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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 24, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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dr al jazeera, the one person is dead and $21.00 on accounted for as a fire burns at a tree. manufacturing plant and south korea. the color ones are in jordan, this is obviously are a life and go home. so coming multiple attacks across the russians, doug, as don region, the targets including churches and synagogues of these 15 police officers acute israel's prime minister, says intends fighting in gaza as many over an says it doesn't mean the war is about to in a hot bed of sickness we go inside one of the numerous 10 cities and gaza housing
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displaced on the launch fires burning of lithium tree plant in south korea. one person's consented, at least 21 others on, accounted for more than a 145 fights, has been sent to the factory to try to stop the spread of the blaze. but far to say it's impossible for cruise to enter because about yourselves a constantly exploration. let's get more and this adult a unit skim. she joins us on the phone from just south of the capital. so units, so this sounds like a pretty big file. what more can you tell us? it's right there in the was on fire department holding their 1st briefing on display, it's confirming that the fires 1st casualty and they are also trying to a search and how many people are trapped inside with them. 21 and reachable at this hour, as you noted, so that casually count will likely caresoft,
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firefighters have been struggling to even get inside of the 3 story structure as the blaze raging. since this morning is believed to hold tens of thousands of let's see on iron batteries, which burns hotter and for longer than traditional batteries. but the units on, you know, directed relevant, administered them, the national fire agency to, to foy, of needed resources to rescue the people inside with regard for firefighters safety . a question that the toxic piece. yeah. units, as you say, because they're a batch trees that are on file the firefighters are facing significant difficulties and challenges trying to put the fire out. it says, right. so these are a batteries, but notably there are lithium ion at batteries. of course, we use them in our everyday lives, gadgets, to electric vehicles, and though they don't necessarily ignite easier the traditional battery, it's, they, once they do ignite, they do burn for longer. so firefighters also essentially facing the danger of new
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fires, even when they can get inside. because it, these look at, i am, batteries, can detonate at any point given when they are overheating and also the separator is damage. so fire authorities say this has been this case this morning with multiple explosions cited at this factory and intense flames, making it extremely difficult to get inside. all right, so you're just getting blood pressure on the phone near the software and capital. so with a battery, a manufacturing plant is still on file, but obviously get more information as we get it to you on algebra. now government enough to police officers and civil teneo strikes and russians. doug, as don region 15 offices have died along with 6 of the attackers and the cities of perhaps color under bent you to shove of all of the reports from us. good. as a quiet sunday evening was interrupted by several on the tops and bushes. douglas
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done region 2 of the ex charges and 2 synagogues were targeted in the cities of the hutch color under bent. she wouldn't need you today has become a day of tragedy for august fun, and our entire country is unprecedented in their cruelty. the terrorist attacks were committed against religious sites in the capital, much carla and our ancient city there, bent in the regional capital of a hutch fill out a traffic police post came on to find to that talk of should several law enforcement officers almost a point blank among the 1st victims of that tax with saw that nikolai could tell nicole and orthodox priest in the church in the event the killers cut his throat well trudge. god we hire you on, don't leave with a gasp. is too, which is an a lease or weapon used for self defense will show dead on the support laser that talk is funded at a police call as it was headed to the side of that tide. one thing, one of the police officers who show greg is just this. it went out just like
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everyone else standing here. no one is allowed to enter there. do you want it to go and see the police wouldn't let us in on the police also detained. one of the local officials on suspicion that 2 of his sons were involved in that tax is released that both of them were killed in the shootout of submitted to vehicles. will spotted them, the streets, the shooting and the center of the event stopped. a number of people, a la barricaded in the church, in the hutch color laser safe, if actuated by police that have been to simulate tax and russia recently that reclaimed by i. so starting with the cro casita whole a sold back in march followed by the attack on the pre trial detention center ingle spoke last week. but letting you know the patient has refused, has made that russia could bet tons by such groups. despite the claims of responsibility, he says, and it's for us to rush or come from western countries or ukraine. the question remains how he can respond these attacks without acknowledging them publicly. you'll have shut off all about. i'll just be wrapped most cur.
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the is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who says intense fighting against time us and gaza is nearing its end. and it's for a sit down interview with his rating media since the start of the war. nothing you all talked about deploying more troops to the northern border with lebanon, and addressed on going on to government protests. there's really a government's done and i'll just hear from broadcasting there. so i'm the slip report to jordan's capital. i'm on to the 1st time since the outbreak of these rules, more ongoing as the prime minister benjamin netanyahu sits down for an interview with is really media and just outside a crowd gathered in protests in his interview with these rules. bar right channel 14 nathan, yahoo says this portion of intense lighting in gaza is coming to an end. but that
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the war is far from over. netanyahu says a total ceasefire deal is not on the table. straying away from the 3 phase plan laid out by the by did administration and scorching outrage from families of is really captive still held in gaza. i mean no more harm. i'll stick them in hama. i am not ready to stop the war and for a loss to remain. i am ready to make a partial deal to return some of the people to us. and i know we are forced to continue this war after the truce to reach our goal, which is removing him aust, i'm not ready to compromise in the escalating situation with his bola. he says, israel is prepared for all possible scenarios, including a full scale, more history, almost all of our to after the end of the severe phase of the war, we will have the possibility to transfer a part of the troops to the northern borders. and we will do it firstly for defensive purposes, and secondly,
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to return the population to their homes. if we can, we will do a double medically last week. these really aren't issued a statement saying it had defeated half of him. this is military capabilities in dropbox. and that operations would last a few more weeks, while the army spokesperson said a total defeat of how mass in gaza is unlikely. the possibility of war continuing seems to be very much still underway until there is serious significant pressure from the united states in the form of cutting off the money and the weapons that are enabling this war and this genocide, to continue in the wake of the rear interview pressure continues to melt on these really prime minister from allies like the united states to families of captives and even from his own coalition. and the central india 0. i'm the
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undermined that is where the government's band down to 0 from operating inside is right. and that's why the reporting from neighboring jordan now is what is military has once again, i'm least a barrage of attacks on civilians in gaza, at least for palestinians were killed and dozens injured when his reign is shining and targeted the guns us that he compound of a human agency for palestinian refugees. the on rebuilding had been turned into a warehouse but what little aid was getting into the strip? he must move your thoughts is another filter for hundreds of displays. palestinians and dogs are destroyed. and some of the limited supplies of a rolling after israel targeted the honorable headquarters in gaza city. the solid, i found my eldest son in jersey, the youngest trapped under the debris and those dead bodies lying there. what's wrong that these innocent children do? we are running from death towards death. young men and women are slaughtered by
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these radius. there is no safe end and the entire gauze and strip. this is our life . nothing but fear and destruction running from death to death. the war and gaza has internally displaced more than 1700000 people with a few. if any places that can be considered safe be i'm not just saying i didn't was a couple not to all of us here are display civilians. so i'm trying to get their hands on food. others searching for clean water without warning is riley war plants fired missiles on us. this is an unrest center. it's supposed to be safe. but these riley's have no regard to any limits. israel's intensified a blockade, means a deliveries are often and stuck a border crossings, subjects through his regular scrutiny and aid workers say the aid that does arrive is difficult to deliver due to the ongoing bombardment destroying supplies that have really found their way in mean a population of 2300000 that is already facing the use of our vision. is that even
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a great arrest? honeymoon? i just see it out from the central area of the gaza strip. how the sign. and meanwhile, his writing forces of card drains across the occupied west bank, the rest of at least 40 palestinian men and boys north of rome. i love this and fighting in the northern town of tobias and one. palestinian was injured by gunfire and the city of numberless, at least $550.00 palestinians have been killed in the west bank since october 7th. now to 0 is spoken to an injured palestinian man who was used as a human shields buys, ready forces in jimmy. and then they occupied westbank, which i had a body was dropped to the front of it is rarely a miniature vehicle on saturday, which drove past several ambulances. explain what happens. it will cool. cool. and i won't look to see these really soldiers will laughing and mocking me wild beating me to death to his very soul and grab my hands and to others my feet. this started
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swinging the left and right. i fell to the ground twice and on the state of time, they shot me over the hood. it was extremely hot, and my back was booked. they drove me back and forth for 20 minutes. last night nothing new. i had hoped to be dead before these way the soldiers arrived. i had expected them to attend my women's, not to beat them back to me while i already had to critical injuries. well, more than $37000.00 palestinians in gauze, i have been killed by israel since october, almost half of those children. and these are just some of the names see behind the israel's abuses. so it added to the unions global black list of countries that home children and agencies one it's ongoing offensive and rough or is separating more youngsters from their families. phoenix. now our reports of the united nations has called it a war for the children. the causes health ministry has
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documented more than $15000.00 of their debts. an 8 agencies are sounding the alarm on yet another green statistic. the missing children. according to whom money to and organization save the children almost $21000.00 to mine. those in gaza had been reported missing since the beginning of the war. in october. $17000.00 of them are either unaccompanied or separated from their families, while at least $4000.00 a believe to be trapped under rubble. in the aftermath of these really strikes on residential buildings and refuge centers, wherever you look in gaza, there are children. they make up nearly half of the population in the besieged strip. in the wake of unrelenting war 8 agents, you see it's become more difficult to support them. nearly 19000
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children are reported opened in gaza. that has left the fate of many miners entirely, or in part, in the hands of total strangers. they warn this is increasing the risk of abuse, exploitation, and neglect. and that's put a spotlight on a generation of children who have not only lost the apartments, but i left it alone and unprotected. you know, it was on felix new are all 0. well, for the 10s of thousands of palestinians, forced to take shelter intends to spread the disease also puts their lives at risk . a lack of sanitation and clean water was left for many children under 5 buckling distance, ran diarrhea. in her reports from one company or by the central ga us us. across calls of thousands of palestinians forcibly displays from their homes. i knew thinking tons more than 450000 houses damaged many have no place to go.
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and others are trying to avoid the bombardment that has killed at least 37000 people. but even tents are not safe from is where the attack will lovely. reflect on the way we're living in fear. we go to sleep, praying to live, to the next morning. not to get boomed with these rarely occupation policies targeting or 10. so we're getting innocent. women and children and in my life is moving dial. it is a misery, as well as the danger from is risk bombardment, living intense, bring its own set of problems. how does the new simon, these are forced to call tense like these, their new homes. they do not have running water showers or even toilets and sometimes are very small. you can even stand up inside without proper sanitation and clean, want to just henry and die. we have become dangerously common among children under the age of 5. and many diseases like hepatitis are spreading rapidly with fears of
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possible a put that makes this is not have by the lack of facilities to dispose of sewage and rubbish, or the increasing summer heat. but there is nowhere else for palestinians to call him in the hands of one of the good. there is no safe place in the entire gauze and strip. these ratings alleged that they all targeting militants, isn't it, but they are lying full victims of defenceless, innocent civilians level to you and agencies and health professionals. fear that until a ceasefire is in place, an aide is allowed in. the situation will continue to deteriorate in more lives will be lost inquiry. i'll just see it updated. but post time talk a short break here. and i'll just say when we come back, the quest, the piece, the columbia presidents bottled to contain dissident groups plus we'll never find another likely i'm the new gold rush. we look at how taylor swift level tool
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was. look, i'm a huge musical and financial phenomenon. more on that, the the now there are warnings or watches i to of high temperature in many places in the baby and peninsula, up in west aisha as well, and even pots of turkey. and there's no relief from the heat because they're coming to some of the answer unless you get to breeze offer cool environment or shy was and you might see a few here. there's really nothing to change. it is to be expected and we seen reports over the weekend and the weekend of 51 and q 851 in iraq, and even 51 around the u a. but i haven't never, quite very far that 49. certainly all of these terms is a 100 and they should be compared with the average. it's cool. down a little in westland saturday, we've seen one or 2 showers develop and they might be repeated west and you haven't
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. and this edge of them, all of a sudden breeze is cool. the seller has finally produced a little bit of drizzle. so that will continue to be the case, i think for the next 2 or 3 months throughout tropical africa. every now and again, you get the best of shows that sugars have a little bit more vigor, any shape here, from the highlands in size to down and back towards cameron. certainly nigeria. but you come south with that, and it's a bit disappointing breezy up the coast to tons of a make maybe, or mozambique, or the cloud and lights of strain, but nothing much otherwise. and for most countries is just sunshine by day and cold nights. what is the effect of the conflict on the environment? the impact is so much more than just emissions from tanks, ships and will fight modern booth. it has a devastating effect on people and the department of defense is emissions is
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as large as many countries. every time ministry spent and increases military emissions increased. and this war and this climate, christ all hail the planet on a jersey to the the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back you watching out just a real quick reminder about top stories here. this a fire has broken out to the lithium, but fremont and factoring sonton south korea. one person is confirmed that at least $21.00 of those on accounted for launching sites impossible to prove to enter the dispatcher sales. i'm constantly exploding as well as prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu says intense fighting against come us and gaza is about to end to a lot more forces to be deployed to the northern border with 11 on let me i was interview with china for teams. is 1st sit down who's ready to media started and at least 21 people have been killed and single time is attacked by gunmen and rushes. doug, as dom region churches and synagogues were targeted is of much all color and the bench. now are you claiming, as striking, the russian mix crimea peninsula has killed 4 people and sent beach killer scrambling for their lives. it happened in the black sea port city of sylvester, official se ukraine's ministry 5 ballistic missiles, with custom, munitions, russian, and defensive shut down for them. suboptimal is governance is a 124 people were injured. daniel hawkins as mona, from moscow, as the m. o, d has such a response will follow, they've been a note to your minds about who they're blame for. what happened on the beach and so basketball today and which at 5 people including multiple children,
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lost their lives and multiple children still remain in a critical condition. the rest of them are they have said they've placed the blame on washington, which supplied at these rockets, which the russian officials say are the kinds of rockets with cluster munitions. unable god is the russian side says, boy, so that's a nice way information. also supplied by the united states for ministry spoke. so when, when he hasn't caught up a has also said she cools for a stronger response from the new when you and was quick to at cool on both sides effectively, to the escalate them cool front end at 0 still disease that says that the morning has been announced on the republic now following what happened, a 124 casualties that i could still get a 5 remain in critical condition where understand the medical for hospital claim that has also been sent from most scope not to get those children to the capsule for further treatment, columbia government will scott new piece talks on monday. this time we have another discipline infection. a for my phone troubles with president gustavo petros,
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ambitious total peace initiative of reaching deals with all remaining groups. is unraveling of a sound run picture reports from the tough a little mad dog wherever it was, one of the president gustavo pay through his boldest promises a policy of total peace ame that ending decades long conflict by columbus on groups 2 peace negotiations. the 2 years later, shootings and bomb the tax are increasing in the country south were dissident. rebel groups are terrorizing the local population as they fight to have control over lucrative drug trafficking. any legal goals, mining not big. the mostly just because the rest of us the most and so we have the one suffering, the consequences the threatens, the killings we get caught in the middle. and the most painful thing is the children, 831 has been forcibly recruited, is very bad, and the government needs to take it seriously. and the focus of the government as
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being to secure bilateral c expires with different time groups while advancing in the top right now, there are 2 ongoing formal negotiations, one with it in columbia. so all this rebel groups that has at least 6000 members, a 2nd one with an e m. c. at this event group, a former far grab both that rejected. at 2016 the story piece deal. their power and influence has been growing since they have at least 3500 members. and on monday, a new negotiation is expected to start with another splinter group of the fact known as the 2nd market that yeah. and finally, the government has been in exploratory talks with criminal gang successors of right wing paramilitaries, like the so called climb. they look good for about possible surrender deals with
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little progress for the kids and they market. and at least say that despite the progress spades like a hold to the kidnapping of civilians from the gangs of taking advantage of the ceasefire to strengthen their grip. when i was one of the mistakes has been offering to many concessions to the groups of the start of negotiations. too much carrot and not enough stick. but that has been changing. negotiate. there's incest, the setbacks are not due to government policy. kind of follows miles, even our worst critics admit that there has been progress despite the worsening of violence in some regions. i don't think the government's peace policy is responsible for the up surgeon violence, which as a result of the globalization of illegal drugs and mining peace deals remain our best option. columbia is journey to peace was never going to be easy after struggling for decades with violence from insurgency, groups and drug gangs. but still the policy of total peace as not done enough to
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protect civilians and reduce the influence of criminal groups. i listened that i'm 50 and just the book that large crowds have been protesting and present against a bill that would further criminalize abortion if passed. it would treat the termination of pregnancy after $22.00 weeks. as homicide monica, you're not getting reports now from the edition atlas, and we're still rank time when it comes to violence against women in latin, america's largest country who mean girl is raped every 8 minutes every half hour. a child younger than 14 gives birth. now results, conservative majority in congress wants to pass legislation equating abortion after 22 weeks to homicide. the children have never seen anything like this. this is a huge backlash and the fight for women's rights. now instead of moving forward,
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leaping back to the 1914 in brazil, abortion is legal. if the pregnancy is the results of rates, the mother's life is at risk or of the fetus has no brain. there's no time limit for the procedure to take place. if the bill passes a woman or child who has been great and terminate the pregnancy after 22 weeks, could be sentenced to 20 years in prison. that's double the punishment for rapist users. so for the view of the many women like myself have been victims of domestic violence. instead of taking further measures to protect us, congress wants to initial even more frequent. the bill was fast track by brazil's house of representatives, meaning it could be approved quickly without debate. women's rights activists were fast to react. taking to the streets with slogans. children aren't mothers, and rate this phone phone call just came out showing that 2 out of every 3
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brazilians, a mark against this bill, that equates abortion after 22 weeks of pregnancy to murder. now, people who are telling us that they will continue on the street because there's a lot more to this discussion than the rights of women determinate pregnancy. it's also about the battle for parts and mines in a highly divided country ahead of october's municipal election would disclose the members of congress. so using religion for their own benefit, saying that defendant christian values to get more votes on revenge article about time for bush and less when president really nice to look a supervisor who has been recording the christian eval. you jealously. voters has been forced to to the stand for or to i am against divorce. but since abortion is reality, we must treated as an issue of public health. i think it's insane to publish a woman with
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a longer present sentence. then what does apply to rapist protesters here? safety will continue demonstrating until the bill has been show monica not give ultra 0 edition era, no semester known as paul evans is elected. a new government with john mitch kosky has been sworn in his prime minister along with his combination allies. they pledge to continue efforts to take the country into the european union. my opposites got reports, not from the capital of scots. yes. after 2 days discussions, things of parliament, new governmental snort, macedonia was selected, cristilla needs go ski, became your prime minister of this country. it was the 1st time that new prime minister used the new constitutional name as he was supposed impressed by agreement in years. that was the agreement that sold for almost 3 decades loans, named dispute between greece and north, must have donia for the term, macedonia,
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inclusion of double duty and minority. and the constitution now is a condition for north macedonia to continue east europeans. but that's regarding the issue resolved, area me to go. so he said that he will not support change of the constitution under the will. judy and dictates the most of the elect, the communities to seem the new government or he's close the slice from his political party from or if i'm on i, the rest of the members are part of quality sion of opinion and political parties. in one moment. your prime minister in his mandate from is unconditional fights again, crime and corruption and economic growth. my pleasure to be able to see must all just due to scope, yet have been protesting the french capital of paris against the far right. williams groups months ahead of next week. the harlem entry election president emmanuel macro and his old, found them in 2 weeks ago, updates pottery, las crowns the far right year, being an intellectually us. and they've been protests against the arrest and
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transferred 7 pro independence activists from the french specific territory of new caledonia to mainland france. fonts, accusing the group of orchestrating riots in the territory last month. bond interrupted, ever propose, select order forms with indigenous kind of speed with dining their influence. now vietnam is enjoying it's west route emilia a decade, which could increase coffee prices around the globe as the world's 2nd largest coffee producing country. the lack of rain is hot, output can reduce the quality of the beans. farmers say the elastic climate is making hotter to predict what the office will look like. and the, the drought dried up, this whole area and the surrounding areas. and the water shortage is so severe that


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