tv News Al Jazeera December 13, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EST
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to our guests. until next time, waj and i will see you online. ♪ this is sarsz live from new york city. i am richelle carey. here are today's sttop stoirz. thousands march through manhattan, one of many demonstrations across the country today. it's not a solution but the senate gets some breathing room to work out a deal on the spending deal. >> i never harmed anybody. >> officials arrest a man behind a popular pro-isil twitter account. consensus on the problem, disagreement on the solution, a climate change summer in peru.
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protesters across the country have gathered for what they are calling a justice for all protest. it's also in new york, rather, it's called the millions march. really all of the same cause. it's a reference to the million man march held by activists 20 years ago in washington. these are live pictures of what is happening right now. thousands showed up in the town manhattan this afternoon. more from al jazeera, courtney kealy who has been with these protesters. the pictures we are showing, there are thousands of people packed in the streets of new york city. what are you seeing where you are? >> i am at one police plaza, the police headquarters. this is where the marchers are ending to conduct this rally. it already has started. it's dark now. this whole like three-block area is cordoned off with policemen
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standing quietly by letting them protest and funnel into this area. what we saw was about a mile long protest. it would be tens of thousands of people. one of the largest protests in new york city. they had a permit. it was peaceful. these millions march, nyc marchers said bring your kids. bring your elderly. come out in you are disabled. you are going to be able to march today. this was not disorganized. it was multi-racial, multi-cultural. you will see a small core stay. most of the 235e78z are on their way home. they did take part in the 4-mile march. >> what sparked all of this is really a life and death issue for black men is what the protesters would say but as you look at some of the pictures, images on social media, there are people smiling. can you explain what the mood, what the tone of the event is? >> i talked to one college
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student who said, i am from harlem and the proudest way possible and i said what are you doing out here today? she said we want reaform. she said today is beautiful, a beautiful moment to see these people taking to the streets peacefully, not loot. we are not violent. we are out here making a stand, saying what our demands are. some of these demands from the protest are, they want prosecute ors office to be independent, to prosecute and change in the state and the city and they reflect mars in other parts of the city where they are also demanding reform. rirm? >> do you get the feeling from these protestors and i know you do if you check social media. do you get the feeling on the ground that this has a lot of momentum going forward, that it's not going to end any time soon? >> i do. there is a real variety of protesters. they are very organized. it was really interesting. the occupy wall street bail fund. they coached people how not to
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get arrested, bhapz if you get arrested and the people on the streets today, a saturday, like i said before, it was families. it was college students. i talked to a woman who was 84 years old. there is a core of people i kind of recognized from covering the occupy wall street movement or people that were out last week after the non-verdict of eric garner, after the grand jury decision, but today was a day for critical mass of regular, every day people to come out in one voice, and they did, richelle. >> all right, courtney kealy live in new york city. these dmojstrations happen across the countries in various cities throughout the day. but the other major for exampleal point was the nation's capitol. libby, what happened there today? >> reporter: well, richelle, today's rally in washington, d.c. brought together the families of african-americans who have been killed by police. they have become symbols of what civil rights leaders say is a an unfair system. thousands of people came out to
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support them and rally for changes. >> hands up. >> don't shoot. >> from tamir rice in cleveland. >> my son was 12 years old, just a baby, a baby. my baby, the youngest out of four. >> to eric garner in new york city, unarmed african americans killed by police, their deaths becoming national symbols. eric garner's cousins travel from new york to join thousands who didn't know his relative t but. >>. >> his loss has become a gain to the world. >> justice shouldn't be selective. they want the white house to hear this. they want congress to listen and they want to see change happen. >> that's why whites and blacks are here together, show the world today, this is not a black march or white march. this is an american march for the rights of american people. >> the rally organized by groups
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like the naacp, with decades of experience gathering crowds in washington. but it's a new generation who are taking on today's fight using social media. >> i am here for the future, for the things that i am hoping will make a difference will be in place by the time my wife and i have children and we won't have to have that conversation of, you know, this is how you act around police officers. >> others driven to protest by frustration. >> i shouldn't still be marching. i marched when i was a teenager. i marched for these same things. i shouldn't still be doing this. it should not be necessary. >> but it is necessary, say those who got on buses at 3:00 o'clock in the morning and traveled hundreds of miles to make their voices heard in hopes of changing things for the next generation. >> two streams of act vichlt here, the established civil rights leaders and young people
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who are hungry to see things change. they want change in a couple of fronts. one, they want to see police officers treat everyone fairly. some are encouraged by moves the obama administration made in the past week to try to end profiling, but they say it needs to go a lot further. they want congress to make laws that will make sure that happens. richelle? >> a lot of energy there today for sure. libby casey live in the nation's capitol. in boston protesters gathered in front of the state house. a police presence was notable. the refrain: black lives matter and no justice, no peace, could be heard from the crowd. >> much of washington was focused on the march. the senate was wrangling over details of a federal spending bill. they did approve funding the government through wednesday while they try to work through an agreement with the house on a spending measure. a bi-partisan deal clasped on thursday raising the attacked mine
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workers. >> the brutes was engulfed -- bus was engulfed with afghan soldiers trapped inside. >> when the explosion happened, i noticed two soldiers getting out of the bus. one of them was injured on his leg. the other one jumped out of the bus window until the fire brigade arrived. the rest of the soldiers burned inside. >> afghans are concerned about the deteriorating security situation as nato forces continue with withdraw. only small nato force will remain next year to support afghanistan's military and police. thetable says because international troops are remaining here, it plans to intensify attacks as it works to sdainl eyes the new afghan government. jennifer glasse, kabul. >> yaem's defense ministered arrived in kabu llt today and met with 850 german troops part of a nato missing. wo bunderland says they are hoping
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to enable troops to work without international support. >> a.m. an man identified as medi f i have a s, shamy witness is one of the most widely followed english language supporters. more from new delhi. police say this is the man who's extreme posts attracted almost 18,000 twitter followers: they say he was leading a double life, working as a marketing executive during the day while operating a pro-isil twitter account by night. his twitter handle was shami witness, an investigation by britain's channel 4 news uncovered his real identity. >> i never harmed anybody. i haven't broken any laws of the country. i haven't done any violence against the republic of india.
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i haven't raised anything against india. if anybody brings that charge, i haven't broken the law against anybody. i said stuff. people followed me, and i followed them back and then we talked. police in bengaluru arrested him on saturday morning. they say he has no direct links with isil. he is charged with a number of crimes, including inciting war against india's allies. >> he never harmed anybody, nor did he facilitate anything in india india. he has been. >> not a criminal organization here. >> analysts say the arrest is not evidence of a wider pro-isil movement in india. >> his impact may have very significant dangers in the places where he got his largest
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following which is basically in the u.k. and in europe. now in these places, he may actually end up as a tool of recruitment. >> police say baswas acted alone but his posts may have been used by isil recruits who followed him on twitter. based upon what police say, he is a propagandist who collected and distributed information he found online. but his tweets may now put the him behind bars for years. karish, new delhi. >> jane burgher is the author of and said he is more of a fan and let's after threat. >> the fan boy characterization is somewhat accurate but he was extremely influential figure. you know, when you look at the patterns of how he got information and what he distributed, i think it indicates that he probably was getting his information the same way someone like me was.
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you know where to look to find information in press releases as they come out. where it's going to get complicated is whether he was facilitating foreign fighters in connection to actual travel to isis, iraq and syria where there are crimes being committed. if it was the united states, that would be kind of really the problem for someone like him. >> burgher says isil's social media team while the source of information from the group maintain a low profile, meanwhile in iraq, isil fighters are making gains on anbar prove incident. they captured a village west of anbar's capitol. jane arraf reports on the fight to win it back. >> here in anbar fighting it close-range and almost personal. special forces fires a martyr across the country road on the eastern outskirts. he is aiming at a nearby house
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where he is ill gun men are holed up in the palm groves, part of a unit trained by american special forces who are ing the way for the iraqi army. sniper madam jabar is closer to the gunmen. it's futuring for his country and his family including his daughter, sarah. her name tatooed on his hand. >> there is less than 500 meters between us. we have air support and with the help of god, we have the upper hand. little by little action we are advancing. >> this is a strategic spot on the intersection to the road of salahadin province and fall uja where tribes are coordinating the fight against isil. the fighting has been fierce. a sniper bullet hit the rocket-propelled againate he was about to launch.
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>> we destroyed their hide outs. this is all in cooperation with the 8th and 10th division of the iraqi army. as you can see, we are clearing all of the orchards arrested and farms. they are trapped now. >> the village called sedaria is the deserted. this rural area has become a battlefield. the man fighting with special forces are from the tribes, hugely important to the battle for anbar. here, there is a fight within a fight. isil against the sunni tribes that have turned against them. when this special forces team finishes a deployment, the men will go back to the air base in western al anbar. their american military adviceor is back on the bates. the fighting is here. around baghdad, isil has been driven back by iraqi security forces working with shia malitias. this won't work in anbar where the population is almost all sunni, tribal, and deeply suspicious of the iraqi government. tribal leaders in anbar are
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calling for arms and am new in addition. some are calling for help from american troops on the ground. that will likely won't ham. but it's an education of how desperate the fight is in iraq's western province. jane arraf, al jazeera, baghdad. the united states is high-level talks to broker a truce in aleppo. rebel gripes are skeptical. al jazeera's zana hodr. >> syria's second city has been an urban battleground for over two years. the u.n. hopes a truce troops and lay the groundwork for a political process. so far, the rebels aren't convinced. the head of the syrian revolutionary command council which unites the opposition's armed forces in aleppo was and was the man met with to discuss
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the proposal. he wants more details before committing to any agreement. >> they are demanding a freeze in fighting. but what happens next? it means the regime which has committed crimes against the people will stay if you want to end the crites, it can't just end in aleppo but all over the country we are suspicious. >> over recent weeks, the military has been closing in on rebel supply routes around the city. the ols zipings guarantees. the army doesn't take advantage of a lull in the fighting. there are many front lines so why does the united nations want to start its so-called freeze plan in aleppo city? the international organization has said it believes the city faces a serious threat from the islamic state of iraqi in the levant. an agreement between the government and the opposition could prevent an isil advance. >> but for the opposition, that would mean some form of cooperation with its enemy. the government has lost control in the north of syria, but the rebels, too, have lost territory
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to isil in the northeast and el nusra front, syria's al-qaeda branch in the northwest. the commander was referring to el nusra who's presence xlining indicates the situation. >> when we see a written and clear plan, we will discuss it. until that happens, we cannot discuss it with other brigades. >> the syrian government did say it was willing to study the proposal but for now, the initiative remains just that. he needs to screeconvince the reynolds stopping the war won't amount to a surrender. beirut. >> muslims in iraq and iran are dmem rating the prophet mohammed's grandson. thousands marched at the end of the 40-day period at a timen the he was killed in the 7th century. coming up on ""al jazeera america"" we head to peru after
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a rich clash with poor over slowing climate change. speaking of an uphill battle, pour ambulance services are forcing locals to get ce avian to ensure to get adequate healthcare. the millions march here in new york city as thousands make their way to down downtown new they are demanding a change in the way law enforcement interacts with the black community. >> an intimate look at middle class families. >> i panicked because, how we gonna pay that? >> the issues we face. >> there's no way to pay for it. >> fighting to survive. >> she's like my role model... as in perseverance. >> building a better future. >> it's coming together little by little. >> real life solutions you can't afford to miss. >> we're making it the best that we can. >> "america's middle class - rebuilding the dream". >> tuesday. >> 7:00 eastern.
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politicians representing their individual countries have lost touch with reality. >> lima hasn't helped us enough. what is happening is people are actually taking to the streets. we are seeing diversement and this process hasn't absolved that momentum in a way in which it can help launch the world on a path. >> animated actions about how cutting cashbon emissions and how rich nations finance. >> past a scheduled close of business. there is plenty of work to do. this conference is supposed to be all about laying down a clear and concise path to paris and, so far, it hasn't done that. nick clark, al jazeera, lima, peru. >> greene peace apologized for a protest at the world famous area in peru activists for the
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climate change summit created a message at the world heritage site in peru's coastal desert. the lines are considered sacred. they depict imaginary figures etched into the ground as many as 2000 years ago. peru's government is asking prosecutors to file charges against the activists. a deeper look at what the conference in peru has been able to accomplish. >> on our regular saturday segment at 8:00 p.m. eastern 5, 5 pacific. some parts of kenya getting to a hospital is an uphill task. bad roads and poor glance services makes make it difficult for those living in isolated areas to get to a health center. cath resoy traveled where some are offering a hands on a motor bike. >> joyce's family has asked their village social worker to get her an ambulance. shelves feverish and is infected by chiggers, sand flies in the skin, lay eggs and spread. chiggers are common in male
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rural areas in africa and are caused by poor hygiene. >> it's all over my legs and hands. my legs are painful. >> this is how my life has been. >> her feet on swollen and walking has become difficult. she needs to go to a hospital. the infection is easily treatable but if it's left for too long, it can lead to tetanus, gangrene or can be fatal. the motorcycle ambulance is modest with a basic first aid kit, but it's free and can easily reach homes that are far and hard to reach. on a normal sunny day, the journey would be easy but this day is anything but normal. >> when it rains, the roads are drenched. movement is absolutely difficult. you can see this ambulance has to be pushed most of the way, but those who live here say that it's a better alternative to physically carrying patients or
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using wheelbarrows. >> riding through the mud in the rain needs patience and precision. the village motorcycle seems to be the quickest option. government ambulances are stationed in district hospitals far from here. private ambulances are too expensive. after a difficult trip that took about an hour, she and her social worker finally, get to the dispensary. >> the other day, i helped deliver a baby. we took her to the hospital safely and she gave birth. stanley kamaow, an anti-chiggers campaigner introduced the motorcycle. >> we come to see some people in their homes who are not able to walk. they can't be able to even access information on how they can get treatment. >> she will now have tests done. then the health workers will decide to reefer her to the main district hospital, about 30 kilometers away for admission or to treat her here and send her
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home. ca catherine soy, al jazeera, central kenya. coming up next, a huge crowd gathered outside new york's police headquarters. just one of several demonstrations across the country today. this one is on the move. >> black lives matter was started as a conversation on facebook. >> at these rallies, it's become a cry of the commonsstrators from coast to coast, a woman who single-handedly started a movement tells her
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justice for all other protests were held including washington, d.c., san francisco, detroit, seattle andbot. they are fighting for an end to what they say is a systemic problem of racial profiling by police. the senate is debating the spending bill passed by the house. it reached a deal to keep the government open. this afternoon lawmakers approved a resolution to provide funding just through wednesday. in the meantime, they will continue to hammer out details of the longer term bill. police in india have arrested a man for supporting isil. the twitter account translated isil messages into english. it had 17,000 followers until it was shut do you know on thursday. back to our top story here in new york. thousands of people protested today demanding a change to the way police interact with the african-american community. courtney keely is live and has been with the protesters for
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hours now. this all got started. the 2:00 o'clock. >> about 20s blocks of protesters, about a mile long of protesters. you had familimez. you woulderly. this was a peaceful protest. they had a proper permit. it was legally legal. it was very quiet. there were no arrests that have been reported yet. but here at one police plaza is a lot of the families going home. it's dark. there are some smaller groups that are taunting the police at some of these cordoned off areas. there is a smaller group that said they are going to be
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determined to state here tonight. that's very different from what we saw all day long which was a multi-cultural, all different groups of people, different ages, and a very long, very large, one of the largest we have seen in years, peaceful approach tests in new york. >> they are very clear, it seems, on at what their agenda is. i know you talked to some people on the ground. can you tell us more about what they are saying? >> somebody said this isn't a moment. this is a movement. i think what seeing is this critical mass of people that want to affect some kind of change. there is small group that want to take to the streets. this wincredibly large protests the group organized it said they had clear demands. they want the prosecutor to be put in place to make sure they can investigate issues of police brutality. they want changes in the jude i know level that was reflected in the other protests in other parts of the country, also demanding that judicial both on
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city, state, and federal level, richelle. >> all right. courtney kealy, live in new york for what some are calling a movement, not just a moment, as you said. courtney, thank you. the rallies across country are inspired from officers from all around the country a lot of places but it was a conversation online that motiviated many people to hit the streets. here is a look at how the hash tag black lives matter started a movement? >> my name is alicia garza. i am one of the co-creators of black lives matter. >> black lives matter was started as a conversation on facebook between myself and patrice colours and opel timedy. we were responding to the grief and the rage and the frustration of george ziperman being acquitted of the murder of tray von martin and decided to create a platform to bring people together online so that they could collaborate, strategize and take action together
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offline. people are coming together to really demand transformation, what feels increddim about this moment is that there is a new convening and coalesing of young people and elders who are united in our quest to live in safe and healthy communities, to live in communities that are not mil r tarizedmilitarized and to be be the way that we live together. when i first started seeing black lives matter signs in ferguson, it felt -- it felt like an honor it felt like a reflection of the relationships that we had built and it felt authentic. and it felt like it was bigger than us and that it was a real battle cry that people in ferguson were fighting for their lives, and black people
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everywhere are fighting for our lives. when i see signs like i can't breathe and hands up. don't shoot in addition to black lives matter, it 15s like a pointian reminder that we have a lot of work to do to make sure that black lives are valued in this country. this moment feels different to me because we have had some experience now. there has been a lot of really powerful work that's been happening for a long time that's brought us to this moment. this isn't the first time that people have responded to police brewtality and we say that ferguson is everywhere. right? way see for this movement moving forward is it gets larger and larger. i fundamentally believe there will be some major transformations that happen. >> alicia garza, co-crater of black lives matter. in south africa remembering
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melson mandela. it has been a year since he died at the age of 95. hundreds walked arm and arm to remember him. his widow capped off the event laying a wreath at the nelson mandela statue. the anti-apartheid leader spent 27 years in prison, president from 1994 to 1999. aft afghan women have long been denied the right to an education, a practice enforced by the taliban and its supporters but as al jazeera charles stratford shows us, some are taking matters into their hands to make a better life for their families. >> raziaal abdul begani has seven children to support. her husband was killed. she was given a loan by a micro financing project for women so she could have an oven built. people bring her flower. she makes the bread for which she is paid around $0.08 per piece. >> if i buy my children shoes, i can't afford to buy them a hat.
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i am grateful for this project. if i nhadn't been taught the skill and lent the money, life would be harder. >> razia often leaves her children tes keresh when she comes to these lessons. these women were taught to read and write before being taught a skill and given $100 to start a small business they come to improve skills and pay the money back with the cash they earn. >> before, these women had no skills and some of their husbands refused to let them learn. we worked with the community to encourage them and help them sell their products. they are more independent and they don't need to ask for money from their husbands. >> there is a glimmering. there are many that progress has been made. i am here to meet one woman who is determined not to let that happen. sin car is one of 69 members of
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afghan's parliament she said despite progress like a law to help product women from violence, people must do more through education. to go to education on power. and girls' education. this is one of the biggest challenges which we pace that our national budget goes to the security issue. a woman's empowerment shouldn't be -- it's not like a prior to for our government, actually. razia has little choice but to be the sole bread winner for her family. her daily struggle using the skills she has learned represents a fragile beginning of sxwejs for millions of women in afghanistan. charles stratford, al jazeera, kabul. >> rescuers are struggling to find more than 100 people missing. 12 people are dead. local police and soldiers are
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hoping to find survivors. lack of proper equipment is h p hampering that search. more now from jakarta. >> it all happened within five minutes. a huge chunk of a mountain came down and burst into a hamlet burying all but two houses. most villagers were taken by surprise. the landslide happened after two days of non-stop torrential rains. >> people here didn't see it coming. there were a lot of people thought landslide would not happen in the village. i was lucky i didn't have to run. >> nearly 700 rescue workers and volunteers are trying to find survivors, a task hampered by the bad weather and unstable ground. in most areas the use of heavy equipment is concerned too dangerous. more than 300 people have been moved to safer areas. landlives slides are common in indonesia. the national disaster a lot see estimates half of indonesia's 250 million people live in areas prone to landslides people in
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central java know they live in the danger zone. they are farmers. they live in the hills. we don't want them to live there. but it is very difficult to relocate all of them. so what we do is prepare them. >> many are better aware of the risk it's hard to predict where exactly a landslide will happen. a huge operation in a country often hit by natural disaster tubal trouble for folks in the line of fire in hawaii, a new lava fire is burning trees and brush in its path for the first time, scientists tried to quantify plastic floating in the worldts occasions. scientists from six countries
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contributed to 24 expeditions from 207 to 2013. they estimated there are more than 5 trillion pieces of plastic trash weighing 250,000 tongs worldwide. the bulk of the debris is made up of 8 inches in size or larger but some is concentrated along coastlines. much of it pushed by winds, tides and currents. >> that's not the end of the journey. the new research suggests that vorticies act as sledders bre breaking them into micro plastics, rejecting them across the total. i talked earlier with an environmental expert about sea life getting entangled in the plastics. charles mora tells us that's one of the major has addressed of ocean debris. >> en tanglement occurs at all size classes whether it's a giant whale, we often see pictures of whales wrapped in
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netting and ropes and bouys all the way down to the jellyfish and smaller planktonic organizenisms. i have pictures of jellyfish tangle up in plastic. >> prohibits feeding. it scars the an maland can make it so it dies an excruciating death unable move about the ocean in a normal way. >> that's en tangelment. >> he says sea life eating the plastic is another dangerous problem in the ocean. lots of information to take in there. reb he cana stevenson is here with the weather? >> checking the rainfall that was dumped into california with the huge storm, a storm continuing to the rockies and dumping plentiesy of snowfall. it's no excessive heavy amounts but enough to cause advisories. stretching all the way into western montana having slowdowns as that winter weather moves
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through much talk was will the drought be helped or hindered as we look at the climate prediction center as they forecast out through february, they are anticipating all this rainfall in addition to a series of storms expected hear this week for california are going to have appropriately the drought remaining for much of the state. it will improve. the rain is helping definitely chipping away slowly but surely after all it is just the beginning of the rainier
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solar panels. we were working panels for big buses and large vehicles in the longrun. >> the panels are connected to smart meters which can optmize output and feed the electricity to street lighting, to electric vehicles or into the grid. the research group spent the last five years developing the technology creating slabs that
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were suitable for paving but also dirt repellent and tough enough to endure harsh out door conditions. >> we made a set of coatings, which is robust enough to deal with the traffic loads and but also give traction to the vehicles passing by, especially for the bicycles, of course, and, also, transfer as much light as possible on to the solaver cells so the solaver cells can do their work. another trib beauty to the painter van gogh. this is lit up by glow in the dark technology and solaver powered lded lights but rather than focusing on beauty, the team is hoping the economics of their product will be a selling point. >> solar panels on roofs are designed to have a lifetime of
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20, 25 years, this is the type of lifetime we also want to have for these type of slabs which means that if you have a payback time of 15 years, afterwards, you also have some payback of the road, itself. so that makes the roads cheaper in the end. >> the team are working to refine the technology, but say that within five years, they hope to offer a green and cost effective road surface. they say could pave the future. terak bazley, the netherlands. >> you coming up on "al jazeera america" for several years, sirrians have been seeking safe haven in jordan. how the government is heading crucial services that could cost lives. europets immigration crisis. pressure of wave after wave of refugees seeking a better life.
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in jordan. the cost has put a strain on the jo jordanian government. more now. >> reporter: people with kidney failure could die if they don't undergo dialysis. the clinical purification of blood as a substitute for the normal function of the kidney is a lifetime treatment. last month, the jordanian government suspended all free health services to syrian refugees at state-run hospitals because it could no longer afford the hefty medical bills. private donors scrambled to secure enough money to provide one month of dye dialysis treatment to a small number of syrians at this private hospital in idbid but unless new donations come through by november 24th, these people will be cut off from their critical treatment. all desperate patients in this room are calling on the international community to save their lives. >> i left syria just because i needed dialysis regularly. i wouldn't have left otherwise. i can't afford to pay $85 a
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session three times a week. >> that's what i used to get. now, i am only getting two sessions a week, and my health has deteriorated. >> a syrian activist who has been working tirelessly to secure donations says the world has to make syrian refugees with kidney failure an immediate priority. >> where are they going to go? n they don't have money. they have no other support. they are waiting for the fate. we need the international local community to look at them. we need the international -- the world charity to look at them. >> if that's not enough, there are 18 more syrians on the waiting list here. >> it's not just refugees with chronic diseases who are struggling to guest the cost of their life-saving treatment covered. some are travel from other towns and cities to get to this hospital because an international humanitarian organization is providing free health services here. >> doctors without borders is now providing more than 80% of
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math only care to syrians in idbid. the agency has been stretched after the government cancelled free healthcare with a third of its patients coming from farther afield than idbid. >> a big concern for msf is that there are people going without needed healthcare, and our major concern is that we are fearful that if the situation doesn't change, that there -- we may start to see an increase in mortality in the area. >> without foreign aid it doesn't look like the government will resume free medical care to syrians. in the meantime, it's these vulnerable people who will have to suffer more than they already have. al jazeera, idbid. >> healthcare is just one aspects of an increasingly global refugee crisis. the situation is especially acute in europe. right now, there are more than a million and a half undo you think migrants living in the eu. this year, nearly 350,000 men, women, and children have tried to get to europe by boat. >> journey often ends in
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tragedy. according to the u.n., over 3400 migrants have died at sea since january. earlier today, i spoke with judith sunderland of the group human rights watch. she believes anti-i am grant policies are 40sing people to risk their lives. >> the economic recession throughout europe that has given stronger voice
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sony pictures has reportedly shut down all filming in the wake of the hacking scandal. it has left the company unable process payments. the group called guardians of peace continues to release embarrassing documents stolen from sony. prophet did are growing in the merry christmas tree industry. sales are on pace to set a record this year. geradina reports that leads to hire prices. >> thank you very much. >> andrew cole owns a 4-acre
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farm where people cut down and buy christmas trees. he is a small player in a bill yon dollar industry. this looks like charlie brown, snoopy tree. how long will this guy take? >> from now, approximately six years. >> six years? >> yeah. >> that means the trees sold today were planted at the start of the great recession which did a number on the industry. as home foreclosures increased and fewer young people moved out of their parents' houses, national demand for trees slowed. >> if you added up all of the time and material and effort you had in it, you probably wouldn't do it. you are doing it because you love to do it. >> in the last decade, total harvest fell by nearly 3.5 million and one in 10 christmas tree farms went out of business, surviving farmers were either very large, more than 150 acres or really resourceful like andrew. >> we do landscape maintenance is what we actually do for a living. >> but this is shaping up to be a very good season for andrew
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and the entire industry. he is on track to sell all 400 of his christmas trees. >> tree sales in general for new jersey and probably the nation are rebounding somewhat. >> okay. we found it. 2014 tree. >> this year, americans are expected to buy more than 33 million trees. >> so let's talk price. all of the treatises trees at this farm, the big ones, the little ones, $50. >> so it is somewhat related to the cost, but it's basically what the market, you know, will bear. >> when it comes to christmas trees, the american northwest and the state of north carolina are the most product hiv. ruff three out of every five american christmas trees are harvested in these areas. the prices demanded by farmers in these regions rim through the holiday season. the pacific northwest christmas tree association says growers are earning about $20 on every sale.
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that's about two to $3 more than they did last year. >> by the time these trees make it to big box retailers, boutique nurseries and street corners, you could be paying anywhere from $35 to well over $100 per for a designer tree. tree producers are adapt to go consumer tastes. for example, because of the surge of urban households and smaller living faces, tiny trees and wreaths are hot this year. in milford, new jersey, al jazeera. >> the u.s. em in paris is asking to pull some native american items from an upcoming sale. the navajo and hopi are considered sacred. the vice president has traveled to france in an effort to stop this sale. laws of the u.s. protect native american artifacts, but that doesn't stop them from being sold internationally.
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i am richelle carey in new york. "fault lines" is next. check out our website, and keep it here and have a good night. >> let us bow our heads for a word of prayer. our father and our most gracious god. as this family, the murdough family and their friends, as they gather, we ask that you send your comforter, your holy spirit, your guide, to be with them. >> queens, new york. jerome murdough's family is laying him to rest. four months ago, 56-year-old jerome was arrested for
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