tv Early Start CNN January 1, 2013 3:00am-4:00am PST
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>> no rest for lawmakers as a late night deal is reached in the senate on the fiscal cliff. but the u.s. still poised to go over the cliff. but even as the country rang in the new year the deadline for that deal was passing. what happens next for lawmakers? and what impact is it going to have on your wallet? >> also we're learning new details about secretary of state hillary clinton's blood clot in her head. we'll have the latest on her treatment. and her prognosis. happy new year. >> happy new year. >> good morning, welcome to "early start" everyone. i'm john berman. >> i'm ali velshi. >> and i'm christine romans. zoraida is off today. it is 6:00 a.m. right now on the nose. well 20 seconds away. >> and breaking news. can you feel it? we're actually over the fiscal cliff. so, now it's up to the republican-controlled house to pull us back. here's what happened while you were sleeping, or sleeping or dg else. a deal crafted by vice president joe biden and minority leader
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mitch mcconnell passed the senate by a margin of 89-8. that vote wrapped up after 2:00 a.m. eastern time. the house takes up this plan later on this morning. no telling on how that will turn out if the house approves, the deal will estimate a generated $600 billion over the next ten years this is how senate leaders of both sides of the aisle are assessing the measure. >> i have said all along, the most important priority is protecting middle class families. >> this suhouldn't be the model for how we do things. but we can say we've done some good for the country. >> bush era tax cuts will remain in place for individuals earning less than 400,000, couples earning less than 450,000. unemployment benefits for 2 million americans would be extended for a year. the alternative minimum tax permanently adjusted for
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inflation. and when it comes to spending cuts, lawmakers decided to kick that can down the road for two mont more months. we can expect more finger pointing and fighting to start the new year. brianna keel ar, with us all morning joins us again live from washington. and really, the house is a wild card. we don't know exactly how they will vote later today. but they will take this up somehow. how will this play out? >> they could vote today. they could vote on the early side today, say midday. that's entirely possible, but, first, house speaker john boehner has to take this deal that was struck in the senate and he will meet with his conference with house republicans and he'll try to get some buy in. explain it to them, have an exchange of ideas and see where they are. you know some of the rank and file house republicans have not been easy to please in this process. so the president, of course,
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wants this to move through the house quickly. he said neither democrats nor republicans got everything they wanted this agreement is the right thing to do for our country and the house should pass it without the play. if the speaker goes before the conference, perhaps they will try to change it to be more to their liking. amend it, send it back to the senate. and that would sort of prolong the process of going back and forth. and also yes, you mentioned the spending cuts being deferred, but only for two months, john. two months. that means we'll be hanging out a lot talking about some of the stuff we've been talking about now you for months, as it is. >> that's right this is just the beginning. we've been talking a lot about the republican conference and whether speaker boehner can get the votes he needs or any votes at all. what's going on on the democratic side? nancy pelosi had her democratic grip.
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she won't get unanimous support, will she? >> that's to be seen. it's very possible there will be a number of democrats who are not happy with this and there may be some who do not vote for it on the left. that's entirely possible. but nancy pelosi is on a phone call with president obama and harry reid and she signed off on this, so she has a pretty good sense of where her caucus is, will be getting a lot of democratic support. when you look at how much democratic support this got in the senate, that's an indication it would get a lot in the house. the thing is, speaker boehner gets to determine if this bill -- i think the fact is, if you put this bill on the house floor, it will go through very easily. it's up to him whether he wants to put it on the floor or change it to get more republican support. >> brianna keilar, a big day ahead of us. thank you very much. >> let's go to capitol hill, jonathan allen, a senior
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correspondent for politico. happy new year. i want to pick up where brianna left off. john boehner has a choice here, to correspon corral support fro republicans or put it to an up-or-down vote. the distance is allowing super groups to put pressure on congressmen to say we don't like this deal. people on the left don't like the deal, say it gives away too much. people on the right don't like it, it raises taxes. what's your sense of the best play here? >> i think what we've heard from speaker bainer and his allies in the republican leadership, this is a binary question for the republican congress. either pass this bill the way it is or amend it to a way that is more likely for house republicans. the option he has not put on the table is go home and leave it be. what you will see in the next
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24, 48 -- well, we don't have 72 hours anymore in this congress. what you will see in the next hours is getting through, getting done and getting the president's desk. whether it remains in the current form or not, the question we will have answered tonight. >> what is the collar damage if it gets done? does it matter? does john boehner come out of this weakened or strengthened? >> john boehner's weakness and strength are kind of the same thing. he tends to take a laissez faire approach with his guys, doesn't kick them in the side very often. not able to do that. that makes him popular, means people like him, but it's hard for him to command his troops. i don't think he comes out of this any worse off than before in terms of members of his caucus, they look at him as having created a strategy that is narrowly navigating all the
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sholes. >> the result of the deal, we will have to have two or three more deals in the coming months and go through the cliff like negotiations. what is the takeaway and lesson for the republican conference. they keep bainary long and try to get better deals? or get forced to the up or down votesory the course of the coming months? >> they are looking for leverage. their favorite word. where do they have lev rage over the president to get spending cuts? they keep seeking leverage long past the point where it's obvious the president has leverage over them. i think over the next couple of months, with the next debt ceiling increase, with the delay in the sequester, automatic spending cuts coming in march, with those two things, you will see republicans try to force the president's hand. honestly, we see a big kick of the can down the road. a couple more months, talked both the congressional leaders
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and the president about a deficit reduction deal last night. they added 4 trillion in debt over the next ten years. if they hadn't acted, you might see deficit reduction, but not in a way a lot of taxpayers would like. it will be interesting to see what happens in the coming months. a lot of talk about entitlement reform, about making the tax code a little different than it is now. so i think we'll have to see that in the coming year. >> astute observations, we'll watch it closely. i appreciate it. kristina the kick the can tringing game is not over. we'll have to say that many, many times over the next two months. >> i want to bring down some of the deal for you, reset the stage. we'll telling you about the dairy cliff. in addition to dealing with the fiscal cliff, it would extend federal farm policies through september, which means milk prices won't double and it nixes a set pay raise for members of
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congress. the white house scored an agreement to raise taxes on larger estates from 35% to 40%, but republicans said it should be adjusted annually for inflation, it would go 7.5% for individuals, and they would pay higher tax rates on investment profits and capital gains rising to 20%, and less than 450,000, the deal would restore limits on personal exemptions that existed during the clinton administration and phasing out for those making more than $250,000 and single people making more than $200,000. the deal calls for a permanent phoenix for the permanent minimum tax. yes, i said permanent. it would hit taxpayers when filing for 2012. something they patch every year. it would extend tax credits for
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the working poor and students for the next year. accountants working, trying to find out in high tax places like california, in new york, in illinois, in new jersey, you know what this will mean during tax season. >> a lot of people opening up the books saying holy cow. we have to re-establish the rules. let me ask you this. what is the difference between 250,000 and $400,000? the president is taking some heat from the left, from liberals saying he caved on that number. is that an important number economically? >> now the white house and the senate have twined rich in america and rich is $400,000. >> so 370 is the top 1%. and the difference in revenue, $650 billion over ten years versus $800 billion and change.
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it's not highly significant, more symbolic. the republicans are right about the fact you cannot deal with the debt issue by raising taxes on the rich. so there are a lot of conservatives is that say it must be focused on real debt reduction. >> three more chances to have this discussion -- is a nice way to put it, or fight is a more realistic way to put it. stay with cnn. there is a lot happening today. will the house vote on it? when will they vote on it? how will they vote on it? stay with us. other news today. a routine mri, anything but routine for secretary of state hillary clinton. it revealed a blood clot in the vain that drains blood from the head. likely the result of a fall earlier this month when mrs. clinton suffered a concussion. there is no evidence of a stroke or any kind of neurological damage and the secretary is expected to make a complete recovery. still very scary when you hear
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what happened. jill dougherty is live at the state department. what do we know about her condition right now? >> she is stable, in the hospital. and the main thing right now, they are trying to shrink that blood clot by administering medications, blood thinners and that's their task right now, to get exactly how much she needs over what period. they have to work on that because it depends on body weight and everything. when they have that pinned down, then theoretically at that point they will be able to release her. it did sown very scary and potentially it is serious. but they seem to have it your honor control. luckily, it's not bleeding inside the brain and that's the important thing. she's stable, talking with her doctors, talking with the family, in fact, there was a recent tweet as you just mentioned last hour, a tweet from chelsea clinton, thanking people from sending their best wishes to her mother so the prognosis is that she would be, you know, released when they get
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this -- when she is stable and she know how much medication she will need. >> jill dougherty in washington, thank you very much. meanwhile sshgt new year, 2013, arriving in fwrand style around the country? a few hours ago. here in new york, crowd estimated at 1 million people packed times square and counted down the new year. >> five, four, three, two, one. >> and in atlanta, 2013 was greeted with the dropping of a giant georgia peach, because that's how they do things down there. back in new york, an army of sanitation workers descended on times square after all of the new year's eve revelers left and they will begin the monumental task of cleaning up. >> coming up, the senate may have reached a deal on the senate cliff. the big question, will the house play along? we'll speak with democratic congressman jason alfire when we
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come back. people are always asking me how we make these geico adverts. so we're taking you behind the scenes. this coffee cup, for example, is computer animated. it's not real. geico's customer satisfaction is quite real though. this computer-animated coffee tastes dreadful. geico. 15 minutes could save you 15 % or more on car insurance. someone get me a latte will ya, please?
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we replaced people with a machine.r, what? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it? hello? hello?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello? ally bank. your money needs an ally. all right. this morning, all eyes on the house of representatives. while you were sleeping or doing something else, the senate voted on a plan to avert the fiscal
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cliff. now the question as we kick off 2013 is this. will the house of representatives follow along? jason altmeier a blue dog democrat from pennsylvania. he is one of the most independent voters in the house and retires at the end of the session. so we are getting him in his waning minutes on capitol hill. thank you for joining us, talking with us right now. happy new year. >> happy new year. glad to be here. >> how are you going to vote, sir? >> i'm going to vote for it. i think you will get most all democratic votes on the house. if they allow it to come to the floor. i think half the republicans, maybe slightly more. this will pass if they allow it to come up to a vote. >> that's some confidence, some certainty and confidence, sir. >> start the new year out strong. wr we have had a death of that for a long time. an op-ed this morning in "the
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washington post" entitled obama's failed leadership. "the main reason we keep having these destructive and inconcludive budget confrontations is not simple that will many republicans have been intrancei gent on taxes, the larger cause is that obama refuses to concede that social security, medicare, medicaid are driving future spending and deficits. so when republicans make concessions on taxes they get little in return." are you set up for more confrontatio confrontation. >> i think we are set up for more confrontatioconfrontation. on september 30th, when the clock strikes, we'll be in the same position. the president has made concessions, put on the table reforms to the entitlement program. last year, we were close to a grand bargain.
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$4 trillion deficit reduction that would include major entitlement reforms. the president has done what he needs to do that's unfair criticism. >> what is lacking, congressman? what is the problem? it is a popular con serb tuf and -- conservative reefrain. where is the impasse in terms of being able to say here are what our priorities are as a party. >> the reason there hasn't been a budget since 2009 because of the filibuster rule in the house. the house under both democratic and republic lay can leadership been able to pass things. we haven't had the ability to come together. this wasn't necessarily the time to have this discussion facing
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the fiscal deadline. the budget season is coming up, there will be some serious effort to reform entitlements, reduce the deficit and bring down spending in months and years ahead. >> john berman here again this is your final day or two in the house. you are freer to give some of your analysis right here. what do you make of president obama, the negotiator? there has been a lot of criticism from the left, frankly, that he gave too much to republicans as this part of the deal. he's showing them when his back is up against the wall, he will gave. 250,000 was his limit all along, what is he like as a negotiator? your thoughts? >> i don't think that is a fair criticism. there this is give and take, there are some on the left for who any give at all is a failed negotiation. the president is politically the big winner here. he got what he wanted with the tax cuts. he got what he wanted with the estate tax and other issues and the sequester delay.
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so i just think that the president working with senator mcconnell, who did a very good job with his conference in the senate, that they all look good. we have to see if we can do our job in the house. that's still to come today. >> congressman, thank you very much. happy new year and good luck going forward. >> i appreciate it. thank you. coming up, the senate agrees to the fiscal cliff deal, but is the crisis really averted? what does this mean for you and your paycheck? we'll tell you, when we come back. ( ♪ ) for those nights when it's more than a bad dream,
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the new year? u.s. markets finished on a high note. the dow finished the year above 13,000. a good year for stocks. the fiscal cliff, only the beginning of the drama. three more deadlines over the next three months. federal barrowing has reached the 16.4 trillion debt ceiling. we have two months of head room if they move some stuff around in accounts, the deadline to tackle that is late february, early march. next up, the sequester, a series of automatic cuts in many agencies, they kick the can about two months to march. and then there is the continuing budget resolution which enacts a budget using short-term band aids. it continues to the end of
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march. liberal senators oppose giving high-income households a pass on tax increase. lawmakers have a grace period to avoid the bulk of tax increases and budget cuts without causing too much damage, that's, of course, assuming the markets don't completely freak out. >> the thing is, we should remind everyone, we actually are over the cliff. we have begun after that deadline, but nothing actually happens yet. >> but it does help this is not a working day. no federal offices, nobody to change any legislation or do anything. as long as the house gets this done. house back at noon today, eastern time? there is no guarantee the house comes in, gets this done. there could be fighting, amendments, a changed bill. some talk they will amount it, send and back are. we're not done. >> the markets are telling us they think it will get done. if it doesn't, there is a glitch, markets are respond. >> i want to talk about happy new year and the way christine
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romans says happy new year, u.s. like are you trying to convince us. really, happy new year. >> happy new year. >> it is happy. >> the problem with us, we weren't sharing the new year's revelry with much of the nation. >> i will forever be angry with the 112th congress of deprize offing me of one of my new year's. >> they took away their new year's eve, once they did that, they caved on a deal. >> the senate knocks an early morning deal. they celebrated at the senate. the house will reconvene later. can they pass the same deal that passed at 2:00 a.m.? we will speak with phil gingrley. if you are leaving the house right now, have you a tough day ahead of us, watch us on your desk top, mobile phone. go to
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not leaving your house, wake up, watch us. i tuned it all out. with unitedhealthcare, i get information that matters... my individual health profile. not random statistics. they even reward me for addressing my health risks. so i'm doing fine... but she's still going to give me a heart attack. we're more than 78,000 people looking out for more than 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. i'm having one right now.dream? i don't want to be disturbed. and i won't. because before i went to sleep, i set this.
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no rest for lawmakers. an early morning deal reached on the fiscal cliff. the u.s. still poised to go over that cliff. >> and as it is sun rises on 2013, we are still waiting for the house to act. that, by the way is not congress. we'll walk you through the bill's details and tell you the impact it will have on you. all right. members of congress never that pretty. secretary of state clinton waking up in a new york city hospital. making excellent progress. we'll have the latest on her condition. >> welcome to "early start." i am ali velshi. >> i am christine romans. >> and quite a lot to talk about. through this morning, the senate
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passed a plan to fend off the fiscal cliff. but now it's up to the house of representatives to follow suit. just after 2:00 eastern time this morning, the senate overwhelmingly passed a plan that was crafted by the vice president and the senate minority leader, mitch mcconnell. vote? 89-8. the republican controlled house left well before midnight last night, so they will are to take up the measure today. >> i said all along, the most important priority was to protect middle class families. this legislation does that. >> this suhouldn't be the model for how we do things around here, but i think we've done some good for the country. >> bush era tax cuts extend for individuals earning less than 400,000 a year, and couples earning less than 450,000. ha means if you make more than that, your taxes going up. unemployment benefits extended for a year for 2 million
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americans and a permanent adjustment to the alternative minimum tax. a big deal for a lot of people. wondering about spending cuts? they will fight the battles over the next two months. joined now by brianna keilar. before we get to more, where does this go today? >> it say big day. we're not completely out of the woods, but i think we should feel pretty good about where we are. i will say that. it seems like obviously a lot of progress made. the house is next, and the next step for speaker john boehner to take this deal brokered in the senate, passed by a large margin. a huge vote, 89-8, doesn't happen every day in the gnat and talk to his conference of republicans and see what they think about it. obviously, there will be issues with some of his rank and file you would think, they have been
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hard to please throughout this process as we tried to work on deficit reduction plan with president obama, but then the speaker will decide if he's going to take up this bill as is, or if enough republicans want to change it, amend it, send it back no the senate. the expectation all along through the fiscal cliff negotiations, whatever would pass the house would do so with democratic and republican support. ultimately up to the speaker whether he wants to put it on the floor. >> and the house reconvenes at noon eastern time. a lot going on. watching that all day. thank you very much. let's talk to someone who if the house takes it up, will vote on a fiscal cliff deal previously said he was against letting any bush era tax cuts expire. good morning, sir. happy new year.
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if you get this bill today, are you going to vote for it? >> well, thank you, glad to be on "early start" this morning. i've got to see, just as the speak every said, we have to read the bill. we have to know what's in the 157 pages and look at it carefully. the speaker will put it on the floor if there is enough republican support for it, but not ready to accept it lock, stock, and barrel. it could be amended, sent back to the senate. it's a little early to commit how i feel about it you mentioned i'm against raising taxes on anybody. and i absolutely am. i think that the people in the 11th district of georgia, northwest georgia, my congressional district, feel very strongly about that, i want to do what's best for them and what's best for the nation. i'll look at this very carefully. >> you will all look at it very carefully. you talk about taxes, the president moved from 250,000 to
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$400,000. and compromise on the estate tax. a republican win on the estate tax. is that food enough for you to accept, even though you don't want to raise taxes? >> although, two points, the estate tax is better than going back to a million dollar exclusi exclusion, 55%, tax rate or anything above that there shouldn't be any tacks on death. it shouldn't be a taxable event. regarding theation on people making above $400,000. go back to 1993, the clinton era tax rates which the democrats want. $250,000 then taxed at 39 mt 6% is the equivalent of $398,000 tow with according to a labor statistic bureau and regular inflation. it's not that great of a deal i don't think as it goes and it's taxing and still taxing small
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business men and women, and i don't like that at all. >> representative gingrich, ali velshi, happy new year to you, sir. i want to talk to something that played out yesterday. you were a tough primary in the past and that was when you first signed the norquist pledge. am i right? >> that's right. absolutely. >> and grover norquist seems to have approved this deal. approved plan b which a lot of republicans didn't support. he couldn't get it to a floor vote. said this is okay. guys like and you many like you across the country are in districts that are not competitive in the general election, they are competitive in the primary, so you have to tack to the side of your party. and that means that it makes it harder for guys like you to compromi compromise, you are keeping an open mind. given your general history, you wouldn't like this deal? >> you stated it perfectly. grover gorgeous kwis well
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respected. did i sign that pledge in 2002, and that was not just a pledge to grover norquist, u.s. a pledge to the constituents who voted for me over the other two guys, pretty good candidates as well. grover could say theoretically we've gone over the cliff. everyone's taxes have gone up, at least for 12 hours, and a vote would be a vote to lower taxes for everybody under $400,000, and i'm just not sure the people in the 11th of georgia will see it that way. i'm concerned they will see think it's just more smoke and mirrors and congress pulls these stunts all the time. putting off the sequester for two months, kicking the can down the road this bill looks like it's raising revenue, but very little of anything about cutting subpoenaing. we kick the can down the road and will do that two months from
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now. >> let me ask you this, then. some logic -- grover and others put forward the idea that you get some kind of deal on the tack thing, not terribly painful to everybody. follow the bitter medicine, to use a doctor's phrase. can you move on and focus on entitlements and spending cuts? >> i heard republican colleagues in the senate to talk about that in anticipation of the overwhelming support of this deal that was cut. and they tried to explain that away and say this is the fiscal cliff. we have a fiscal grand canyon to deal with. and the president won round one and we'll sock it to him in round two, i don't know about that, two months, three months, we'll wait for round three and really get him. i mean, at one point this business of living to fight another day. you have to dig in your heels,
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by golly, this is important to the people of my country. >> that's not the most compromising view. but i appreciate your principles, sir. phil gingrey from the 11th in georgia. good to see you, happy new year. >> thank you so much. happy new year. >> he has not made up his mind yet. doesn't sound like a yes vote. >> based on data laid out there, doesn't sound like it. >> fairly safe to say. despite down to the wire fiscal cliff negotiations, somehow americans across the country managed to celebrate the arrival of the new year in spectacular style. the fiscal cliff not weighing them down at all. an estimated crowd of 1 million jammed into times square to watch the traditional ball drop. and in las vegas, the amazing fireworks show lit up the sky over the strip. as 2013 rolled into town.
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back here in new york, the sad scene after the ball drops. an army of sanitation workers descend on times square to gyp the monumental task of cleaning up. >> those sanitation workers, impressive how they get that all cleaned up. >> i want to know how many sets of keys they start. 1 million people. still to many co, new details on secretary hillary clinton's health care. a blood clot in her skull. how serious could this be? we'll speak with a cardiologist. there are patients who will question,
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welcome back, everyone. new information about the blood clot that put secretary of state hillary clinton in the hospital. the doctors revealed its located between her brain and skull. mrs. clinton being treated with blood thinners. we'll find out more about what that means. joining us is dr. hanna chadry, a cardiologist. she is not treating mrs. clinton but has treated similar conditions. happy new year. >> happy new year. >> explain this type of blood clot to us.
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in general, how serious is this condition? >> the blood clot is found in a vain, in terms of secretary of state clinton's blood clot, instead of an artery, which means it's a lot less dangerous. in the artery, it most likely would have caused a stroke. and she most likely had neurologic symptoms. >> what kin? >> nine out of ten will have a headache, and there can be other symptoms, including numbness of the face, numbness or weakness of one or both limbs, and in some cases seize seizures as well. >> symptoms that can be alarming? >> people who have been listen to this out of one year have been hearing the issue of blood thinners. blood clot, you think that can be treated with thinners pushgt people have aing because it's in the head, maybe blood thinners not the thing to use.
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>> blood thinners are the thing to use, because the clot is sitting in the vain. and the blood thinner is the only thing that will dissolve the clot. in very rare circumstances you would go after it using a mother called embolisation. but because it's in the vain, the blood thinners have been shown to work to resolve these clots. >> thinners work? >> yes. >> a few weeks ago secretary of state clinton fainted, banged her head. did that cause this? >> this was probably discovered incidentally. a lot. people as they age have undetected clots, and the concussion probable caused some symptoms that prompted her to have her brain examined in the fist place and i bet it was discovered incidentally. >> secretary of state clinton discovered a blood clot in her
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leg which she said it was the most serious health risk she experienced in her life. is she more suscept nibl the future? >> definitely. people who have had blood clots in the leg or brain have a higher susceptibility. may be factors in the blood that prevent adequate clotting or predispose people to clots and those have to be checked into. deficiencies and certain factors in the blood. the other thing with secretary clinton, she travels a lot. a very hectic life-style, spends a lot of times on airplanes. >> got to moe around on the planes for sure. >> you have to. every hour. >> this was caught not by accident but maybe by coincidence. what would have happened if this most recent clot gone untreated. >> it could have caused swelling of brain. the place where it's sitting in the transverse sigh husband us
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in, if left untreated, fluid would have backed up in the brain, resulting in swelling and that can become potentially dangerous. >> but they did treat it, and their doctors affect a full recovery. >> ali. 47 minutes past the hour. new this morning, you know the senate passed that plan which may keep our fall off the fiscal cliff. >> it will be a short one. the plan keeps the bush era tax cuts in place for individuals earning less than 400,000 and couples earning less than $450,000. the house meets later. all eyes on the house of representatives. civil rights activists known as the wilmington ten have been pardoned by north carolina's outgoing governor. nine african-american men and one woman, convicted of fireb b firebombing a grocery store in 197. sentences commuted in 1978.
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convictions overturned two years later, but finally a pardon. the governor saying convictions were tainted by naked racism. a canadian diplomat who helped six americans escape during the hostage crisis has died. he was part of a covert operation to smuggle americans out of country. the real-life drama is the subject of the ben affleck movie "argo." >> who will be the rising stars of the coming political yore? a look when we come back. you're watching "early start" on cnn. [ female announcer ] born from the sweet monk fruit,
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2012 election is over, but never ftoo early to look forwar to 2016. hillary clinton looks to be above all political comers who are the rising stars? we have the political editor of buzz speed with a list. he joins us to reveal who they are. welcome to the program. >> thank you for having me on. >> a couple of stars in florida top your list. tell me about it. >> yeah, senator marco rubbio ad
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jeb bush, former governor of florida. both of them have been long-time allies and also are seen as leaders on immigration reform in their party. >> think we'll hear from both of them. scott brown. >> scott brown has the chance to reclaim his senate seat that he lost with john kerry's appointment to the being secretary of state. he'll have a chance to come back. if he doesn't, he won't be running as a tea partier, the way he did when he first became senator there. he will be running as a moderate. which might be forshaedoing of what's to come. >> a gun owner, nra member and talking about bans on assault rifled, and he's really been on the news. >> he came out, said it's time to do some gun control if we get
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gun control passed which president obama wants to make a major priority in the second term, he will probably be a central figure. sort of a democratic ambassador to gun owners. >> 38-year-old mayor of san antonio. >> julian castro. gave an electrifying speech at the repconvention and could runr state wide senate or governor in texas and that would obviously be a big deal since he's a democrat. but a lot of people think that state may be a blue state pretty soon. >> and everybody's favorite mayor, cory booker. >> he said he will explore senate election in 2013. and he will be doing a lot in the next year to kin of make his star rise even more in that state. he will probably pursue education reforl, budgetary reform, and keep an eye out for him. >> why should we look out for the newly elected liberal hero
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elizabeth warren. >> will probably use her perch on the senate banking committee to take the fight to wall street in a way a lot of democrats haven't and see her become a liberal hero and a bogey man for those on the right. >> some of these names are names we've heard before, and some are new names. it shows -- i don't know a new lanscape for both parties. >> you see the republican party really try to embrace diversity, trying to move to the middle on some issues and on the left, you see some rising stars. it will be fun to watch kind of the jockeying over the next year, especially as we look forward to 2016, but also in the policy fights. >> fun? i don't known i would use the word fun. >> for those who are political junkies. >> nice to see you. john. >> and that jockeying has started now. marco rubio, a no vote on the fiscal cliff deal. coming up on "starting point
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year, a new agreement on the fiscal cliff. >> the bill as amended is passed. >> just hours ago, the senate reaches a deal to avoid major tax hikes and spending cuts after serious back and forth on capitol hill. >> i'm interested in getting the result here. >> i'm disappointed we weren't able to make the grand bargain as we tried to do for so long, but we tried. >> no deal is better than a bad deal and this looks like a very bad deal. >> with the deal headed to the house floor for a vote, will it survive? this morning, what's in this agreement, and what does it mean for you and your taxes. we have a packed two hours ood. maryland congressman elijah cummings, tim huelskamp and lloyd doggett. all three of them
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