tv News Al Jazeera September 1, 2015 11:00am-12:01pm EDT
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the news continues next live from doha. keep up on ♪ >> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ hello and welcome to the news hour. i'm in doha with the top stories on al jazeera. hungarian police block hundreds of refugees from boarding trains in budapest. calls for australia to shut down a detainee facility for refugees. and protesters from lebanons
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you-stink movement storms the ministry in beirut. ♪ first to hungary, where officials have shut refugees out of the main railway station in the capitol budapest, that's to stop them from traveling further. most have started their journey through europe in greece, then taking trains, cars, and even walking. people have been camping out at the train station in budapest. andrew simmons is joining us from that train station to tell us what options the refugees have now and why this decision has been taken by the authorities. >> reporter: well the situation
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here right now is that these people are just as vocal now as they were more than nine hours ago. the numbers are smaller. they are still in a peaceful mood effectively, it's quite passive, there's no aggression, but the situation is pretty desperate for families with young children who have been trying to take some sort of shade from this sun that is at an absolute -- really, 32, 34 degrees centigrade with no cloud. these people are exhausted. they have been traveling for days and days, and what happened on monday gave them a ray of hope that they would get to austria and germany. and early this morning they were told no way. they had to get out of the railway station. the station was closed completely for some considerable time, now it's open again but not for refugees. so we have a continuing situation whereby people are being checked for their papers,
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some are being advised to go to registration centers, so the numbers have withdrawn, but no one is quite sure what is going to happen next in this. we spoke to a member of the german bundestag who has been on a fact-finding tour to macedonia and hungary. this is what she had to say. >> it is a human catastrophe. it is a european shame. it is really heavily massive human rights violations. people who fled from war and terror from iraq and syria are entitled to apply in a safe country, apply for asylum. they should be entitled to free travel from here to germany, austria, sweden, wherever they want to go. people are sleeping on the streets or days and days and days, little babies, there is no medical care here, no international ngo, no nothing. >> so what is the government saying about this situation,
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andrew? >> reporter: well, they say that they are merely complying with e.u. law, that as far as they are concerned, all refugees, all migrants have to have e.u. visas and their passports in order to travel outside of hungary. now that was said -- we were told that by -- al jazeera was told exactly the same thing on monday morning, quite early, but only a few hours later, people were being allowed freely on to trains without any checks of their identity or anything else. they simply had refugee papers, so what went on is the question. there were talks with germany between the hungary government and germany earlier in the day, and then we saw all of the trains moving with refugees with them. but now this does seem pretty solid that hungary intends to stamp on this situation and not let refugees on trains. there's a possibility that
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syrians alone may be allowed on trains, but it's entirely unclear as to what is going to happen to everyone else. and hungary is intent on clamping down much further on what they describes as migrants, not refugees. they say they will tighten up the asylum law even more. they will effectively criminalize the crossing of the border from serbia by refugees, and introduce a host of other measures to turn around refugees very quickly and get them back into serbia, which they describe as a safe third country. although as far as the e.u. is concerned, it is not a safe e.u. country. so a raft of changes in store this week. as far as any european unity is concerned, certainly none right now, it would seem. and what we're seeing is also more and more of a divide
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between eastern europe and western europe on how it deals with refugees, and the continual domestic pressure on politicians to talk rather carefully about what they intend to do with refugees. >> andrew thank you for that update from budapest. many of those people are trying to get to austria and germany. others are using cars and trucks, but many are getting stopped by tight security on the austrian side. some are getting through to germany. police say they are overwhelmed by the number of refugees arriving every day. they say they can only ak couple date about 300 people and many more than that are in need of shelter. and further south the arrivals continue. the italian navy has rescued almost 100 refugees off of the coast of libya.
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the number of refugees has forced the government to seek help from the european union. australia's treatment of asylum seekers have been condemned. it says children should be removed from a prison on the island of nauru where applicants are kept. it's just one of the off-shore centers australia's government pays for. andrew thomas has more. >> reporter: three years ago, al jazeera filmed that would become nauru's detention center as australia's army built it. but since detainees have been held in what has become an effective prison, the media has not been allowed in. in that secrecy is one thing the report on the conditions in nauru should change, because where there's secrecy, there can be abuse. self harm by traumatized
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children, the sexual abuse of detainees by guards. even water boarding. >> no, i have not personally witnessed the actual event, but i have witnessed what i firmly believe to be the actions after. >> so you have seen people with water on them come from a building? >> and -- and water coming out of their mouth, coughing up water. >> okay. >> reporter: the report says conditions at the prison are not adequate, appropriator or safe, it calls into a full audit of the allegations of abuse. >> there are 67 allegations including 30 concerning detention center staff. >> reporter: the recommendations include faster processing of refugee claims, and the removal of children from the prison. >> the minister has acknowledged for the first time that things
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are not okay inside the nauru detention camp, but talk is cheap. the minister needs to act. >> reporter: australia's government accepts that sending its refugees to camps in other countries is tough, but as a deterrent it works, boats of asylum seekers like these have stopped coming to australia. >> the united nations has said that what is going on in nauru is tantamount to torture in some cases. >> it is brutal stuff, but it is seen as a deterrent. >> reporter: australia's government has made it clear they have no plans to close the camp. the company running it was on monday given a five-year contract to continue doing so. nauru is tiny. the millions it is given to host what is in effect a australian prison is a sizable part of the company. but it is kept prison, to apply
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for a visa, journalist have to pay $6,000 without access to the detention center even if they are given one. in such a dark place, it is clear dark things are happening. al jazeera asked the australian government for an interview, but we were told the minister was not available. we spoke, though, to david mann to the refugee and immigration legal center, he says australia must put humanity before politics. >> what we're looking at here is the incarceration of a large amount of very vulnerable people who sought asylum in australia, claiming to be fearing persecution in their home countries, people fleeing from places like afghanistan, and that includes, women, children, families, essentially being incarcerated in nauru indefinitely. the types of allegations that
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have come out of this recent inquiry are consistent with repeated allegations of forms of inhumanity, of physical and sexual abuse of women and children, and also other forms of potentially criminal contact, and one of the key findings of this report is that these allegations are not only serious, but they are also part of a pattern. part of a pattern of abuse going on in this detention center, which is essentially a detention center, which is both funded and controlled by australia, australia, who has sent these people to that detention center. >> still to come on the al jazeera news hour. doctors warning of dire consequences for the most vulnerable, for those in yemen. >> human activity is disrupting the climate.
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>> president obama urges world leaders to reach a deal to protect the planet. we'll also find out if real madrid has missed out on their number one transfer target. details coming up later in sports. ♪ but first turkish police have raided the offices of a group of companies close based to a muslim cleric. he used to be an ally of president erdogan. he denies he has am beneficiaries to overthrow erdogan. a columnist at the newspaper who's offices were raided is joining us visa skype from istanbul to tell us what happened when your offices were raided, and why you think the raid has happened now.
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what reason was given to you? >> well, it -- the -- the operation took place in the morning -- early morning hours. began with the media group headquarters the -- the priorer tos offices. the newspaper offices. it is a serious development, which follows about 12 hours before wise news, three british workers with their staff of the weiss news arrested first and detained last night, and this one, the morning operation, is another follow-up of the -- of the media crack down that is taking place. >> and why do you think this media crackdown according to what you are calling, is taking place right now? >> this has been part of the
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post-7 june elections atmosphere. media has been under increasing pressure in the last weeks. we have seen about -- approximately a one websites, due to the erupting violence with the -- between the kurdish armed forces and the pkk, about 100 websites, most news portals being banned access to, followed by a series of dismissals and firings from essential newspaper [ inaudible ]. journalists critical of the government line, and also we have seen several threats escalating against what remains of the independent media in turkey, from various segments, various camps. >> right. >> secular newspaper [ inaudible ] for example, today
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came out with the alarming headline, saying we shall not be silenced. so this is -- in a broader picture it has much less to do with which media group is affiliated with what line or which owners, it is a general worsening situation -- >> we know the e.u. has come out and said it is expressing concern over the raid, also the journalists arrests that you were talking about, the weiss news journ aileses. how much pressure can the e.u. put on turkey when it comes to press freedom? >> there is less and less leverage that both the united states and e.u. has on turkey. it seems that the deal on the air base with the united states has given a priority on -- to the washington, d.c. on fighting isis, which means that president
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erdogan sees this deal as a cart blanche to engineer the atmosphere in turkey and interest in the u.s. official circles for normalization, democraticization of turkey, human rights have fallen out of the [ inaudible ] although not out of the agenda, as well as european union dealing now with an immense migration crisis is only looking at turkey as a place where they can cut a deal with basically keeping refugees in its territory. so priorities definitely have changed, and that's what is worrisome about the situation in turkey. >> thank you for your time with us on al jazeera. now dozens of protesters are occupying a go building in
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lebanon's capitol, beirut. they stormed the environment ministry, and are demanding the minister resign. doctors in yemen say the war there is having a devastating impact on the country's children. they estimate up to 60% are mall neurotraditioned. victoria gatenby reports. >> reporter: a father places his baby on the scales. doctors are running a screening program to monitor malnourished children. more children are now in poor health because they can't get enough nutritious food to eat. >> translator: malnutrition was widespread in yemen, but we have seen a big increase. now it's more than 50 or 60%.
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>> reporter: the children at this clinic are prescribed vitamin supplements, but supplies are low. they have received some aid from charities, but say they need more to meet patient demand. >> translator: our children are facing famine, we can't sit back and do nothing. we call on the united nations to look at the children who are innocent and shouldn't be experiencing mall nutrition like this. look at the children's fear and the anxiety we are all facing. >> reporter: people in yemen are suffering from severe food and water shortages. relative calm has returned to cities like aden, where forces loyal to exiled president hadi pushed out rebels last month. but in sana'a, a houthi strong hold, the fighting continues, and until it stops the healthcare system won't likely recover from months of war. victoria gatenby, al jazeera. the u.n. has confirmed isil has destroyed another significant ruin in the ancient city of palmyra.
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this shows what the temple looked like earlier in the week. but the u.n. has released new satellite images earlier this week showing what is left. the temple was more than 2,000 years old. to iraq where people say little has changed since the prime minister announced a set of sweeping changes last month. and now abadi is facing opposition in parliament as zana hoda reports from baghdad. >> reporter: this is why people began to take to stleets, the shortage of electricity in the extreme heat was the breaking point for many iraqis. the sector has warn down by years of war, but people blame the authorities for mismanagement and corruption. the government promised to take action. the electricity minister was questioned in parliament, he blamed former ministers for not investing enough to develop the distribution network. parliament was satisfied with
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his answers, but it caused yet more anger on the streets. >> translator: it seems parliament isn't taking people seriously and underestimates our will. it's making people even angrier. >> reporter: some of the members of parliament were from abadi's block in parliament. the shia alliance is headed by former prime minister maliki who himself has been accused of corruption. he leads the biggest block in parliament. >> translator: the state of law is not united. there is the abadi wing and the maliki wing, and they are against each other. they are all standing against abadi. he is fighting with reforms alone with the backing of the street and the highest shia religious leader. >> reporter: the protesters have been protesting every friday for weeks now to give abadi support to bring about change.
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at first they demanded better services. now many iraqis are demanding for corrupt officials to be held accountable, and an independent judiciary. and they want to form a political system where appointments were made according to party loyalties and power distributed among sects. but little has changed for the people weeks after abadi announced reforms. the prime minister needs the support of the political establishment, but the same politicians who publicly backed the people seem to be standing in his way. >> translator: parliament members are covering up for each other. they are afraid if one minister is fired others will also be dismissed, and this means parties will lose their power. >> reporter: this crisis is testing abadi's credibility, and his political career could be at steak.
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and if he goes there are powerful members who are ready to step in. police in thailand says a suspect in last month's bombing in bangkok has been arrested. the man was described by police as a quote foreigner. as the thai court has cleared two journalists of charges of defaming the navy. they were facing up to seven years in prison. the charges related to an online report alleged the military turned a blind eye to the trafficking of refugees from myanmar. in indonesia, thousands of workers are demanding the government take action on the economy. there were demonstrations across the country. these workers gathered in jakarta, and they marched on the presidential palace. protestors say the rally is a response to the threat of job losses and weakening currency. police in bangladesh have
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charged five men with the murder of an athreeist blogger. he was killed here his home in march. he is one of four writers who have been killed in the country this year. the men are all supporters of a banned islamic group. u.s. president barack obama says climate change is a problem that needs to be a addressed now. he is on an historic three-day visit to alaska. >> reporter: u.s. president barack obama is dragging the national spotlight to a place it rarely goes, the far northern state of about -- alaska. >> alaska has warmed twice as fast a the rest of the united states. last year was alaska's warmest year on record, as it was for the rest of the world. >> reporter: he will tour melting glaciers and towns with vanishing coastlines, talk to people who are right now dealing
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with the impacts of climate change. a chance to try to reach a third of americans who tell pollsters they simply don't believe climate change is real. but this trip has activists calling the president a hypocrite, because he recently approved drilling for oil in the very place he is touring. the administration said they couldn't stop it because president george bush approved it when he was in office. >> president obama has never shied away from executive action. he has been on the defensive claiming these were bush-era leases to drill in the arctic, but if he cares about protecting that legacy, he can cancel this lease. >> reporter: the often talks about green energy and made it a priority in his budget, but at the same time, he is pushing for more drilling. when he took office the u.s.
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produced just over 5 billion barrels of crude each day, that number temperatured to around 8.7 million. the president depends that, saying it will take time to get more green energy. >> our economy still has to rely on oil and gas, and as long as that is the case, i believe we should rely on domestic supplies and demand the highest safety standards, our own. >> reporter: the president is not highlighting the cause of climate change just off of the same coast. the lawyer for jailed al jazeera journalist, mohammed fahmy, is calling for the canadian government to intervene in his case. his lawyer says she has had support from canadians on the
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ground, but believes the government can do more to help. >> this is the time when it's no longer in the hands in the courts, it is in the hands of the executive branch, and the government has previously said we'll pardon, and deport and the canadian ambassador and i are attending meetings to follow through and say now is the time to act. coming up, we'll get the catholic priest's take on abortion. and canada's oil sands fail to produce the riches they once promised. ♪
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>> at one time i felt that selling cocaine was my purpose. >> as the amount of drugs grew, guns came in. >> the murder rate was sky high. >> this guy was the biggest in l.a. >> i was goin' through a million dollars worth of drugs every day - i liked it. it's hard to believe that a friend would set you up. people don't get federal life sentences... and beat them. >> they had been trafficking on behalf of the united states government. >> the cia admitted it.
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>> top architect david adjaye. >> for architecture to be emotionally relevant, there has to be a connection. >> talks about the pressures of his biggest projects... >> everything i was passionate about was about to be tested. >> and improving the world through buildings. >> architecture does inspire social change. >> every tuesday night. >> i lived that character. >> go one on one with america's movers and shakers. >> we will be able to see change. >> gripping. inspiring. entertaining. talk to al jazeera. the top stories on the al jazeera news hour. hungary saying it is going to register everyone who has crossed its borders, and send economic migrants back to where they came from. this is according to the foreign minister quoted in the reuters
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news agency. while security forces in budapest are blocking refugees from entering the train station as you can see in these live pictures. the government saying it won't allow people to travel unless they have the correct documents. and turkish police have raided the offices of a newspaper. dozens of protesters occupying a government building in lebanon's capitol beirut, they are calling for the minister of environment to resign, this is the latest in a series of massive rallies. and just outside that building the environment ministry building is a man joining us from there to tell us what is going on behind you right now jamal? >> reporter: well, it's getting a lot more tense right now. in the past few minutes there has been some con frontation between the protesters and the security forces.
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we're going to let the camera try to show you the commotion that's taking place outside. there were some journalists inside the building where the protesters were holed up. they were forcibly removed by though security forces. truly that angered the protesters outside, who believed that the security forces are trying to essentially create some sort of -- well, crackdown, rather on these protesters with some sort of immunity away from the cameras. so the people are angry and have called on many more protesters to join them on the other side of this security barricade and all around this compound which has four or five different entrances, there are several other groups or gathering of anti-government protesters who have gathered. >> jamal, loud where you are, but i'm keep this going with
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you, one of the demands for the environment minister to resign. is he feeling the pressure? do we know about his whereabouts right now? >> reporter: well, when one of the -- or rather one of the journalists went down -- or just came out, now he claimed that the environment minister was still inside the billing. obviously it's very evident that there is a lot of -- a lot of pressure, that is being put on not only the minister, but the security forces because this is some sort of an escalation albeit peaceful by the protesters, but they have decided to take a few form of civil disobedience to another level as protests were taking place in the center of the city, seemed not to yield the results that they wanted, particularly as you mentioned, the resignation of the environmental -- or the minister of environment. now it's important to note,
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dareen, that nighttime is going to come about an hour and a half from now, and that's when many are predicting that security forces forces may try to forcibly not only extradite those upstairs in the environmental ministry, but also forcibly disperse the protesters that have gathered in and around this government compound. >> jamal, we'll leave it there, and cross to over you later. thank you for that from beirut. the head of the roman catholic church says all priests will be allowed to forgive the sin of abortion if they believe the women are truly sorry. the protests in which women can currently seek forgiveness involves referral to a bishop who nominates a employees to hear the confession. crossing over to the coordinating secretary, joining us live from rome.
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thank you for being with us on al jazeera. >> thank you. good to be here. >> a decision that is not welcomed by many traditionalists. how much backlash could the pope possibly face for this? >> well, it's like having a cure for cancer, and making it -- making it free for everyone for a year. now some people may not be so happy with that decision, but for the rest of us, we're very happy, and within this context of the year for mercy, pope francis has again wowed us with the fact that popes are people too, and even talks about his personal experience of walking with women who are in pain, who have gone through this experience, which we are now finding out scientifically has a lot of side effects, psychologically, physically, spiritually, and he's opening up the door and allowing for any woman who has had an abortion to
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come to the confessional and receive healing through that. >> would you say this is a major shift in the catholic church policy? >> no, i think that the sackment of reconciliation is one of the main ways of coming and encountering god's mercy. all of the popes have been talking about mercy. john paul ii, and now pope francis even invented a word, mersfy. let yourself be mersfied. so this goes along with god as father, which pope benedict said that mercy is the face of god. so this mercy and giving this mercy to these young women is an extraordinary example of what -- why the church exists which is to bring healing and holiness. >> and by some pope francis is really viewed as being
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progressive on some of the controversial issues, what are seen as controversial issues. so do you expect a change in policy on other issues? >> well, there's two things -- now i might be getting into trouble here. but one is the way that pope francis is, and the other is how the media portrays pope francis. the way that pope francis operates is to be able to go into the hearts of those who are furthest from the church or those on the margins of society, the most vulnerable he spoke about as well, and bring them closer to god's love, and i -- i don't speak for -- i -- i can't say that the media has always portrayed it in that way, but it's a strong invitation for those who are far away to be drawn into the heart of god. >> and finally let me ask you to give us your thoughts on the
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significance of this jubilee year, which starts from december until november 2016 of next year. it is one of the catholic church's most important events. >> well, god is mercy, and pope francis has clued into this from the very beginning of his pontificate, i think he has based it in god's mercy throughout his whole life, and he wants to be able to open that up to others. so we're dedicating an entire year to the study of mercy, to be able to bring the whole church together in this kind of pilgrimage towards the heart of god and toward mercy, and so it's an invitation to return once again to the confessional, to experience the healing power of god's love. >> all right. we thank you for your time on al jazeera. thank you very much for joining us from rome. >> thank you.
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it has been great being with you. peru is the world's top cocaine producer. the government has stepped up efforts to clamp down on drug smuggling flights, which could change the way that traffickers do business. >> reporter: the move is swift and calculated, in just overfive minutes a small plane lands on an clandestine airstrip. for the most part traffickers ship drugs out of peru by plane, nearly 270 tons each year, officials say. it comes from a production area the size of puerto rico. peru east fight against the drug trade is tough, it said by 2013
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it rad indicated nearly 10,000 hectares. now congress passed a law that will allow the air force to down suspected flights. despite the efforts, peru remains the world's top cocaine and coca paste producer. >> translator: the drug traffickers pay the population to quickly repair the airfields and labs. they are using means to get more plants her hectare and have improved the leaf quality. >> reporter: critics say the war on drugs not being successful, farmers in the area, will not allow the government to destroy their crops. >> translator: if they begin forced eradication, the coca farmers will die defending their fields. it sustains their families, educates and feeds their children.
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it allows us to survive. >> reporter: this mother of four is one of thousands of farmers who say they will continue to sell coca to whoever buys it. >> translator: i do try to sell oranges in the market, but sometimes no one buys them. but coca leaves sell like hot cakes. >> reporter: critics say there is hardly any state presence in the region. there aren't good schools. there aren't good hospitals. the people are very, very poor. so their only option for a better future is to continue working in the coca leaf business. experts say when air intervention begins less drugs will be exported for some time. the prices will fall and farmers will have a tougher time making a living, and then new routes will pave the way for the drugs to flow again. canada officially in recession with no economic growth recorded in think first six months of this year.
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a slump in oil prices and a global stock market downturn have hit the country hard. daniel lack reports from toronto. >> reporter: canada's oil-dependant economy is in trouble. once there was talk of being a oil-rich superpower, now oil prices have vastly lowered expectations. -- china's financial turmoil has always come calling. it's all shaken confidence in a country that was proud it came through the 2008 international banking crisis relatively unscathed. the most visible effect downward pressure on the country's currency. this is $20 canadian in $1 coins, and in 2013 it was the same as the u.s. dollar. but now you have to add another $5 canadian to get yourself
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20 usd. a lower canadian dollar and buoyant u.s. economy have bolstered exports. >> 75% of the canadian economy is still growing at a pretty solid pace because they are not actually producing oil. provinces like alberta where oil production is a good quarter of the economy directly. yet perceptions matter, across the country, the economy is the major issue in the campaign for october's federal election. troubled sometimes call for stability for their reelection. opposition parties promise to turn things around with a better plan. analysts wonder if that is even possible in a globalized world. >> no party has a lock on the issue of managing the economy. the underlying reality is, is that the government's don't really determine the success or
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failure of the economy. only at the edges, but they try to convey the impression that they do. >> reporter: as the local election campaign continues, canadian politicians might be well advised to pay as much attention to world markets as to opinion polls at home. unusually high summer temperatures in italy have caused its glaciers to melt at a faster than normal rate. at least three meters of ice cover has disappeared. workers covered segments of ice with white cloth to protect them from the heat. experts say between three and six years worth of snowfall and ice has been lost. the mayor of paris is proposing new solutions to reduce air pollution. large trucks will be baned from the center of the city. and that's just the start. >> reporter: many of these market trader's trucks are about
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to be banned from the center of paris. according to the mayor, they are too old and too polluting. drivers will be fined $40 each time they are caught. and they are not happy. >> translator: it's going to effect us of course, three quarterers of the market traders here don't have new trucks. we'll end up paying. >> reporter: but paris has a problem. they like to drive. especially diesel engines. in march the city briefly had the worst air quality in the world. critics say this is more about the city of paris trying to avoid a huge fine being imposed by the european union, and trying to get its house in order before it mosts the climate change summit later this year. restrictions will cover more and more vehicles in the years leading up to 2020.
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>> translator: air pollution costs france $110 billion per year. that's a travesty for her health but also an economic travesty. we have to improve air quality, so it doesn't harm our health. >> reporter: big operators are taking steps to meet the new rules. this vehicle runs on ethanol, this one is a hybrid, and all are regularly service ed, but it costs a lot of money. >> this is -- i should say a pr exercise, yes. but it's also a symbol -- symbolic, but important to tell to the people the professional and the people the inhabitants of paris to understand that they have to do something now. >> reporter: the first steps in clearing the air in paris will be taken by the small operators, and it's not clear they can afford it.
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it has played host to politicians, film stars, even to james bond. its owners are replacing it with a sky scraper. and those who have been campaigning to save it say an important of cultural heritage is now disappearing. >> reporter: for more than half a century this hotel has welcomed guests from across japan and around the world. but this time they weren't coming to stay, rather to say good-bye. >> translator: there is something unchanging about this hotel. we feel as though we have come back home. like going them to your parents and grand parents as they always welcome you. >> reporter: it was loved by its regulars, who included presidents and film stars for the blend of modernism and traditional japanese craftsmanship and design. this was the obvious hotel for james bond.
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for many it had become an important piece of history. >> translator: there is so much amazing craftsmanship here. i hope the new hotel will have a lobby just like this. >> reporter: the lobby was the star from the beginning. an arrangement preserved virtually unchanged for more than 50 years. >> translator: no one would say anything, no matter how long you spent sitting there by yourself. please do make yourself at home in such a spectacular space where you see japanese culture coming together in one place. >> reporter: but for complainers trying to preserve modernist architecture, what is happening here is also quintessentially japanese. it's to be replaced by a 33-story sky scraper in time for the olympics.
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>> buildings are seen as commodities not as markers of a state of civilization in any given time. >> reporter: the owners say it's too old, its plumbing, and air conditioning, earthquake standards aren't up to standard. critics say those could have been replaced. now it's time for all of the sports news. >> reporter: thank you so much. it's day two of the u.s. open where the men's and women's opening seeding will be playing their matches. the men's world number 2, roger federer will also be in action later. he'll be going for his 6th u.s.
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open title. the 34 year old has been in great form in the run-up to the u.s. open. >> feeling really good about my game. i had a perfect week last week. not being broken, being number 2 and number 1 in the world, a thing i have never done in my career before. plus enough to save break points against both of them, it was unbelievable. it's important to come back to reality and start working in the practice and see where you go from here. >> gold keeper will be staying at manchester united with his move to real madrid collapses. the transfer window closes in a few hours, but despite a fee of $45 million being agreed upon, the deal could be closed on monday. real claimed manchester united didn't get the necessary documentation done in time. real will not appeal. india has beaten sri lanka
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in the third test claiming their first away series win against them. they dismissed them for 268, this man taking three wickets. it's also the first series win as indian captain. >> i don't want to say that i have grown as a captain, because if i make a mistake again, i'll be made a child again. [ laughter ] >> so let's just let things be the way they are right now, and i think it's time to celebrate a series win. any mistakes i make in future will be corrected, but it's important to cherish the good moments as well. i would not like to think i have grown as a captain, and i need to behave in a different way now. there has been a return to cricket this week following a five-year plan.
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unlike amir, who is 23, these men who are both in their 30s, may struggle to regain their previous form. the three were suspended in 2010 for arranging no balls during a test match in england. kenyan athletes have returned home from the world championships. questions over doping isn't take the shine off of the celebrations. catherine soi reports from nairobi. >> reporter: a welcome for the kenyan champions. [ applause ] >> reporter: this is great news, everybody is talking about them. [ inaudible ] >> reporter: this is a feet that has never been achieved before in kenya, and here is another first. this man brought kenya the first
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gold medal in a non-track event. javelin. >> i have been really struggling to win the world championships. and i am the champion, so -- >> reporter: kenya has also been in the spotlight for doping allegations. two athletes failed drug tests in beijing. government sporting agencies including athletics kenya are aware of the doping claims. >> we must fight doping, otherwise we won't make it. thank you very much. >> reporter: doping aside, though, kenyans are basking in the glory of being on top of the world, and the country to beat in the summer olympics to be held in rio next year. and there's some embarrassing news now concerning the tokyo 2020 olympics.
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organizers have decided on the official logo for the games following allegations of mrajerrism. a belgian designer claimed it was too similar to his logo. and that's all of your sport for you. >> thank you very much. well, when you think of the gaza strip, you probably don't think of art, but attitudes are changing, and the only private article school in gaza is thrivering. >> reporter: tucked away in the corner of a small building on a quiet street is the only private art school in the gaza strip, dozens of palestinians come here to learn how to draw and paint. this woman founded the gallery three years ago. then she thought she might only ever have a few students. now most classes are so packed
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there's barely enough room for everyone. >> translator: the idea came to me, because i saw there were really talented people in gaza, thal needed was someone to help them develop their skills. i believe in this school, and i think it's important for the gaza strip, because people don't realize how incredible art is. >> reporter: gaza isn't known for having a large artistic community, but many here say attitudes are starting to change. this woman has been taking art lessons here since it first opened. she says she found it difficult at first to convince her parents to send her to classes, but when they saw how happy it made her and the art she created they also started sending her siblings as well. >> when i saw, i -- i -- i forget all of the problems with electricity and war everything about gaza, and then i just -- i
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just enter my own world, and my imagination after drawing things that i like, and it's really fun. >> reporter: this man started taking drawing lessons a few months ago. he said after surviving last year's war with israel, he came here looking for a way to express his feelings. >> translator: drawing helps me to communicate the reality live in. especially the tragedy of our lives in gaza. it lets me share the painful truth of how we live. >> reporter: while students here have different reasons for picking up pencils and paint brushes, nearly all agree that art gives them peace of mind? what are uncertain times. thanks for watching the news hour on al jazeera, we hand your over to our london broadcast center.
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barbara sarah will be with you in just a moment. stay with us at al jazeera. ♪ everyday citizens are fighting to take their neighborhoods back. >> it's a movement to make a difference. >> educating. >> i feel safer in here. >> the library means something to the people here. >> healing. >> we really have to talk about how can we save lives. >> restoring. >> we given' a family a chance because some of the houses are bein' rebuilt. >> can they rescue their city?
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anger in hungary, as refugees are stopped from boarding trains with europe facing the largest movement of people since world war ii. and hundreds more people are rescued from the mediterranean, new figures reveal the scale of the refugee crisis. ♪ hello there, i'm barbara sarah, you are watching al jazeera live from london, also coming up in the next 30 minutes. more protests against the government in lebanon as demonstrators occupy the
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