tv News Al Jazeera March 4, 2016 6:00am-6:31am EST
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mad madam, the balkin road is a difficult one, i know i come from there. i would like to know before getting to germany and the uk the migrants, i say migrants and refugees and spend time in the balkins. they are cold and they get very little help because the population there itself has just come out of war so what action really is there today, what international action to give help even passing help for these people because everything that the. in gos do, those charitable organizations that is fine but it doesn't help where they are hungry, children die and they
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are cold and what do you do in the next few days and thank you for your question. i will be brief. because i imagine that attention will be more on the situation of syria and the work we have done today and in previous days to try and start again the political process supporting the work done by staffan de mistura and supporting humanitarian aid in syria which is very important. and on the ceasefire but for the balkin road this morning i come from tyranna and the european commission in particular has set up a humanitarian support system within its borders. two days ago it took the decision of the european commission to ensure that
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humanitarian aid and that we can set up outside our borders which will also be possible within the european borders because that is very important to avoid major humanitarian crisis in greece and elsewhere of course and humanitarian aid is already there for members who are not a member of the eu but on the balkin road to ensure that humanitarian aid is sustained. in particular through u.n. organizations and european financing and the people who are there and we will work on that in the next few weeks. hello. madam, ministers, all of you on the same wavelength as your counterparts in the u.s. and
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have you spoken about this problem of humanitarian aid since you met yesterday? and they are not so satisfied with this ceasefire period and you must have seen that today. can you tell us a little bit of what the position is? >> thank you, so this ceasefire is a cessation of hostilities is by no means perfect but it has reduced the level of violence and it has created an opportunity for some humanitarian access and dr. ijab has expressed to us his concerns about the way some things are working on the ground and i don't think any of us have any illusions about the charges in it. what we are focused on is trying to build on what is already there to improve the level of humanitarian access to improve the level of compliance with the ceasefire, to turn this fragile
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thing that we have into something that can be more enduring and that can be at least the foundation on which we can build a peace process in syria and we have encouraged this morning dr. hijab whatever his reservations are to be prepared to return to the discussions in geneva, to engage in good faith in those discussions and on our part we have taken the engagement to press those on the other side the regime, the russians to increase their compliance, to live up to their obligations under this agreement so it's a work in progress as we say, no one is suggesting it is perfect and no one is suggesting it is in a finished form but is this week better than last week? definitely because some is getting through and the level of violence on the ground is
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reduced so let's build on what we have got. >> that is british foreign minister there phillip speaking after a meeting with his fellow foreign ministers from france, germany as well as the eu foreign policy chief all talking about the current ceasefire in syria. let's go now to our correspondent paul brennan who joins us live from paris where that meeting has been taking place. paul, no doubt all four of them very optimistic about the current ceasefire there in syria, hoping to build on that ceasefire, however fragile it is at the moment. >> yeah, i hesitate to use the word optimistic in relation to their mood as far as i could define any way. it appeared they were trying to put the best gloss on a very difficult situation and a situation which continues to be difficult. yes, but they did say that there
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had been improvements in the quality if you like of the cessation of hostilities certainly compared with last week but we know ourselves and the foreign ministers acknowledged themselves that there have been violations and have been break downs of the cessation of hostility, there is still great difficulty getting humanitarian aid to all of those who need it and while the situation does appear to be certainly improving day by day, there is a long way to go and if i look at some of the comments, i mean, john who is the french foreign minister saying it's positive compared to a week ago. and madam was saying the focus should be on humanitarian aid and improving the situation over the coming weeks, an acknowledgment there there is much improvement and saying the ceasefire is by no means perfect but frankly it's the best chance
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we have so we have to continue with it. so i think very cautious optimism frankly pragmatism and there is no plan b and has to work no matter how difficult at this point in time. >> reporter: paul, the leaders of france and germany, merkel is in paris and talking about the refugee crisis that europe is currently experiencing, this refugee crisis directly linked to the syrian conflict. what is expected to come out of those talks? >> well, we are expecting a news conference from president hollande the french leader and german chancer angela merkel in about 20 minutes in time if goes to schedule and bear in mind the news conference was 45 minutes late so things are clearly slipping and as you say there is definitely cause and effect and the conflict in syria is, in
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fact, the main contributor to the refugee crisis that has been facing the european union in the resent 18 months or years. and the situation as far as trying to resolve it is multi fold in here in paris today because we have angela merkel and francois hollande and had a telephone conversation with russian vladimir putin in the last hour-and-a-half, there is going to be a news conference as i say in about 20 minutes or so where they will give their assessment of not just the refugee crisis but also the syrian situation and of course as the european union summit due to take place on monday in brussels so a degree of ministerial level meetings and bilateral leadership meetings all leading to this monday meeting which will involve european leaders and turkey. you can see that there is a kind of snowball effect trying to form in the hope that they can actually come to some kind of
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concrete, constructive policy that will actually make some kind of definitive difference on the ground in syria. >> certainly, paul, thank you for that update, paul brennan speaking to us from paris. well the flurry of diplomacy comes as thousands of people gather at the greece-macedonia border, refugees blocked a rail way line of macedonia's refusal to let them in and we report from there. >> reporter: we are not prisoners she says, we are humans and we escape from i.s.i.s. and we came to you. please we have become more desperate as each day goes by. if there was any hope that the bottleneck at the border would be solved in a few days it is now all but gone replaced by despair, anger and frustration in an overwhelming state of
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confusion. access to macedonia is restricted but no clear guidelines have been given as to what the stranded here need to do. information is spread by word of mouth and often it is wrong. >> translator: everyday there are new rules, i'm afraid when my time comes they will tell me i can't get in because my jacket is brown and need it to be black to get through. >> reporter: any semblance has broken down and papers are not valid any more and macedonia and balkins require a new stamp and they stand in cue and no word it will end the plight and a turkish stamp on passports and he is iraqi and like many here he first stopped in turkey to
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earn enough money to pay the smuggler. >> been in turkey one month to get into macedonia. >> reporter: what does that mean for you? >> for me it's terrible life and very hard that you omall this destination, long way and suffering without sleep and food and then you hear like you hear news that you can't get into macedonia because you have been in turkey one month. >> go back, go. >> reporter: police are struggling to keep order. they have been organized refugees into numbered groups of 50 and with so many conflicting rumors few are willing to wait it out and it spread all the way for the borderline and even those who manage to reach the crossing point have to wait for a long time with the uncertainty of whether they are going to be pushed back or not. that is what happened here. he made it across on wednesday only to be back in greece by the evening. >> translator: i went through this morning and was pushed back. they say the signature on my
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registration form was fake. i'm not the only one in this situation. >> reporter: faced with such hardship, tempers often flare-up, there are scuffles and people push and shove but perhaps what is most difficult is the humiliation for the refugees here who are begging their way for the sake of their children. >> we will go live who is joined from the domney border crossing between greece and macedonia, a lot of frustration and desperation there that the refugees are definitely going through and tents and people living behind you and take us through the sort of condis that these refugees are living under as they wait whether authority decide if they can cross or not. >> well, conditions are becoming more and more difficult, not only because of the over
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congestion of the makeshift camp and it's 11-12000 people who are now stranded here and also the weather conditions have turned and it has been raining overnight and you can see here around me people are living in the middle of the mud, also a lot of garbage simply because it's very difficult for the aid organizations under ground to get rid of all of that all the time. you probably see behind that man standing and you have a new group that just arrived and there is a man sleeping, he has covered his face and they are waking all night and exhausted and at the moment there is really no place for them to set up tent because everything is wet. the scene you see here it spreads on both sides of the street and on my left there is a track and then you have the exact same scene on the other side of the track. and everyday we come in the morning and everyday we notice that this camp is just spreading and spreading. there is also people who have
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gone further south and something called a camp emerging and seen trackers levelling the ground for what will be a camp and certainly very difficult conditions but the most difficult remains the fact that there is a lack of information and people are completely lost. they don't know if they will make it in or not. now a new regulation at the border of macedonia and unless you declare you are fleeing war you are not allowed throw no matter what nationality you are. if you declare you are going to western europe for family reunification to escape military recruitment back in syria or because of education well you will be sent back so it's becoming really a desperate situation for these refugees. the emotional hardship of it, the living conditions and also these changing rules with no one really telling them "yes" or "no" you will be able to go through and seen people who have
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been through it and returned all the way back here. >> thank you very that update and speaking to us from the greece-macedonia border. the united nations has reported a sharp rise in allegations of sex abuse against its staff, a new report cataloged 99 accusations of abuse and u.n. missions in central african republic and the democratic republic of congo, ivory coast and mali accounted for the majority of those claims and we report. >> reporter: united nations peace keepers were supposed to come to the rescue in central african republic but accused of sexual exploitations and number of sexual exploitations and abused last year was 99 compared with 80 the year before. in a statement that says this regretly marks increase in new allegations signifying that more needs to be done to reduce the number of allegations and more importantly the number of victims effected bisexual
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expectations and abused perpetrated by u.n. personnel and names 21 countries involved in sexual abuse and the u.n. has been critical signed for not doing enough prompting the secretary-general to speak out on the issue last year. >> i believe that a disturbing number of allegations we have seen in many countries but particularly in the central african republic, in the period before u.n. peace keepers were deployed and since speaks the need to take action now. enough is enough. >> reporter: it was in 2014 that allegations of wrongdoing in the central african republic first came to light when french troops were accused of misconduct and the mission is made up of 10,000 personnel in from 45 countries and u.n. says it takes time to investigate such accusations and sexual abuse by u.n. personnel is not new and they were found to have
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sex in exchange for food and medicine and the secretary-general had swift action and zero tolerance and the resent report calls for on site court marshal proceedings when allegations amount to sex crimes and calls on member states to obtain dna samples of alleged perpetrators but so far it doesn't seem to be working and report from central african republic women and girls are raising babies who are from the troops, al jazeera. joanne is a senior crisis response add advisor and it's worth considering prosecuting the culprit in the countries where they commit the abuses. >> this kind of abuse has been reported even since the 1990s in bosnia and cosovo there were allegations of sex allegations by u.n. troops and the real question is what has take end and why has it taken the u.n. so long to address this problem in a meaningful way?
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when is the u.n. finally going to put a stop to it because in the central african republic clearly it's a problem and the core fact and the troops are under u.n. command the real responsible and power lies with the contributing countries so most importantly the u.n. has no power to prosecute these troops for crimes of rape and sexual abuse and exploitation. what happens is the troops return to their own countries and in theory those countries are supposed to prosecute them. of course in practice that very rarely happens. the u.n.'s decision to name and shame those countries whose troops are implicated in abuse is one step, certainly it will embarrass those countries and create some pressure for accountability, i think more concretely there needs to be improved vetting so troops that are implicated in these abuses in their own country should not
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be sent on u.n. peace keeping missions and the structure needs to be reformed so the report's recommendation of prosecuting troops in the countries which the crimes are committed i think is worthy of serious consideration. iran accused gulf countries of risk lebanon stability by designating hezbollah a terrorist organization and the group itself described the decision as reckless and hostile and we have more. >> reporter: gulf cooperation counsel former designation of hezbollah as a terrorist organization is significant, many say it will have a wide ranging impact across the region. >> this is actually a big deal because saudi arabia is putting some order within the alliance and we know in previous times the kingdom of saudi arabia along with bahrain and the emirates have already designated hezbollah as a terrorist
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organization, now what we have is the addition of kuwait, qatar. >> reporter: escalation indicates lebanon where hezbollah is based finds itself on the front lines of a regional power struggle, coming as it does less than two weeks after saudi arabia announced it was cutting 4 billion in aid to lebanon army and after the united emirates and kuwait and bahrain warned citizens traveling to lebanon and urged any citizens in lebanon to leave and the decision which is called a mistake is a regional division between saudi arabia and iran hezbollah's backer. much of the growing tension goes back to january when embassy was stormed by protesters and protester against saudi arabia's execution of the prominent shia
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cleric-nimit-nimit and accused them of punishing lebanon. >> translator: does saudi arabia have the right to sanction the lebanese army and state and people and the lebanese residing in saudi arabia and the gulf just because one particular party took a certain position and raised its voice. >> reporter: gcc said the block will designate hezbollah a terrorist organization because of what it calls hostile acts within the group in member states as well as countries in the region and say the gcc is determined to stop hezbollah. >> i think the gulf countries are pretty much determined not to allow hezbollah a militia to determine the fate of what goes on in lebanon but also because of the militia's involvement in syria, in iraq, as well as in yemen. >> reporter: just days ago came serious accusations that hezbollah was aiding rebels to
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plot and carry out attacks in the country and lebanon is a tiny county and sectarian is deep and most effected, al jazeera. two policemen killed in a car bomb and rocket attack in southeast turkey and happened close to the border with syria. turkish security forces and emergency services were quickly on the scene. at least 35 people are reported to have been wounded in the explosion. the republican race for the white house has turned ugly, frontrunner donald trump was branded a fraud and phony in the latest t.v. debate on fox news and it was at times crude with time running out for the party establishment to stop him winning the nomination and allen fisher has more. >> reporter: attacks and insults and donald trump put on defensive straight away and the first question from former presidential candidate mitt romney. >> he was a failed candidate and
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should have beaten president obama very easy. he failed miserably. >> reporter: from texas cruz said he did not have the experience and talent to be president. >> this is not about the insults back and forth between the candidates, this is not about what attacks we can throw at each other. >> reporter: marco rubio one one state on super tuesday but said they did not want donald tru trump. >> they do not want you to be our nominee. >> reporter: then there was this bizarre comment from donald trump. >> look at those hands, are they small hands? he referred to my hands, if they are small something else must be small, i guaranty you there is no problem, i guaranty. >> reporter: and this exchange sums up a lot of the evening and the republican contest. >> don't worry about it little marco. >> okay big d. >> don't worry about it little
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marco, you ought to chill. >> you got to do better than that. >> this guy is a number one absent record in the united states. >> reporter: this debate tried to nail down candidates on specifics and donald trump was asked if his position on immigration was simply pleaing to people's fantasies. >> i'm not playing to anybody's fantasies and saying our country is in trouble, we have a tremendous problem with crime, the border is a disaster like a peace of swiss cheese. >> reporter: refused orders from donald trump for suspects and captives. >> if i say do it they will do it. >> reporter: john kasich failed to win a state pleaed for calm. >> yearning for somebody who is going to bring america back in the leadership and in the neighborhood where we can begin to reignite the spirit of the united states of america and let's stop fighting. >> reporter: another republican debate that was all about donald
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trump he took the majority of the attacks and dominated the air time and despite all the efforts to derail and decrown him he still dominates the polls and the race, all allen fisher, al jazeera. they said to be ready to fire at any time said kim jong-un while supervising a military drill and less than 24 hours after they fired short range missiles in the sea of japan and wednesday the u.n. imposed new sanctions on north korea. japan suspended construction work to relocate a u.s. air base on the island of okinawa and the u.s. has 26,000 soldiers there and the government wants to move to the base to a less densely populated part of the island and the people there want it closed down. global estimates show that fish are being caught nearly three times more than reported and
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much of that catch is illegal but as we report from the western cape in south africa small scale fishermen say they have no chose when it comes to making a living. >> reporter: he and his crew set out for the day's catch, it's a task made difficult by a small and safe boat, and unpredictable weather on the west coast. >> sometimes when the wind comes up it can be very rough and with the size of the boat can capsize. >> reporter: they are willing to take a risk because it's the only way they know how to earn a living, these men risk their lives everyday facing rough waters of the atlantic ocean, sometimes they fish within the quota and sometimes they are not and have to break the rules to feed their families, he is fishing 20 years and there are too many restrictions on people like himself. >> i have a permit that allows me to catch about 96 kilos from
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november until june but what do 96 key kilos with children and a wife and it's not worth getting 96kilos and it's not poaching because you have do something to survive. >> reporter: he has been arrested for the fish he has caught and it is hanging over people in the community which relies on the fishing industry and the numbers of unemployed after several fisheries down sized and he officials for crawfish and snails. >> when you need to apply there is a lot of obligations and a lot of people and most of the people living along the coast they don't know a lot about paperwork, all they know is how to fish so it's quite difficult. >> reporter: according to the department of environmental affairs the illegal fishing industry makes almost $400
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million a year, poaching fueled by demand for exotic sea products specifically abolone and rock lobster which are praised on some asia dinner tables and both of the species are endangered and intended to conserve fishing but they say it's the large smuggling sindicates. live to paris where the leaders of germany and france are about to speak and have been speaking together and this is francois hollande and angela merkel. >> translator: to organize in paris a telephone conference with vladimir putin and also david cameron who i met yesterday. that telephone conversation was useful because it allowed us to
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remind ourselves that the syrian cessation of hostilities should be respected everywhere and the only actions that can be accepted or tolerated are those against da'esh and al-nusra. any other initiative would violate the ceasefire and the pretext to not truly implement it. nevertheless we saw that it was common intent and in the field what was generally observed. also we wanted to be able to bring humanitarian aid in the best possible conditions to the civil populations, the victims of this conflict, who may find themselves today without any food so we decided all
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participants to coordinate our efforts and initiatives to bring in particular to aleppo but not only there, support and indispensable aid. also we have reaffirmed the how opportune cessation of hostilities is so we can start a political process again and the russians through vladimir putin recognize this principle of negotiation on the basis of the u.n. resolutions. we will no doubt have the opportunity for further telephone conversations to follow on this political transition process but there is an opportunity that exists. first of all to calm thi
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