tv News Al Jazeera September 3, 2015 5:00am-5:31am EDT
5:00 am >> come to europe - hungary's prime minister urges refugees to stay in turkey as thousands crowd the budapest main railway situation hello, you're watching al jazeera. also on the show. guatemala's president resigns in the face of an eruption scandal. >> china pledges to cut the army by 300,000, as it commemorates the end of the world war ii.
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the u.n. warns of a vast generation of children from conflict zones, who are not getting an education. hungary's prime minister is not mincing his words. he's urging refugees to simply not come to europe. victor was seeking the european parliament in brussels, speaking at the european parliament. and said it's a moral obligation to tell people they will not make asylum if they do make it across the borders. >> why you go from turkey to europe. turkey is a safe country, stay there. it's risky to come. we can't guarantee you can stay. we would not like to falsify the
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dreams of the people. turkey is a safe country, serbia is a safe county. many countries are safe between europe and the regions. definitely it's better for your family, for yourself, to stay only a few hours ago police in budda pest will allow refugees into the railway station. there were scenes inside the station. crowded on trains, although it's not clear where they are going. andrew simmonds is live for us in budapest. let's start with those people behind you in the scene behind there. where are they going, where are the trains going? >> that's the central question right now, sami. we do have some news on this. a number of trains, we are not sure how many suburban trains, or national trains, not
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international ones, took large number of refugees to a border station. it is a small town, but a few kilometres from the border and austrian trains make it to there. i've been there on the last occasion when there was a sudden rush of people. the austrians trains go to that station. it is feasible that the austrian trains be used to get into vienna, but no one knees whether that is -- knows whether that is taking place. reports we have is it's a chaotic scene at the stakes, and no one is sure what will happen. that applied here as well, because on platform eight you have trains destined for a different border town, but whether it leaves or not is an
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open question. reeve gees crowded on board the train. any safety regulations they have been breached in terms of the members on board, and no one is doing anything. no one is doing anything to sort you out. there's no room at all on the platform. police are standing back. a considerable way back. and we don't know whether that will go or not. victor orban in icy news conference, all he said about this situation in terms of the refugees is they have to - apart from a diametrically opposed viewpoint given in a very acid-like way to the media there. and the stage was set by an opinion article in a german newspaper in which he said that this migration crisis threatens
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to undermine the continent routes. he also said that the people want us to master the situation, and how he wants to master that situation is with razor wire and new laws to turn people around and send them back. >> andrew, you made a point of referencing that press conference with the hungarian prime minister. he made it very clear that he was simply doing his job, following the rules of implementing the european union border rule. there is a question here, however. given all the reporting over the months and years, are all the people behind you - are all those refugees not registered. the numbers we are not sure of. certainly a large proportion of them are registered. on monday, the opening of the
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station to refugees, some people have come directly here, other than going to registration. crossing the border. others have gone through that process. which can take anything between two, three days to register and move on. it's not clear. germany emphasised earlier last week, that they had to be registered. the line taken by the government. they have to have valid visas to travel outside hungary. now, that was not mentioned once in the news conference, it was purely that it has to be registered. is there a solution worked out with so many in austria, allowing refugees through a special case basis. possibly, it's not clear yet. the situation is particularly
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liquid. >> thank you for the update guatemala's president resigned after a judge ordered his arrest over corruption allegations. congress voted an tuesday to strip molina of his immunity. daniel schweimler is live for us in guatemala city. where does this leave the government, the country now that's a great question. it's the first time that has ever happened in guatemalan history. the culmination of a series of investigations started several months ago into a corruption scandal involving the customs office. normally you might expect the vice president to take over. she is in prison, implicated in the same scandal. six of the presidents, ministers have resigned, also involved in scandal. there has been huge demonstrations by guatemalans,
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in designation of the president. he could fight his own defense and run the ship at the same time. he was saying on wednesday, now it seems as though he decided his position is untenable. of course, there's elections in guatemala on sunday. he was due to stay off until january, when the new president - he wouldn't be standing in the elections, when a new president takes over in january, now it's a case of guatemalans finding out, looking at the constitution and finding out what the next step here should be. >> what has the judge ordered the president to do. i understand an arrest warrant has not been issued. >> the attorney-general issued an arrest warrant, which then had to be applied, approved by a suj. that happened yet. i think it was on the card. it's the fact that the
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attorney-general decided that he should have arrested, it was enough for the president to decide his position was untenable and should be resigning. it's 3 o'clock in the morning in guatemala. not much happening now, but during the day, big demonstration, in front of the presidential palace, other places asking him to resign. there's a growing number across guatemalan society, loading faith in the presidency and the government. in guatemalan politicians in general. what they are looking for is a clean sweep, and what the president does now, he'll fight the charges against him. really, it's easier for him to do that, while not in the presidency. >> daniel schweimler there, thanks for that a boat carrying 70 people capsized off the coast of the malaysia, happening in one of the biggest shipping lanes in the world. rescue operations will be
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ongoing. give us an update in the number of survivors and casualties in this. >> well, the maritime official that i spoke to said they were able to rescue 90 people. they also were able to recover 14 bodies, many women. now, the official said the boat was flimsy, it was carrying 70 do 80 people when it hit rough sees in the malacca straits. the boat capsized. search and rescue operations are under way, and have not been able to recover anyone so far. officials have done preliminary interviews with survivors, saying that all were not carrying any passports. they say it leads them to believe that they were illegal migrants. many indonesians come here to malaysia in search of work. malaysia is the third largest economy in the region,
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attracting a lot of migrants. they work here and return home on the radar. >> officials believe the passengers on this boat were part of this group, indonesians that come here, and were returning, in fact, from malaysia to sumatra. the search and rescue operators deployed a number of ships. they'll be continuing to look for survivors into the night, but, of course, more time goes by. there is a chance china's president xi jinping pledged to cut the size of the military by 300,000 soldiers. he made the announcement of the ceremony to amark 70 years since japan surrendered in world war ii. at the same time china upgradeded air and naval forces. >> reporter: a nation's pride
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and military might on display in tiananmen square, and an opportunity for the chinese to remember the millions that died during world war ii, fighting japanese aggression. tiananmen square has not seen this sort of parade since 2009. and the fourth since 1960. military personal, past and present, representing chinese armed services marched to precision timing. more than 80% of the hardware on show was unveiled for the first time. tanks, armoured vehicles, dozens of aircraft entertained large crowds. security operations surround the event. a few kilometres down the road. not everyone wants to watch the parade. many came to points like this, not necessarily passing them on the right, but up in the stay. -- up in the sky. >> translation: i've watched hast several parades on tv.
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it is the biggest in terms of size. this is an historical moment for china. >> reporter: many waited for an anticipated speech from chinese president xi jinping, including delegations and heads of states from more than 100 countries >> translation: people's liberation of china is the people's army, to protect security and wellbeing and carry out the noble mission of upholding world peace. here i announce that china will cut the number of troops by 300,000. despite the significant statement, many leaders from western nations, and the prime minister of japan did not attend. they see china flexing its muscle. sending a message that it can and are and will lend itself to disputed territory that it aims
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to claim. china was on the winning side during world war ii. personnel from two nations, including several central asian republics, and russia's asian ally pakistan joined in the parade. 70 years on, like other global nations, china needed to remember the heroes, paying tribute to the sacrifices. there's a clear message, global superpower that never wants to see another world at war again much more still ahead on al jazeera. the safe haven teaching lessons of nonviolence to children after a bloody summer in the city and people gave assistance to the emergency schedules, after being ticked out of venezuela.
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bites. we're giving you a deeper dive into the stories that are making our world what it is. >> ray suarez hosts "inside story". only on al jazeera america. welcome back. let's have a quick look at the top stories here on al jazeera. hungary's prime minister is urging refugees not to come to europe. victor says it's the e.u.'s moral obligations to tell people that they may not be granted asylum, if they make it across the e.u. borders. the president resigned after a judge ordered his detention over corruption allegations. congress voted unanimously to strip president molina of his immunity. an overcrowded boat carrying 70
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people capsized off the coast. going down in bad weather. 14 are reported to have drowned. >> iraqis have been killed by government shelling. 46 people are reported to have been killed in ramadi. the army is trying to take back the city from i.s.i.l. forces. i.s.i.l. attacked yemen's capital. killing 28 people. the used attack in the prayer haul followed by a car bomb. second explosion killed paramedics who rushed in to help. they were controlled by houthi rebels u.n.i.c.e.f. says 13 million children across the continent in africa are not able to go to school. many schools are not used in syria, iraq and libya, because of fighting.
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and they were used to make shelters. children and teachers stay home out of fear of attack. then there's the burden of the influx of refugees on places of education. there are several hundred thousands in jordan, lebanon and turkey. >> we were at one of the thousands, or hundreds of informal refugee camps set up in lebanon. they have the third highest numbers of refugees in the world. it's the highest number per capital because it is a small population, that burden is evident when you come to places like this. services are very thin on the ground, or they do not exist. we'll see a group of children here. this is a school day. these kids should be at school. we'll ask one questions about
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how old they are. how old? >> six. >> reporter: you're six. >> reporter: okay. so this is one six-year-old child, and there's plenty of others, in some informal education system here. however, by far, it's not the same as going through schools that essentially have proper syllabuses and exams. most of them, if not all, are barefoot. the services, like i say, that are provided in the refugee camps are far from free to say the least, in terms of education. but also in terms of health services, social services and things like that a judge in the u.s. city of baltimore rejected motions to
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drop charges against six police officers over the death of a black man in custody. freddie gray, who was arrested in april died from a spinal injury suffered in the back of the police van. the death triggered protests. and ruled separate trials for each of the six officers. >> the killings, combined with the protesters made the year one of baltimore's blood yests. some activists focussed on grass root efforts to limit the cycle of violence. >> reporter: every day after school. this is for children living in one of the baltimore's neighbourhoods. 70-year-old narelle brown is one of them. >> it is safer. safer from all the drugs and killings. so eric created what she called
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a refuge. last string, peaceful demonstrations at time turned violent, after a man was killed in police custody, exposing problems against a city where crime rates spiked. high concentrations of unemployment, limited opportunity for climbing out of poverty. instead of waiting, she came up with her own. >> social media, and three and making a safe haven for all children in the community. >> we had 100 kids a day. >> she had no budget. she's taken to social media. >> jason nicholls, a professor of african-american studies, says it's this grassroots approach that may hold the
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secrets to empowering communities after top-down solutions failed. >> our idea is about escaping black communities, instead of reinvesting and bringing talent and hard work and values in the community. i think that, you know, giving back. that's what this woman is doing. i believe that it is a problem. and why children are killing each other, because no one valued my life. we can hashtag black lives matter all di day, every day. no one teaching them - she's determined to show some of america's disadvantage children, they do. crime, poverty. she said prevails in working class neighbourhoods, all across the united states columbia's president santos is at the border of venezuela after it was closed to
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crossings, deporting thousands of columbians, he said president nicolas maduro is using it to focus attention on the country stds economic problems. >> translation: the entire world knows perfectly world the shortage in venezuela is the result of an economic policy that failed. neither columbia or columbians have anything to do with it. they are problems made in venezuela. as reported from the border town of kerr coot. the columbians forced out of venezuela have to find refugee special camps. >> reporter: it's lunch time in one of 12 shelters set up in the border city. hundreds of kilometres returned, or have been deported from venezuela, getting in line with the meal. this is one of them, after 23 happy years. she says the climate for columbians changed so much she
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turned her family and ran. >> translation: they say columbians are smugglers, thieves, paramilitaries, they say some are, but are not all criminals. they don't even send us food. they didn't huge ittiate columbians, he supported us, giving us homes. hundreds of thousands crossed the border. recently they've been blaming them for syphoning out the goods, and the country's chronic shortages. vince venezuela closed the border, over 1,000 have been deported. 5,000 more crossed back with anything they could take. >> that's when the government stopped deporting people six days ago. columbian families continued to across the boarder. authorities have a hard time managing the flow. >> we are setting up housing and
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working for all of them here or in other parts of the country, we are hoping it will be temporary, eight or 15 days. the foreign ministry says they'll give citizenship to the venezuela residents. the long border is porous, and there has been a steady flow of people both ways. they have made a living smuggling goods, selling them for a profit. it's not people like her that should be blamed for venezuela's woes. >> it's not our fault, we are small-time smugglers with no resources, making a meagre living. they should grow up the powerful cartels. there are economic problems, we are the ones paying for them. >> the columbian government received little help from the international community to solve the crisis. with parliamentary elections around the corner in venezuela, the government there looks set
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to maintain and perhaps extending the restrictions. french farmers are driving more than 1,000 tractors to paris, to protest about falling prices with their products. they'll call for financial support from the government and the european union, and they are complaining about high taxes. the demonstration ahead of the e.u. farmers' ministry meeting in brussels next week south africa is the african continent's biggest sugar plane producer. a drought where more than 80% of sugar cane is growing, is threatening prugz. we have this report. >> reporter: usually at this time of year, these women will be working in the sugar cane fields much of rain fill restored growth. it is one of 200 workers dependent on the cane fields.
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>> i'm so hurt because of the farmers suffer from drought. cows can't get water from the streams, they drink from the sugar cane, and it doesn't doesn't grow because of the cows. >> it was part of a cooperative starting o empower the local community. normally the fields yield 40 tonnes of sugar cane. in counter positions, it's half that. >> translation: the project allows us to work and support the kids and educate them. we've had houses built. now the drought continues, it's a shame for us. >> the cooperative needs help to survive. the industry estimates that this year losses will amount to millions of dollars. the south african cane growers wants. cane fields declared a disaster zone so farmers can access much-needed relief funds. the province is the backbone of south africa's sugar industry,
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producing more than 80% of the sugar cane. unions have been meeting bosses to try to save jobs. >> we have to be worried, because the industry that we are in, it is dependent on the rain fall. we understand that it is sugar that is coming for outside our country, especially from brazil, india the consequences of job losses would be devastating, with casual workers suffering already 20% of the province is unemployed. >> it is not harvestable. you could find that about of the order of 10,000 employees employed up in the coastal north, over 50% of them are laid off, or they'll work half time. >> bigger farms may still have some options to improve the
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situation, many smaller ones remain at the mercy of the weather if you want to keep up to date with the stories, head over to the website at >> that's >> [ ♪ music ] the voting rights act was meant to push back on decades of systematic voter exclusion in big chunks of the country, it meant that the justice department would look over many state shoulders when they made laws. now the acts supporters worry that it's weakened or in retreat as america marked the 50th vote. it's "inside story".
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