tv News Al Jazeera October 20, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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continues to battle i.s.i.l. nigeria is the next country to be considered free of ebola. will geopolitics get in the way? al jazeera has learned that the united nations is preparing a proposal to impose sanctions on five high profile yemenis including the former president. diplomatic editor james bays, first of all, who is coming under the sanctions here? >> if you are looking at those in the highest levels in yemen, you certainly are some of the
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highest on this list now. the u.n. came up with a sanctions mechanism, it has been talking about it for some time, set up a committee to look at sanctions in yemen, panel of experts who were going to do all the research. experts have come up with a panel in the last week or so, and say to us there are five names on the list that are now being proposed, considered by that committee for sanctions. they include the former president, ali ab dud sallah and his, son, the new government decide he would be better off not in the country and they gave him a pos as the ambassador to the uae. they believe he's still causing trouble and that's why he's on the list.
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the two top houthi military commanders and the political leaders of the houthis on the list so a very controversial and important list of people. >> a very important list but you did mention there was a promote. what is the process going forward for this to actually be put into action? >> well, the process is that the u.n. security council meeting all 15 members of it as this committee of the council on this particular resolution 2140 will have to look at this list. they don't actually have to meet in person. they may do this work by e-mail or by private discussions. they must decide whether these five proposed names actually have the sanctions imposed on them. we think it will be fairly quick. we think it will be a decision in the next week or so. but the it will be a difficult decision. perhaps not with the former president sallah and his son. his son is an ambassador which has diplomatic immunity which makes it difficult.
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they control the capital and if you are trying to get any sort of political reconciliation in the country you really need them on board. >> indeed, let's leave it at that then, james bays, new york. central province of al bayba, more than 60 houthis have died today in three separate attacks. report from the capital. >> reporter: ragda is a houthi stronghold. tribesmen foun took up defense against shia rebels. dozens of fighters on both sides were killed. houthis were forced out of armed treaty. gathering in the town of al bayda. assured of tribal force,
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religious scholars and politicians unite in their stance. >> security and stability of the province. and turn it into a front of sectarian in-fighting. it would take any arms presence by the houthi militias we call on the straight to protect the province and prevent it from entering a sectarian conflict. >> reporter: the fear of a wider sectarian conflict is only increasing, as the houthis made their advance on the capital last month and went on to the south to control sunni provinces. a show of pride. >> translator: we will not bow to anyone to humiliate our dignity. whether they are houthis or anyone else. >> reporter: but that warning doesn't seem to have been heard. houthis continue to stun their enemies. to the west of al baida, a
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raging battlefield. the town of ibb looks like this after two days of fighting. houthis are now in control here and taking revenge by destroying their enemies' properties. there is a tense calm, people are nervous hoping a new government could end the crisis. while the heucts continue to gaihouthis continue togain mored influence, many fear by the time he does that yemen could slip into a sectarian civil war. al jazeera, sanaa. >> let's get the latest developments now from the syrian front of kobani. fighting has intensified in the last few hours. two car bombs have exploded and heavy clashes have erupted in the eastern and sowrch parts of th --southern parts of the city.
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more from the turkey syria border. >> reporter: as dusk fell on monday, troops started to make use of the weapons they were begin. the turkish government a major change in policy, after resisting weeks of pressure, to offer more help to the defense. regarding aid to kobani, actually we are helping peshmerga forces to enter kobani to give support. >> warned, he didn't believe the kurds in kobani are fighting for a unified syria. >> we should point out, the only armfighting is the free syrian
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army. the free syrian army is the group top supported. >> this video from a free syrian army group fighting alongside the kurds shows the extent of the devastation in kobani and the intensity of the fight. the kurds complain being outgunned from the islamic state of iraq and the levant. now they say the weapons dropped by the u.s. are very, very good but they'll need more to push i.s.i.l. from the area. >> the weapons will help but we still need more heavy weapons to push out i.s.i.l. completely. the fighting won't be over soon with just these weapons. no one has asked us about peshmerga crossing over into kobani, if we get them and enough weapons, the fighting in kobani will be over very soon. >> more than 100 coalition air trying havairstrikes have flatt.
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positions. enemy pkk has not allowed weapons into kobani. but now u.s. secretary of state john kerry says it will be irresponsible and morldly difficulmoral -- morally diffico help the kurds. they have resisted i.s.i.l. fighters for more than four weeks now. damaging blow to the coalition were to kobani now fall. a fact i.s.i.l. fighters must also be aware of. bernard smith, on the turkey syria border. did they drop the really heavy weapons that the curd kurd been asking for? >> they didn't specify what kinds of weapons. they did specify that 27 bundles as they called them, were dropped by the coalition forces.
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27 bundles are not u.s. supplied weapons. these are weapons that were -- came from stock piles of the iraqi kurds, kurdish forces and in a way that a state department spokes wom tried t stated in kor secretary of state john kerry speaking to reporters made the point that this was not a change in u.s. policy but simply a humanitarian gesture. >> let me just say very, very respectfully to our allies, the turks that we understand fully
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the fundamentals of their opposition and ours, and the challenges they face with respect to the pkk. it would be irresponsible of us as well as morally very difficult to turn your back on a community as difficult it is on this very moment. >> allowing in peshmerga fighters, are turkish getting on the same page when it comes to how to deal with the problem in syria? >> well, to some extent, you can see there are still reservations yesterday, and c.u.p. be $sunday president erdogan still left open the possibility where incirlik being used in the fight and at that time, the turkish
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president and the u.s. president did conduct a phone conversation over the weekend. the details of that have not been disclosed but it is apparent there must have been some kind of meeting of minds that this measure of cooperation will be ongoing. i think that the americans apparently satisfied the turkish objections by emphasizing that the weapons came from the iraqi kurdish factions which are not in conflict or not considered allies of the pkk the separatists inside turkey and therefore in that fact, the u.s. was not in turkish eyes aiding and abetting that faction. sammy. >> thank you for that. 15 have been killed in a suicide bomb attack near the mosul dam
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in iraq. peshmerga and iraqi fighters took mosul back in i.s.i.l. thanks to u.s. air strikes. 48 people wounded when devices went off in different neighborhoods. and in baghdad at least 17 people have been killed in a suicide attack in a shia mosque. as people were leaving the mosque after midday prayers. >> we are likely to see much more of this kind of sectarian violence as this month goes on. this is the holy month of muharram. this has seen a traditional spike in violence, particularly sectarian violence but since i.s.i.l. took over, huge waves in june, we are expecting this to be a much more bloody month
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than we have seen in the previous years. already we have seen nearly seven attacks, separate incidents over the last 24 hours. merely 100 people have been hospitalized, at least 60 have been killed across the country. and this kind of statistic is getting people worried here in iraq. i.s.i.l. are no fans of the shia, and they've all long said that the shia oar target for them and they are using sectarian language and sectarian violence in order to further their gains and whilst all of this has begun on particularly in the month of muharram, places like anbar frofns the province e moving towards the city of amarea. that's a very worrying sign, air strikes are making some differences, particularly in the ann baueanbar province.
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don't have the base in order to be able to attack the city. and that's likely to be their next traj to get somewhere to give them a base to come inside baghdad. >> while still to come on al jazeera. a party for the people's president, jakarta's streets come alive at supporters of joko wododo celebrate his inauguration. and the face of farming in canada is changing. we'll explain why. and e serena williams defends hr crown. more later on. the world health organization has declared nigeria ebola-free. it had no reported cases of the virus for past six weeks.
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nigeria's president goodluck jonathan said his country won the battle against ebola because the country took all the necessary precautions. >> one government said, we should not move coffins unnecessarily, practice of holy communion, so on. just stop had a practice within that period. shaking people across, tell individuals within that period. nigerians become mindful, even friends stop embracing, until we get out of ebola. so it had a buy-in of the population. >> aid agencies have expressed their frustration at how slow the international community has been in responding to the ebola crisis. they have been speaking with
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health experts gathering in berlin how to control it. simon mcgregor wood reports. >> local health care systems are imploding, families and communities have been torn apart. the crisis will wreak havoc on local economies. the international community is moving into gear but far more needs to be done. the initial response was too slow. >> how do we feel about what we're seeing right now? i will not hide from you that at msf there is an immense sense of frustration about how the international community has failed to leave up to the challenge presented by the epidemic. the international community has been woefully unprepared and for far too long it has been unwilling to listen to the very clear warning signs that we gave. >> reporter: and this from the ngo which is still dealing with 60% of all known cases in
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liberia, sierra leone, and guinea. more doctors and medical clinics are still needed. the liberian ambassador to guinea, 96 health care workers have died and now, there is only one doctor for every 75,000 liberians. her country needs more of everything. >> we need more personal protective equipment. we also need more rehydration solution and medicine to treat the symptoms of the disease. and sadly, we need more body bags for people who have died of this disease. >> reporter: given the poverty and the recent conflicts of west africa, experts here say it's hardly surprising the country's wos affected have been-- worst affected have been unable to help on their own. slow response and to make sure that never happens again.
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coordination is another buzzword here. in luxembourg, to coordinate their response with a call of an eu fund of $1.3 billion to fight the outbreak. some admit they are playing catchup. >> translator: of course across the world we weren't prepared for an epidemic of this size and dynamic. it's most important to catch up with what we've missed. >> the urgent priority, countries need to commit people and priorities right now, but there is a need to rebuild the health systems in africa, to prevent the next outbreak or to prevent its spreading. simon mcgregor wood, al jazeera, berlin. festive welcome by thousands of supporters, joko wododo was sworn into office. step vassar reports.
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>> his supporters jokoi, was welcomed to the capitol by thousands. >> joko wododo has promised a revolution and that is what we need. our corrupt mentality has to change. >> despite attempts to boycott, hostile opposition against the president ever since he lost the election. >> translator: i say let us all work hard together, shoulder to shoulder, because this is an historic moment. we need to move together to work, work, and work. >> they call him the people's president and the people are throwing him a huge party. a party of unification of the country was hopelessly divided for many months and tomorrow the real hard work will start. unpopular measures will likely
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have to be taken soon. they include scutting fuel subsidies and improving the country's slowing economy with only 44% of the parliament, jokoi's party will face challenge. >> from opposition political parties but i think what joko is doing here, he is at the peak of his public opinion support and this is a very controversial move but very needed for indonesian economy. for badly needed infrastructure projects. >> reporter: for many they are celebrating the start of a new era. president joko wododo will be given five years for reinvigoration of the economy, are al jazeera, jakarta. >> country's justice minister, and trade minister, were force
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to resign after allegations they misused election funds. the prime minister had appointed the two in september to promote women in politics. a strike of pilots of germany's biggest airline, lufthansa, will target the airline's long haul fleet. the workers are on a 36 hour strike, could disrupt travel plans of 200,00 200,000 passeng, changing the face of farming in canada. the new generation may be the last to grow crops on land that's becoming ever-more expensive. daniel lack reports from the province of ontario. >> morning on tara young's 20
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hectare farm. young producers chickens for meat. as well as raising sheep, pigs, cows and growing vegetables. it is not career she had in mind when she studied environmental science in university. but everything changed in a single day. >> the professor brought in other farmers who were women who had chosen farming as a career and not been born into it. it hit me, coy choose farming. it was an epiphany of a sort, i knew in an instant, i wanted to farm. >> she is one of a generation of young women. rural canada once prospered because of spall traditional family owned farms but many farmers now could be actually the last to grow crops on land becoming more and more expensive. getting over that barrier can be
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a challenge but there is help available. the farm start organization helps people who want to grow food with so-called incubator farms, all sorts of budding farmers can hone their skills. >> it is diverse. it is from across the globe. people connected to farming. either having been farmers back from their countries of origin or having grown up on a farm, all who have no connection to farming at all. >> people like rowena cruz who came to canada from the philippines in 1995 and work as an animator, and began growing organic vegetables a few years ago. until then she makes oliving on a shared plot. >> it takes passion and hard work, that's the key. it's hard work. anyone could be a farmer if they have got those qualities i would say. >> reporter: for the first time in decades farming in this
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part of canada is attracting new interest and many new faces. growing food and bringing jobs and opportunity back to the country side. daniel lack, al jazeera, flamber. >> still to come on al jazeera. >> a bicycle is the most widely used and easily stolen form of transportation, in the world. i'm lucia newman, in santiago chile. >> crossover, plans are in place in two of the largest marine projects in the way. peyton manning rewrites the historical books. more in the next few minutes.
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>> an american votes 2014 special report kansas >> in our state, government is broken >> a republican governor has made drastic changes >> the highlight of this is... eventually doing away with income taxes... >> the democratic challenger says, these policies aren't working >> we are trailing the states in our region >> can governor brownback win again? >> i think you spend your money better than the government spends it.. >> america votes 2014 battle for kansas only on al jazeera america >> welcome back. let's recap the headlines here on al jazeera now. al jazeera has learned the u.n. is preparing to impose sanctions on five high profile yemenis, including the former president. fighting has intensified in
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the syrian town of kobani with heavy clashes in the eastern and southern parts of the city. comes just hours after u.s. air forces dropped weapons and medical aid for kurdish fighters. they're trying to resist i.s.i.l. for control of the town. world health organization says nigeria's success in preventing new cases of the virus, of ebola, no new cases in six weeks. more on the break news, possible sanctions targeting five high profile yemenis. we're joined by the editor of the yemeni post. first of all sir, how important are the figures on the list? >> very important but we're not pretty sure if president or his son will be on that list. if that is the case, then the
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international community will still have influence on yemen. over the last two months -- >> that is what we've heard so far although the list hasn't been finalized, president ali abdul sallah as well as liters of the houthi movement. >> that is the case, the most powerful people in yemen today and the president is still presidential of the most important party in yemen, him having sanctions could have some backlash in yemen because his party is united behind him. what this could mean is that half of the country's people could boycott the next government or go against the community. it depends on how these people are mentioned in the statement, but that is the case, this is probably the most or the
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strongest international stance on yemen and will be taken very seriously by yemenis who until today doubt u.n. security council sanction him or his son, make it effective over yemen in the last few months. >> whether the houthi movement or those associated the former president and those associated with his party? >> let me start with the houthis, sammy. the houthis will not be affected or influenced in any way. they don't have bank accounts, they don't travel, and so any sanctions on them would basically have no influence in any way at least in the next couple of years. the real sanctions or the real hit will be on president sallah and his son. the u.n. sanctions mean anyone who is linked to him or financial links to them will
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also be threatened to be sanctioned, so this could affect thousands of people many not only sallah and his sons, billions of dollars if not in the tens of billions. >> this comes when the new prime minister is trying to put together some reconciliation government. will this help or hinder his efforts? >> this will not help any kind of reconciliation. that's why i'm still doubtful whether the former president and his son will be on that list. they are still the most powerful in yemen, would that be part of the reaction, would international interests be harmed in yemen and et cetera. many like me in yemen are still doubtful that president sallah or his son ahmed will have sanctions on them. because sanctions on them list many other people who have financial ties on them could be sanctioned. it is only a two man thing. that's why it's very, very cell.
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waiting for the international community, will have a strong stance or will their next statement be like the last ten just words no action. >> all right thanks so much. now libya's supreme court has delayed a reaction to the legitimacy of the power environments, since moammar gadhafi was killed three years ago. eastern city of benghazi and towns in western libya. more than 100 have been killed in the last 10 days. associate vice president of middle east and africa at the united states institute of peace. good to have you with us. as i mentioned it's been three years on since the killing of gadhafi. is this still a revolution in the making that can lead to a better libya?
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>> any transition, particularly what we've seen with libya which involved a lot of violence and involves a lot of going to take a lot of time and going to be painful. but i think there is a very sincere legitimate government at the core that's trying build on some coalitions that will finally result in some stability. but we are very far from that scenario today. >> ists interesting today but you mentioned the tobruk, i'm assuming you're referring to the tobruk government that's trying to build on. is that not undermining the state and its authority? >> it completely is, i think one of the primary issues and one of the key challenges in libya is everyone keeps asking is it a failed state? i would argue there's never been a state in place after gadhafi to fail. the real question, how do we help libya form a state, form a
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government. that's been the challenge over the las there year. everything from the general council to today, has never been able to establish a process that would really create a stable government. and part of that has been relying on militias. latest incarnation but if you remember two years ago, with the siege of beni walid, it was relying on the militias to carry out that siege. it's always been relying on militias which is the center of the danger because they classify good and bad militias without trying omake central control. >> is the government if tobruk also relying on what's been accused of a counterrevolutionary force, perhaps that's the crux of one of the problems that's brewing there. >> i don't know any political party or any force currently in egypt that doesn't suffer from
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that accusation. either counterrevolutionary or what happens the central government are calling those in opposition the terrorists. i think the labels themselves are very dangerous. i would argue that almost every city that's in control actually has legitimate complaints and concerns and there needs to be an effort in support of the international community for national dialogue to bring together to address those concerns. the primary message is this will not be handled through military solutions. it needs a political solution and there needs to be international support for political solutions not for them to continue in this fighting nature. >> all right, thanks so much for your analysis. thank you. >> let's head to syria now where the civil war has left millions displaced inside their own country. thousands are living along northern syria close to the attract border. seasonal rains are making that
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life even more difficult. >> reporter: there is no protection from the heavy rains. this is northern syria along the border with turkey. there are countless camps like this. >> translator: we are being humiliated. the men, our women, our children, our tents are destroyed. nobody cares about us. we are flooded here. there is mud everywhere. nobody is helping us, only god will take care of us. >> reporter: millions of syrians have been forced out of their homes. it is difficult for aid to reach them and winter is coming. syria's winds are cold with heavy rains. the season hasn't even begun yet. >> translator: over 400 tents were destroyed by the flood and we ask the international community and the united nations just to give us our basic human rights. as you can see the camp is totally flooded. >> reporter: as the international community focuses
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on fighting the islamic state of iraq and the levant this country is on its fourth year of war. there is no proper drainage or sanitation. it is extremely difficult for journalists to travel to syria so there are many places the displaced live that we cannot see. they are the victims of a war that seemingly has no end. leaving their homes with little help and increasingly little hope. stephanie decker, al jazeera, beirut. >> according to human rights watch, a cairo university on sunday students chanted slogans against the government and werde confronted by police. they demanded the return of students who were taken away after rallies. peter greste, mohamed fahmy and baher mohamed have been in
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prison for 296 days. they are accused of helping the outlawed muslim brotherhood a charge they deny and are appealing against their convictions. any hal pass officially ended the rescue mission of trekkers who died in avalanches last week, bodies are being flown to towns they capital kathmandu. >> families of 43 students missing in southern mexico are holding out hope for their safe return. they travel to mexico city, to pray at the shrine of our lady of guadalupe. >> as many as 24 people have reportedly died from heavy rain in nicaragua. as randolph noble reports
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thousands of survivors are now homeless. >> reporter: the rains have gone. but the damage they brought remains. the mud these machines are clearing has concealed the buried houses of some families here. torrential rain still in nicaragua during the course of the last week, waningen structures in the capital city. then on thursday night this wall collapsed. rescuers worked into the early hours to save those buried, sometimes too late for those they found. but seven people were pulled from the rebel alive. the government had evacuated this area five years ago, during another period of heavy rainfall. some people have since returned. one of the survivors explained why he came back. >> translator: we are here not because we want to run the risk of dying but by necessity.
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because i don't earn thuf to buy land. if we could we would be elsewhere. so here we are. the land has filled with water and shaking from earthquakes. this place can change any time. >> reporter: nicaragua is prone to earthquakes. the government has evacuated at risk areas. some of the families relocated are complaimg about where they are placed. uprooted and uncertain when they will be able to return home to rebuild their homes and their lives. randolph noble. al jazeera. stop overfishes in antarctica. they want to create two of the largest marine reserves in the world. they are worried geopolitics will get in the way. nick clark reports. >> life in this civilian is abundant, far from human
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populations and environments that allows thousands of species to flourish. here the global conveyor belt is replenished by the nutrient waters of antarctica. it is a living breathing driver of life on earth. >> antarctica is a huge reservoir of ice and fresh water. and the cold water that drains off of antarctica provides a circulation system throughout the entire planet. it's like the heart of the entire earth. >> thinthing is, you guessed it, fishing boats are hauling out vast quantities of critical, and other fish are -- of krill, and other fish are being target ed like the tooth fish. the tooth fish are being caught as unsustainable numbers. it's sold as chilen sea bass.
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>> there isn't social value about taking a tooth fish out and serving it up on a platter to people in the most expensive restaurants in new york north n. >> they're sending it here and we're eating it. >> now delegates from 24 countries and the eu are trying to get these zones designated as marine refuges. >> i think protecting the roth see andee antarctica is most important. the roth see is most intact for large marine systems on the planet. i think we have a chance now to keep it that way. internow factor in foreign policy to the world of conservation. in the past, russia has been one of those to foil the proposal and it's feared this year given
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increasing tensions with the u.s. will be no different. but compromises have been made on the size of the mpas and with the growing movement for the preservation of this unique environment -- >> essentially you are destroying an ecosystem. >> we have a chance to protect it or to lose it forever. >> scientists hope that conservation may prevail. nick clark, al jazeera. >> well jerry leaf is from the pew environment group joins us now live from washington, d.c. good to have you with us. what is your take on this? do you think that politics is going to mess up any potential deal for a protection area in the antarctica? >> this is a very important meeting. this is first chance since they met last year to see whether the russia position has evolved. last year when this body met both russia and the ukraine objected to both the ross sea and the east antarctic
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proposals. a lot has happened in the last year and at a minimum we feel there will be an evolution of the ukrainian position. we're not encouraged by the noises russia has made in advance of this meeting but we're hopeful once they get to ho bart thahobart that they wile their tune. russia is the hold out -- last objector but there's the krill fishery which is the largest biomass on the planet, the largest amount of single fish anywhere. and scientists have been working on a unique management system that would say, it's just what the scient scientists say that l determine how many fish can be caught, there are a number of steps that can be taken this year to help push that forward. and krill as your viewers may or
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may not know is a very important food source for penguins and other creatures that live in the ross sea and the east antarctic. >> more hope in seeing some kind of limitation on krill fishing being brought in. but all it means for us is if an mpa, marine protective association, is not brought about, what will it mean for planet? >> it's a fight we need to continue, to show russia it is actually in their interest to get this marine protected area agreed because it's not as if there would be no fishing allowed. it would just be very carefully regulated and scientifically based and if they are interested in the long term interests of antarctic and the region which they have shown for the last 50 years, they were one of the original signatories to the antarctic treaty we feel they can come around and we want to continue to work with them. they take over chairmanship of
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the commission after this meeting and we want to try address their objections and the proponents have come a long way since russia initially objected to this a year ago. and they have made significant efforts to address the concerns that were expressed by russia. and so we are hoping that they will take a second or third look and change their position. >> all right, thanks so much. jerry leaf there. >> thank you. >> still more to come on al jazeera. going nowhere. we meet with three engineering students who say they have invented a bike that can't be stolen. quick scoring new york rangers coming up in nhl coming up in sports.
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>> welcome back. now bicycles are the number one form of transportation in the world. they're inexpensive and easy to use. but there's one problem. they're also easy to steal. now three chilen students have come up with a novel invention, the unstealable bike. lucia newman has the details. >> reporter: here's a little known fact. the world produces three times more bicycles than cars and 20% of them are stolen. that means, 30 million bicycles are snitched every single year. these of course are bicycles but in actual fact they're more like sitting ducks. every single one of them has a
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lock. some are big and strong, some are rather fmsy but there isn't a single one that can't be cut. as this security camera shows, all you need is a good set of pliers and in minutes you can literally ride off. but not if you have a yellka, a bike almost impossible to steal. invented by three chilen students. first you open the lower bar and lean it into say a light post. then you pull out a seat and insert it like this. it automatically locks and you pull out the key. >> translator: if you saw off the tube of the seat you can't put the bike together again because the bar can't be joined. it's blocked and you have to have the lower bar or the bike will collapse and bend in half. it makes stealing the bike pointless. >> reporter: the yellka is simple and made for the city where most bikes are stolen.
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but this bicycle does have one achilles heel, the lock, doesn't it? >> yes, the key is the most vulnerable part. we are finding a way to bypass it with the mobile phone. you can bypass it with the phone not key. >> reporter: with people hoping for simpler lives, the bike market is growing 20% a year. said they have been flooded with offers from taiwan to new york to license the patent of this bicycle that can't be pinched without destroying it. not bad for three engineering students who, tired of having their own bicycles stolen, have proven once again that necessity is indeed the mother of invention. lucia newman, al jazeera, santiago. >> all right sports fans, he's the man of the moment. robin. >> tennis, singh posh singaporea
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williams. the woman of the moment. despite pulling out of this month's china open because of illness and a knee injury, williams proved that fitness was not in doubt. winning 6-4, 6-4 victory, that stands her wta to 16 matches. martina navratilova holds the record. >> anna is such a great player, she does everything so well, she is such a fighter, when i was at 4-1, i got too confident anden next thing i knew, it was 4-all, oh my gosh, i needed to play the game i should have been playing.
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>> simona many hallet, has serena up next. this is the first time the women's ten ition association finals have been played in asia. including six in china, this compares to just two a decade ago. the wta says approximately 60% of their active social media followers are now from asia. despite increased participant numbers there's still a lack of top ranked yai asian players, following lee nah's retirement. coaching youngsters in singapore and across asia believes with proper structures in place, asia can well become a tennis superpower.
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>> absolutely. there's so much talent in the region. i think where the region falls down at the moment is the lack of coach education. to pass on the knowledge right at the grass roots level which i believe is the key issue. because you need very good coaches right fre start. not when a-- from the start, not when the player is 14 or 15. when they are five or six they really need to be taught correctly. in fact i just started coaching a six-year-old boy yesterday, ironically from singapore and he's probably one of the most talented young athletes i've seen in a few years. >> just the one english premier league match on monday, the big one, their way to west brom and have a chance to move to fourth on the tame. their leader has earned a red
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card unfortunately. i think it is a very good opponent. not easy to beat. but there is no club in the premier league that is easy to beat. there is a difference with other lesion leagues i believe. >> fifa's inspectors have completed their inspections, in monday they were visiting moscow's luzneki stadium. world cup, dominated in a rush to finish the stadiums. in russia there are no delays at the moment. there is a new record in the nfl, the denver broncos quarterback peyton manning became the all time leader for touched passes, against the san francisco 49ers. manning needed three touched passes, held by a former green
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bay packers quarterback brett favre. a pass to 509th career touchdown passes. manning comes from a family of nfl quarterbacks. there i've always been a fan of quarterbacks. whether it's brett favre or dan elway, i'm honored to join a pretty unique club. guys that were my dad's heroes growing up as well, it's, i can put it in some perspective. and i have greatly appreciation for it. >> well, there was a record in the naicial as wel nhl as well k rangers, two girls in just four seconds as they shut out the san
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jose sharks, the rangers led with just a minute on the clock, jammed it in for a two-goal advantage. third to tie that scoring record. kevin hayes bagged their fourth to complete the shutout. defending stanley cub champions, l.a. kings, goal tender making 40 saves to help them to their fourth straight victory. the day's big sports stories are covered in depth on al jazeera,/sport. go to forward slash sport. that's it for me now. >> we've got a full bulletin of news coming up in a couple of minutes with nick clark.
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