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tv   Click  BBC News  October 21, 2018 4:30am-5:01am BST

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turkey has promised to reveal every detail about the killing of the journalist jamal khashoggi, who died inside the saudi consulate in istanbul. there has been international condemnation after riyadh said mr khashoggi died as a result of a fist fight. donald trump says the us is planning to withdraw from a nuclear agreement with russia. the treaty required both countries to get rid of short and intermediate—range missiles, but washington has accused the kremlin of breaching the agreement. hundreds of central american migrants have used rafts and boats to cross the river marking the border between guatemala and mexico in an attempt to continue theirjourney to the united states. thousands of people were left stranded on the frontier bridge after mexican police stopped them entering the country on friday. now on bbc news, click. this week,: bouncing bots...
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leaping lights... and hand—springing humans? woman on radio: all systems are ready. ignition. japan has just done something amazing. it has flown a spaceship to a one—kilometre—wide near—earth asteroid called ryugu to do some incredible science. this is hayabusa2. it has just deployed three rovers
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onto ryugu's surface — the german and french mascot probe on 3 october, and before that, the japanese minerva ii robot. their mission: to measure temperature and magnetic properties, and take photos of the surface. and amazingly, this is how they get about. yep, they bounce. i have come to the japanese aerospace exploration agency, jaxa, to meet the team who designed the mission and get my head around this bonkers mode of transport. in summary, this hops off the surface of an asteroid, it jumps about 10—15 metres into space, it stays... off the surface for about 15 minutes, and then comes back down...
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bounce and bounce and bounce. the images already returned by the minerva ii bots are wowing the world, but the risks they face are high. what are the biggest risks with these rovers? ah, everywhere. laughs. actually, so we did not have much budget, so we did not use very expensive devices. the rover hops and then bounce and bounce, so in that moment, the mechanicalfailure would happen, so something was broken. and, so another issue is the temperature. the asteroid is rotating, so the temperature gets down to below —100 degrees, i don't know exactly, but that is also a big problem for the devices. so this is a replica of hayabusa2.
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and believe it or not, deploying the landers is not even the coolest thing that this is going to do, in my opinion — because this is going to land on the asteroid, take a soil sample, and then take off again. which i think is absolutely incredible. the first attempted landing is hopefully going to happen very soon — by the end of october. and then a little later, a second landing will collect more soil. we think that there are organic matters on the surface of asteroid. so if we can get the organic matter, we can study what kind of organic matter were exist, when the earth was born. now... that is a model of hayabusa2 there.
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it looks very delicate to me, and you are going to try and land that on an asteroid. what are the risks, and what is the most risky part? the most risky part is the surface of ryugu is not smooth. we imagine that, we can see the surface battery, maybe it is covered by sand, but in fact the photo that minerva sent us, there are lots of boulders. big and small. we cannot find a wide area with no boulders. so that is our main issue. assuming all does go well, next year hayabusa2 is going to go one better and try to collect soil from under the surface. and it is going to do that by using an explosive to blow a hole in the asteroid! and then, in one final
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heroic act of science, it is going to fly back to earth and return the soil samples to jaxa scientists, possibly to help them unlock the secrets of life itself. we don't know where the life was born. it may be on the earth, or it may be in the universe. we don't know that. so we want to study the original organic matter that exist when the solar system was born. thank you very much for your time. very best of luck. thank you very much. he is going to lend a space ship on an asteroid and then take off and fly back to earth! now, every year in october, the tech world turns its attention to ceatec, japan's big tech show, which is a fascinating glimpse into the direction this country is taking its innovation. emily bates and dan simmons are on the show floor,
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and here is the first part of their ceatec tour. this is notjust another tech expo. it is quirky. yes, that is a sort of green pea alexa. and how about replacing alarm clocks with blowing air from the ceiling to wake us up? even though you don't like to be woken up. it is like somebody quietly going... laughs. so it is just a question of us finding what we think could be the next big thing. you know what it is like. you are stuck behind a car and you can't overtake, because, you just can't see beyond that vehicle. well this car might be able to help you. it is fitted with a demonstration of a new technology called xtravue, and it means that you can see through the car ahead using its camera rather than yours.
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the vision of its makers valeo is that the live stream from cameras in our cars will be available to everyone within a certain area. the forthcoming 5g cell network will make this tech more workable. imagine not having to guess what it could possibly be that's holding you up. horn honks. lucky escape! here is another angle on cars from mitsubishi. as the viewer changes position, so the car and lighting effects shift with them. obviously the car would not move like this in real life. what it would do is that as you move around it, the lighting and reflections would change, and that is what this is trying to demonstrate. the hope in the future is that it can be used on billboards so that the objects within them glint and shine as you pass by, as if they were really there. but you had better hope
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it is a quiet street because at the moment it only works with one person. does it look as though the headlights are following you around the room? look up and see how natural these skylights look. up until now, if you wanted a fake window, the fitting would contain either a blue light or blue glass or perspex. there is actually no blue light behind here, it is just two white leds either side, with suspended diffusers, mitsubishi describes them as, in between, to replicate the way that natural light comes through the atmosphere. they won't give us any more information, and they say it is about 2—five years away before something like this could be installed in our homes, hospitals, or maybe even the underground, to give us a little bit of extra natural light. it is almost like i am expecting to see outside! while dan is busy seeing the light, i found myself talking to trees.
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now, something you might not expect to see at tech show is a bonsai tree, or should i say, a bons—ai. the tree, or maybe it is just a fancy pot, will automatically move towards light, let you know if it needs water, and even offer wise words of advice to its owners. robot: "i find out what the world needs, and then i go ahead and invent it. " at least that's what thomas edison said. only injapan. this could be one of the standout technologies of ceatec this year. the ability to detect cancer through a urine sample. and hitachi is saying they can detect cancer in its early stages and tell you what kind it is. it works for breast cancer, for lung cancer, bowel cancer and some childhood cancers, paediatric cancers. initial tests look very positive, they only have a small sample
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at the moment so more testing needs to be done. how long will it take to get into surgeries will be the question everyone is asking. such an important development. injapan we are thinking 1—2 years to get through the formal stages of acceptance by the government. in other countries like the united states, if hitachi decided to do some testing there, this could be available to the public within the next 3—4 months. certainly by the summer of next year. advances in mass spectrometry and machine learning have made the biomarkers in urine that change with cancer more easy to detect. and, it is hoped, as reliable as a blood test. obviously it needs a whole lab setup to do the testing at the moment — but the future, maybe five, ten years down the road, hitachi are already talking to a toilet manufacturer to put the testing element of this technology into toilets. so we could get a situation where every time we go for a pee,
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we could get a result to test and check for any early stages of cancer. hello and welcome to the week in tech. it was a busy week for robots, with boston dynamics' atlas showing off its new parkour skills, pepper the robot addressed the uk parliament on artificial intelligence and education, and binali8 became the first robot to co—teach a class at us military academy westpoint. bima had previously passed a college test in california on the philosophy of love. the co—founder of microsoft paul allen died this week at the age of 65 after a recurrence of cancer. bill gates paid tribute to his former business partner saying microsoft would never have happened without him. the pair met when gates was in the seventh grade and started the company in 1975. an automated system has been developed to detect dense breast tissue in mammograms and is said to be as reliable
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as an expert radiologist. researchers at mit and massachusetts general hospital developed the deep learning model which was used on real patients in a clinical setting. dense breast tissue is an independent risk factor for breast cancer, and the automated system can significantly reduce the amount of time spent on image analysis. mit also announced they would be putting $1 billion into a new college for artificial intelligence. the school will open next year and pairs students with expertise in fields as diverse as chemistry and history with machine learning courses. and finally the power of electricity has been harnessed to keep your chewing gum fresh as you chew, by zapping your tongue. it is apparently pain—free and is called "unlimited electric gum". when chewed the gum creates a small current which tricks the tongue into experiencing different tastes. now to california, where richard taylor has been looking at adobe's creative vision of the future.
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whether it is intelligently animating your flat 2d photos so they appear to have depth, cropping your regular videos to keep the important action in frame for vertical video sites like instagram, or making smart selections of objects inside your videos to realise an artistic vision — these are just a few of the ideas dreamt up by the engineers inside adobe. even though they may not all make it into the product pipeline, they are designed to inspire the creative community making their pilgrimage to the company's annual shindig. this year the message from adobe max is notjust about creatives, it is about all of us. the silicon valley software giant now says it is easier than ever for us to express ourselves whenever and wherever inspiration strikes. ready? yeah. a better example of this is probably the upcoming photoshop for ipad. notjust a cut down version, the full desktop app reworked for touchscreen.
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but not everyone's impressed. photoshop on the ipad — it will make apple users happy, but they could've put this out before. there are other rival apps out there, which are pretty impressive. and to be honest, i think they are beating adobe at their own game. accelerating our creativity is another big push here and adobe's put its artificial intelligence engine sensei at the heart of it. here, adobe's after effects software is able to remove the horse from a moving scene in just a few clicks. something which would've previously been pretty challenging if you weren't a pro. similar ai tech lies behind its new mobile video editing app. aimed at amateur video creators, bringing in several pro features like colour correction and even audio clean—up. but premiere rush is a somewhat ironic name given that adobe's largely dragged their feet in serving the youtube generation until now. we don't ship products until we're ready. and to your point, it's taken years to make sure that we could have a phone,
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tablet, desktop, cloud first experience where customers can pick up where they left off across different surfaces and make professional grade quality output. the other buzz right now is around ar. adobe's new app project aero makes creating these augmented reality experiences more straightforward. here, a photoshop file can be immersive by little more than dragging and dropping it into the app and then separating out the layers. this kind of immersive experience is attracting particular interest in retail. with brands keen to exploit the potential of ar, and adobe itself is keenly aware the currency of its own brand rests ultimately on its ability to keep one step ahead of the competition. that was rich. and now, back to japan. here at the research labs of ntt docomo, the country's largest mobile network operator, something new is about to take off. it's big, it's flashy and it's rather noisy. what could it possibly be?
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oh, it's a flying display! yes, this is the world's first spherical drone display. the externalframe is made of eight rotating strips, each consisting of 320 leds, which when spun rapidly, create the illusion of a solid sphere. we would like to make a new special platform to present our information anywhere in the sky, for advertisements, or entertainment, or guidance in a disaster. of course, everything about this technology will have to get smaller, more reliable and longer lasting before it becomes useful. at the moment, this thing can stay up for a maximum of three minutes. ok, well, now it's time to pop back to ceatec
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to see what emily and dan have for us this time. this is notjust a great ride. it's one of the first systems to use an 8k projector above us onto a curved mirror to give us this real immersive experience. and the great thing about this is it's quite small. so you can pack it up, it's quite portable, you can take it pretty much anywhere. and they're hoping they can use this to go around to hospitals and places that maybe don't have access to go to the cinema or to a theme park. laughter. time for me to get ready for tokyo 2020. this is fujitsu's 3—d sensing technology. a laser is scanning my body every second to pick up on 18 different points and joints. these are then turned into a 3—d representation that can be played
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back frame by frame. and it's hoped that this technology will be used to help judges evaluate gymnasts in competitions in the future. it could also help gymnasts hone their technique, give insight to live audiences through its app and be used in physiotherapy. ok, slick moves, emily, but take a close look at this. japan is on the cusp of a tv first. this is sharp's very impressive second—generation 8k tv on sale next month. but the real news is that the broadcasting of 8k starts on 1 december this year by the national broadcaster, nhk, so there will be something to watch. oh, no, hang on. this is definitely something to watch. yes, ok, ok, virtual baseball was a bit hit... homerun! ..and miss. and i wasn't having much luck
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with virtual fishing either. it's heavy. this teleha ptic setup by keio university means i could be at home while the fishing rod that's copying my movements is out at sea. that may of course mean that dinner is a little late. now, if emily has no luck catching those robot fish, she might like to try the robots here at this lawson store. hello? hello. it's the overenthusiastic shop assistant there. lawson is a big firm injapan. bit similar to tesco back home. they serve food, but what they're finding is that the population in japan is decreasing, the working population, so fewer people able to work in stores. so, our shop assistant at the top will knock us up a salad according to our allergies or our health concerns, she will know those automatically in the future. and in a few years' time, lawson would like to introduce these
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cooking robots to cook us something live in store as we shop. today, dumplings are on the menu. now, another thing that might be of interest to japan's ageing population are these. they may look like normal glasses, but if i press the touch sensor on the side, you may have seen a little flash, and what that was was liquid crystals inside the glasses shifting orientation and changing the focus, meaning it's easier to see things close up, just like bifocals. now, the upside of these is you can then turn them off and goes back to your regular prescription. so, how are we going to decide who's found the best tech this year? let's ask the creepy rabbit cum shop assistant make the loser look silly. you've got a little bunny bag now as well to go with it. great, it's just what i wanted. it's worth coming. beautiful, dan, just beautiful.
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and we'll finish with something mind blowing, eye—popping and jawdropping. i can't even walk in. it's messing with my perspective. this is borderless. the latest otherworldly experience from digital art collective teamlab. this amazing space is their first permanent home in odaiba in tokyo. a 10,000 square metre magical transcendent world of projected art that's never the same twice. this is just astonishing. it really is alive. the exhibits react to your presence and your touch. nothing's just played on loop. everything is changing and reacting all the time. behind the scenes, 520 computers and a70 projectors
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bring to life the work of cg! artists, engineers and architects. even in the cafe, tea breaks are living works of art. all of the drinks come with a white foamy topping and that's because when you put them down, flowers bloom on your beverage, floating away as you sip. make artworks and artworks, it's also no boundaries. because it's not made by materials. for us, it's paint, it's light, and the canvas is everywhere. it certainly is borderless. some of the art just doesn't stay put. characters leave their point of origin and wander into other rooms and across other works. visitors even get the chance to add their own art to the exhibition. colour an animal, scan it in, and it comes to life, joining the user—generated
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menagerie that's flying, swimming and crawling the floors and walls. the other reason it's called borderless — thanks to all the mirrors, some of the works just seem to go on forever. it's certainly a place where time becomes irrelevant until you really have to leave. and that is it from japan for this week. i cannot think of a better way to end the programme. don't forget, we live on facebook and on twitter and we will put up loads of backstage photos and videos there. the address is @bbcclick. thank you so much for watching. we'll see you soon. hello.
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for much of england and wales, saturday was a day of blue skies and sunshine. barely a cloud in the sky here in north yorkshire on saturday afternoon. as ever, there were some differences. western parts of scotland saw some mist, hill fog, patchy light rain and drizzle, and here's yet another contrast. with the help of the fern effect and some sunshine, aberdeenshire and moray saw temperatures around 20 celsius. now, through sunday, we've got a cold front slipping its way south and eastwards, some persistent rain across northern and western scotland, northern ireland through the morning. as it moves into northern england, the midlands and wales, the rain tends to fizzle out. so, we're just left with really a band of cloud and the odd spot of rain. some sunshine following on behind. a few showers for the far north
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of scotland, where it will be increasingly windy. ahead of our band of cloud, light winds, still some sunshine across southern and south—eastern england. and so here, we'll see temperatures up to 18 or 19 celsius, one last day of autumn warmth, and quite widely, 1a to 17 celsius on sunday. now, through sunday evening, here's our band of cloud continuing to weaken as itjourneys south and eastwards, we'll see some clearer skies developing as we go into monday morning. more of a breeze, some drier air, so mist and fog shouldn't be too much of a problem first thing on monday morning. and we'll all notice a dip in the temperature, particularly across northern ireland, northern england and then scotland where temperatures will be getting closer to freezing. so, as we start the new working week, we've got this area of high pressure building, but notice this squeeze in the isobars. that's going to continue to bring some very strong winds to northern and western scotland, gusts of 50 to 60 miles an hour through the early hours of monday morning. further outbreaks of rain. but away from here, further south across scotland into northern ireland, much of england and wales, we're going to start the new week with plenty of sunshine.
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a cooler feel, though. we've got a brisker northerly wind. so, compared to the highs of 19 or 20 celsius, it's going to be more like 12 to 1a celsius on monday afternoon. it's a similar sort of day on tuesday. we've still got this area of high pressure, it's a really dominant feature through much of next week. still some windy conditions to the far north of scotland and some outbreaks of rain, and it looks like some of that rain could just filter a little bit further southwards down towards the central belt, maybe towards the borders on thursday. more cloud around for northern ireland and the far north of england. but elsewhere, further south across england and wales, once again, there'll be a good deal of sunshine, but a brisker north or north—westerly wind with temperatures again just 12 to 1a celsius. so, to sum up the week ahead, away from the far north of scotland, it's looking mainly dry, there'll be some sunshine, but it is likely to turn colder by next weekend. bye— bye. this is bbc world news, i'm duncan golestani. our top stories: international condemnation after saudi arabia admits the missing journalist
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jamal khashoggi was killed in its consulate in turkey. president trump says the us plans to withdraw from a key nuclear weapons agreement with russia, accusing moscow of violating the deal. hundreds of central american migrants are trying to cross into mexico after police blocked their march towards the united states. and millions of afghans vote in parliamentary elections which have been marred by violence.
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