tv News Al Jazeera March 9, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm EST
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>> our american story is written everyday. it's not always pretty, but it's real... and we show you like no-one else can. this is our american story. this is america tonight. >> i.s.i.l.'s chemical weapons. >> there are u.s. military forces that are on the ground in iraq that are part of these forces that are dedicated to carrying out raids. >> u.s. special force he reportedly capture a significant official at i.s.i.l.'s chemical weapons program. losing hope. >> there was little assistance. all my clothes are soaked. look at the weather. we are dying here.
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>> a main refugee route to europe is shut down stranding thousands in squalid conditions. while diplomats say, the stalled talks will resume on monday. rhetoric and the side step violence the retribution it generates has to stop. >> on day 2 of his visit to israel vice president biden criticizes palestinian leaders for not speaking out against attacks that one that left an american student dead. and moving forward, myanmar prepares to elect its first democratically elected president in 50 years. good evening, i'm antonio mora. we begin al jazeera america international news hour with what could be a major development in the fight against
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i.s.i.l. u.s. forces reportedly captured a key official who's trying to develop chemical weapons during a raid in northern iraq in a month. slaymandaod al fari, formerly worked for saddam hussein's regime. more from senior white house correspondent mike viqueria. >> googood evening, antonio. officials both in washington and iraq are touting the capture of an i.s.i.l. official even as they warn of an ominous plot in the works. u.s. foirnling forces have capta suspect reported by the new york times and others to be slayman daod al afari, captured in iraq two weeks ago and in u.s. custody under interrogation.
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citing operational security, they reported raid that feted al afari. >> there are u.s. military forces that are on the ground in iraq that are part of these forces that are dedicated to carrying out raids collecting intelligence anywhere possible. getting access to high-value targets. >> reporter: the u.s. official in iraq says i.s.i.l. has in fact launched some chemical weapon strikes, against peshmerga, the kurdish forces. but a pentagon official says i.s.i.l. has weaponized chemical sulfur not must tart gas. causing irritation and in large doizs thadoses can kill.
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his reported seizure was welcomed by adam schiff, a democrat on the house committee, is is officials say after the u.s. military has completed the interrogation process al afari will be moved to other custody. >> mark kimmitt joins us, good to see you. how significant is all this? first will attacking the chemical weapons facilities mean much in the greater context of
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the fight against i.s.i.l? >> probably not but we've got to understand that particularly in iraq, the notion of chemical weapons evokes a significant amount of terror in the people and that's what i.s.i.l. is trying to do with these weapons system. >> when it comes to attacking the u.s. and other countries with these chemical weapons, i.s.i.l. has apparently used a powdered form of mustard agent. it seems that could be easily transported and used as a weapon of terror. >> sure. but we've also got to recognize that these are very ineffective and crude weapons. in fact a bullet is much more effective than these weapons. they provide blistering and problems with breathing but really ineffective as a tool of war, they are simply good as a tool of terror. >> the i.s.i.l. operative who was captured by these new
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expeditionary forces, this has to be a positive sign that those forces can be effective. >> that's right. but all of us understand that on these types of operations, 95% is intelligence, 5% is the operation itself. what this indicates is that the intelligent networks that they're putting together in this area are becoming very, very effective, leading to these types of operations. and these types of operations yield more intelligence which then correspondingly allow for other operations. >> what about the origin of these chemical weapons? are they leftovers from the assad regime's arsenal or even from the saddam's era or do we have a sense that i.s.i.l. has a capability of developing more dangerous chemical weapons than chlorine or mustard? >> yeah, all indications are that these were not from either the remnants of the syrian to be
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pile or iraqi stockpile. what you have is a former baat baathivity who toobaathist and e ingredients and trying to manufacture a miniaturized chemical weaponchemical weapons. >> there are reports out there that they have ready become the power behind i.s.i.l. do you think that's the case? >> well, i don't know if the intelligence supports that at this point but certainly makes sense. you think about the most well trained sunnis inside of iraq, and those were the baath generals that we stopped working with at the end of the 2003 war. many of them were recess recollected in other countries.
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many of them worked in other countries. some of them went to the sunni areas and became part of the resistance. so it's not unexpected that some of these with their significant amount of military background in management capabilities could be providing some structure to the overall i.s.i.s. organization. >> what about these concerns over the mosul dam? we have reported on this but today u.s. ambassador to the u.n. samantha power tweeted, just left chilling information on iraq. you spent time in iraq, are the iraqis being forthright enough? >> that is a significant problem no doubt about it. the iraqi government is trying to put some remedies in place bringing an italian company to regrout mosul dam. unfortunately it doesn't look
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like that company is going to start up the completely until after the april melting from the plts. there is a near term risk not only to mosul but that bow wave from the flood could get all the way to baghdad and estimates are that the river will rise eight meters inside baghdad which will put most of baghdad under water as well. so this is a situation that needs careful attention. >> mark kimmitt, always good to have your insights. sure. >> the peace talks seem to have stalled, but impact on two fronts, delivering humanitarian aid and the hostilities stoppi stopping. our diplomatic editor james bays reports. >> staffan de mistura is hopeful the syrian government and the
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maim opposition block will be back in geneva soon. >> the focus will be on substance on the agendas, in other words on new governance, constitution and elections, the future elections in 18 months time both presidential and parliamentian. >> that statement was clearly aimed at the spokesman of the committee, solman, who said the focus of the government had to be on the head of the government not president assad. they say invitations by the government like this attack are continuing. they also want detainees, particularly women and children, released and as the u.n. task force on humanitarian access met in geneva, they have again been complaining about the government not allowing food and medical
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supplies in thi. this backed in part by the task force leader, jan eckeland. >> which side militarily is besieging the remaining six areas? >> it's very clear that the six areas that i would then say the seven areas where we have not reached including deir ez zor, are reached six by the government, one by islamic state. >> one of those areas is the ria, the opposition believe it's been quite deliberately starved. in the damascus suburbs it is militarily and symbolically important to the government side. james bays, al jazeera at the united nations in geneva. >> macedonia has completely closed its border. right now there are as many as 14,000 people stranded across its border with greece.
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al jazeera's hoda abdel hamid has a look at their plight. >> they were pushed out of their home land only to end up in a huge puddle of mud along a closed border and now even taking a few steps is a risky business. lost and confused the refugees wander around asking anyone they can for information. many ask if they will be able to be reunited in their relatives, in other areas of northern europe somewhere, others fear they will be trowrnd turkey. returned to turkey. some are pinning their hopes on german chancellor angela merkel to help them. this happens every day, people sit on the railway tracks hoping it will give enough pressure to open the borders. officials explain this is not case however their numbers are increasing by the day.
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most however have reluctantly come to the realization that the balkan route has been be closed. jasmina whether she set off with her daughter, felt she would be reunited with her husband and two sons. >> i want to get away from here. i've not had a shower since i arrived. look at the weather, we are dying here. >> reporter: the eu agreed for a relocation program of 160,000 are refugees to be relocate. the process is slow, greece be explains that some countries want to pick and choose. people here are stuck in squalid standards. well below the hygienic
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standards determined by the eu. come see, says iman, i'm not lying. inside the tent, her seven-year-old son, he has no dry clothes and after 15 days of hoping in vain, she ran out of money. >> we rely on handouts, they give us food. it is really hard. we don't know what to do. >> reporter: refugees set up fires, burning wood and everything from plastic bottles and old clothes. it released toxic fumes but kept ethem warm. with the rain, even that is gone. hoda abdel hamid, al jazeera. >> a swap part of a broughter agreement reached by yemeni fighters. seven yemeni fighters will be released in return for a saudi
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corporal. the disagreement emerged after saudi arabia held its first talks with the houthis since it entered the conflict a year ago. north korea has announced it has scrapped all economic projects with south korea and will liquidate all projects in its territory. the south suspended joint operations last month. the north sent two missiles into the sea off its south coast, hours after kim jong-un announced his country had successfully miniaturized a weapon. small enough to fit on a nuclear missiles. in context look at u.s. israeli relations and if any hope exists for a two state solution. also a defiant ukrainian pilot's
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was in the hands of government, but government denied. was a cia contractor. a missile test in iran is causing concern in israel and the u.s. iranian state media reported today its military test launched two ballistic missiles with the words, israel must be wiped out, written in hebrew on them. vice president joe biden in israel reassured prime minister benjamin netanyahu that the u.s. will act. vice president biden chastisepalestinian leaders, after the latest attack kills and injured. both sides to return to peace negotiations. al jazeera's paibl reports. al jazeera's paul beban reports. >> joe biden complete with
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mahmoud abbas wednesday -- met with mahmoud abbas wednesday. as biden met with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. >> let me say in no uncertain terms. the united states of america condemns these acts and condemns the failure to condemn these acts. this cannot become an accepted modus operandi. >> reporter: biden was condemning the series of acts in the last months, 28 israelis and two u.s. citizens have been killed. including taylor force on tuesday. on its twitter page, abbas's fattah party. s. >> the retribution that it generates has to stop. >> biden says his family was dining not far from where force
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was stabbed to death. and a dozen others wounded. >> this cannot be viewed by civilized leaders as an appropriate way in which to behave even if it appears to inure to the benefit of one side or the other. >> reporter: since october 187 palestinians have also been killed, according to israeli police most were assailants but some were shot by israeli forces during demonstrations. deep frustration over israeli occupation and settlement building in the west bank and the lack of progress towards a peaceful solution. u.s. israeli relations have been tested lately. prime minister benjamin netanyahu cancelled meetings with president obama this week,
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but there was no question about loyalty. >> we are committed to making sure that israel can defend itself against all serious threats, maintain its edge with a quantity sufficient to maintain that. >> the foreign minister of france is asking arab states to help relaunch talks between arabs and palestinians. the u.s. effort to broker a two state solution has been on the back burner for two years. the french are lobbying countries to commit to a conference by may and bring the sides back to the table by august. there are major fractures in israeli society not only between jews and arabs but among jews themselves. that's according to a influencely released poll by the pew research center, whether or not arabs should be expelled from israel. only half of israelis polled
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think an independent arab state could exist alongside israel. neither group trusts other in the peace process. only 10% of israeli jews think palestinian leaders are sincerely seeking peace and 24% of arabs think same of israelis. why hawks become doves, shimon perez. it's good to see you guy. it doesn't bode well for peace or a two state solution. >> no, it doesn't and the president of israel responded to the poll by saying that there has to be some national soul searching. and to some extent this is the product of growing religious nationalism in israel, growing differences between the different religions and the different communities in israel and most importantly the absence of peace diplomacy, the absence
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of any sort of hope for peaceful resolution to the israeli-palestinian conflict. >> the big story today was vice president biden asking abbas to stop these attacks and failure to did so, attack killed an american student and injured 12 others, what can you agree on? >> well, unfortunately as your news segment pointed out, this is the 28th attack, there have been 28 israelis that have been killed since october, two u.s. citizens including the graduate student who was killed yesterday. and rather than condemning the attack we see hamas based in gaza that is promoting it and the a al palestinian authority treating it as these were martyrs. that's a problem. >> accusing the u.s. of not demanding that israel halt what
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they call its policy of extra judicial killings and what they say are daily killings on the al-aqsa mosque. is the gulf growing? >> the gulf is growing and the absence of any sort of a diplomatic horizon is strelt dangerouextremelydangerous. this is where the u.s. has to come in. without u.s. leadership you are not going to see the two sides together or initiating any sort of talks. we see very weak leadership in the region. netanyahu and abbas are weak leaders who have demonstratefailure to take measures for peace. >> biden called for peace and a two state solution but is it fair to say biden has given up on leading the process?
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>> no i don't. framework for middle east peace based on a two state solution, we don't know yet the frame it's going to take, it might do so as a u.n. security council resolution or perhaps a presidential speech of some sort. but i think it's very important that the administration do what it can in its last year in office not -- to not just shore up its legacy, the obama administration has indeed invested a lot in this process, but more importantly to save a two state solution, the only viable solution to a palestinian israeli conflict is a two state solution. >> we mentioned france's efforts and some do think with maybe the u.s. not taking the lead and somebody else taking the lead might work better. final question i wanted to ask you, biden met with netanyahu but netanyahu cancelled the trip
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to meet with president obama. what do you think of that? >> i think this attests to the difficult testy relationship between prime minister netanyahu and president obama, you know the two don't get along. they are negotiating invite right now a very ambitious memorandum of understanding which is a comprehensive defense aid package over a ten year period that would provide israel with potentially $40 billion in u.s. security assistance. and vice president biden met with netanyahu to discuss it. in israel this week. i know that next week, the defense minister of israel is going to be in washington meeting with his defense counterpart, secretary of defense ashton carter and hopefully they will solidify some sort of agreement because israel does have some very serious threats, significant
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threats in the region, is threatened by a civil war that's raging in syria right next door, we have i.s.i.s. right around the corner from israel, there are significant missile threats coming from israel's north, hezbollah in the north, iran in the east, iran has been testing long range ballistic missile range 2,000 kilometers that can reach israel. these are very serious threats and i think the relationship between united states and israel will certainly withstand latest flare-up over netanyahu's cancelled visit. >> guy zif, good to have you with us. thank you. the prison program, and five years after the melt downtowns of the fukushima nuclear plan, the communities that remain abandoned and the signs of hope for the future.
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interviewed at least five candidates. in california thousands of mourners lined up for hours to bid farewell to nancy reagan. a few minutes ago today's public viewing concluded. it will resume tomorrow. paul ryan attended a short prayer service with the family. reagan's funeral which she herself planned will take place friday. she will be laid to rest by ronald reagan at the simi valley location of his presidential library. 20 missions in 2006 and 2015, the military says most were for search and rescue, insists no laws were broken. the pentagon has revised its
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drone policy, drones pay not be used for surveillance on americans. tunisian forces are continuing to hunt down the suspected i.s.i.l. fighters wanted in monday's attack. tunisian authorities blaiment i.s.i.l. on thblamei.s.i.l. for. majority of the attackers were home-grown. >> translator: we confirm and have previously stressed that most of the attackers were in ben gardan. the group was present and sleeper cells pay also be present. >> tunisia closed its border with libya after the attack. the u.s. is stepping up its battle against al shabaab
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fighters in somalia. special forces took place in a raid against them. helicopters swoops into an al shabaab controlled town west of the capital mogadishu. ten fighters were killed, including high profile targets of the mission. this came two days after the pentagon said 150 al shabaab fighters were killed in another major operation. i.s.i.l. attracts more new members from france than from anywhere else in europe. many who joined were young men who be first joined while they were in prison. al jazeera jas min ryan reports. >> france prides itself on secular institution he, but secular france is having to reevaluate its approach the religion. their question why french muslims are identifying with groups like i.s.i.l. in october 2015, some 1770
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french citizens were either inside syria or iraq on their way there or returning home. that's higher than any other european country. last year i.s.i.l. sympathizers took their fight to the streets of paris carrying out the bloodiest attacks on france in decades. observers quickly noted a common factor, many of the killers appear to have developed their hard line views while in prison. that's thrown spotlight on a trial program being tested in five prisons. lawmakers are paying closer attention to the place of religion in jails. >> translator: it's important because it's the first prison to have areas reserved for radicalized detainees. that's been the starting point for the other prisons that have also introduced this type of area.
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>> francois is visiting to see how successful the program has been so far. there are 42 identified as radical according to the authorities in the prison and kent away from other inmates but getting mixed reviews according to other prisoners. so you don't think it's a good idea? >> translator: no, we are all human beings after all. >> and the prisoner's officer, are says the plan could even be counterproductive. >> translator: the fact we are grouping them together and allowing themin them to be togei find that actually quite dangerous. once they've been sentenced they'll be sent out to other prisons. >> for others the lack of positive religious influences in prison. dedicating his time offering religious guidance to inmates,
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after he became convinced they were suffering from the lack of imam. most visit the prisons for just a few hours a week. that's despite the fact that an estimated 70% of france's prison population is muslim. >> translator: we have a situation where inmates are left to their own devices and when there is no imam available either because he is not there much or because there isn't one in the prison they will instead rely on other nments wh inmatesy often have very fundamentalist understanding of islam. >> reporter: policies requiring a more nuanced approach, jasmine ryan, al jazeera. a ukrainian pilot on trial in russia, showed her defiance
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with an obscene gesture. her lawyers said she is on a hunger strike and in danger of dying. rory challands is following trial from moscow. >> reporter: this controversial trial is dragged on months longer than anticipated. many were half expecting a verdict on wednesday. that wasn't to be but there was still plenty of is is drama in the courtroom. her final statement activit reqf a violent statement against putin. >> this is against god and everything in the world. all i can show is my own example that russia can be whipped into submission if one is not afraid and if one is tough. >> reporter: and then to ram
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home her disdain for the russian course, she did this. >> translator: and now did you want my final statement, did you want my fina, here ismy final s. >> when friends and family started singing the ukrainian facial anthem the court was cleared of cameras. her verdict will now be delivered march 21st and 22nd. prosecutors want a 23 year sentence. but her health is growing concern. she is vowing to continue her dry hunger strike, no food and no water. dead or alive she says she will return to ukrainian. >> rory challands reporting from moscow. brazilian prosecutors have filed charges against the former president, detained last week
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for questioning. prosecutors want to know more about an undeclared beach front apartment allegedly owned by lula and his wife. the former mayor denies any wrongdoing. three candidates for position but nobel peace prize laureate aung san suu kyi is not one of them. head of a national league for democracy party, she will be a major player. wayne hay joins us. how will the political process play out today? >> reporter: well, what happens is each house he of parliament, the upper and lower, will nominate a candidate and the military will also name one. the military controls a quarter
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of the seats in parliament. some time next we we will have a vote by members of the parliament and they will decide who will become the next president and the two unsuccessful candidates will be the vice president,ments have of myanmar. most speculation centering around a man called tin cho, to become president, member of the national league of address, not in the parliament but close to the party leader, aung san suu kyi.that is something she would need in a presidential candidate someone who can be trusted, someone who can be loyal to her wishes and to those of the party. >> because the constitution does not allow soo khy to be the president, if the constitution prohibits her from taking office, has the party gotten
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what it wanted after last yore's landslide election? >> i think there will certainly be mixed emotions today. there are major steps to the party fighting so many years now to effectively take over the running of the country to continue this push towards myanmar becoming a fully democratic society. but you're right, aung san suu kyi wanted to be the president, she knew going into november's election that the constitution prevented her from taking up that position, but since then there has been negotiations between her, her party and the military which controls a quarter of all seats in parliament and has veto power over any constitutional changes p she needs to ge.she needs to r side. they wanted to have the army
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agree to setting aside that section of the constitution to allow her to become president. it appears that's not going to happen at least not at the moment. >> wayne hay in myanmar, thank you. friday marks five years since a massive earthquake and tsunami struck jam. trig earthquake melt downs at the fukushima daiichi power plant. al jazeera's harry fawcett returned to the power plant to see what things are like now. >> akiro guides me past the chinese restaurant that he said made the best rameen noomedz in then noodles inthe world. amid the destruction and abandonment he finds small signs of hope like the almost magical appearance of a gate at a shinto
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site. due to store nuclear waste. akira's home lies empty, abandoned in moments five long years ago. but he's determined to keep a connection to it. his delight is clear when he bumps into an old school friend. he intends to make a film of this town, determined to show that life hasn't been extinguished here. >> i will make this film, and i want to enjoy it with the people. >> the disaster that started five years ago is not over. along the coast, thousands struggle to stabilize let alone decommission the power plant. at the power plant itself,
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conditions continue to escalate. the disaster still goes on. and its effects are ongoing. parts of another section is under seclusion zone. genke endo used to go to school here. now he uses this area to practice his art. >> translator: when i'm performing i don't think. but even in that state of mind my emotions, memories and the future of my home town, it all comes through as my music. >> reporter: "like" akira, genke is worried about five years of fractured life on his community. he is part of a tradition of drumming, a bridge he says to keep generations connected.
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two young men doing what they can to hold on the an idea of home. onto an idea of family. >> authorities say, a woman and girl were halfway through a flight from istanbul, when another passenger noticed the bag was moving. prevented from bringing the child onto another flight, she then boarded another flight with the girl stowed in her luggage. the woman is in the process of adopting a child from haiti, authorities have not stopped the process. world health organization warns a vaccine for the zika virus could come too late. also remembering the man known as the fifth beetle, how
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mothers given birth to babies with brain defects. vaccine pay not be available for months. >> vaccine development is still at the early stage and the most advance candidates are still months away from entering early human clinical trials. it is therefore possible that vaccines play come late for current latin american outbreak but the development of the vaccine remains an imperative and in particular, vaccines suitable for pregnant women and childrewomen of child bearing a. >> the skies went dark over indonesia. people traveled from all over the world to catch the event. step vaessen has the story. >> the spectacular solo show
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brought people together from all over the world. for some it was their fifth total solar eclipse. most indonesians have never seen one before. >> i can see the total solar eclipse for the first time in my life. second, i will share my experience with all my friends and family. i will make them envy. >> reporter: traditionally, many in indonesia believe something bad will happen during a total solar eclipse. before the last eclipse in 1983, the government appealed to everyone to stay indoors. now, many people come outside to see how the day turns to night for two to three minutes. and slowly now night is turning into day again here at the beach and it seems to be a bit eerie right now. after all the silence, there is
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awe, for something they witness the first time in their lives. >> it's like wow! >> daniel, an eclipse chase are from the united states was worried he would miss it because of the clouds belonging the view. then critical time is when the corona emerges. >> when there's no clouds, the corona goes out and out and out. >> the next one will be on august 21st, next year when it's the united states turn to be amazed. step vaessen, al jazeera, indonesia. now to our global view segment with a look at how news outlets across the world are reacting to various events. india's the hindu said, the u.s.
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is taking the same path it did in iraq and syria. failed state mired in conflict and chaos with no real authority standing in i.s.i.l.'s way. warned it took years for an effective strategy to emerge in iraq and that is a still tough fight. it will be very difficult to root it out. the korea harold this the u.s. should allow south korea to arm itself to counter the north korean threat. the paper says seoul cannot helplessly keep turning to beijing and the u.s., it's time to give south korea a real defense against the north korean threat. paper says the supreme court's citizens eunld decision opened up the door to oligarchic control of the american political process. something that drove the russian economy to ruin.
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the paper warns americans to be wary of donald trump whom it describes a populist much in the same vein of putin, motivated by narcissism and personal gain, no wonder the two admire each other. george martin would produced all but one of the beatles albums died if england today, 90 years old. paul beban looks back at his extraordinary life. >> imagine eleanor rigby without the strings. and elainand penny lane withoute piccolo trumpet. and without the flourish. george martin a man whose formal
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musical training helped an unknown four man band break the boundaries of rock 'n' roll about the fifth beatle as he was known was full of firsts. the first to sign them, produce them, and then change the world with them. >> i think art of record producing is very like that of a film or television director. you've got to get the best out of a person. some directors do it by bullying. and i don't think it's a very good way of doing things. i've never done that. other directors do it by suggesting and leading. and hoping that the path that the actor takes is to their liking. >> martin gave the beatles recordings a polish, a clarity, a clarity, that set them apart from what ever came before. born in 1926. serving as a royal air force
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pilot, in 1962 a friend introduced him to the beatles manager brian epstein and in june of this year, when virtually everyone else rejected them, martins signed them. he said meeting the beatles was love at first sight. became a lifelong friendship with paul mccartney. >> the first one i've ever worked with, with the beatles. working with him right now it's very easy for me because i know him so well. we've got so much in common, we know how we work. it's like it's not very flattering to him but i keep saying he's like an old shoe. it's an old pair of shoes, i like him. i put them on and there's no problem to me. >> also shared a story about one of the most famous songs of all time. ♪ yesterday all my troubles
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seemed so far away ♪ >> that is of course yesterday, mcany said he played the melody to martin who said he wanted to add a string quartet, and the rest is history. ♪ love was such an easy game to play ♪ >> martin would go to work with many other artists over the years and was knighted in 1996. martin didn't just guide the beatles, sometimes he played with them. the next time you hear "in my life" take note of the electric piano. that's george martin. paul beban, al jazeera, new york. >> that's it for the international hour on al jazeera america, next, how businesses follow rules about scheduling employees. i'll be back with more news in two minutes. minutes.
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