tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera May 31, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm +03
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and then depth examination into preventative policing pre-crime on al jazeera. al-jazeera. hello i'm adrian for the good in this is that he is live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. calls for calm after another night of fire and fury in the u.s. over the killing of a black man in police custody. donald trump takes aim again at the empty for movements the u.s. president says he plans to declare it a terrorist organization. solidarity across the atlantic hundreds rally in central london demanding justice for george floyd. mexico prepares to ease its coronavirus lockdown even though infections
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there are on the rise as we meet medics on the front line. we have bob behnken from space x. demo 2 mission entering the international space station and welcome aboard the 2 nasa astronauts arrived at the international space station in the 1st manned mission by a private company. curfews are in place in more than 2 dozen u.s. states to prevent another night of protest against police brutality more than 1400 arrests were made in 17 cities over the past 24 hours the unrest was sparked by the death of george floyd who was black while in police custody in minneapolis on monday since then tension has boiled over from coast to coast against and demick racism and police brutality well officials in several states appealing for calm here's what minnesota state governor tim walz said
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a short time ago. we don't just right near the top on educational attainment we rank near the top on personal incomes on homeownership on life expectancies things that make this and one that came out a while back we we rank 2nd in a survey of the 50 states 2nd in happiness behind hawaii but if you take a deeper look and peel it back which this week it's peeled back all of those statistics are true if you're white if you're not we rank near the bottom and what this week is showing all of us is those 2 things can't operate at the same place new york's mayor bill de blasio says that a full investigation will take place off the police drove into a crowd during saturday's protest against george floyd's death that is not the way things are supposed to be there will be a full investigation into discipline as necessary there will be but do not present only one side of the picture i looked at those videos i saw people converging on
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the police vehicle i saw people throwing things at the police vehicle that is not peaceful protests so let's not kid ourselves if you or anyone else was inside that police vehicle surrounded by people you would have had a really tough decision to make you can't stay there you can't get out of the vehicle you have to get yourself and the vehicle out of the situation safely for all we have for correspondents monitoring the situation across the united states and gallagher is in miami natasha good name is standing by in chicago kimberly how could well have the latest from the white house for us but 1st let's speak to allison how data is at the hostel things in minneapolis alison where are you what's happening. you know you're right i am in the heart of things right now i am right i'm standing right just in front of the 3rd precinct police station that was burned on thursday night so you know i just been out here talking to people and i you know i heard that clip of the governor that you that you played him talking about the
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inequality and that you know that this is you know going to be a hard conversation for word i spoke to some people here on the street and i spoke to on a young woman named harvey snow white and she as a young african-american woman i asked her about what the governor said and i and i asked her you know what do you what do you think that. this is going to change things and she said you know we've heard this talk before and i'll believe it when i see it so i think even though you know the governor is calling for having a hard hard conversations i think a lot of. people people of color in this community are really you know there's a high bar now and i think people are really going to expect some some change to happen i see right now some people showing up with brooms but i also know that there's you know some people are showing up with protest signs so i heard earlier when i was walking around that there is going to be another peaceful protest here at 1 o'clock today i doubt if many thanks did i listen to her enough live in
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minneapolis let's go then to washington the white house correspondent kelly how good is the we heard from the mayor of washington the president has been tweeting again about this quite a controversial tweet to. yeah let's start with mayor bowzer and her comments because she in the u.s. president were in some conflict about 24 hours ago but now they seem to be i don't want to say unified in their message but they certainly both have pinpointed what they believe is a concern within these riots mayor bowzer was very clear what she said was that it is the 1st amendment right of people in her city to protest what they see as systemic racism in our institutions and she said for the most part what has happened in washington d.c. so far that has been the case the blacklegs matter movement for example had a very peaceful saturday caravan
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a car caravan that paraded through the streets and was nonviolent the problem became as it grew dark the mayor says that there were other elements that then participated in this in a different and more violent way here's what she had to say many seemed organized and had tools to break windows and tools or strategy to distribute materials among them so i would say the thing that we're struck by is that it was an organized group that appeared more been on destruction been on protest. now the u.s. president has been more vocal about these violent components of the protests that have been occurring across not just in washington d.c. but across the united states he's pointed to one the far left and a group known as anti 5 in fact the u.s. president tweeting in the last couple of hours the usa will be designating a t.v.
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as a terrorist organization here's the problem with that presidents our presidents tweet and that is that there is no domestic statute for declaring a terrorist organization within the united states and we've got a bit of clarity on now how this is going to happen is not going to happen by executive order or some other form or fashion in fact the u.s. attorney general's come out with a statement adrian and what he says essentially is that there is now going to be an investigation coordinated with the states and the cities a using the existing joint terrorism task force the f.b.i. will be investigating whether these are crimes of hate whether this is violent extremism and we should point out well they are pointing to a t.v. this would also investigate the reports of far right groups who may also be fomenting violent unrest so the clarification coming from the u.s. attorney general of the department of justice in the last hour is essentially what
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the message has been from so many mayors across the country that the voices of peaceful protest are being hijacked by radical elements and in many cases are undercutting legitimate grievances now we understand of how this is mechanism is going to work in order to try and remedy that i was house correspondent kelly how could reporting live from washington many thanks indeed kimberly let's go to chicago then and seriousness i should name is the. attention from the mayor of chicago laurie lightfoot appealing for protesters to remain peaceful those who hijacked the protests she said should be ashamed of themselves. indeed adrian mayer lori lightfoot actually at times sounded like she was speaking like a mother or a grandmother speaking directly to the people who were wreaking havoc in chicago on saturday evening the superintendent of the chicago police department says my heart is broken over the pockets of unrest in chicago on saturday evening he says what
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happened in downtown chicago was not a protest it was criminals coming downtown to steal what we saw were even after a curfew went into effect at 9 pm we continue to see people throw windows through stores and loot cars were set on fire police cars were spray painted with profanities bottles of urine were thrown at police officers 6 people were shot downtown one of those people died more than 240 people were arrested more than 20 police officers were injured 2 of them needed surgery the illinois national guard has now been activated the city describes their role as quote a limited presence boundaries have been created around the central business district in order to try to protect it going forward with regard to mass transit
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buses and trains with the chicago transportation authority will not be running in and out of downtown for the time being all time off for chicago police officers has been cancelled and a mere lorry lightfoot said that the city has to find a way forward that is just and equitable speaking directly to the people who are wreaking havoc she said you must use that energy and passion to do something better think of tomorrow. seeing the images and reading the reports of reckless destruction that played out across our city and really across our country is heart breaking now make no mistake there is a lot of righteous anger and grief boiling here and across the country and that isn't just about george floyd although that was the catalyst for this expression
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it's also about. quam mcdonald continually greer and others of $0.04. at one point there was an estimated 3000 people crowd on saturday protesting the city is now worried that this could become a potential coded 19 super spreader event the mayor is asking protesters who are out to self quarantine for the next 2 weeks or at the very least avoid the elderly and vulnerable populations the mayor reminds people that coded 1000 is quote ravaging black and brown communities are there as much as you're going to be reporting live from chicago many thanks natasha let's take you to miami and he gallagher is there for us what's the situation there andy. well at least 40 arrests last night adrian mostly in downtown miami outside the main police headquarters and like many other cities across this country there is now
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a curfew in place across all of miami dade county and on monday the beaches who were supposed to reopen that's now being canceled by the mayor of the city because of the looting that we saw last night on the the damage that we saw the protesters said at least one police car on fire they took to the i 95 the main highway in this state closing that down for some time but the demonstrations here have been on a smaller scale than we've seen in other parts of the country like l.a. new york and of course minneapolis but the the feeling here is still of great anger remember florida 8 years ago is where trayvon martin the unarmed teenager was gunned down by the self-appointed neighborhood watch captain george zimmerman who was consequently found innocent by a jury that was a case that resonated around the world but the pain of the result of that case sill states sits very poorly with the african-american community here and of course just last month ahmad aubry who was jogging through a neighborhood in georgia was corralled by 2 white men who decided to arm them so.
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elves and killed him that was initially not handled well by the authorities in georgia so all of this is just building up and i think the sense of anger the sense of injustice is just as real here as it is anywhere else across the country now because that curfew is now in place here in miami tonight the expectation is that there won't be the trouble that we saw last night but it's hard to tell because feelings are running very high at the moment but the authorities here have made it very clear that from 8 pm in downtown miami there is a curfew in place and from 9 pm it's effective everywhere else in the majority of the arrests last night for breaking that particular curfew so we will have to wait and see but there is certainly protests going on all across this state from here in miami in the very south of the state all the way up to jacksonville near the state line with georgia al-jazeera and you got to reporting live from miami many thanks heidi these live pictures from some paul minnesota where protesters are up for
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a 5th day of protests armed vehicles have been deployed to in order to contain the protests we'll keep an eye on the situation and paul we'll bring you any updates when i need to report but as we've been hearing from our white house correspondent president trump announced earlier on twitter that the united states of america will be designating empty for a terrorist organization he says that other democrat run cities and states should look at the total shut down of radical left anarchists in minneapolis last night but our national guard did a great job he said and should be used in other states before it's too late but earlier national security adviser robert o'brien echoed the u.s. president's stance against n.t. for. we stand with the protesters it's the violent and tea for the radical
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militants that are coming out under cover of night traveling across state lines i use in military style tactics to burn down our cities and they're especially targeting the most vulnerable parts of our city is george the the minority sections african-american sections and hispanic areas and burning down businesses of people who are trying to get a leg up and and the presence outraged by that than we all are and and that has to stop and we're calling on the f.b.i. to investigate and to fund and get to the bottom of these violent rioters. is a collection of left wing groups which oppose naziism white supremacists and racism some anti for groups can trace their origins to the fight against european freshest in the 1920 s. and thirty's like other protest movements from that era and activists often dress or in black the movement was dormant for years but i've seen a revival since president trump's election most new members are young voters let's bring in douglas loon from washington d.c. he's a social justice activist and democratic strategist is the president right to blame
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the violence that we've seen over the past a couple of days across the u.s. on n.t. phone. absolutely not and tif in the united states is simply is not that large nor well organized what the president is trying to do is he is trying to control and formulate his own narrative to try to demonize and vilify the democratic party as an t.v. is seen is being largely liberal and left leaning and part of the tangent of the democratic party that's simply just not the case of course you know the democrats are going to condone any type of violence and the president is largely ignoring the white supremacist movement that has become very active in these protests that has been called out by the media and by the protesters on the ground we have a white supremacist groups that are actively engaging in destructive practices
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during these protests isn't sowing chaos and. destroying property and the president saying anything about that of course because he thinks those white supremacists and nazis are very fine people so you'd agree that the protests are indeed being hijacked but by whom are you saying that it's this is all down the violence that we're seeing is that the white supremacists. well i'm not saying that and he is not involved. quite frankly unfortunately and teeth as no we're mere as organized nor as large a group as the neo nazis and the k.k.k. which have been shown to be involved in some of these protests you look on social media has been reported by different media outlets like the daily beast and so on that they have seen evidence of white supremacist groups becoming borgen eyes and going into these for areas to become by land to disorder property and
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to promote chaos so i'm not going to say there is all white supremacist groups obviously there's still a lot of pressure tracing here from the. our right killing in trying to zazen of. meat and brews a scene of george poor so i'm not going to say this is all and he for all white supremacy is because there is a lot of frustration is boiled over on the parcel of blacks hispanics and anyone with a conscience of the treatment of disparate or sees me all on the disparate treatment of blacks at the hands of police so this isn't a left or right issue as far as most people who are out of the streets protesting. this is a human rights issue this is not a left or right issue this has to do with mr ford's a brutalization
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a murder in broad daylight that have been under the color of the law and it just wasn't one officer all over was one of being officer they killed him there were 3 other officers standing by they condoned in signed off on that murder and in this type of treatment black males the hands of police and people of color in general at the hands of police and aggressive enforcement in police practices must stop but have to have a change in tactics by police departments in order to get a handle on this thing a wise it will lead to negative outcomes that we are seeing now in these urban disturbances throughout the country to what extent though could this violence the rail the protests as legitimate concerns we heard laurie lightfoot that the mayor of chicago earlier say that those who hijacked the protests should be the same
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ashamed of themselves and that chaos and destruction is not the right tactic to bring about the change that people want. it absolutely is not we saw peaceful protests throughout the civil rights movement in this country that actually was able to bring about change and ideally we would like to see peaceful protests now to bring about a change in policing tactics and enforcement in our nation's cities and it is just. that or it's a negative outcome that we're seeing all this prostration all of this a all of this is a nigger come forward in manifest itself in those who are citizens that sometimes are are destroying property or setting fires because they're angry were seen black males in this many males brutalized traumatized
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a murder by police it seems on a monthly basis and so when you see this you have to understand there will be negative outcomes to this because you are adding to the kill that there are trauma black people and brown people anyone with a conscious and so there will be no outcomes of that and i'm pleased that i understand that so we really have to try to focus on peaceful demonstrations and hallooing and in result advocacy for actual change in the law of what the police are allowed to do nationwide in some states they do not have a ban on tolls error garner died criminal legal control eliseo it was illegal in your back in 2014 some say this is still illegal to do a chokehold an hour in and so on and the police and the medical examiners know damn well that that can kill so one those are the type of laws that need to change we
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have to change the way police officers are leasing our neighborhoods. tactics by which they used to apprehend people you know who these officers have to realize that that kind of behavior when people see it in the rooms they trust that is placed in the community bank. or a police officer is the one who wrote the trust and that is a rule that trust and that base within the community bank is very hard to get back ok it is very hard to grow that trust within the community so police officers that are in real you know when we're out there you treat people ok douglas really good to talk to you many thanks indeed for being with us douglas sloan that in washington thank you for decades incidents of excessive force being used against black people have led to talk of reform but little action in march 9091 video of
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rodney king being beaten in los angeles were broadcast around the world the acquittal of officers involved spawn days of riots in february 2012 trayvon martin was shot dead by a member of a neighborhood watch group that led to the launch of the black lives mass movement there were several high profile deaths involving police officers and 2014 including that of eric gardner. michael brown and 12 year old to mia rice in 2015 freddie gray died in a police found in baltimore while 6 custody offices with just over a year later fell out of custody will was shot and killed during a traffic stop tricia rose is director of the center for the study of race and ethnicity in america brown university she explains the groundswell of anger unleashed by the death of george floyd. i think you know it's very important when we're thinking about the response to this incident where mr floyd was killed that we really understand how systematic and pervasive the deep violence that black
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people face at the hands of police have been all around the country and it's impossible to speak to what the community feels in minneapolis if we only think about what's happened there in isolation it's extremely important that we understand that this is a historical and ongoing factor and a nationwide fact and this is not wanting rogue cop is not wanted 2 or 3 rogue cops across new york but in fact assisted a systematic relationship where black people are considered threatening and worthy of extreme violence and this is a common practice so to to begin to understand this we have to put it both in historical context and in terms of a collective black trauma around state sponsored violence that usually goes completely on punished this is what happened in ferguson right it was a full nearly a military response you know local police forces around the country have been
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rewarded with military grade equipment the kinds of equipment you would normally see only in an international war contests and there was extreme levels of containment and violence as if people exercising their civil rights to freedom of expression and to gather in public to protest were and were a threat to the nation rather than the very rights that the nation is designed to protect but that's the logic of what it means to face a state violence when you're a black community even if whites and others are participating it's when it's understood as a racial crime that you begin to see this kind of extreme violent response that said it is my understanding that there were also many instigators involved in minneapolis and perhaps. in other cities around the country as well and more data on that may come up as the weeks bear out but what that means is that you could have you know right extreme right wing violent groups who are infiltrating the
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protest community in the cities that are protesting and those infiltrators are stoking violence and encouraging a violent response for which black people will pay the highest price people have been showing their solidarity for the u.s. protesters by turning out in london 100 scouted outside the u.s. embassy some holding signs reading the u.k. is not innocent it was organized by the local chapter of black lives matter other events are being planned elsewhere in the u.k. the dean barber reports now from outside the embassy in london. before sunday's protest here in london the city's mayor said he can put out a tweet reminding people that coronavirus was still around or that they should stay home if possible that wasn't a direct reference to the demonstration but what happened was people weren't deterred by any perceived risk they turned out in their many many hundreds in trafalgar square in the center of london. chanting things like no justice no peace
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black lives matter say my name george floyd all things which we heard in the us some of them kneeling down they were eventually moved on by police and made their way through westminster past downing street the official residence of prime minister boris johnson a small group there chanted against him accusing him of being racist for his perceived use of racist language in the past they then made their way here to the us embassy for a while at least and there's a lot of anger but by and large the protest was peaceful i've seen a few arrests throughout the day but generally people were commenting on how the protest was good natured faces all against the backdrop of what people say is a misunderstanding here that there's only police brutality against black people in the u.s. where as people here point out that there have been incidents of deaths of black men in in police custody over the last few decades with very little numbers of them
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convictions or prosecutions against police officers so that was behind the passion that you saw on the streets of london and other cities in the u.k. on sunday. we're going to weather up take next here on al-jazeera then a cure for a lockdown depression in zimbabwe how some wise words from so-called go go grandmother says sometimes all it takes. and open for worship islam's 3rd holiest site holds prayers after weeks of closure imposed to help slow the spread of the coronavirus. how the weather is laci try across the levant down across a good part of the arabian peninsula but that is the south we're still keeping a close side as circulation which has brought some flooding rains and some very
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strong winds into amman now pushing towards yemen i think this might be able playing a little bit as it pushes across southern parts of the peninsula where you are you are looking at some wet and windy weather from time to time a similar picture as we go on into choose day for the north the humid weather around the gulf dry and hot up towards the levant will see temperatures in baghdad and kuwait getting up to around 4748 degrees celsius the open waters of the system there just swirling away towards india but it should stay off shore may want across central africa well the usual showers there rumbling away nicely now the seasonal rains extending across a good part of west africa course we have seen some flooding recently and got of the showers tending to cling on to the coastal fringes as we go through the next couple of days but they will of course edge further north woods from time to die in the heat of the day you can expect to see thunder showers just about anywhere in the region some parts of africa well hey we'll actually find and try to play
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a sunshine around but a few showers for eastern parts of tanzania. they say to really know someone you must walk a mile in their shoes follow in their footsteps the state for which they way in the world. shares these personal journeys. inspiring stories of people persevering on their chosen path. with news documentaries on al-jazeera. one of the really special things that work in progress here is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else working for it as you know it's very challenging the ability but the good because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues we are we the people we live
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to tell the real stories are just mended used to deliver in-depth journalism we don't feel in favor to the audience across the globe. it is pure terry with us hello adrian fenty and here in doha with the news from al-jazeera the headlines officials in several u.s. states have been appealing for calm after several nights of unrest following the killing of george floyd one in police custody on monday u.s. president donald trump is blaming the anti fascist group and teeth for the violence across the country a short time ago he announced that it will be designated a terrorist organization. just as in london but showing their solidarity for events
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in the u.s. with placards saying the u.k. is not innocent similar black lives mass events are planned elsewhere in. china is using the racial unrest in american cities to criticize u.s. action on hong kong politicians and state media comparing the riots to the anti-government movement in hong kong is what the editor of a pro chinese government newspaper wrote u.s. house speaker nancy pelosi once called the violent protests in hong kong a beautiful sight to behold but u.s. politicians could now enjoy this sight from the own windows al-jazeera stevy of the pollen report style from hong kong. chinese state media has been giving blanket coverage to the events unfolding in the united states telling its viewers that this is what democracy looks like the global times seen as a mouthpiece for the communist government it prints in both english and in chinese and is a major source of news within the country and outside the country has been publishing
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some very pointed at a tory also attacking the politicians which had supported the hong kong protests now a lot of articles have also been drawing parallels between what's happening in the united states and the hong kong pro-democracy protests which unfolded last year where there were many scenes of violent confrontations between the police and protesters and the editorials are asking the u.s. politicians like microamp a nancy pelosi and even donald trump whether they stand with the violent protesters and writers of minneapolis as they stood with the protesters of hong kong using a very popular chant during the hong kong protest now they're also asking whether you know pointing out that china did not send in any army or any threat of the army coming into hong kong while there were almost daily protests but you know within days of protests in the united states the president had said that they would
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be calling in the national guard and even possibly the army so they're trying to draw parallels between what's happening in the u.s. and what was happening in hong kong and pointing fingers saying that asking what kind of support there is in calling them hypocritical pro and anti-government rallies taking place across brazil. police have stepped in to stop rival groups crushing in sao paulo and rio de janeiro and peoples in our processes angry about the president's handling of the pandemic while his supporters of the modding the rio's government be sacked for implementing strict coronavirus restrictions. india's government is extending the coronavirus locked out of what it does it bates high risk areas until the end of june another record daily increase of nearly $8000.00 new infections were reported on saturday local authorities have been asked to identify potential containment lines where
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large numbers of infections are being reported elsewhere restaurants miles and religious census will be able to open from a week on monday. if you're feeling anxious or depressed in zimbabwe the person to go to is called a go go aground well those waiting with a few words of comfort to help anyone in distress there's no shortage of mental health problems during the coronavirus lock down. report style in the city of. i have to pull in with is what's known as a community grandmother a volunteer local culture psychiatrist she waits on a so-called friendship bench for anyone to come and talk to her about their problems. but with the coronavirus pandemic she can't be clients anymore you know i think as you would see when events go to whom so she gets free therapy sessions using social media platforms such as perforation. at the friendship bench
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people come with many problems some are depressed because a family member has died or they are sick some talk about suicide for others it's domestic violence abuse cases. often can't leave home because of the nationwide lockdown when the young mother needs someone to talk to she records of voice message and seems a to help line number what i mean when i think of it. then she waits for a reply from a community grandmother or go. down. and then move print told me that. this global when you've got a problem when you tell we there is the secret there's no one who's going to know what. the it's only you in the world health organization says in some countries mental health problems often go undiagnosed and something had been stigmatized and discriminated against i think maybe one of the biggest challenges
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is the cultural context in which we live in where most people haven't really accepted mental health as a problem that they can actually face. secondly because they may not understand that they're actually facing or experiencing a mental health problem from health experts say globally there has been an increase in anxiety and depression as people struggle to cope with coated 19 and job losses most people in zimbabwe work in the informal sector selling in busy markets and on the streets that's no longer allowed because of the coronavirus pandemic millions now current earn a living. african countries often don't have enough psychiatrists working in public health care these granny say they are trying to help as many people as possible at a time when lock downs and travel restrictions are a way of life. al-jazeera where zimbabwe. the number of confirmed corona virus infections in the democratic republic of congo has risen to nearly 3000 the country
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saying it ha its highest daily rise on friday but many people don't believe the curve at 19 is a threat activists are trying to change that attitude a shot at palace reports. cases of corona virus in the democratic republic of congo are climbing fast activists have stepped up to educate people on how to stop the spread all of the disease is among us it is killing people it is continuing to spread and the challenge is indeed to read a gate these doubts that i'll be nurtured among our population was a long time is are up against many who don't believe coded 1000 is in the congo and blame protective measures for a loss in income. but the baseless no longer works become a word seller but i make my money and we are told that the disease is in this country but we don't see the disease here where all of the body. and
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myself have been sick more than 4 times during this period of coronavirus but i treated myself and i assure you that corona virus has nothing to do with it. public skepticism started with the 1st reported case in march which the health ministry in tribute had to abound in citizen linseed it was a congolese citizen who denied being sick a new politicians and business leaders have publicly accused the government of hiking kind of it to get more international funding. compounding skepticism is a lack of tasting in the 2 months since the 1st case listen $5000.00 tests were conducted for a population of $84000000.00 that's going to be the order is that you know you could but when you go of it as you can see it is a disease that's not knowing here and people think it doesn't exist so we must explain it does exist and also make people. where of the steps that need to be taken. to search in conflict is heightened concern in the last 2 months nearly half
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a 1000000 people have fled fighting in east indian see the biggest displacement in the is they sprayed so does the violence. campaign as it called the congo without a captain but the 1st challenge is to convince citizens the virus is dangerous and anonymous china ballasts and jazeera. jordan is the latest country to switch on a contract a contact tracing app to help combat the coronavirus the a man app which means safety in arabic saves the iss location data and alerts them if they come into contact with anyone infected who is using the application jordan has reported 9 deaths more than 700 infections mexico plans to begin reopening on monday 2 and a half months after the country went into lockdown but infections that are still on the rise of us spent a day embedded with a team of paramedics as they picked up covert 900 patients at one of the worst hit
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areas on the outskirts of the capital here's john holmes reports. this is how many dorian so he'll finish their shift racing down the highway on the outskirts of mit's crusader trying to find a hospital for a covert patient. and this is how they began it on patrol in the district there's a well. it's one of the capitals most packed in covert hit suburbs. the 1st places ben says a policeman who they've worked with before he has trouble breathing. no he's well enough to stay home for now but in mexico the case count keeps growing despite the government's assurance it would peak 3 weeks ago. health services are still coping with the team or full stretch. giving thanks they got it and in 20 years of working as a paramedic i've never seen anything like this i thought the war said she was the
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ethically can 2070 but this is worse. because coming quick and fast. this is just one of 3 i'm going to stick a picking up patients we called it in a district of more than a 1000000 people so as you can guess they're almost constantly on the move. on top of that the teams dealing with the usual cases too he's been hit by a car. as a crowd watches and others go about their business it's clear that life in those one is barely pause for the pandemic despite in nationwide quarantine like many other areas in mexico they simply can't afford to stay home and i guess that this one paid off most of the people we treat our work men are vendors they have to go out to provide for their families the doughty insert the fighting their own battle to. become notorious for attacks from frontline medical staff many people fear their virus korea's or criticize their care. doughty in search of how to hide from
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the threatening crowd inside a hospital how does it feel when you're going to go you risk being picked so you get that. you make it a state it's excellent i just don't have words for it i come wanting to work i risk my own family i risk that i get infected people can be really selfish. so he was struggling with something else on top of that you came back to him on a recent transfer. and that he was elderly and it reminded me of my grandfather because he died of cold and too i was looking at this man's last moments of life and i saw my granddad reflected there. he passed away just 3 weeks ago so he was treating him throughout his illness. he's working now while he moves and it's time for the last call of the day the patient is jose luis the d.h.l. delivery man only 39 years old if he doesn't then. i think that you know one might
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think that. somebody. he agrees reluctantly families have refused to let me dawtie in so he'll take their relatives to hospital before. finally his wife comes in say goodbye aware that he might not come but. meanwhile the team bring in the gear they hope will protect them together with the cuts here with a hose and weeks. it's a tight fit. gets very hot and so i did patients can get anxious claustrophobic to. me for.
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longer. but it could be a long ride for jose luis. this person who was visiting this small. group that was a big. no this big one of the. those. it's time to get out and see if they'll let him in. the answer. is yes for this for success. yes things went very well for us. the transfer was quick just a bit more than 40 minutes. for them it's a triumphant end to a hard shift. i am but for jose luis his family is just the start they'll join those waiting outside of tesco cohost but to some of been here for hours
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others days all hoping to see their relatives come back out the door john home and . there's a wall korea to the al aqsa mosque compound in occupied east jerusalem has reopened and have been closed for 2 months in order to help contain the coronavirus worship as they were being asked to wear face masks and to bring their own pram at harry for supports. after more than 2 months of closure muslim worshippers are once again allowed inside the mosque compound not clear where. is our life and it is the beat of our heart now we are breathing again. inside the gates hundreds prayed spaced apart in the courtyards. and inside the mosque itself. i was counting every minute to come back to pray i hope all muslims feel good and hope for luxor to stay safe. the preparations have been underway for
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days but despite a recent increase in cases of coded 19 reported by the israeli health ministry islamic walk that manages the site put no limits on numbers allowed in we have the personal hygiene as a tradition in our religion and it's half of the belief we depend on the awareness and the commitment of the people and also the committees of the guards and the walking for cars to organize the people and protect them. also making preparations for a palestinian activist getting ready to hand out gifts to children that's a lot that. i missed the friday prayers this prayer was holy for me and i ignore everything for it's friday for me is the day i get for i meet my friends and we discuss our plans and projects that had been concerns that the reopening could become a flashpoint after israeli security forces shot dead an unarmed palestinian man with special needs on saturday i had how locke was hiding in this refuse storage
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room when he was killed an investigation has begun as well as muslim worshippers hundreds of jews were also allowed to access the site known to them as the temple mount and the preexisting agreements several palestinians were arrested israeli police said someone chanting nationalist slogans for the most part though this return to something like normal that islam's 3rd holiest site has gone off remarkably smoothly the overwhelming of calm festivity and a quiet relief that this real heart of life inside the walls of the old city is now accessible again and to families in occupied east jerusalem the site is the closest thing to a city park as well as a place to pray it's a place to play mingle and relax available again after weeks of lockdown our equal said al-jazeera occupied east jerusalem a rocket attack on a park in the center of libya's capital has killed 5 people including children the health ministry in tripoli says that a market and nearby christian cemetery were also hit internationally recognized
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government claims the warlord khalifa haftar. gold and fuel smuggling costs resource smuggling costs resource rich sudan hundreds of millions of dollars a year a new report by a financial watch group has revealed the extent of mismanagement in those sectors and its impact on the economy of zeros hiper morgan reports from ca to. sitting under the thumb for hours is how these miners in folder and $1000.00 for spend most of their days they are looking for gold their main thrust of and calm but not all that is the buy mine it here is told legally and goes into government coffers the. other mr. gold gets smuggled because of the instability and its prices and lack of control of the border difference between prices given by the central bank and what traders offer to buy from miners helps in the smuggling of gold. so dam is one of africa's top gold producing countries exporting over 90 tons of the precious metal in 2018 it accounts for nearly 30 percent of the country's exports and up until the
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beginning of this year the only entity allowed to legally buy gold from miners was the country's central bank but a soaring inflation in a currency that has continued to lose value against the dollar turned many miners away from the official route and to more lucrative paths now private companies are allowed to deal in the sector with the condition that they sell 30 percent of their gold to the central bank as well as deposit the hard currency they aren't to help sudan's weakening economy revenues from gold mining have provided a much needed source of hard currency to sudan's economy for years but the incomes estimated to be only about his have of what it should be because of smuggling with the inflation rate at about 100 percent so that's government is looking to reform the gold sector to boost its economy since taking over in september last year so that's transitional government has pledged a series of economic reforms to combat inflation and improve living standards more than half of the 40000000 population live below the poverty line the government has increased the wages of civil workers and raised spending on public sectors it says
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it hopes to partially cover the costs of those reforms through the gold. but with millions being lost annually due to smuggling some analysts say the real reform that the government needs to do should come from within probably would be able to release my billing which is what. anybody else but it has by certain circles within the government itself. actually to protect. the smuggling routes makes it very difficult when you're going to verify that we're struggling because it's going by those who are supposed to actually stop smuggling whatever steps the government takes for my ms in the only thing that matters is that they get paid fairly for their efforts to dig up the gold regardless of who buys it people morgan are just their own heart. just ahead here on the news a revival for the drive in another back in fashion as a modern day cure for pandemic or the. plane.
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as bombs continue to rain down on afghanistan civilians are paying the ultimate price they are completely forgotten and no one is listening to these people while those responsible operate with impunity this is about owning our mistakes this is about saying science and accountability in a largely on account or has anyone from the u.s. military been in touch with you since then no no not for plans investigates afghanistan civilian loss in the u.s. air war on al jazeera when the news breaks and the story builds when people need to be heard and the story told this pandemic is revealing the weakness of governments in the face of health crisis none of them receive health insurance for their work i'll choose iraq as teens on the ground to bring you more award winning documentary school to fill local responders and light means it's
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a party that does do what it says on the turn on air and online. get the international space station has welcomed the 1st arrivals aboard a privately built spacecraft. and with that the hatch is open to nasa astronauts in the space x. dragon successfully docked to blasting off on saturday they've been met by 2 russian cosmonauts at an american if an obit since april derrick pitts is the chief astronomer for the franklin institute science museum in the u.s. he says that the mission opens the door for
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a new phase in space exploration this truly is a historic a moment because this is another step toward opening access to low earth orbit in space and a much lower cost and this also will be the 1st steps towards the next big adventure in space exploration astronauts returning to the moon in just a couple of years and then building up the skill and the infrastructure for a potential human visit to mars one of the differences between the between nasa as a national space agency and space x. as an independent company is that space x. doesn't have the same time to red tape bureaucratic red tape that down nasa has to deal with there and it also has the freedom to take on new and innovative approaches to accessing space you know nasa has an entire infrastructure built up based on the space agency ideas of the 20th century where space x.
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is built up almost entirely in the 21st century and so with those new innovations and those new fresh ideas space x. can do it better cheaper and faster while maintaining the safety as well. going to watch a movie under the stars is back in fashion drive in theaters seeing a revival a sort of us remained closed worldwide due to coronavirus restrictions and zeroes prayer groups reports. longest capital colombo. a musical experiment under the open sky. long can spot in hundreds of cars the 1st ever live in concert. due to our performance by the island's most popular young musicians was aimed at jumpstarting the entertainment industry tarred by the call navarre has come to make
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a new york dolls and i doubt. this is a good thing we must get up as a nation again and this is a good way to begin that process. and it's not just music here but i think that if you live in nigeria acting as a testing out such values just teach life shows so the idea the idea is born out of the fact that you know there must be a solution you know we cannot just accept that you know things will just be the way it does when the past 3 months or so for us is reassuring very small is the show must go on cause in 1000 are not covered 19. around the world open as settings to cinema i'm here to a scene of 5 o 2 in the pandemic with most traditional entertainment settings still close for fear of infections clogging venues such as here in spain are keeping families
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entertained from the safety of their cars check it out if they don't go grocery often but when fed i bring up whatever level we're thankful because even though you're a bit locked inside at least you can open the window and get some fresh air at least to get to socialize a bit even if we're separated it's something. the world's 1st why the movie theater was opened in the 1930 single jersey and spread across the united states as the auto industry boomed and more americans bought a car. but he'll live for the t.v. a little spend a rapid decline the dog wants to option of going all out for him to team and. to clive and on making a comeback as an alternative to sting as well as a cure for boredom and best social distancing is carrying teet. odyssey or. we're going to pass the baton from doha to london next allows us here at the
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rate of a gator here's the update you all so you go. water scarcity has become a major global issue the demand is going straight up and the supply is going straight down turning an essential natural resource into a commodity traded for profit just because it's life doesn't mean it's going to be what about the guy that can afford it that guy still needs water in a new 2 part series al-jazeera examines the social financial and environmental impact of water privatized nation loads of water coming soon. to oldies there oh. let me ask you how worried you are about the increase in hostilities in yemen we
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listen this is the moment you stop all really 30 action this is the moment he also writes on fighting every idea we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories the old 0. al-jazeera. where every. join a global community called the price is just slapped is the phrase blessing upon latin upon human capital equals global health keeping you up to date is one of the voices situation where we have a human rights prices that persist beyond the health crisis and your questions is a dialogue just nothing we are now approaching across route this is an opportunity
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that we must both miss the stream on al-jazeera. protests begin again and minneapolis off to yet another night of unrest across the u.s. over the death of a black man in police custody. new york police have also been criticized after one of their vehicles drove into protesters in brooklyn. watching al-jazeera live from london i'm terry navigate also ahead.
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