tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera June 24, 2020 4:00pm-5:01pm +03
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i didn't interest someone else is. pursuing the dream of real life inspiring documentaries from impassioned filmmaker. witnesses on al-jazeera. this is al-jazeera. everyone i'm kemal sons of maria and this is the news hour from al-jazeera stepping up the pressure on israel the u.n. security council meets its calls grow to stop the annexation of palestinian land in the occupied west bank. at the u.n. in new york without meeting the u.n. security council starts in just moments.
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it's 1300 hours james a little after 9 am in new york where the united nations security council is about to hold its open session on the israeli palestinian conflict the issue though is the land specifically israel's plans to an excess palestinian territory in the occupied west bank something the united nations is urging israel to a band so we got special coverage on this news and analysis of course of the security council meeting with correspondents in west jerusalem and the jordan valley as well as of course the united nations in new york a diplomatic editor james bays is there for us james take us through what's expected today. well it will start we think in the next few minutes what we know is that this meeting is the regular monthly meeting of the u.n. security council on the israeli and palestinian issue however it's been upgraded
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this month because of the issue of an exception so ministers can take part and we know that ministers from a number of the security council countries will be taking part we know the palestinian foreign minister will be taking part in this special session all of the security council sessions currently are being conducted remotely what they call the video teleconference v t c and that's probably why the meeting hasn't started banging on the top of the hour because they're getting some of those ministers who are connecting from foreign capitals getting them all connected for this meeting it is going to be a key meeting because most diplomats believe this is likely to be the last meeting on this issue before the key deadline the beginning of july the date where prime minister bettin netanyahu said that he may well an expanse of the west bank we're going to hear from the u.n. the secretary general he is going to open this meeting and his message is going to be very clear because we know what he said so many times on this in the past that and next ation would be an illegal act an exception is something the israelis have
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to think about and rethink at this stage because it would be an end to the 2 state solution at the end to the oslo process a really very very important historical milestone and some believe the end of this long procession of peace efforts in this so-called peace process as you say james and open amazing of the security council as well as the secretary general who else would we expect to hear from. well we're going to hear from all of the 15 members of the security council will hear from the palestinians we're going to hear from the israelis and we're going to hear from the arab league what i think is interesting is the u.n. secretary general going to put his case and 14 out of 15 members of the security council are going to back his case so it seems pretty overwhelming doesn't it but the 2 countries that don't back his position of course are the u.s. and israel and it's interesting that i'm talking to you in 2 days' time it's going
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to be the anniversary 75 years since the signing of the u.n. charter the end of world war 2 why is that important well that charter gives permanent members of the u.n. security council a veto that veto in this case as it often is in subjects involving permanent members is the problem that's why they can be 14 against one and yet the u.s. can back israel and no one else can do anything about it ok more with james bays our diplomatic editor at the u.n. as that meeting begins while we wait for it to begin we'll talk to harry force in west jerusalem harry obviously so much of this is james said dependent on what the israeli government plans post july the 1st has anything changed though in israel as a result of the new emergency unity government that's in place. well yes i mean what has changed is the fact that as part of that unity government there is a deal that allows benjamin netanyahu to bring an exception either to
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the israeli cabinet and government and get approval from it or to the israeli parliament the knesset and seek approval or both and that is written into the deal benny gantz his former rival now defense minister having no veto over it although it's very interesting to see what he's been saying just in the last day or so. the fact that the changes they were saying that what's important is is the united states this was position it israel there has been this question as to exactly what gantz would do he has indicated that he wants to see. that unilateral annex a shot in the past he said that he wants to see some kind of cooperation with jordan at least in terms of israel's neighbors of of why the international consultation well yesterday tuesday jury in a briefing to the military journalists here in israel he seemed to come very much
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closer to benjamin a position saying that israel did not want to be dragged into a quote deep expletive of the palestinians by the palestinians that they would continue to remain there if they did not negotiate and that if they didn't come to the table then israel would have to move on without them so that seems to be a pretty clear indication that he is coming around to netanyahu as way of thinking and that's important because there have been indications that the united states wants to see such agreement before it issues a green light and that's the other part of this equation at the moment discussions in washington among senior officials as to just exactly where they are and if so how much they will allow to be annexed and then support. so that's harry force that in west jerusalem of course more with that harry shortly just quickly back to james in new york are we getting anything on the way there.
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we asked we're seeing now the live pictures of the virtual session of the security council nickel and a lot of the air who's the french ambassador who is in the top right corner of the screen of the grid screen you can seeing is launching the meeting in french and he's now going to call on the u.n. secretary general antonio terrace as the 1st speaker of this meeting and he'll be followed for more detail on the situation by his man in jerusalem the u.n. special coordinator. and off they will be the 1st speakers of this meeting which we expect to go on for a couple of hours here at the u.n. security council we know that the palestinian foreign minister is going to be speaking the israeli ambassador is going to be speaking for israel the outgoing israeli ambassador and also speakers representing the arab league and representatives of all of the 15 members of the u.n. security council has a say any moment now we'll hear the secretary general who will be the 1st speaker
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followed by mr madoff who have a much more detailed view of the current situation on the ground show which i doubt it will work just as they are going to win these i think any moment now we can you know watch they when the red box changes i think the on any zone sort of chap it is worth actually distain looking at that picture right now it's quite extraordinary is that these times we live in that that is a u.n. security council meeting in action you know it's quite restricted what they can do and some of their voting procedures a change takes longer for them to vote right now here's the secretary general let's listen and. sure a lot more of this to clear doesn't harvest or let me guess your love is what is your why are. you going to see. who used this vile. just when no one's more nebulous knew it was stupid because
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you know. that it was because all told you and your group were preserved the minute you're out of your kids' journal and exam up job these were just missing the translation there at the moment waiting to hear from the secretary general at the moment i think someone's link dropped out as well sentence and on the ground against their back now as well if you're joining us just now on al-jazeera on the news hour here is the secretary general of the united nations and when i get tears over the evolving situation in israel and palestine. we are at the watershed moments israel so that the next parts of the occupied west bank as a lot of palestinians many israelis and the brother international community if you implementers an exception of course the 2 to no serious violation of international law grievously harmed the prospect of
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a 2 state solution and the count the possibilities of it in you will of negotiations i call on the israeli government would ban when it's an exception perhaps the policy to leave the ship as reacted by can see the thing itself solved of all but that's only going to happen this week is today are united states increased economic fragility is an example of the cover in 1000 pandemic reduced our support and the recent policy decision to stop accepting me those revenues that israel collects on behalf of the palestinian authority rescreen pleasing the hardship of the palestinian people as i said in february when i spoke before you were the president asking the council you have my full commitment to continue supporting palestinians of these videos to resolve the conflict and then the occupation in line with international law all relevant united nations resolutions and bilateral agreements. the goal is achieving the vision of 2 steps israel
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and then lead them into their own plan to continue to soften a viable palestinian state living side by side in peace and security we need to secure a liquid nice borders based on the p 9067 more of those with journalism as the capital of both states i will continue to consistently speak out against any unity let me level steps that could undermine peace and the chances for resolving the israeli palestinian conflict so meaningful negotiations such actions also further hamper efforts with dance regional peace and to maintain international peace and security i and israeli and palestinian leaders to pinney to meaningful dialogue with the support of international community i encourage regional and international supporters of the 2 state solution to a bring the parties back to a past wars in the gulf gated peaceful settlement i call on fellow members of the
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middle east quartet to take up our mandate mediation role and find a mutually agreeable framework for the parties to reengage without preconditions with us and other key states leave those must act wisely and swiftly and that which they do wield with the best the goal of a just and lasting peace is the president allow me to ask you to now give the floor to the special quality needed for the middle east peace process and my own while 'd mr nichol i'm not a lot of 2 but if the cards. and . it is the secretary general of the united nations. saying unequivocally there that israel needs to abandon its plans for an extension in the west bank. and that he will always speak up against any unilateral efforts
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which try to sidestep if you like the united the 2 state solution. the next speaker the security council so you journal of yours i'm devoting my regular briefing on the situation in the middle east to the 14th report on the implementation of security council resolution 2334 the written report you have already received and it covers the period from the 21st of march to the 4th of june this year. before turning to the elements that have occurred since the written report i would like to reiterate to the secretary general's great concern over the continuing threat of is really an extension of parts of the occupied west bank process officials have said could begin. deliberations over this move brought this long standing conflict to a critical juncture. an exception of the record of need all to the nature of israeli palestinian relations interests are pending more than a quarter of
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a century of international efforts in support of the future a viable palestinian state living in beast security and mutual recognition of the state of israel. the secretary general has just an 8 year old who stated that any move to annex occupied palestinian territory would have serious implications in terms of international law 2 state solution and the prospects of a negotiated sustainable peace international and regional opposition has also been widespread european leaders continue to voice their opposition to an extension of all some of that it would amount to a violation of international law for statements rejecting such a move have been issued in the past weeks by his majesty the king of jordan the arab league and leaders across the are all including a strong message directly to the israeli people from the united arab emirates in addition to the official statements we have witnessed opposition to the move from
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israeli and palestinian civil society think tanks academics and many others multiple opinion polls have indicated that israelis are going to be divided over the issue and do not consider it as a priority as the country is in the grips of an economic crisis and rising unemployment thousands of israelis have protested the move and gatherings in tel aviv's robin square and other locations across the country mr president recognizing that both peoples have a right to live and they're out of the home 27 years ago israeli and palestinian leaders agreed to embark on a noble difficult role to result the conflict in emotions without taking unilateral action and in order to reach the final status agreement on a just peace today. than ever from this goal as the prospect of a negotiated 2 state solution isn't a cult the specter of radicalization and violence emerges the only legal security
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an economic implications the threat of unilaterally alex in parts of the west bank will send one message and one message of all. bilateral negotiations can only achieve peace we cannot allow this we have no good can come out of the breakdown of dialogue and communications diplomacy must be given jobs all of us who believe in the legitimate right or both palestinians and israelis to self-determination security and a brighter future must reject this move and consolidate efforts to preserve sustainable 2 state solution this is why i ask you today knowing the secretary general in his call for an immediate reengagement with no preconditions between the middle east quartet the united states the russian federation the european union and the united nations and other spinnin leadership israel and the countries of the region this is in all its find a way out of the current crisis i believe that only by working together we can
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reduce all meeting all israeli palestinian battle and improve stability and conditions for people around such discussions who can go on for too long let him pull sights slid. along they voting pass unilateral action has made the goal of here even more distant. based on shared principles and aspirations we can make then by realistic steps to avoid increasing polarization and the balance of the goal of 2 states living side by side in peace and security integrated into the region. in the interests of peace i urge the israeli and palestinian leadership to take this opportunity and through terms of the bottom engage mr president in response to the thread about extension the palestinian leadership declared itself absolved of all agreements and understanding with israel and the united states it has
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a subsequent hole to all of the actual contents the decisions has and will increasingly have a dramatic impact on all aspects of the end of life. particularly worrisome is the decision to stop accepting the clearance revenues that israel collects on behalf of the palestinian authority adding to the economic boom certainty caused by the code 19 demick the palestinian authority has now lost 80 percent of its monthly revenue this gap and will be filled by thomas allicin ends in gaza who live with closures and under the control of hamas for more than a decade particularly about all the ending of civilian war the nation will not allow him to receive life saving treatment already an 8 year old 8 month old infant has lost his life due to the situation surely there must be a red line when it comes to the lives of children the united nations and other
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international organizations are increasingly being asked to perform or the nation responsibilities while we are prepared to provide so all on emotions the basis the u.n. cannot replace the palestinian authority it is critical of humanitarian and other assistance not be delayed or solves mr president in the coming weeks decisions may have you reached that will don't irreparable damage to palestinian israeli society to the security and economic wellbeing of both peoples this bleak vision however is not yet a pet accompli the window is closing but there is still time to avert chaos it will require a concerted effort by all stakeholders and the will to take political risks to achieve peace is the 1st that i joined the secretary general in calling on israel to abandon its last lightning sparked by that was found mr president allow me to
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turn the review also to significant developments since the written report has been circulated. in terms of settlement related activities on the 9th of june israel's high court of justice struck down a controversial 2017 law that enabled whilst white scale expropriation of private palestinian land and the retract of legalisation under israeli law of thousands of housing units in israeli settlements the core ruled that the law was unconstitutional due to its violation of palestinian rights of property and equality meanwhile of one palestinian was killed and $44.00 injured including 6 children during demonstrations clashes and other incidents across the occupied palestinian that area 35 were injured by live i mean ish 3 israelis were injured homes with stones were thrown so at a bus traveling through the west bank a total followed by structures with demolished on the grounds of like
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a moment in areas seeing these troops in displacing some $28.00 people and otherwise affecting an additional $250.00 on june 23rd a 20 year old palestinian man from abuse was shot dead by the hour in an apparent car running attack at a checkpoint and an i.d.f. soldier was also injured settler related violence incidents during the reporting period were concentrated mainly in hebron speech to an area and in the numbers governor. in gaza despite the relative calm the launching woman cereals and device this continue some 20 devices launched over the fence into israel on the 15th of june the rocket was launched from gaza as well as for landing in mobile and bill and causing no damage in retaliation the israeli defense forces that that several hamas that it's in mistruth. meanwhile the conventional crossing proves into gaza
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continues got ravers normal however the palestinian civil affairs committee in gaza has fought receiving and processing permit application for gaza residents and then all communication with israeli authorities as a result hundreds of patients within many children needing life saving medical treatment have not been able to exit the script. mr president or his financial situation remains a serious concern to all of us i thank you all and sweden for the repost of all life support for the agency including yesterday's pledging conference which nicole shared with but this patient the secretary general i welcome the pledges that were announced although they poll well schol of the needs of one rug and its funding gap remains extremely serious i encourage member states to support the agency to ensure its operations and continues throughout the 2020 the suppression and closing i would like to again highlight the immense wrists we faced over the coming weeks and
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months as we confront the very real possibility of an exception and its consequences if implemented these steps could dramatically alter local that mix truly and stability across the occupied palestinian territory and maybe beyond this conflict has been marked by periods of extreme violence but never has the risk of escalation been accompanied by a political crisis so listen and the economic situation of solo projects in the region so hold our. it is crucial for all stakeholders to take action that will enable the parties to step back from the brink the goal most people urgently really engage in dialogue that will follow unilateral steps chart a positive way forward and avoid a descent into chaos everyone must do it in the coming weeks to preserve and promote the prospect of ending the occupation and achieving a negotiated 2 state solution basement national law you want a solutions and biological remains thank you. nicholai not
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enough is the un's middle east coordinator the specialist on middle east peace issues following up on what the secretary general said in fact saying he backs it up and calling phase rael to immediately abandon its plans to annex parts of the west bank we will hear from other members of the security council as well as the israelis and the palestinians are right now this is a made up of gate the secretary general of the arab league to be candid and 34 with my doctor that it is a duty and the responsibility of this council to live but as any a situation that threatens international peace and security that of me thirdly believes that the possible moreover by the israeli government the next part of the by the syrian territory would constitute if implemented and it's hideous said to
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regional stability with broader a mythic ations on the international security and the words. since 1993 the palestinians have wisely chosen the path of peace and coexistence. they signed interim agreements with that is that are in in the whole that this would be the way for the establishment of an independent palestinian state on the joint force 1967 lines with east jerusalem as its capital yet for 3 decades really peace and the creation of an independent palestinian state it means they mean the elusive israeli settlement activity as expanded and the logic of a pigeon asian and womanish and as intentional negotiations stumbled were suspended numerous times and they have led to nowhere they spared as do
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many of them to palestinian mord and seen this by these said backs the 2 state solution remains the only but i didn't accept that by both part of those and borst by the international community the ambitious. peace initiative was launched back in 2002 and locked in the same parameters as a means to achieve lesion and peace and normalization with that is that if implemented israeli and excision plans will not only be different mental the chances of peace today but will destroy any prospects for peace in the future. palestinians will totally lose faith in any good she did settlement i'm afraid our ups too will lose interest in the regional peace. in
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you without reality if we're certain visibly in this conflict and there in the region at large. israel is wrongly believe that the status quo is just that actually it is not the 2 state solution is removed from the table it once did reality will take its place and this is going to create a whole different reality and they not mix what is also at stake here is the effectiveness of your almost constant i hope your organize their agency of the matter and the gravity of israeli policy since it is incumbent upon the council to observe to its influence on as and saw it with reins from any unilateral measures that will further inflame tensions and dangerous that mean and peace in the middle
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east i would lean i would even say. mention of ignite when get religious war and and beyond our region in religious war and that is not a small play we should be united in our combat mission and the rejection of this uncancel uncalled for provocation and there is a total must be made to recognize that it's never as self-centered plans will remain in a mess of it and will never gain any international acceptance thank you mr president. so extra general of the arab league speaking there as we watch a virtual meeting there it is of the u.n. security council an open meeting with members of the security council with the secretary general and with representatives from the israelis and the palestinians
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as well we'll come back to some of these speeches later on particularly waiting to hear from the united states ambassador and also israel and palestine as well while the other members of the security council speak we'll talk to james bays diplomatic editor in new york has been listening along to all of that 3 speeches james we listened to all with pretty much the same tone or the same urging towards israel don't do this. absolutely i think the 1st speech was the most important because that was a very stark warning i think from the u.n. secretary general making it clear that this was a watershed moment that annexation could constitute the most serious violation of international law and a direct call to the israelis i call on the israeli government to abandon its annexation plans that they know this is probably coming very soon this they believe is their last chance it's interesting to us as you say that the secretary general
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is followed by mr lighton office special coordinator who gave more detail on that and then by the secretary general of the arab league who echoed that call and we're now going to hear from all 15 members of the security council i can tell you without listening to their speeches that 14 out of 15 will back that position of the u.n. secretary general the position of the international community is very very clear everyone apart from one nation on the security council and one other nation that sits close ally agrees with this position but of course that one nation on the security council is the u.s. it's a permanent member with a veto on the other nation is the nation that has the power to act in the power actually on the ground and it is israel and because of the u.s. is veto power there is very very little the security council can do other than words they're hoping these words will be pressure but it remains to be seen what
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the israeli government is going to do we don't even know i don't think at this stage the discussions that have been had between the israelis and the u.s. what exactly is the final position of the trumpet ministration on the idea of imminent an exception we know that discussions have been going on in washington we know discussions have been going on in jerusalem so a very key moment and you heard the secretary general of the arab league make the point that if this happens he believes it's the end of the oslo pro. yes but we've been following not really proceeding very fast at any stage many would say we've been deteriorating in recent years and that of course is the 2 state solution and he made it clear there is no 2 state solution then there's a one state solution and that is a real problem i think for countries in the region and potentially for the palestinians but also israelis james bays will be back with you later on james our diplomatic editor of course at the united nations as on the right hand side of your
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screen the. virtual session of the security council carries on. now here's harry forsett in west jerusalem with some reaction from there harry i mean james has made the point there that 14 members of the security council plus the secretary general and the special coordinator will largely say the same thing but israel can sit comfortable in the knowledge that the united states with its veto will always be there. well yes and i think that's why perhaps we saw such stark language coming through there is obviously a real will to try to use this stage virtual load is to give a stronger message as possible to benjamin netanyahu and to benny gantz presumably his former rival now a partner in coalition about the wider impact of annexation and so for that reason you saw nicholl i'm not in of talking about being further away than ever before
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from a resolution talking about the prospect of violence talking also about the prospects of severe social and economic harm coming from what's already happened in reaction to just the threat of an axe a shot in terms of the palestinian authority decision to no longer accept money raised on its behalf by the israelis saying there's 80 percent of its monthly income gone and that there could be very serious societal ramifications as a result he talked about having to avoid a descent into chaos the arab league ambassador talking about the potential for igniting a religious war within and even outside the region so these are very stark warnings coming through but as you say the question is how seriously they will be taken here by a prime minister at least who is absolutely publicly at least committed to carrying through this policy the common thread in all 3 of those speeches which we heard was
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the idea of discussions of negotiations of ultimately a 2 state solution does anyone actually talk about a 2 state solution is there any will. very few i mean obviously there are some peace activists in israel there are those as well in the occupied west bank who still cling to that possibility but there is a real there has been over many years now a real undermining of the foundations on which such hopes could be built and that is what is being warned of here that that this would be an end to that road and the prospects therefore of either some kind of one state solution a bi national state if that were to happen then the calls on the palestinian side would be for full representation and equal rights for all that's something that would be extremely difficult for any israeli government
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a jewish israeli governments to accept given that they say that israel must forever be a jewish state and so the other prospect then is having 2 separate classes of personhood within a binational state again that is something that benny gantz has said that that he would try and that would not have to come about as a result of this annexation but his position has been shifting quite significantly towards netanyahu and seemingly giving netanyahu more of an opportunity to carry through with the annexation and potentially of the americans given that building consensus that seems to be there between these 2 men an opportunity to greenlight at least an initial step in and annexation policy that's the other question will netanyahu go for the full 30 percent that he feels he's entitled to under the trump plan of the occupied west bank or will he try to do something slightly more
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incremental the question though is even if he does that to what extent that will make any difference because as far as the palestinians are concerned any annexation is an exception as far as the jordanians are. and the next asian is an exception and is therefore subject to the full gamut of reactions and responses the that they feel they would have to undertake to respond adequately to such a huge and momentous move sorry for sits in west jerusalem their thank you for that hour a reminder of what you're seeing on the right hand side of your screen there is well this is actually the representative from tunisia speaking right now an open meeting of the united nations security council being conducted by tele video conference with all members of the security council plus the secretary general special representative as well on the middle east we've heard from the secretary and secretary general of the arab league as well and we will hear from israeli and
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palestinian representatives later on we'll bring you those speeches later they are i need you to speak all 15 members of the security council have spoken and that will of course include the united states as well. which we will take that speech when it happens in the meantime made abraham our correspondent in jordan valley and the occupied west bank made a one you tell us more about where you are reaction there and how that area will be affected by any annexation. we are now in for side village it's one of the areas in the jordan valley that is expected to be annexed as of july 1st the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu can make good on his promise and next these land i.e. they will fall under the israeli sovereignty today we are here because there is a senior leadership meeting the palestinian government senior officials as well as
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p.l.o. executive committee officials are going to be holding a meeting here at the main aim it's to show it's a symbolic step to show that this is palestinian land this is part the. the occupied west bank and annexing it would be a crime against international law now as of how this is going to change the reality on the ground people here have been telling us for years that they've been suffering from the israeli occupation the measures the demolitions if extend from their lands all of these measures have led many of them to leave to actually be transferred to other areas because they can't really tolerate the difficult situation as of how israel is going to be dealing with them this remains the big question here because israel has over the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has talked about no not planning to give these people is really
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citizenship or id so we're looking at this at the situation where palestinians might be considered the subject this is very difficult for palestinians here to hear they've been here in these lands some of them are telling us that they've owned these lands and been here before even the creation of the state of israel so it really how it's going to affect their lives is going to be a wait and see we're probably expecting more measures that is going to drive people out of the land neither do palestinians have any faith in the process of the united nations and of the security council as pointed out they can pretty much count on the support of 14 members of the security council but so long as the united states banks in israel's position the security council can't do much. exactly and we already have united nations security council resolutions like the 233402234 which says that israeli settlements in the occupied west bank
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considers them illegal under international law and it calls for their dismantlement so there are a lot of resolutions that talk about the. solution the fact that palestinians should have a state of their own but that hasn't been implemented so in the street you wouldn't really find much faith in the international community as well as the united nations but when we took 2 palestinian officials i just talked with the senior for leader. he said that they want the united nations security council to raise the red card for israel so while it is not important for palestinians in the street and they don't see the validity really poor officials they are they say they are still committed to the non violent measures and none violent peaceful ways to and the israeli occupation it's worth noting that the palestinian president mahmoud abbas has decided to cut coordination with the security coordination with israel and he
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has said that p.l.o. is no longer bound by agreements that it's made with the u.s. the u.s. and israel so it's is really seen here as the last measure for them to do they've been trying to up their game and do as much as possible when it comes to measures to try and put pressure on israel to prevented from moving forward on annexation. of the jordan valley you know part west bank thank you. so we talk about. want to have a quick run through if you know of how these recent plans actually took shape. the west bank it is a palestinian territory occupied by israel since 967 during that occupation israel bulldozed palestinian homes and forced entire communities to leave more than 600000 israelis now live in illegal settlements in the west bank including east jerusalem israel's always faced strong international opposition to these plans but in
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a departure from u.s. policy don't try middle east proposal endorsed and it says back in january a joint u.s. israeli committee has been mapping out the borders in which israel would apply its sovereignty prime minister benjamin netanyahu is vowing to bring the plan to a cabinet hearing for approval on july 1st and while the exact details of the plan are unclear it will include israel settlements as well as the occupied west bank boundary with jordan also known as we need it just was the jordan valley so that gives you a little bit of background there will pull it all together now with our senior political analyst. based on what you've heard today from those 3 speeches initially the language was strong wasn't it even if the action maybe won't be able to match it i don't think that i'm good or strong i think the analysis were strong. and i don't expect world leaders to do my job
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right with the i know this is ridiculous positions and this was to be taken action from this commanding action the council and they're supposed to be one thing they're also responsible for this and i heard none of that i heard more of the same blah blah blah blah blah i've heard for decades. the the palestinian territories have been occupied her 50 years we've heard the same conversation the same block of law for the last 50 years israel has been settling expanding the settlements building actual cities in legally and occupied territories and the united nations have been doing that blah blah blah and here we go again including out of needles so when we hear the 2nd to general of the arab league analyzing the situation warning about the religious war you don't actually expect the head of the other big 22 or 2132 arab states to be doing analysis at the at the united nations security
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council you would expect a muppet of think one what should the security council do what would the out of the leak what the arab states the members of the other big do and this one thing i haven't heard in the 3 speeches. we all know who's the i wasn't in the room we don't know who was behind instigating this annexation did anyone point a finger to the united states and the trumpet mistake we're actually giving the green light we've been nudging their neck and you have a government that could be an exception does anyone really doubt going to that kind of government would not be able to go through with an exception with out support from the united states but did anyone there including the secretary general of the united nations and especially to avoid alone they had better be pointing out who is actually responsible and why are they there and approached things we haven't heard any of that we've heard once again where the same blah blah blah blah blah blah
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about warnings of what should and shouldn't do what is what shouldn't do what is or shouldn't have settled illegally for the last 6 years but it has now hit me years later that it's going to an explicit subtle there's some repeating what the same thing so for me this is not start but this is my heart ok so if it is all talk as you say and blah blah blah which we've heard for so long then what could the action be we are discussing here at the security council is discussing here potential unilateral action by israel is there potential unilateral action which anyone else can take. secondly as you state didn't at the united nations security council there are the took out 8 members right so the united states if not if not others were probably people and there was an issue condemning specially when washington itself is responsible for the israeli decision to go ahead and it needed
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an expenditure so we all know that the reason why this meeting has been called for is want to send a message that we are in dangerous territory that there should be some escalation of some sort and that israel should not do this because there could be a consequence but as i said this is analysis you would expect the security council members and the other big members to be thinking all our firm stance as who what what would be to what what is the to meet them if you do this then what's what the arab states book for example there were some talk about 2nd out of states like that's jordan i doubt it but there was some talk about suffering going to should would egypt several issues but there's one i doubt that as well so there's a number of things that could have been done but probably wouldn't be done because a lot of countries are intimidated by the something that certain
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a lot of countries would not even mention or go head to head with it and then it should admit station something like that so we're stuck really again one of the same logic and yes some of the real powers in the world stage namely the european union russia china and so also do actually take a stance and the imports and all to meet them then i don't think the united states going to that now government is quite going to do anything i personally at this point in time don't find any reason why russia or the go to me and would go head to head with washington or a question of an accession. bashar is a senior political analyst with his thoughts on what we've heard so far from the security council thank you more on this i believe this is the. representative speaking at the moment it is. working our way through all 15 members of the security council at the moment in about 1234 speakers time we'll be hearing
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from the u. s. ambassador we'll bring you that speech when it happens and then later the israeli and palestinian representatives remember this is an open meeting a virtual security council meeting on the issue of israel anik saying parts of the occupied west bank more on that. a chance now to look at some other news of the day and after weeks of increasing tension on the korean peninsula including the destruction of a joint liaison office north korea has announced it is suspending plans for military action against the south the north's state media said the decision was made during a meeting of the ruling party's central military commission chaired by the leader kim jong il and it was his sister kim your jong who's in charge of relations with the south and had warned of possible military action. south korea says it believes the meeting was quote very unusual and so was paying close attention it said it
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would keep working to stop provocative acts from its soil including the sending of propaganda leaflets over the border which is something pyongyang said was behind the recent actions. we saw the report from the north and we are reviewing it in a close serious way we will monitor the situation our government stance remains the 2 koreas should edge here to the bilateral agreement apart from this we stressed again and will continue to sternly respond to acts such as sending anti north leaflets which creates tensions between the south and north and threatens the safety of people in the border area and we heard from c. one cool a little bit earlier who's publisher of the magazine korea exposé he gave us some more context behind the decision. i think it's important for us not to overestimate what has happened because we are seeing a pattern of escalation by north korea that really started back in march except that you to corona crisis perhaps we have not been paying much attention to it. and
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sister camille song made a very strong statement condemning south korea as early as the beginning of march in the head in the series in the silence used throughout the month and also in the month of april and of course we have seen the very high profile explosion at the into korean liaison office in case law which was really a symbol of improving relations between the 2 koreas and now it brings us to this moment in which north korea claims it is displeased by the problem in the leaflets being thrown across the d.m.z. by the defector groups but in reality many people believe that this is just a pretext that what we're seeing is fundamental displeasure on the part of the north korean leadership at the lack of progress in that unit rises from a process which for them really implies lifting up sanctions and improving economic conditions. india's announced it is expelling haas of the staff from pakistan's
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high commission in new delhi because of spying quickly rejected the allegations as baseless and then demanded india respond by having its diplomatic staff in islam about all of this the latest ons of strained diplomatic relations between the 2 nuclear rivals camel haida has more now from islam but. as far as focused on is going to deny the indian highly gaijin on the other hand up against any foreign ministry is now coming with a list of indians didn't they i didn't want to do next i stated them in what they say day storm surge in pakistan your indeed both sides trading barbs however. i did just coming in i didn't dimer intention of going through a great divide indian and pakistani administered to me running high risk street when reports of ceasefire violations by board and or far away region
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again standoff between joy need an indian force in a deadly story with the buggers don't even know it's a. big asian that the whole region is on the word of instability and the idea indian government a. good agent against pakistan on both sides of course blame each other for why leading those cease fire agreements and on the line of control. coronavirus lockdowns worldwide have cost the jobs of millions of people millions of migrant workers specifically the u.n. says many will now fall below the poverty line this year has come from the international labor organization it estimates there are 164000000 migrant workers will wide nearly half of them women it says the loss of jobs directly impacts migrant worker families remember remittances they are expected to discuss decreased 20 percent this year the ilo surging nations to protect market worker rights to use
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their skills when they return home tens of thousands of market workers are returning to their home countries after losing their jobs elizabeth purana reports on the impact being felt in south asia. up the wahhabis back home in pakistan after 7 years working in saudi arabia he has a new life and his old home and swap that he's. going to get in the us i was earning good money for my family but because of the pandemic everything shut down and i lost my job it was difficult survive there without a drop so i returned home. he's opened a fruit and vegetable shop so he can continue supporting his family but the $60.00 a month he's earning is a fraction of the $400.00 he used to make as a laborer and saudi arabia. of the y. this one of $40000.00 pakistanis the government says have returned home after losing their job or the seas it's a similar picture in neighboring india which is the world's biggest receiver of
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work of remittances at least $50000.00 endian workers have returned since may workers from india and pakistan sent home more than a 100000000000 dollars last year. the world bank expects the amount of money sent by all foreign workers to their families will fall by 20 percent this year as millions lose their jobs and return home. india to current. international has sent 25000 workers overseas in the past 15 years but their business has virtually ground to a halt. because it's a kind of beacon they cannot use work but this will be able bodied sinking no because. the industry is sinking. permission says are especially important in low and middle income countries more than foreign investment an 8 you know way of images economy was acting as a bit of a sacrificial also for these families and literally poorer families and the
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enhancing their standard of living giving education to their children and giving better health care the united nations says the loss of money will be an evenly spread and warns that tens of millions of families who rely on remittances will fall below the poverty line this year elizabeth pradhan al-jazeera you daddy. monday's ceasefire announcement in yemen is being breached by fighting in the southern coastal province of. no casualties reported so far yemeni government forces backed by saudi arabia are battling separatists supported by the united arab emirates a breakaway movement called southern transitional council is fighting to reestablish the country of south yemen well the u.s. troop presence has provoked a protest in pi's yemen's 3rd largest city dozens of people rallied in one of the main streets calling for the immoralities and other coalition forces to end what they describe as an occupation iran's president says the un's nuclear watchdog
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risks losing its independence this is after the i.a.e.a. asked ron to clarify if undeclared nuclear activities did take place at 2 sites in the early 2000 rouhani says those a baseless accusations from enemy states our position towards the i.a.e.a. was based on cooperation within the framework of the law we're concerned that the i.a.e.a. will be exploited by israel and america by returning to old files dating back 80 years ago we will continue to deal with the agency in a principle of cooperation but we hope that it will not be subject to american and israeli pressure a victory day celebrations have been held in cities across russia moscow so the annual military parade an air show commemorating the surrender of nazi germany in $145.00 parades usually held in may but were delayed this year because of the coronavirus pandemic president vladimir putin was there as well as leaders from several eastern european and central asian countries let's just return now to our
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main story and that is the issue of israel an exciting land in the occupied west bank we've heard from senior official jabril about what he wants from this meeting . today we expect that this committee council will today's it it cut it to those who are behaving like the bully of the neighborhood by knitting you on legitimacy by lifting the room and lots denying the minium a. bite of noisy the very existence of the palestinian people and their large incentive to didn't mean a shit we think now it's him. to continue to corinth rather than this new to the end of us is moot and the race is. that security council meeting is ongoing at the united nations vietnam represented
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the speaking we'll be hearing from the u.s. representative and the israelis and the palestinians in the next hour here on al-jazeera. playing. july on al-jazeera in a controversial move israel is expected to unacceptable settlements in the occupied west bank how will the world react in a not so sweet a story chocolate's heart of darkness expose the continued use of child labor on cocoa plantations president putin will try to stay in power beyond his final term with an attempt at changing russia's constitution may have sound will host a special series of interviews with as chief tackling the big issues of our time marking the 25th anniversary of the biggest war crime on european soil since world war 2 we will witness a ceremony paying respect to the victims of the sort of done so genocide. july on al-jazeera. if you are in beijing looking out the pacific
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ocean you'd see american warships when mess was done somehow time is aiming to replace america and around the world well the chinese are not that stupid things guys want to dominate a huge chunk of the planet this sounds like a preparation for our 1st president george washington said if you want peace prepare for war the coming war on china to on a just. reporting in the field means i often get to witness not just new as this is breaking but also history as it's unfolding crossing from serbia to hungary to read when there might be covering politics in the next around my covering protests. but what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they are going through so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. in uncertain isolating times the listening post cuts through
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the noise you've been looking at another side of this story not so much the information around the outbreak but the myth of the listening post on al-jazeera. stepping up the pressure on israel the united nations security council is meeting right now as calls grow to stop the annexation of palestinian land in the occupied west bank. sons of maria here in doha 1400 hours g.m.t. which is a little after 10 am in new york as we say the united nations security council holding its open session a virtual session on the.
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