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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 11, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am EST

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>> good evening much acknowledge welcome to are al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler in new york. devastation, view from above as tuesday morning reveals extensive typhoon damage. residents are lined up desperate to git out. the challenge and help veterans are faced with after serving their country. catholic bishops try appeal to a new generation. >> we begin tonight with images from the philippines where more
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than 10,000 people are likely dead and hundreds of thousands now desperate to find a place to live. the world is now getting a closer look at the widespread destruction from supertyphoon haiyan. there are reports of mass graves and bodies lining the streets. destroyed runways and roads are make search and rescue efforts even more difficult. there's now anger fear and from you traition ifrustration in --n the town of tacloban. from here in the united states aid is rushing in, the filipino military says four days after the storm it's now just beginning to deliver supplies to remote areas that need it the most. more than 20 countries have contributed so far. in addition to the united states britain and australia both donated $10 million to buy tents
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mosquito nets and sleeping nets. craig leeson, what's the latest there? >> well, we just got back from the air force base here, where the c-130 herk leas hercules ait rotate every hour dropping off survivors that need medical attention taking them oa specially set up hospital at that base where they're being dealt with immediately and then they're loading those planes up with supply with the aid that's coming from the u.s., coming from britain australia all over the world and taking that back down to tacloban the capital city of the worst hit area. and that's where that aid is then distributed as far as they possibly can.
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and it must be pointed out that they're still having difficulty getting that aid out to where it needs to go. because some of these areas have not been cleared, the bridges are still impassible. there's still debris strewn everywhere. so the only way to get in is by helicopter. and i spoke to a helicopter pilot just before i left that base and they said they were dropping in wherever they saw survivors and handing out food. >> craig what's the scene at the airport where you just were? >> yes, it's very busy. the planes coming in and out. and every time one lands, there's a line of these survivors that come off. we spoke to several of them. they look exhausted. they talk about -- there's one chap we spoke to who just came back, he had been down there for three days look for his mother. he found his house completely devastated. he wasn't here, he was in sabu
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when the storm struck. he was only able to get in there two days ago. he discovered his mother was alive but his house was destroyed. the military were there ready to go on, they had weapons, trying to halt some of the looting that is going on in some of these townships so it's a very busy situation down there. >> when these people get into sabu what happens to them then? >> well, the injured are processed at the hospital, and the military hospital that's there, because you see, the hospitals that are operating in tacloban up until yesterday they had no power, they had no communication so doctors and medical staff were operating without lights. they've got generators there now and they do have these mobile cell towers so they are able to maintain communications. but still it's not enough in there for them to do their jobs
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properly. to so these injured are being treat, brought back, so taking down family members who do want to go down and search for their relatives. >> craig, we are seeing pictures, long lines of bodies alongside the road. how are they dealing with the dead? >> well, they're not at the moment. and their focus is on the survivors and getting the food aid out. the problem that we've got is the bodies have been in the sun for three days and of course that's creating a big problem. the stench of death is in the air. and these bodies are slowly decomposing and that's causing problems. particularly, because people are still waning around the streets searching for food amongst the debris, searching for their family members and friends who may have been killed by this
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typhoon. that's something they are going to have to address very quickly. in some of these aids that are coming in there is body bags and sanitation to deal with just like that. >> you see people frustrated angry tempers rising. how is that impacting the rescue, the search effort and also the humanitarian effort there? >> well, it's a situation of desperation. as you can imagine, many people there still haven't eaten four days on. they're finding it very difficult to get water. and so they're doing whatever they can to simply survive. there was one survivor who talked about stepping across a body in a broken house, to get to the owner's food stores that were in there. he said look this is shameful but what choice do i have? i have to survive and there's no food here.
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they are droifn do things they -- driven to do things that they normally wouldn't consider. that is going on. the looting is going on, people are taking advantage of things, there are reports that people looting white goods. a mcdonald's sign was taken and that's simply not necessary of course but it's important for the philippine government as they say to get their troops on the ground and that's what they're doing and these troops are armed and slowly taking croag control of the areas where they are able to get into. >> this is clearly not an easy area to get out of through communications ar standpoint ane thank you very much. >> after the philippines a weakened haiyan struck vietnam and china and the storm continued to break a path of destruction.
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take a look at this. just incredible power of the floodwater there, the storm surge. this ship was being forced from its dock by rising water and powerful waves and the boat eventually can be seen crashing into the a bridge in south china. the storm is blamed for at least four deaths in vietnam. nairgss across the -- nations across the globe are rushing for help, for the country in need. juan molina reports. >> to help if victims of typhoon haiyan, the u.s. sending food money and military muscle. along with a number of marines currently stationed in okinawa, japan. the u.s. is sending the mv 20 os
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osprey. >> we are standing by to provide additional assistance. >> the u.k. make similarness assistance, money and military assistance to help the thousands displaced by the human storm. >> the hms daring will shortly be heading full speed towards the disaster zone. >> a medical team is rushing towards the philippines, japanese said troops could be next. the european union is pledging swift action. eu officials say in the coming days there will be three main priorities. >> the first is to restore access to remote areas as quickly as possible. access means transportation access and the restoration of telecommunications. the second is to deliver humanitarian assistance for
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people affected as quickly as possible and the third is shelter. >> 30 tons of ready to eat food is enough to feed 130,000 people for one day. on a smaller scale, individuals are trying to help any way they can. a filipino grocery store in los angeles taking donations. residents from a filipino community are donating food and even their own clothes to family members struggling with the storm's aftermath. >> clothes shoes and a lot of you know cans and also noodles. easy to eat. >> the relief effort is only the beginning of a long road to recovery. juan carlos molina al jazeera. >> to find out how you can help the victims log onto our website, click on the typhoon haiyan tab and
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you'll find a lot of resource he on the right side of the page. heavy thunderstorms dumping more rain on the philippines. kevin corriveau, are kevin. >> if we are going to see anything bigger but this is going to stay as a tropical disturbance. pushing over the central part of the philippines. what it's going to do once it guess into the south china sea, it will develop into a tropical storm but we'll watch this carefully. rescue and relief efforts that's going to make some issues there. for haiyan well, that is now gone. notice the clouds right there over parts of china moving to the east. really dissipated. clouds pushing over taiwan as well as the eastern part of china. also when i come back. we're going to be talking about very cold air cross the northern plains.
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back to you john. thank you kevin. team rubicon last already adispatched teams to the philippines. why they are especially prepared for disaster response. >> this is where they're going? the planted city of tacloban, where there's no food, no water and help is only beginning to survive. most volunteers for team rubicon are military veterans. >> just the flexibility and adapt albert we have as veterans. you can give us any motion mission and we'll get it done. >> team rubicon has sent volunteers anywhere from are new orleans to haiti. on saturday team rubicon sent a team of 15 to meet about a group of doctors. they carried enough supplies to be self-sufficient for 96 hours
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until a logistics team revise. >> i understand you speak tagalog. >> nicole was coordinating that logistics team. >> what i feel satisfied by is go out with a logistics team and help bring order to chaos. >> david will help to bring food medicine and whatever team rubicon do to a city that has nothing. >> nobody is shooting at me this time around, i'm not shooting at anybody else, we're there to help. >> brian rooney, el segundo, california. >> joining us is jake, the founder of team rubicon. it's good to see you tonight. >> thank you for having me. >> tell me how this started. >> the organization started almost three -- three and a half years ago after the haiti earthquake.
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myself and another marine led a system of first responders down to port a oh auprince. >> out of that came team rubicon. why did you decide to take it the next step? >> we really had no.intention to start an organization. it was all about helping a area in great need but we had this ability to translate into disaster response and we felt that it was a worthwhile cause to pursue to try to provide military veterans coming back from iraq and afghanistan with the opportunity to continue their service in situations like this to help their fellow humanity in need. >> but when fellows go into the disaster areas does it sometimes
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spark some of the memories that they experienced when they were in place he like afghanistan and iraq? >> well, i think there's the potential for that. and we take -- we go great lengths to make sure that those situations, those experiences are mitigated. but i think what we more often find is that it's a therapeutic experience for those getting involved. they find themselves going places and use experiences they learned in war and then instead go and do nothing but help. it is a very healing experience and they provide aid to people again who are in desperate need of it. >> as they spread word to other vets that this program has begun to grow? >> yes, absolutely. we have never spent a moment trying to recruit more veterans into the cause. that's just happened organically and through word of mouth. what we've found is there idea this concept it really excites veterans and they love the opportunity to serve. so when somebody gets involved it is not uncommon for us to see
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the ripple effect through the person's former unit and people join it and join the effort. >> you have already given a lot to your country and now to people around the world. jake it's great to thank you. thanks for appearing and good luck. >> thanks for having me john. (r) president obama spoke at arlington national cemetery this morning, he laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns and pate tribute to veterans of all wars. >> today we gather once more to honor patriots to render the highest service any person can render this nation. those who fought for our freedom and stood sentry for our security. on this hillside of solemn remembrance and in veterans halls and in proud parades across america we join as one people to honor a debt we can
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never fully repay. >> another story we want to tell you about on this veteran's day. another veteran is dedicating his times and talents to families of faw fawrnl soldiers. michael regan. >> he is a talented portrait office by the name of michael regan. he is the creative force behind the fallen heroes project. it's work that he loves to which he is completely committed and which helps him, too. >> ten hours a day michael regan draws. >> as long as people need these portraits and i'm able to draw them, i'll be doing them. >> it has brought his soul back he says. >> i draw soldiers every day, men and women, old and young. >> in vietnam he saw and lost so
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much. >> we were just holding his leg on hoping somebody could do something. he said like, i just wanted to go home and i closed his eyes and died. but i remember those eyes every day. when i start these portraits i see those eyes. >> it is marine corporal michael 10 looking back at him. 10 died this march. ten years ago, regan got a call from a grieving wife who had seen his celebrity portraits. she wanted him to draw her husband, killed in iraq. >> it was the first one. i've done dozens of these. >> simple imr answers: >> why are you here? why am i here, i think i'm here to do this work. >> every portrait is sent to recipients with a personal
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letter from regan. >> should be about the same. >> who this thanks them for allowing him to share their loss and ease their pain. we brought this portrait to corporal 10's girl friend. >> amy, we have a delivery from michael regan. >> and amy frost can once again look into fenn's eyes. >> sorry. >> there's an incredible broken heart in this cup and there's nothing i can do to fix that but part of this broken heart are these families and i can help fix that. >> you want to get as many as you can in this. this will help a lot. >> and even though he draws war dead he insists his art is not a statement about war or death. it's an acknowledgment of loss and service. a mission and a calling.
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>> i don't have a choice. this is -- i don't think i'm the one drawing at the table. i think it's my hands. i'm never alone down here even though i may be by myself. >> so many finished, so many more to do. michael regan will keep at this job and keeping these eyes alive. >> until someone has to draw my portrait. >> regan says he has already chosen the artist that bill do his portrait when he dice. figure about five hours each time and michael regan says he has a long long list of suspects. allen schoffler, al jazeera, chicago. clinics allowed to remain open are packed with patients. >> before we flew it we were by the ceiling clinging to our
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lives. >> an al jazeera reporter clinging in the storm to all its fury. she tells its story. the gap between rich and poor... job creation... climate change... tax cuts... the economy... iran... healthcare... it goes on and on... ad guests on all sides of the debate. and a host willing to ask the tough questions and you'll get... the inside story theses are strait forward conversations, no agenda, just hard hitting debate on the issues that matter to you ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5 eastern only on al jazeera america
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>> from our headquarters in new york, here are the headlines this hour. >> al jazeera america is the only news channel that brings you live news at the top of every hour. >> a deal in the senate may be at hand and just in the nick of time. >> thousands of new yorkers are marching in solidarity. >> we're following multiple developments on syria at this hour. >> every hour from reporters stationed around the world and across the country.
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>> only on al jazeera america. >> tough new abortion restrictions now in effect in texas. they're having an impact. more than a third of the state's clinics that provide abortion he are closed. those that are open are overrun with patients. heidi zhou-castro has the story. >> in a little over a week the patient load and wait times have doubled. >> typically we're seeing about 90 to 100 patients a week spread out over at least four days. and last week, ah alone, we saw 180 to antoinette patients in three days . >> 14 of the state's 36 abortion clinics have effectively closed leaving large parts of texas with no abortion services. the clinic say women are now
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driving hours to make their appointments. the backlog is forcing there clinic to turn some women away. >> one of the phone calls i made to cancel appointments, the woman called back in a panic and threatened suicide. and at that point, what do you say to people? >> and the clinics that are open have fewer doctors who can perform abortions. that's due to the new legal requirement that all abortion doctors have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital. this hospital in dallas requires active staff doctors to admit a minimum of 18 patients a year. that's contrary to the goals of an abortion doctor who would only send their patients to a loss when something goes wrong. this clinic lost half of its doctors. these doctors have worked in and around each other in dallas for last 40 year. and they're all sitting at home. and these are the original pioneers. these are the ones who stepped up to provide this and stayed
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with it even as the stigma grew. >> and in texas, the antiabortion stigma keeps growing. >> and i'm here because i would like to pray for all the kids, that they are planning to abortion. >> antiabortion protestors gather outside clinics in support of the restrictions which the state of texas argues advance women's health and protect life. the state of the new law now rests with the u.s. fifth circuit court of appeals. it will hear the case in january to decide its constitutionality. antonin scalia will hear whether the case is ready to be heard. heidi zhou-castro. al jazeera, dallas.
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michael eaves joins us here with sports and more information about the miami dolphins scanld scandal. >> miami dolphins own are stephen rolf said he was appalled with the hazing scandal hanging over his team and he plans to get to the bottom of the allegation that jonathan martin was being bullied by his teammates. he said he will meet with martin wednesday in los angeles. novak djokovic maintained his title over rafael nadal in london. gives him his third career title at the season-ending event. and just 17 years after it opened at the time summer olympics the atlanta braves are ready to leave turner field.
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a new stadium about ten miles from downtown in suburb awn cobb county. we'll hear more from the doll vins owner coming up a little bit later in the show. >> all right, michael thank you. an al jazeera reporter found herself in a very dangerous situation fighting for her life. and on this veterans day how america's newest vettes are getting a chance to succeed with the post-9/11 gu g.i. bill.
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>> welcome back to al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler in new york. here's a look at the headlines. secretary of state john kerry defending the u.s. strategy in iran. he says the u.s. and other global partners were united on a deal but iran failed to accept that deal. progress was made in the geneva talks. iran and the nuclear agency did agree on a deal today to give inspectors greater access to the
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country's nuclear program. on in veterans day americans across the country have been honoring veterans who served. president obama laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns and promised uncompromising support to the veterans. a lot of pushing and surviving for typhoon haiyan survivors. the government has been trying to evacuate thousands from the area without electricity aor fresh water. al jazeera's jamalia lindigan was in tacloban, preparing a story and suddenly she found herself fighting for her life. >> it was a force that paralyzed the entire province. it destroyed everything in its path. power lines, roads, coastal
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villages all wiped out in an instance. the typhoon arrived three hours earlier than expected. thousands of people were trapped when water rose as high as five meters. we were one of them right in the eye of haiyan's rath. now we are trying to make our way out of this place. this is what a little over three hours of the rath of typhoon haiyan has brought into the sound of tacloban. this place has become a ghost town. just a few hours ago we were ourselves caught up in the middle of what is considered the most powerful typhoon in the world this year. it was hard because at some point we were preparing for a live and all of a sudden the water started going up and before we knew it we were by the ceiling clinging to our lives. it is a miracle we survived. what we need do is make our way out of here because there is
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only destruction and death. it was the world's most powerful typhoon on record. and the damage is unprecedented. the governor says he fears at least 20,000 people are dead and those that 75 face far more difficult -- that survive face far more difficult days ahead. thousands are left homeless and unsure exactly where to go, searching for shelter in the structures that are remaining. the reality too hard for many to grasp. >> translator: we almost drowned. it's so difficult we have nothing left. no place to sleep. not even dry clothes to wear. >> translator: we were in the gymnasium which is supposed ton our evacuation center but -- expoafs to be our evacuation center but suddenly it
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collapsed. everyone started running everywhere to save their own lives. >> this establishment is one of the operations after the typhoon. but doctors here are working under strained conditions. operating without electricity and clean water and the supply of medicine is running out. most of the areas remain unreachable. the dead, the wounded and those that survived cut out from the rest of the world. and as night falls people here become even more desperate. the devastation is staggering but the true extent of the damage remains unknown. jamal, al jazeera central philippines. >> the first of the aircraft sent to the region is expected to arrive within two days. president obama ordered the u.s.s. george washington and several other naval vehicles to
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the philippines. they are capable of dropping tons of water daily. iran says it will allow some access to some of its nuclear sites, two days after negotiation with global powers end ep. secretary of state john kerry remains in the area, and mike viqueria is in washington tonight. >> hi john. secretary kerry telling one of the talk shows, we the obama administration we're not blind, we're not stupid. he's compelled to defend what happened in geneva because they came up empty at least for now and number two the perception among congress, most notably benjamin netanyahu the prime minister of israel, they are given too much carrot and not
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enough stick in the negotiatio negotiations. secretary kerry, when you gather officials in the situation and don't come to an agreement it leads to disappointment. he'll head up to capitol hill this week to try to explain to these senators who are very critical of him why they should hold off on more saption he against iran. the secretary of state made a stop in abu dhabi. >> there was unity, but iran at that particular point couldn't accept that agreement. hard work was done. progress was made. the p-5 plus 1 was united, there is a gap still between what language may be appropriate that they're prepared to accept but the concept that we are all
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working on, we have absolute unity on. >> now the issue what is on the table here iran's right to enrich 80 uranium. of course iran says it is for civilian purposes. the united states know if some point they were to try to change that into weapons grade plutonium-or uranium they the ocould do so. there are already sanction he imposed by the western powers including the united states. the administration says this is what has empowered iran to the table. a very sensitive stage john. >> mike viqueria in washington forus. family tragedy, the son of oklahoma senator james inhoff has died. went down about five miles north
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of tulsa international. witness he say the plane spiraled before heading down, and plane reported mechanical problems before that crash. four years ago, the government rolled out the most generous set of are programs since the g.i. bill. >> i've always believed that the greatest thing i have ever done in my life is serve my country. >> as a sr. in downtown philadelphia, ashley is a lot removed from serving on the flight deck of a carrier. but growing up in the worst of baltimore's inner city, just before her service contract was up in august 2009 when the
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post-9/11 g.i. bill became law. veterans under the post-9/11 g.i. bill, up to $19,198 annually for private school costs. >> what we were hoping to do with the post-9/11 gi. bill, recognizes the kind of sacrifices that we've asked them to make over the last decade. >> ryan galucci helped support the passage of the bill. >> what we saw during world war ii is highly skilled and motivateindividuals coming back from the war who renched their experience to build up-- leveraged their skill to build up the economy. >> we see the post-9/11 g.i. bill as a method to motivate
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employment. >> towards make recent veterans more competitive in the civilian marketplace but he admits the government doesn't have hard data on how many veterans using their benefits even stay in school, let alone graduate or turn those into jobs. that is $34 billion spent to date on post9/11 g.i. benefit. >> many times they'll relook at a benefit and say well we can trim here, we can trim there. >> but ashley parker roman who plans a career after she graduates, is the least they can do for g.i.s deployed since 2001. >> i was on a six month deployment, in the middle of the ocean work 18 hours a day you know not knowing what was going to happen to me.
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if that isn't deserving of an education what is? >> duarte al jazeera. backlog of disability claims for years but department officials say they are make progress in helping disabled vets. they say 58% of disabled veterans are now waiting more than four months to receive their disability claim. some wait longer than a year. there are more than 700,000 veterans waiting for a disability claim to be processed. that's an improvement from a year ago when more than 900,000 veterans had pending disability claims. now when reports calmer out of more than 3,000 u.s. service men and women had commitsuicide since 2001, the pentagon decided to take action. the numbers then started to drop. but they had help, some of it from a very famous military family. kristin saloomi explains. >> the family home of one of the united states most celebrate
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generals is a long away from the battle fields of iraq and afghanistan. for these veterans, the stress is never far away. they are taking part in a film workshop here, attempting to portray their struggle to return to sifnlt life. >> i don't talk about my deployment or what we did. >> allows them to share feelings had many have activity bottled up. this short film shows their sense of isolation. holly fleming says she wanted to let other veterans know they aren't alone. >> a lot of that like hurt in the hypervigilance, the bad emotions that i feel you know, just living day-to-day as a combat veteran. and i was really able to pour that and lift that off my shoulder so to speak and now it's out there for everybody to see like what it is that we feel and what we go through.
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>> documentary film maker benjamin patton grew up in this house. as the son of one decorated general and the grandson of world war ii hero george patton he grew up surrounded by military culture and a legacy of service. this grim reality has forced the are military to put mental health front in center. >> hell, you're just a god damned coward. >> as quayed i conveyed in the y award winning are film. >> they had no understanding of this aspect of the mental health of their troops. >> pat ton has also been conducting courses on the
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military base. >> i'd like to know that my father and grandfather are saying you are still taking care of troops. filtering back into american society and get jobs. >> it is his way to continue a family tradition. kristin saloomi, southhamton, massachusetts. >> they are electing a new are bishop to are serve as the face of the american catholic church. now, to hear from the own are of the miami dolphins.
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next on al jazeera america
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(vo) al jazeera america we understand that every news story begins and ends with people. >> the efforts are focused on rescuing stranded residents. (vo) we pursue that story beyond the headline, past the spokesperson, to the streets. >> thousands of riot police deployed across the capitol. (vo) we put all of our global resources behind every story. >> it is a scene of utter devastation. (vo) and follow it no matter where it leads, all the way to you. al jazeera america. take a new look at news. al jazeera america... >>introduces... "america tonight". >>a fresh take on the stories that connect to you. >>grounded. >>real. >>unconventional. >>an escape from the expected.
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>> the latest on the president's new health care plan are raising influence are scrupt, less than 10% of the administration's initial estimates. the numbers don't claim state department enrollees. has refused to comment on any exact numbers. the nation's catholic leaders are in baltimore. they are the assembly of catholic bishops. >> lisa stark has more. >> pope francis is calling for a humble church that welcomes all catholics and fowses open the poor. as emphasized by his representative to the united states. >> let us embrace our are people
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with fond embrace. let us make them feel that they belong. >> that's what he's calling on the bishops to be, good pastoral ministers and pastoral witnesses of the gospel rather than idealogues. >> worldwide sweaf parishes asking them how they handle tough issues like abortion and gay marriage. a major summit on the family next year. >> that event was first to church leaders. >> the council felt so honored to even have been asked. >> conference president cardinal timothy dolan's tenure has focused on religious littl liben
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the u.s. from countries such as india china syria and iraq. >> we must become advocates and champions for these christians whose lives hang literally in the balance. >> one vision is social and economic justice that is not on the formal agenda here. >> what i would disagree with would be the interpretation given that the conference has been less than concerned about that. because that's been a constant, constant concern. >> the church has subpoena out against cuts to food stamps and welfare programs and has supported universal health care. but father reese says, it's not enough. >> how they deliver this message to people i think that they're still on the side of the poor but they got to be a little louder. >> with that same message coming from the vatican, it's likely
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the volume will get turned up. lisa stark, al jazeera, baltimore. >> the u.s. postal service is now delivering on sundays at least on a limited basis. amazon is partnering with the post office starting in new york and los angeles. the struggling post office lost $16 billion last year and hoping the new partnership will boost revenue. amazon says it hopes to make sunday delivery in other parts of the country by next year. michael eaves is back with sports. we were talking about this story sort of unfolding again over the weekend. >> yes, now more and more people are speaking out now the boss is being heard from. appalling, a nightmare, those are some of the terms miami dolphins owner used, in the
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first week after allegationed emerged that jonathan martin was being bullied by his teammates, coaches and players designed to improve the culture inside the locker room, he also promised to get to the bottom of the allegation when he plans to meet with martin in los angeles. >> i'm really disturbed by it because i really care about the miami dolphins. i care about the players, i care about jonathan martin and i care about our fans. hearing all of this, it's been something very upsetting because it goes against something that i really believe in. and to hear these type of charges and being part of that, you know, is something that i find very -- something i can't really live with. >> what needs to be done going forward off of all of the stuff that's come out here over the last couple of weeks? >> i 30 most important thing is the -- think the most importantly thing is the nfl has to complete their investigation.
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i want to see it the team wants to see it the coach wants to see it because they all really care. they're involved and so much is being said you know who knows what is true and what isn't? with that being said you know personally, i want to make sure that the type of racial slurs, harassment, you know, bullying doesn't occur in our team in our locker room or have anything to do with it. and so i really thought you know i know what i would do, my first reaction, is you can't just come down on people because first of all you hear a lot of different things being said. but i want to be advised that that doesn't take place in our locker room because there's no room for that. >> richie incognito the dolphins team mate at the center of these allegations shared his side on sunday, incognito claims he and martin were the best of friends. he's not a racist and this is a
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case of friendly locker room banter gone too far. he claims that martin engaged in the same kind of conduct that incognito was being accused of. allowing such conduct to escalate to such an offensive and threatening level. >> the number of players across the nfl, this would never happen in our locker room because we have great leaders in our locker room. great question, where are the leaders in the dolphins locker room, the media in miami who cover the dolphins say there's a reason why reggie bush is no longer there. they are gone the leaders. joe philbin wanted to control all that went down in that politicker room and the council that richie incognito was a part
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of that was pretty much he was appointed. these are joe philbin's guys that were the leaders in that locker room. seems kind of fishy to me. >> in the locker room that is controlled by true veterans, veterans that have the pulse of their team and the pulse of their players, mant would have known to come to one of his leaders or he would have known the leader he could have came to to get this problem resolved. but i should never have gotten to there point. you don't have that one personal that can be that big of a bully in the locker room where you can't get three or four guys to stand up to that guy. i refuse to believe that. you can see the culture that the dolphins locker room has is a they are going oturn and look the other way or b they are going ojump in and encourage it. it's not right, it shouldn't have gotten to the point where the young man left the team.
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>> jonathan plarnt is expected to meet sometime later this week in los angeles and also expected to issue his own statement through a video statement. now to baseball with a world series wrapping you a few weeks ago, individual awards as voted by the baseball writers of america. will meyers is your american league rookie of the year. the tampa bay rays outfielder, in just 88 games. meyers is american league third rookie of the year in the past six seasons. and in the national league, the rookie of the year jose fernandez, 187 strike generosity and the second best earned run average k 2.49. fernandez becomes the first cuban born player to win the award. they are going to be paid very,
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very well. where. >> absolutely. incognito statement this week and martin later on. >> the longer you get into it you layer more and more sides and hopefully in the middle we hear the truth. >> thank you michael. kevin comes up with the weather and listen to this, documents from john len non-on g non-go ne chopping block.
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on august 20th, al jazeera america introduced
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>> the beatles say can't buy me love but if the price is right you can buy some artifacts from john lennon'n's life. including letters from liverpool's quarry banks school, the reasons john was serving detention, fighting, sab sabota, and fighting in class and showing no interest whatsoever. >> good evening, everyone. well, this evening the talk in the studio has been is it going to snow in new york or not? let's take a look at the
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forecast map. i'll give you the answer in just a second. right now we have a frontal boundary pushing down to the southeast and getting very close to our area leer, snow is here in upstate new york, pennsylvania and ohio. the temperatures will go very low in overnight hours. 52°, back behind the front those temperatures are below freezing. but the problem is tomorrow morning we're expecting a high of 35°, consume a low of 35 so we may see a little bit of snow in the air but it's not going to last for very long. maybe an hour and it's going to be very light at that. well, the other big problem is the very cold air. and i talk about very cold air, the coldest air we've had all season coming down across the central plains right now. we are look at fargo north dakota at 8°, bismarck at 9, rapid city there, 15 to 20°
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colder than we had this time last night. omaha is 20° colder. manny indianapolis you feel more like zero with the wind chill. overnight low back below freezing, not until thursday-friday that you finally get a little bit more above that freezing mark. now that very cold air has been the first time we've seen such cold air and such a low temperature across parts of oklahoma as well as texas. we have hard freeze warnings in effect for these states here. actually if you look a little bit more towards the east we are looking at all the way towards georgia as well as down in surn parts of alabama -- southern parts of alabama. definitely bring your plants in and don't leave your pets outside in overnight hours.
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>> welcome to al jazeera america i'm john siegenthaler in new york. here are the top stories. there are reports of mass graves and dead bodies lining the streets in central philippines tonight where the death toll could be as high as 10,000. the united nations estimates there are about 600,000 people out of homes right now. thousands are searching through rubble trying to find food and fresh water. the filipino military says it's just not able to get much-needed supplies to rural areas four days after the typhoon hit. also today: >> on this hillside of solemn remembrance and in veterans halls and proud


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