding around. women being ambitious was not the norm. in fact, i remember my mother constantly telling me, "who will marry you, you are so ambitious," and "do you really know what you're going to do with your life?" and so, very limited access to role models, to opportunities. i did engineering after sort of convincing everybody in my family that engineering was good for girls, which was great. it was electronic
francine: gabrielle chanel was like a pioneer. and i feel like, when you talk about her, it's also maybe telling a little bit about your story. you have a unique story. you grew up in a town in india where not many females were educated to a higher level. leena: yes. francine: so what was that journey like? leena: it was a long journey. it is -- i grew up in a small town in the southwest of india called kolhapur. and the world of luxury, refinement, sophistication was very far away from where i...
Jul 5, 2024
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gabriel: buenas noches.l, en Última hora se ha fortalecido nuevamente y llega a categorÍa 3. sigue dejando precipitaciÓn en algunos puntos cubanos. lluvias en yucatÁn, vean las alertas a esta hora. contamos con un aviso de huracÁn en el Área de tulum, hacia el norte en cancÚn. tambiÉn una tormenta tropical en chetumal, hasta este sector del sur de campeche, bastante lluvia a esta zona desde el Área de campeche y cancÚn. vamos hablar de lo que ocurre hacia norte de mÉxico, en tamaulipas, hacia el sur de texas, para la prÓxima semana se pronostican que dicho sistema deje bastante lluvias. vientos mÁximos de 115 mph. una vez que llegue a las aguas cÁlidas de mÉxico podrÍa ser una tormenta tropical, pero no descarto que se pueda fortalecer nuevamente este huracÁn. paulina: gracias, gabriel. una fuerte ola de calor estÁ afectando al paÍs de costa a costa y mantiene en alerta a 120,000,000 de personas. el oeste de estados unidos sufre la peor parte. hay un incendio que arde en california. es importante que usted s
gabriel: buenas noches.l, en Última hora se ha fortalecido nuevamente y llega a categorÍa 3. sigue dejando precipitaciÓn en algunos puntos cubanos. lluvias en yucatÁn, vean las alertas a esta hora. contamos con un aviso de huracÁn en el Área de tulum, hacia el norte en cancÚn. tambiÉn una tormenta tropical en chetumal, hasta este sector del sur de campeche, bastante lluvia a esta zona desde el Área de campeche y cancÚn. vamos hablar de lo que ocurre hacia norte de mÉxico, en...
Jul 17, 2024
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soto hay un comunicado oficial de gabriel soto.a en el comunicado sÓlo gabriel. jessi: ademÁs hoy nos visita la estrella viral fariana y haremos el paso del caballito. alan: me tienen que enseÑar. se fue viral. fran: prepÁrense porque despierta amÉrica se hace viral con esto. hablamos de donald trump que hay mÁs apoyo para el. satcha: atacan a trump en las primarias pero de brindan su respaldo en la convenciÓn nacional republicana asÍ cambian de actitud antiguos rivales y acusan a biden por un momento de criminalidad e inseguridad. hoy el candidato a vicepresidente sube al escenario. edwin pitt y nos dice quÉ temas aborda en su discurso buenos dÍas edwin. edwin: satcha buenos dÍas estamos reportando desde las afueras en milwaukee donde se lleva a cabo esta convenciÓn nacional republicana. hay que hablar lo que pase en horas de la noche por segundo dÍa donald trump participo de esta convenciÓn y recibiÓ la ovaciÓn de todos los presentes. tuvo la oportunidad escuchar los discursos incluyendo a quien fuera embajadora de estados unidos
soto hay un comunicado oficial de gabriel soto.a en el comunicado sÓlo gabriel. jessi: ademÁs hoy nos visita la estrella viral fariana y haremos el paso del caballito. alan: me tienen que enseÑar. se fue viral. fran: prepÁrense porque despierta amÉrica se hace viral con esto. hablamos de donald trump que hay mÁs apoyo para el. satcha: atacan a trump en las primarias pero de brindan su respaldo en la convenciÓn nacional republicana asÍ cambian de actitud antiguos rivales y acusan a biden...
Jul 8, 2024
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at the moment, prime minister gabriel attal will put his resignation to the president.e big events in france. in two and a half weeks, you have the olympics starting here. we will stand by here. will the centrist parties be able to reinvent the way we do french possible plitics? this is aw wait and see. the voters do not want a far right, but a new way of doing politics. >> charlotte, let's say there. let's bring in antonio barroso, the managing director of teneo. we have seen this over a number of years, but this has resonated with supporters. just how big will the far-left be in the coalition of the nfp? >> it clearly, they came first in the election. make no mistake, they came first in the election because people show up to vote against the national rally. it is not about the endorsement, but it is about fear. so, i think nfp is stronger, but they are divided. this election has produced basically -- it has helped avoid two extreme outcomes. it will not be a government led by the national rally, but jean-luc melenchon will not be the next prime minister of france. cen
at the moment, prime minister gabriel attal will put his resignation to the president.e big events in france. in two and a half weeks, you have the olympics starting here. we will stand by here. will the centrist parties be able to reinvent the way we do french possible plitics? this is aw wait and see. the voters do not want a far right, but a new way of doing politics. >> charlotte, let's say there. let's bring in antonio barroso, the managing director of teneo. we have seen this over a...
Jul 5, 2024
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gabriel: buenas noches.ecipitaciÓn en algunos puntos cubanos. lluvias en yucatÁn, vean las alertas a esta hora. contamos con un aviso de huracÁn en el Área de tulum, hacia el norte en cancÚn. tambiÉn una tormenta tropical en chetumal, hasta este sector del sur de campeche, bastante lluvia a esta zona desde el Área de campeche y cancÚn. vamos hablar de lo que ocurre hacia norte de mÉxico, en tamaulipas, hacia el sur de texas, para la prÓxima semana se pronostican que dicho sistema deje bastante lluvias. vientos mÁximos de 115 mph. una vez que llegue a las aguas cÁlidas de mÉxico podrÍa ser una tormenta tropical, pero no descarto que se pueda fortalecer nuevamente este huracÁn. paulina: gracias, gabriel. una fuerte ola de calor estÁ afectando al paÍs de costa a costa y mantiene en alerta a 120,000,000 de personas. el oeste de estados unidos sufre la peor parte. hay un incendio que arde en california. es importante que usted se refugia en la sombra. >> tengo que estar debajo de un Árbol y tener bastante agua pa
gabriel: buenas noches.ecipitaciÓn en algunos puntos cubanos. lluvias en yucatÁn, vean las alertas a esta hora. contamos con un aviso de huracÁn en el Área de tulum, hacia el norte en cancÚn. tambiÉn una tormenta tropical en chetumal, hasta este sector del sur de campeche, bastante lluvia a esta zona desde el Área de campeche y cancÚn. vamos hablar de lo que ocurre hacia norte de mÉxico, en tamaulipas, hacia el sur de texas, para la prÓxima semana se pronostican que dicho sistema deje...
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i'm still here with the brother of wiggs found the julia that's on gabriel shifting. gabriel, you were interrupted by me in part one when you were talking about the importance to normal everyday people. if people don't know who julia massage is just knowing vaguely and legal proceedings that have been talked about for 14 years, it was, it was, as you say, the was in iraq and afghanistan. i was talking about this stuff that was destroyed . there was no public interest defense. i knew when a legal scholars when the bindings justice department in the plea deal told them you have to destroy some information that hadn't previously unpublished. there was no defense on assigned to the legal team to go. but what if some of it is in the public interest? no, no, no, no, julian, actually one thing the julian didn't say during this hearing is that the he didn't realize that the espionage act trumps the the 1st amendment. and i think that's clearly that was a very clear and direct message to everybody out there. what this what this play deal and what this prosecution actually means is that did you
i'm still here with the brother of wiggs found the julia that's on gabriel shifting. gabriel, you were interrupted by me in part one when you were talking about the importance to normal everyday people. if people don't know who julia massage is just knowing vaguely and legal proceedings that have been talked about for 14 years, it was, it was, as you say, the was in iraq and afghanistan. i was talking about this stuff that was destroyed . there was no public interest defense. i knew when a...
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that's on gabriel shifting. gabriel, you were interrupted by me in part one when you were talking about the importance to normal everyday people. if people don't know who julia massage is just knowing vaguely and legal proceedings that have been talked about for 14 years, it was, it was, as you say, the was in iraq and afghanistan. i was talking about this stuff that was destroyed . there was no public interest defense. i knew when a legal scholars when the bindings justice department in the plea deal told them you have to destroy some information that hadn't previously unpublished. there was no defense on the sides of the legal team to go. but what if some of it is in the public interest? no, no, no, no, julian, actually one thing the julian didn't say during this hearing is that that he didn't realize that the espionage act trumps the the 1st amendment. and i think that's clearly that was a very clear and direct message to everybody out there. what this what this play deal and what this prosecution actually means is that did you go? because in this colonial magistrate, us colonial mag
that's on gabriel shifting. gabriel, you were interrupted by me in part one when you were talking about the importance to normal everyday people. if people don't know who julia massage is just knowing vaguely and legal proceedings that have been talked about for 14 years, it was, it was, as you say, the was in iraq and afghanistan. i was talking about this stuff that was destroyed . there was no public interest defense. i knew when a legal scholars when the bindings justice department in the...
Jul 7, 2024
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french prime minister gabriel attal says he will hand his resignation to president emmanuel macron ony morning. hello and welcome to paris — i'm christian fraser. we had quite the surprise result in the national assembly elections. the new popular front — winning the most seats in the national assembly. it's forecast to win between 182 and 193 seats in total. it's a surprise turnaround from the first round last week, which saw the far—right national rally party win the biggest share of the vote. national rally is projected to have between 136 and 144 mps — national rally is projected to have between 136 and 144 mps... horns honk, a likely third place behind president macron�*s centrist alliance, �*together�*. it's predicted to win between 157 and 163 seats. if confirmed in the full count, france will have a hung parliament. the french prime minister gabriel attal has confirmed he will hand in his resignation to president macron on monday. mr attal said the parliamentary election showed that no majority could be formed by what he called the extremes. take a listen. we have the olympics
french prime minister gabriel attal says he will hand his resignation to president emmanuel macron ony morning. hello and welcome to paris — i'm christian fraser. we had quite the surprise result in the national assembly elections. the new popular front — winning the most seats in the national assembly. it's forecast to win between 182 and 193 seats in total. it's a surprise turnaround from the first round last week, which saw the far—right national rally party win the biggest share of...
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i so not a while, i sort time later, prime minister and gabrielle had told us that he will offer his resignation on monday as well. to night, the political party i've represented during this campaign. he has 3 times more and peas, then one predicted him in last week and just pushed ball measured. so we do not have a majority to that in order to alma, our republican values, want me tomorrow morning. i will submit my resignation to the president of the republic beach. and we're joined now by dw correspondent lisa, we in paris. where you said we've been sharing for weeks now that the far right was possibly going to win this election. now it looks like they only came in 3rd place . what could possibly explain this huge shift? well david, i think this came as a surprise to many people here in funds. as you said, polls were predicting for the far right to come. first, i think of that number of factors contributed to tonight's result are 1st of all, there were lots of groups that were getting mobilized to prevent the far right from a gaining a power of basically, you know, lots of, of ads t
i so not a while, i sort time later, prime minister and gabrielle had told us that he will offer his resignation on monday as well. to night, the political party i've represented during this campaign. he has 3 times more and peas, then one predicted him in last week and just pushed ball measured. so we do not have a majority to that in order to alma, our republican values, want me tomorrow morning. i will submit my resignation to the president of the republic beach. and we're joined now by dw...
Jul 8, 2024
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you had an eye on the message of al-aqba to najaf , gabriel's message to najaf . can i help you? we can , that's all. the color of the same price should be two hands . there is only one hand left of this hairstyle with the same color. that's why it came to saree takhufi at this price. i also came to ask the same thing about the price of that refrigerator, which is very good. well, it's because there is a discount here. and all the accessories here , in addition to the discounts of sarai irani, i also have a special discount. after these purchases, when will they reach us ? whatever you buy right now, it will be delivered to you at the moment . what an attractive, unbelievable discount at sarai. the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in sirah afsarieh. have a good time, dear viewers , you are watching the news section of the economy and market news at 18:00 from khabar network. the head of the trade development organization announced the beginning of the new round of registration of imported cars for applicants. according to mr. zighmi, applicants ca
you had an eye on the message of al-aqba to najaf , gabriel's message to najaf . can i help you? we can , that's all. the color of the same price should be two hands . there is only one hand left of this hairstyle with the same color. that's why it came to saree takhufi at this price. i also came to ask the same thing about the price of that refrigerator, which is very good. well, it's because there is a discount here. and all the accessories here , in addition to the discounts of sarai irani,...
Jul 24, 2024
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ahora parece que el infiel fue gabriel soto y no irina baeva.
ahora parece que el infiel fue gabriel soto y no irina baeva.
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the and david levitz welcome to the program, french prime minister gabrielle. that child has announced he plans to resign. that's as president emmanuel and my call centrist together coalition look set for 2nd place in parliamentary elections. projections show the 4 week old new popular front, the left wing of alliance, unexpectedly coming out on top. nothing depends far right. national rally party is projected to come in 3rd place. the supporters of the french left celebrated in paris. no group looks likely to emerge with an absolute majority in parliament. or let's look at the seat distribution now according to projections from broadcast or t f one. the left wing alliance, the pot, the new popular front in red could get as many as a 198 seats. and yellow president my calls together coalition could take up to a $169.00 seats. nothing depends national rally and light blue is on course to get as many as a 143 seats, far short of a majority, and the center, right, republicans and dark blue are estimated to take up to 63 seats. other parties could get 15 seats. tha
the and david levitz welcome to the program, french prime minister gabrielle. that child has announced he plans to resign. that's as president emmanuel and my call centrist together coalition look set for 2nd place in parliamentary elections. projections show the 4 week old new popular front, the left wing of alliance, unexpectedly coming out on top. nothing depends far right. national rally party is projected to come in 3rd place. the supporters of the french left celebrated in paris. no group...
Jul 16, 2024
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así que no se recuerda de ese famoso noa noa, de juan gabriel.ay que hacer una lista de las favoritas. sí, querida. hasta que te conocí. hasta que te conocí. cuál otra? el noa. noa. el noa. noa porque me haces llorar. don césar, usted sabe que ya casi voy a llorar. nos vemos >> esta tarde en noticias telemundo desde milwaukee, wisconsin. jd vance is such a man. donald trump despeja la incÓgnita y elige al senador por ohio. jd vance. como su compaÑero de fÓrmula por presidente donald j. trump, el expresidente es ya oficialmente el candidato republicano elegido por los delegados de la convenciÓn. la ciudad se blinda despuÉs del intento de asesinato a trump. ademÁs, una jueza federal desestima el caso contra trump de los papeles secretos en maralago considera que el fiscal especial jack smith debiÓ ser elegido por el congreso. caos en la final de la copa amÉrica. aficionados se enfrentan a la policÍa y vandalizan el estadio cuando intentan ingresar al partido argentina colombia sin boletos. otros que pagaron miles de dÓlares se quedaron sin entrar.
así que no se recuerda de ese famoso noa noa, de juan gabriel.ay que hacer una lista de las favoritas. sí, querida. hasta que te conocí. hasta que te conocí. cuál otra? el noa. noa. el noa. noa porque me haces llorar. don césar, usted sabe que ya casi voy a llorar. nos vemos >> esta tarde en noticias telemundo desde milwaukee, wisconsin. jd vance is such a man. donald trump despeja la incÓgnita y elige al senador por ohio. jd vance. como su compaÑero de fÓrmula por presidente...
Jul 7, 2024
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archangel gabriel, who announced to him about the future birth of an unusual baby.ing at his advanced age, zechariah doubted the possibilities of what the archangel said. therefore, for his unbelief, he was deprived of the opportunity to speak until the birth of john. and here we can emphasize an important lesson for ourselves. spiritual doubts happen to everyone, even through fasting and prayer, but one can say that the lord himself prepared the holy spirit in these circumstances of the life. him to great service. ioan pritecha wore rough clothes and ate bitter honey from wild bees and locusts. when he was 30 years old, the lord commanded him to come out of the desert and preach the coming of christ. john came to the jordan river, in which the jews traditionally performed religious ablutions. here he began to tell the people about repentance and baptism. for the remission of sins, and also baptized people in the jordanian waters. this was not the sacrament of baptism as we know it now, but it was a type of it. the people believed the prophecies of john the baptist,
archangel gabriel, who announced to him about the future birth of an unusual baby.ing at his advanced age, zechariah doubted the possibilities of what the archangel said. therefore, for his unbelief, he was deprived of the opportunity to speak until the birth of john. and here we can emphasize an important lesson for ourselves. spiritual doubts happen to everyone, even through fasting and prayer, but one can say that the lord himself prepared the holy spirit in these circumstances of the life....
Jul 16, 2024
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así que no se recuerda de ese famoso noa noa, de juan gabriel.
así que no se recuerda de ese famoso noa noa, de juan gabriel.
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the alliance , the shame of the dangerous electoral agreements concluded by emmanuel macron and gabrielroups, deprives the french people of the course for the restoration of the country, with which we were in the lead in the european elections in the parliamentary elections in the first round. she lost to macron twice in the presidential elections and is ready to get up and dust herself off again. move on to a new one goals, presidential elections of the twenty-seventh year. the fact that president macron’s bloc is together, ahead of le pen’s right, is not a compliment to the leader. the approval rating of the president of the rich, as he is called, has dropped to 20% due to migration and economic problems, as well as pension reform. but many of those who now voted for macron’s bloc voted both against the right, fearing nationalism, and against the left, fearing. nationalization, but not for macron as such. after the angel department departed in germany in the twenty-first year merkel, macron wanted to become the most influential politician in the european union. and then the role of th
the alliance , the shame of the dangerous electoral agreements concluded by emmanuel macron and gabrielroups, deprives the french people of the course for the restoration of the country, with which we were in the lead in the european elections in the parliamentary elections in the first round. she lost to macron twice in the presidential elections and is ready to get up and dust herself off again. move on to a new one goals, presidential elections of the twenty-seventh year. the fact that...
Jul 10, 2024
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se desatan rumores de separaciÓnentre irina y gabriel, gabriel eliminÓ la fotos de irina de su cuentay world of haribo ♪ [mÚsica] alan: seguimos con este tema. platÍcame de un post que acaba de salir hace 18 horas. montse: fue algo que irina puso hace 18 horas en donde dice que estÁn emocionados por la magia de este proyecto. una de las personas que etiquetÓ es una compaÑÍa de arquitectura y de diseÑos de interiores. a mÍ me suena a publicidad. compromiso. marcela:si tÚ lo revisas esa cuenta en particular, no hay ningÚn o relativo a esa reuniÓn, si es reciente deberÍa de estar. >> hay cuestiones que todavÍa quedan cuando esta carta que es una de las mejores que tienen las cartas espaÑolas que estÁ al revÉs es que todo va en decadencia. que el Éxito no estÁ y que el amor lo tienes que cambiar. es que esos tienen nuevas planificaciones pero en esto momentos no. marcela: Él tuvo un problema de salud y esa este tema laboral, le estÁn cambiando tambiÉn la narrativa a todo el tema. hablando de otra cosa de lo uno y de lo otro es de la relaciÓn otra vez. >> el problema de salud es por estrÉs
se desatan rumores de separaciÓnentre irina y gabriel, gabriel eliminÓ la fotos de irina de su cuentay world of haribo ♪ [mÚsica] alan: seguimos con este tema. platÍcame de un post que acaba de salir hace 18 horas. montse: fue algo que irina puso hace 18 horas en donde dice que estÁn emocionados por la magia de este proyecto. una de las personas que etiquetÓ es una compaÑÍa de arquitectura y de diseÑos de interiores. a mÍ me suena a publicidad. compromiso. marcela:si tÚ lo revisas...
Jul 9, 2024
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. >> the lines of dishonor and the arrangements made by emmanuel macron and gabrielle atta -- gabriel attal, reforms largely there, but in the european elections and in last week's first round, almost 34% in our favor. >> exit poll projections for emmanuel macron's alliance was second, so no longer in control of the parliament. macron's prime minister, 35-year-old gabriel attal announced his resignation. >> in line with my own principles, i will hand in my resignation to the president of the republic in the morning. i know a good number of french people are feeling a form of uncertainty about the future because there's been no absolute majority. >> many support the newly formed left-wing, new popular front grouping, gathered at republic square in central paris. the coalition emerged strongest after sunday's vote. a controversial figurehead demanded the left be allowed to form a government. >> the president must be resigned to accept his defeat without any way possible. the president has the power. the president has the duty to call on the new popular front to resume -- to rule. >> a s
. >> the lines of dishonor and the arrangements made by emmanuel macron and gabrielle atta -- gabriel attal, reforms largely there, but in the european elections and in last week's first round, almost 34% in our favor. >> exit poll projections for emmanuel macron's alliance was second, so no longer in control of the parliament. macron's prime minister, 35-year-old gabriel attal announced his resignation. >> in line with my own principles, i will hand in my resignation to the...
Jul 8, 2024
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presentador: gracias gabriel, gracias, nÚmero de legisladores demÓcrata de la cÁmara de los entrantela postura de recuperar la mayorÍa la cÁmara, comparte con sus colegas la posturas dar reelecciÓn. presentador: comenzar el juicio del mortal incidente, el actor alex baldwin, estÁ en el centro de este caso que ha estado en la tensiÓn del trÁgico suceso, ana vargas nos hace un reencuentro de la podemos esperar. reportera: el juicio por la directora de fotografÍa en el se de la pelÍcula comienza de nuevo mÉxico, a unas 20 millas dando con otra quieren los 21, el actor principal fue acusado de homicidio voluntario, matando e hiriendo al director. >> lo que estÁn tratando de mostrar que simplemente la forma estaba marcando el ser, tres estÁ llevando la pelÍcula no hay maneras de mantener la seguridad. reportera: estrellas proceso dura nueve dÍas con la selecciÓn del jurado iniciando el martes y la declaraciÓn de apertura el miÉrcoles, la presiÓn ha insistido mantener a los abogados en lÍnea candelario. >> la defensa que estÁ diciendo el simplemente prepara la pistola como cerveza va a ser
presentador: gracias gabriel, gracias, nÚmero de legisladores demÓcrata de la cÁmara de los entrantela postura de recuperar la mayorÍa la cÁmara, comparte con sus colegas la posturas dar reelecciÓn. presentador: comenzar el juicio del mortal incidente, el actor alex baldwin, estÁ en el centro de este caso que ha estado en la tensiÓn del trÁgico suceso, ana vargas nos hace un reencuentro de la podemos esperar. reportera: el juicio por la directora de fotografÍa en el se de la pelÍcula...
Jul 6, 2024
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paulina: para saber quÉ rumbo podrÍa tener el huracÁn beryl, vamos con nuestro experto gabriel torres sigue dejando precipitaciÓn en la penÍnsula de yucatÁn, aunque va de salida. continÚan las alertas ahora para territorio texano. y este contamos con una vigilancia por huracÁn como lo puede ver en gran parte del Área de corpus cristi, asÍ somos tambiÉn esta zona que expira hasta el sÁbado a las 7:00 p.m. mientras tanto, esto es lo nuevo, cuenta con vientos mÁximos sostenidos de 60 millas por hora, rÁfagas de 65 y se dirige al oeste hacia las 13 millas por hora. vemos lo que ocurre en las prÓximas horas. maÑana se pronostica que atraviesa el golfo de mÉxico como una tormenta tropical. y tambiÉn se espera que gane velocidad como categorÍa uno. hay que estar pendientes que puede impactar en algunos puntos cerca de corpus cristi pero hay que estar al pendiente a lo que va a estar ocurriendo. todavÍa continÚa la posibilidad de que experimentemos lluvia desde san antonio y ciudades principales como austin y houston como una tormenta tropical. asÍ luce la rotaciÓn en las prÓximas horas. hay
paulina: para saber quÉ rumbo podrÍa tener el huracÁn beryl, vamos con nuestro experto gabriel torres sigue dejando precipitaciÓn en la penÍnsula de yucatÁn, aunque va de salida. continÚan las alertas ahora para territorio texano. y este contamos con una vigilancia por huracÁn como lo puede ver en gran parte del Área de corpus cristi, asÍ somos tambiÉn esta zona que expira hasta el sÁbado a las 7:00 p.m. mientras tanto, esto es lo nuevo, cuenta con vientos mÁximos sostenidos de 60...
Jul 6, 2024
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paulina: para saber quÉ rumbo podrÍa tener el huracÁn beryl, vamos con nuestro experto gabriel torresamenaza gran parte del golfo de mÉxico y es que todavÍa se informa que sigue dejando precipitaciÓn en la penÍnsula de yucatÁn, aunque va de salida. continÚan las alertas ahora para territorio texano. y este contamos con una vigilancia por huracÁn como lo puede ver en gran parte del Área de corpus cristi, asÍ somos tambiÉn esta zona que expira hasta el sÁbado a las 7:00 p.m. mientras tanto, esto es lo nuevo, cuenta con vientos mÁximos sostenidos de 60 millas por hora, rÁfagas de 65 y se dirige al oeste hacia las 13 millas por hora. vemos lo que ocurre en las prÓximas horas. maÑana se pronostica que atraviesa el golfo de mÉxico como una tormenta tropical. y tambiÉn se espera que gane velocidad como categorÍa uno. hay que estar pendientes que puede impactar en algunos puntos cerca de corpus cristi pero hay que estar al pendiente a lo que va a estar ocurriendo. todavÍa continÚa la posibilidad de que experimentemos lluvia desde san antonio y ciudades principales como austin y houston como u
paulina: para saber quÉ rumbo podrÍa tener el huracÁn beryl, vamos con nuestro experto gabriel torresamenaza gran parte del golfo de mÉxico y es que todavÍa se informa que sigue dejando precipitaciÓn en la penÍnsula de yucatÁn, aunque va de salida. continÚan las alertas ahora para territorio texano. y este contamos con una vigilancia por huracÁn como lo puede ver en gran parte del Área de corpus cristi, asÍ somos tambiÉn esta zona que expira hasta el sÁbado a las 7:00 p.m....
Jul 6, 2024
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it has a certain thing that gabrielle chanel would have loved.hat have you learned about yourself as chief executive? you were in charge of hr at unilever. it's a massive company, hundreds, thousands of employees. is it different actually being in charge of a company than being in leena nair on transition from unilever to chanel? leena: when i was moved into chanel, a mentor told me you're doing a quadruple jump start. it's a change on so many dimensions. public to private. anglo-dutch to french heritage. i have weekly french classes. it has been a change on all dimensions. luxury is so different, all the preciousness, the rarity. it's not available everywhere, every time. it is the balance between timeless, a quest for new. it is all of that. to me, the principles of business and the principles of leadership are transferable across sectors. how to run business across multiple countries, multiple product categories, multiple geographies, multiple cultures how to galvanize and inspire teams across again, multiple cultures, there are principles whi
it has a certain thing that gabrielle chanel would have loved.hat have you learned about yourself as chief executive? you were in charge of hr at unilever. it's a massive company, hundreds, thousands of employees. is it different actually being in charge of a company than being in leena nair on transition from unilever to chanel? leena: when i was moved into chanel, a mentor told me you're doing a quadruple jump start. it's a change on so many dimensions. public to private. anglo-dutch to...
Jul 16, 2024
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karbala, gabriel.eza ali, what happened to you , or morteza ali had a son, because what happened to the message of karbala , gabriel karbala. alghamha's message to najbarhim, what happened to morteza ali qamari or morteza aliri, what happened to karbala's message, karbala's message. najaf, jibreel sent a message from karbala to najaf and jabri, when did morteza ali have a wife, or when did morteza ali get married? from al-hussein and peace be upon ali al-hussein al-laima said, noor ali al-hussein noor from al-hussein and salutations to ali al-hussein umm al -aima said nuhu ali al-hussein umm al-aima said nuh ali al-hussein hussain hussain hussain once again, the arrival of hussain's ashura is at the service of each one of you. respected viewers, i offer my condolences, but today the members of hossein, peace be upon him , are holding a mourning ceremony for sayyid and leader of martyrs aba abdullah hussein, peace be upon him, in all holy places, mosques and sacred shrines. to one of my colleagues who i
karbala, gabriel.eza ali, what happened to you , or morteza ali had a son, because what happened to the message of karbala , gabriel karbala. alghamha's message to najbarhim, what happened to morteza ali qamari or morteza aliri, what happened to karbala's message, karbala's message. najaf, jibreel sent a message from karbala to najaf and jabri, when did morteza ali have a wife, or when did morteza ali get married? from al-hussein and peace be upon ali al-hussein al-laima said, noor ali...
Jul 8, 2024
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. >> the lines of dishonor and the arrangements made by emmanuel macron and gabrielle atta -- gabrielttal, reforms largely there, but in the european elections and in last week's first round, almost 34% in our favor. >> exit poll projections for emmanuel macron's alliance was second, so no longer in control of the parliament. macron's prime minister, 35-year-old gabriel attal announced his resignation. >> in line with my own principles, i will hand in my resignation to the president of the republic in the morning. i know a good number of french people are feeling a form of uncertainty about the future because there's been no absolute majority. >> many support the newly formed left-wing, new popular front grouping, gathered at republic square in central paris. the coalition emerged strongest after sunday's vote. a controversial figurehead demanded the left be allowed to form a government. >> the president must be resigned to accept his defeat without any way possible. the president has the power. the president has the duty to call on the new popular front to resume -- to rule. >> a stu
. >> the lines of dishonor and the arrangements made by emmanuel macron and gabrielle atta -- gabrielttal, reforms largely there, but in the european elections and in last week's first round, almost 34% in our favor. >> exit poll projections for emmanuel macron's alliance was second, so no longer in control of the parliament. macron's prime minister, 35-year-old gabriel attal announced his resignation. >> in line with my own principles, i will hand in my resignation to the...
Jul 18, 2024
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al-ghambra's message to najaf, gabriel's message to najaf.had the message of karbala to najbraei or morteza ali , what happened or what happened to morteza ali? ali noor from al-hussein and greetings to ali al-hussein, the message of karbala najaf was taken by jabreel pigha karbala, i najaf and jabreel or morteza ali had an eye on each other. or morteza ali , what happened to al-ghama's message, al-ghama's message was to najaf , gabriel, al-ghama's message was to najaf, jabr, or morteza ali, or morteza aliri . may your mourning be accepted. let's go to yasouj, where the memorial of the martyrs who defend security is supposed to be held today , coincides with the third day of the martyrdom of seyyed and salar of martyrs. imam hussain (peace be upon him) will be held and we will be together with my colleague, mr. atai, a news reporter. broadcaster, mr. atai, hello, i am informing you . yes, in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful i would like to serve you, dear colleagues and viewers, and i would also like to express my condolences on
al-ghambra's message to najaf, gabriel's message to najaf.had the message of karbala to najbraei or morteza ali , what happened or what happened to morteza ali? ali noor from al-hussein and greetings to ali al-hussein, the message of karbala najaf was taken by jabreel pigha karbala, i najaf and jabreel or morteza ali had an eye on each other. or morteza ali , what happened to al-ghama's message, al-ghama's message was to najaf , gabriel, al-ghama's message was to najaf, jabr, or morteza ali, or...
Jul 9, 2024
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. >> the lines of dishonor and the arrangements made by emmanuel macron and gabrielle atta -- gabriel attal, reforms largely there, but in the european elections and in last week's first round, almost 34% in our favor. >> exit poll projections for emmanuel macron's alliance was cond, so no loer in control of the parliament. macron's prime minister, 35-year-old gabriel attal announced his resignation. >> in line with my n principles, i will hand in my resignation to the president of the republic in the morning. i know a good number of french people are feeling a form of uncertainty about the future because there's been no absolute majority. >> many support the newly formed left-wing, new popular front grouping, gathered at republic square in ceral paris. the coalion emerged strongest afte sunday's ve. ctroveral figurehead demanded t left be allowed to fo a government. >> the president must be resigned to accept his defeat without any way possible. the president has the power. the president has t duty to call othe new popar front to resume -- to rule. >> a stunning turn of events, franc
. >> the lines of dishonor and the arrangements made by emmanuel macron and gabrielle atta -- gabriel attal, reforms largely there, but in the european elections and in last week's first round, almost 34% in our favor. >> exit poll projections for emmanuel macron's alliance was cond, so no loer in control of the parliament. macron's prime minister, 35-year-old gabriel attal announced his resignation. >> in line with my n principles, i will hand in my resignation to the...