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tv   Our Nixon  CNN  August 10, 2013 9:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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immediately. we interrupt this late-development -- >> we don't know what happened. >> oh, my good. he's been shot. >> the president of the united states has been shot. >> i could see it through the viewfinder. even now. >> an inch from his heart. >> he was minutes away from not making it. >> who is the shooter? >> he said, you know about that, you know about everything. >> a bizarre motive. >> he thought the relationship was real. >> he was a really disturbed person. >> and his crime changed history. the shooting of ronald reagan. next.
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on january 20th, 1981, ronald wilson reagan was sworn in, as the 40th president of the united states. >> i, ronald reagan, do solemnly swear. >> as with most new administrations, reagan's first couple of months are rocky. >> this is the 70th day of reagan's presidency. things were not going really well. he had the lowest approval rating of any president in his first term. it's a monday.
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it's a monday and reagan has one big event that day, to deliver a speech to afl-cio. it's 2:00, kind of gray day in washington. and ronald reagan's motorcade has just arrived for a speech at the vip entrance reagan walked into at 2:00 p.m. when he arrived. >> government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives. >> the event is covered by all the major networks. for abc news photographer hank brown, it's a routine job. >> we're the pool crew that travel with the president wherever he goes. we wanted to get the picture of the president walking out of the on hotel and getting in the limo. >> 15 feet from that door was a rope line. all that the cameramen, everybody's laughing. >> it was unsecured, no i.d. checks. people thought it was a press line, it wasn't. anyone could be behind that line. you see hinckley's face about three rows back.
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totally passive. no reaction at all. >> i got my camera out, aimed it at the door the president was coming out. i could see it through the viewfinder even now. >> reagan is walking towards his limousine. secret service agents are surrounding him as he goes to the war. >> 15 feet from him is john w. hinckley jr. he pulls out his .22 revolver. and unleashes six shots in 1.7 seconds. 1.7 seconds is the time it takes me to say 1.7 seconds. it's that fast. the first shot hits jim brady, the press secretary, in the head. >> brady is seen here between reagan and secret service agent jerry parr. >> the second shot, it's tom delahanty, a d.c. police
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officer, in the back. >> get out! get out! >> third shot goes high, hits that building across the street right there. the fourth shot hits timothy mccarthy, secret service agent, square in the chest. he's not wearing a bullet-proof vest. he falls to the ground. the fifth shot hits the armored, bullet-proof window of the car. as reagan and parr flash behind it, diving in. the sixth shot cracks across the driveway. no one knows where that sixth shot went until later. they realized it slapped off the side of the car, slipped through a gap between the door and the door frame. >> i thought it was firecrackers. and the next thing i knew, one of the secret service agents behind me just seized me here by the waist and plunged me headfirst into the limo. >> the agent is 50-year-old jerry parr, head of reagan's secret service detail. >> as we go in, i go in on top
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of him. i'm sure i hit my radio or my gun or something hit him in the back. >> and i said, jerry, get off, i think you've broken a rib of mine. >> jerry parr is looking out the window, he's pulling out this way. he says three men down, a bullet mark in the left window. he knows there's been an assassination attempt and that limousine is alone. parr checks reagan out really quickly. he seems okay. reagan thinks he's okay. >> i rub my hands up under his coat, felt all around his belt with my hands. no blood. ran my hands up under his arms, no blood. >> rawhide is reagan's secret service code name. on this day there's no better code name for a president than rawhide for ronald reagan. >> we're going to ground. >> back to the white house, back
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to the white house, rawhide is okay. >> we interrupt, there's been a late development, shots reported fired outside the hotel where president reagan spoke a short while ago. here's bernard shaw in our washington bureau. >> okay, my apology. details are very sketchy at this moment. we don't know precisely what happened, we don't know the sequence. first of all, the president is safe. >> safe, yes. but not okay. >> reagan starts complaining of pain in his back, his chest and his side. not feeling so good. >> just then, i coughed. and i had a handful of bright, red, frothy blood. >> and he said, i think i've cut the inside of my mouth. i said, let me look. and it was pretty profuse. >> parr knows this is big trouble. so, he has a decision to make. do i head back to the white house, the safest place in the known universe? or does he avert to george washington hospital, the nearest trauma center, where there's not an ounce of security? >> do we want to go to the emergency room, george
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washington? >> that's a roger. >> but ronald reagan's life literally on this day hung in the balance of a split second and a mere inch. and i'm not exaggerating. >> outside the hotel, the scene is chaotic. in the bedlam, the shooter is tackled. >> there was pushing, there was shoving. you hear the agents scream, get him out of here, get him out of here. at the same time, an ambulance was arriving. so i immediately went back to filming the scene. i thought, i have to preserve history. it brought tears to my eyes. i still see brady lying there. i still think about delahanty.
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i see his face. i still see mccarthy being lifted up off the ground and being thrown back by the bullet. >> within minutes of the shooting, president reagan arrives at george washington hospital. he insists on walking in. >> a nurse met me and i told her, i'm having a little trouble breathing. >> the president was at the point where we in medicine would say he was ready to crash. >> the next thing i knew then were my knees began to turn to rubber and i wound up on a gurney. >> if he had gone to the white house, they would have dragged him out of the car, looked him over, found out he was in big trouble, put him back in the car, drove him -- it would have taken 10, 15 more minutes. he didn't have that time.
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a nurse there is trying to get his blood pressure, she can't detect it. he's not doing so good. she's going, oh, my god. i'm going to lose the president of the united states. >> i didn't know i was shot. >> i really do believe he was minutes away from not making it. >> the shot that got me caromed off the side of the limousine and hit me while i was diving into the car. and it hit me back here under the arm and then hit a rib. and that's what caused an extreme pain. and then it tumbled, it turned, instead of edgewise, and went tumbling down to within an inch of my heart. >> first lady nancy reagan is in the solarium at the white house when she gets the news. >> george opfer, who was head of my detail, he said, there's been a shooting, but don't worry, the president's all right. george kept saying, you don't have to go. he's all right. he hasn't been hurt.
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i said, george, i'm going. you better get the car because i'm going. >> she comes into the e.r. and the first thing ronald reagan says to her is, honey, i forgot the doctor. >> as he's prepped for surgery reagan stays in character and jokes with his doctor. >> he looked at me and says, i hope you're all republicans. i'm a notorious liberal democrat. and i said, mr. president, today we're all republicans. >> as the main head surgeon is digging through reagan's chest trying to find this bullet fragment, worried it could slip into an artery and shoot into the president's brain and kill him, dr. david adelberg reached his hand in the president's chest, gently cupped the president's beating heart in his hand, and held it aside. a 31-year-old surgical intern literally held the beating life of the president of the united states in his hand. >> while reagan is in surgery,
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the suspect, john w. hinckley jr., of evergreen, colorado, is being questioned. >> he admitted who he was. he made no attempt to hide who he was. >> the fbi and secret service have two questions. why did he do it? and, did he act alone? >> he said to them at the time, you'll understand why i did this when you see my room. >> according to sources, john hinckley jr., the accused gunman, may have tried to kill mr. reagan because of an infatuation with a young actress. it guides you to a number that will change your life: your sleep number setting. it will give you the soundest sleep you've ever had. it's a bed so intuitive it even knows you by name. now it's easier than ever to experience deep, restful sleep with our advanced dualair technology you'll only find in a sleep number bed. at the simple touch of a button, the sleep number mattress adjusts to your ideal level of comfort and support,
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with exceptional pressure relief on each side. experience the newest innovation from sleep number: the only bed that knows you. and there's only one place in the world you'll find the sleep number bed: at one of our over 400 stores nationwide, where queen mattresses start at just $699. and right now our newest innovations are available with 48-month financing, including the sleep number memory foam series. sleep number. comfort individualized. are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this. gimme one, gimme one, gimme one! the power of the "name your price" tool. only from progressive.
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if you're living with moderate there are times it feels like your life revolves around your symptoms. if you're tired of going around in circles, get headed in a new direction, and ask your gastroenterologist about humira adalimumab. because with humira, remission is possible. humira has been proven to work for adults who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b,
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are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your gastroenterologist about humira today. remission is possible. we can report that shots were fired as president reagan left the washington hilton hotel following that address we carried live here on cnn. >> the suspect was rushed to district of police headquarters. >> john w. hinckley jr., age 25, is a complete mystery to his
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captors. >> when i walked into the room, john hinckley was just sitting quietly on a seat, showed no emotion. >> secret service agent stephen colo is among the first to see hinckley. >> he told me his wrist hurt because of the handcuffs that were placed on him and his throat hurt, someone hurt his throat when they arrested him. well, certainly in my mind it was not typical that he was complaining about himself after he had just shot a number of people. >> as investigators begin to question hinckley, white house press secretary jim brady's wife, sarah brady, is at home with their 2-year-old son. >> we were sitting in our rec room watching television when they announced it. >> the president did not appear to be hurt, according to united press international. >> i thought to myself, oh, that's great. never dreaming that jim would even have been with him, for
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some reason. but the phone rang immediately. it was a friend of mine. and she had heard that jim had been shot. >> the white house immediately sends a car to take sarah to the hospital. >> i for some reason, i just thought, he's been winged. you know. it just never dawned on me that he'd been badly hurt or -- or killed. i just kept thinking he was shot in the arm. >> it was very obvious that he was seriously injured with a gunshot wound to the head. but he was alive. and he probably should not have made it. but he got exceedingly great medical care from a doctor named art kobrine. >> with her husband on the way to surgery hospital workers usher mrs. brady into a secure waiting room. >> mrs. reagan came in, and she came over to me, and we hugged each other. and she said, i am so scared. and i said, i am, too. >> while surgeons work to save
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the shooting victims, suspect john hinckley is transferred to the fbi's washington field office for questioning. two senior fbi agents are assigned to conduct the interview. as a courtesy, they invite secret service agent steve colo to sit in. >> i was there in a liaison position at that time. keep in mind the secret service could not be part of the investigation, because technically the secret service is at fault any time one of our protectees has been shot or injured. >> before the questioning begins the agents inventory hinckley's personal possessions. >> when they opened the wallet, there was a picture. the belief was that the picture of this attractive woman came with the wallet. because she was somewhat recognizable as like a young starlet, but none of us knew her name. there was a piece of paper that was stuck in the billfold section that had a telephone
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number on it. one of the fbi agents said, oh, that's a connecticut telephone number. it meant nothing to me at the time. >> when the interview begins, hinckley doesn't react well to the questioning by his fbi interrogators. so, they ask agent colo to step in. within minutes, hinckley opens up. >> he told me about the different doctors that he had been to. he talked about dropping out of school. he talked about his relationship with his parents. and how annoyed they were with him. so i asked him, how could he explain his issues? and he says, i have no direction in life. i decided to take a long shot. so, i said to him, i saw the piece of paper with the telephone number. the number that goes to connecticut. when i said that to him, he all of a sudden became animated. here was a guy who was almost
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stoic in his answers. and all of a sudden now he is twitching and he says, well, if you know about that, you know about everything. and i knew i hit on a really important fact. and i had no idea what he was talking about. so i said to him, i know, but i have to hear it in your words. he said, well, the telephone number goes to yale university. goes to jodie foster's room. and bingo. that was the picture in the wallet. >> back at the hospital, dr. kobrine is meticulously removing bullet fragments and damaged tissue from jim brady's brain. the surgery is slow, delicate, and dangerous. >> at one point they're hearing on the radio that jim brady's died. someone rushes in to say, they're reporting jim brady's dead. what do they think, i'm operating on a corpse? that's what he said.
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>> and they kept it totally away from us. because we had no television or anything like that, which is really good. >> but a lot of people did hear. including friends who were watching tv with the bradys' 2-year-old son, scott. >> when they announced his death they showed his picture. scott said, oh, there's my daddy, and went up and kissed the screen. but of course he didn't -- he didn't know. >> after five hours, dr. kobrine emerges from the operating room. >> the minute i saw his face, i knew it was successful. i mean, it was a miracle. >> against all odds, jim brady survives. though he'll be permanently disabled and wheelchair-bound for the rest of his life. the other victims also undergo surgery and survive. secret service agent tim mccarthy was hit in the chest. and d.c. policeman tom delahanty was shot in the back. that evening, fbi agents
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searched john hinckley's washington, d.c. hotel room. >> hinckley had laid out, and this was the bizarre thing, really bizarre. he had laid out there from the morning's newspaper and the president's schedule, he had beside that a statement really in the form of a letter to the actress jodie foster. >> in his letter, hinckley writes, i am doing all this for your sake, jodie. i'm asking you to please look into your heart and at least give me the chance with this historical deed to gain your respect and love. i love you forever, john hinckley. >> it was when we read the letter from the hotel room that we finally put the pieces together. >> it looked to all of us, gut feeling, this is a lone gunman and there was the motive, to impress this actress. >> we can understand political motives. but here we have a must have of love. if you're looking for help relieving heartburn,
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president regan had just delivered a fairly well-received speech at the hilton washington hotel. then, shots. >> within 24 hours of the assassination attempt, the fbi and secret service are digging deeply into john hinckley jr.'s background. >> leads were going out all over the country. we literally took his life apart to track him off every receipt he ever had, any dollar that was spent that we could track. we wanted to know where he'd been and what he had done as far
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back as we could go. >> what they found was a long trail of despair, deceit, and delusion. hinckley had a seemingly normal childhood. growing up in an affluent suburb of dallas, texas. he played sports as a boy and did well in school. but as he grew older, hinckley began to withdraw. his parents chalked it up to shyness. >> from the time hinckley graduated from this high school, highland park, in 1973, until his arrest, there was also a personality change. he had become quieter, more introverted, somewhat of a recluse. >> in 1973, hinckley moved to evergreen, colorado, with his parents. they hoped he would go to college. he did for a while, attending texas tech off and on for a few years, but never graduating. mostly he spent time in his room, alone, writing gloomy poems and playing his guitar. ♪
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>> dreamed of being a songwriter, musician. so, for a summer he spent some amount of time out in l.a. pretending he was going to sell his music to companies and all that stuff. >> certainly had a grandiose view of himself, an exaggerated view of his accomplishments as a composer and as a musician. >> he didn't do anything. he sat and watched tv in his apartment. he didn't go anywhere. >> he seemed like such a lost soul. he goes out to hollywood expecting something and just ends up in a room by himself, going to see this movie over and over. the "taxi driver" movie. >> investigators soon realize that the movie "taxi driver" is a central influence on hinckley's life. so much that hinckley even adopts the persona of the lead character, played by robert de niro. that of a disturbed vietnam vet named travis bickle. hinckley begins dressing in army
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fatigues like bickle. he begins drinking peach brandy like bickle. and he becomes obsessed with guns and assassination, like bickle. >> he saw that movie 15 times, "taxi driver." a very violent movie. and he becomes obsessed with jodie foster in this movie. >> jodie foster plays a 12-year-old prostitute named iris. >> he felt the relationship with jodie foster was real, not something based on her role in a movie. he was just one of these warped guys. >> while the fbi investigates hinckley, ronald reagan is recovering at george washington hospital which has been transformed into the seat of government. >> the white house is always wherever the president is. everything had moved there. the decisions were being made.
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the staff was over there. it was so strange. >> it's turmoil around here. i thought for intensive care, you know, everybody would be whispering. but it's like grand central station. >> everything was very surreal for a couple of days there. i mean, it just -- it was like living in a movie. >> has the president at all asked or has he been told about the condition of his press secretary? >> he is -- he is not aware of the number of -- of the other people who were shot and injured, at this time. >> it isn't until reagan asks his staff if anyone else was shot that he's told about officer delahanty, agent mccarthy, and press secretary jim brady. >> he called me down, said he was so sorry. i -- i told him, you know, that jim was doing what he loved to do the most. i kind of tried to reassure him. but he was very emotional about it, of course. >> reagan also wants to see the secret service agent who took a bullet for him, tim mccarthy.
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>> reagan looks at him. and maybe he senses something in mccarthy, i don't know. reagan looks at him and says, so tim, mccarthy, reagan, brady, and delahanty. what'd this guy have against the irish? >> he handled it very well. as he said to us in his interview, he didn't know what had happened. he still managed to make jokes about it, bringing his personality forward to make everybody in the country feel better about themselves. >> everybody but john hinckley jr. hd "
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at this hour, john hinckley jr. pleads not guilty to charges he tried to kill president reagan, and both his lawyer and the government agree he is economy tent to stand trial. >> from the moment he was arrested the issue of sanity became paramount to the legal teams assigned to prosecute and defend john hinckley. >> facing a judge for the first time, hinckley stood while the clerk read the 13-count indictment. among the spectators were hinckley's parents. they watched intently as the clerk asked their son, how do you plead? in a clear, loud voice the 26-year-old hinckley answered, not guilty. >> you know, hinckley is an interesting person, but not
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interesting at the same time. >> there didn't seem to be much there. you could not form a rapport with him. he seemed to have little expression of emotion. >> dr. will carpenter, a research psychiatrist at the university of maryland, was hired to give an expert opinion in hinckley's defense. >> i believe that i spent about 44 hours evaluating him. most of that would have been in interviews with him. he was self-centered but he wasn't narcissistic. it was more like kind of a loner who doesn't have much else going on. and then would get grandiose ideas, including delusional ideas. >> he made up a whole girlfriend for his parents. for a year. she didn't exist. >> she seemed awfully real to him at times. but it's very much to manipulate his parents so that he could be off and doing what it was that he intended to do without their interfering. >> in the summer of 1980, hinckley read a story about
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jodie foster. the 18-year-old actress was taking a sabbatical from hollywood to attend yale university. so hinckley told his parents that he was going back to college. but at yale, not texas tech. >> so he makes up a whole elaborate ruse to his parents about how he's going to go to yale for a writing class that doesn't exist. the whole time he spent stalking foster. he finds out where she lives, slipping notes under her door, he's on the phone with her. he taped these calls. >> who is this? oh, no, who is this? >> this is jodie? >> who is this? >> this is john. >> john who? oh, no, not you again. look, i really can't talk to you, okay? do me a really big favor. you understand why i can't, you know, carry on these conversations with you? you understand it's dangerous and it's not done and it's not fair and it's rude. all right? well, i understand that but it's the same thing. okay?
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>> so you just don't ever want me to call again. >> no, been really nice talking to you though. >> he started to yell at the recorder, hang up, hang up. because this is what we tell our wife or our daughter. you hang up right away. >> they're just really sad and pathetic calls. he's reaching out to this woman he idolized and wanted to be part of. so, he gets in his mind, if i get the president of the united states, she'll love me. she'll want me. she'll know who i am. so, he starts talking jimmy carter. >> it was just a month before reagan was elected. he and president carter were campaigning hard for every vote. >> in october 1980, john hinckley gets within arm's reach of jimmy carter at an event in dayton, ohio. >> one week later, hinckley is in nashville, tennessee, still stalking carter. when hinckley leaves, airport police find several guns in his luggage.
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>> he was arrested, never fingerprinted and photographed for carrying a weapon, the information was never sent to the secret service. >> they took the weapons, he paid a fine, and that was the end of that. >> wind days, hinckley is in dallas where his sister lives. shopping for more guns at rocky's pawn shop. he buys two revolvers for $98, including the one he'll use to shoot president reagan. >> he purchased it legally at the time, caliber .22. it was a very light-weight, snub-nose handgun. >> he'd actually gone to firing ranges. he'd trained or given himself training. >> john hinckley took a lot of target practice. he took a lot of target practice. he never shot at moving targets. and jerry parnham's moving the president toward that open door. >> december 8th, 1980, john
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hinckley's fragile world begins to crack when he hears shocking news from new york city. >> the news ripped through the air in shock waves. john lennon shot and killed in the dakota apartment building where he lives. the suspect is identified as mark david chapman. >> hinckley idolized lennon. that new year's eve, he locks himself in his room at his parents' house, drinks peach brandy, plays his guitar, and wallows in his own misery. ♪ sometime during the night, hinckley writes in his diary, john lennon is dead. forget it. it's just going to be insanity. i still think about jodie all the time. anything i might do in 1981 would be solely for jodie foster's sake. i want to tell the world that i love her. if you're living with moderate to severe crohn's disease,
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there are times it feels like your life revolves around your symptoms. if you're tired of going around in circles, get headed in a new direction, and ask your gastroenterologist about humira adalimumab. because with humira, remission is possible. humira has been proven to work for adults who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira
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saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your gastroenterologist about humira today. remission is possible. so you want to drive more safely? of smart. stop eating. take deep breaths. avoid bad weather. [ whispers ] get eight hours. ♪ [ shouts over music ] turn it down! and, of course, talk to farmers. hi. hi. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum ♪ ♪
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saving time by booking an appointment online, even smarter. online scheduling. available now at valentine's day, 1981. john hinckley, the man who will soon shot ronald reagan, leaving more notes for jodie foster. on one postcard he writes, one day you and i will occupy the white house. please do your best to remain a virgin. you are a virgin, aren't you? but this time, hinckley is not just leaving her notes.
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he's contemplating a violent act. >> he had guns with him when he was in new haven. stalking jodie foster. just unsure what he was doing with it. >> spurned once more by foster and feeling suicidal, hinckley goes to new york city, still carrying the guns he bought in dallas. >> we talked about the guns and the whole history with guns. and he described, you know, having it with him when he was in new york, and he considered killing himself then. kind of standing on the place where chapman had been outside the dakota. >> but hinckley does not act on any of his thoughts. instead, he goes back to evergreen, colorado, where his parents live. >> came back and there was a lot of pressure between him and his father and mother about what was he going to do with his life. they recognized he had mental problems so they sent him to see a psychiatrist. >> hinckley first saw the psychiatrist the previous october. >> in one of the first sessions
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he tells the psychiatrist, hey, i'm really interested in guns and jodie foster. i'm obsessed with these two things. and after that the psychiatrist never asked him another question about those two things. >> at one point, the psychiatrist, dr. john hopper, had told hinckley's parents that their son was simply immature. that he needed to grow up, get a job, and live on his own. the last of 15 sessions takes place 4 1/2 weeks before the shooting. >> the mother of the troubled young man might have kept him home. the brother and the sister would have had him institutionalized. but the family followed the psychiatrist's advice, as troubled families will do, and to put it mildly, it didn't work out. >> his parents actually gave him the ultimatum, they were supplying the funding for his travels. and they were getting tired of it and they told him emphatically in his words that he had to clean up his act and get a job and they're cutting off his funds at the end of march.
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>> he was not capable of taking that as a challenge and then straightening his life out. he was more capable of drifting off as a loner into his own fantasy world. >> and so at the end of march he makes the decision that he has to do something. >> six days before the shooting, hinckley flies to los angeles, then boards a bus to washington, d.c. from there, he'll go to new haven and commit his act of love for jodie foster. he even writes her another note, telling her to wait for him. >> his plan was to shoot foster, shoot himself, or kill both of them in this orgy of violence. that was his plan. >> on his way to yale, hinckley stops off in d.c. he checks into the park central hotel, sleeps, gets up, and goes for a fast food breakfast. >> it was just by chance that that morning he got up and read the paper and saw the president
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was going to the hilton to talk to the afl-cio. >> saw the president's schedule on page a4 of the "washington star" newspaper. i'm going to see how close i can get to the president with my little gun. he wrote foster a note. takes a cab up to the washington hilton hotel, gets there, is behind the rope line, sees reagan approaching. pulls out his .22 caliber revolver. >> he thought something magical was going to happen that didn't have anything to do with ronald reagan. it had to do with some union he was going to have with jodie foster. >> by the spring of 1982, a year after the presidential assassination attempt, the four victims are all healing. jim brady's recovery is painfully slow but positive. though losing most use of the left side of his body, he retains his cognitive thinking and great sense of humor.
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agent tim mccarthy makes a full recovery and continues his career with the secret service. d.c. police officer tom delahanty suffered a crippling wound that eventually forced his retirement. president reagan surprised his doctors and the nation, healing quickly for a man his age. as for john w. hinckley jr., his life story was a tabloid soap opera played out for a worldwide audience. >> about his alleged assailant, mr. reagan said, i hope and pray he can find an answer to his problem. said the president, he seems to be a very disturbed young man. >> even jim brady was compassionate. >> he said, well, he didn't hold any ill will toward him. but then again, he hoped he wouldn't win the irish sweepstakes.
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>> hinckley's motive seemed simply surreal. >> none of this was political. it was a way to try to force the recognition that should be granted to him. >> in a surprising move, the judge in the case ordered jodie foster to give a deposition for the trial. it took place march 30th, 1982. the first anniversary of the shooting. by court order, hinckley was allowed in the room. when foster denied a relationship, hinckley became enraged. he had to be restrained and removed from the room. >> i received a great deal of unsolicited mail but i never read it. i've never met, spoken to, or in any way associated with one john w. hinckley. last fall i received several unsolicited pieces of correspondence signed john w. hinckley or jwh, and i threw them all away.
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john hinckley's trial began on may 4th, 1982. his defense, innocent by reason of insanity. >> under federal law at the time, once the defendant raised the defense of insanity, the prosecution had to disprove the insanity claim beyond a
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reasonable doubt. >> professor richard bonnie is an expert on law and psychiatry. he wrote what is considered a definitive textbook on the hinckley trial. >> as far as the prosecution was concerned, the dominant diagnosis was that this was a person with a narcissistic personality disorder that was infatuated with jodie foster, and basically what he really wanted was to be famous. but that he was in touch with reality. as far as the defense was concerned, that he basically had a form of schizophrenia, a schizophrenic process disorder, that he was out of touch with reality, was descending into psychosis, that he was delusional. >> my interpretation of insanity goes back to the old m'naghten rule. and it's very simply, can the individual differentiate right from wrong? and clearly during my interview with john hinckley, he clearly
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understood the difference between right and wrong. >> the prosecution argued that hinckley had carefully planned the attack. >> the fact that he was able to travel, the fact that he did look at the schedule, put that type of effort into planning this event. that's premeditated activity. >> the defense countered with dr. will carpenter's testimony on schizophrenia. >> in general, with illnesses like schizophrenia, people can do most things in life in an ordinary way. so they're not conspicuously crazy. they don't go into mcdonald's and order watermelons. hinckley did not have a lot of disorganization. pathology. his was much more the reality distortion, false beliefs, and his belief in those -- letting those guide his life. >> it came down to our
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psychiatrist versus his psychiatrist. >> john w. hinckley jr. has been found not guilty by reason of insanity on all 13 counts. >> i was surprised at the verdict. >> i think almost everyone was surprised by this verdict. >> i would characterize it as astonishment. >> i think the reason it went in that direction is that the prosecution basically denied mental illness. >> this was a case in which there was much evidence in hinckley's own hand, in his writings, in his poetry, in his essays, to suggest that he was, in fact, degenerating into a psychotic killer by the time march of 1981 rolled around.
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>> expecting a guilty verdict, hinckley had prepared a statement. from the start, all i wanted was for someone to love me. on march 30th, 1981, i was asking my family to take me back and i was asking jodie foster to hold me in her heart. my assassination attempt was an act of love. after the verdict, hinckley was committed indefinitely to st. elizabeth's hospital in washington, d.c. >> it wasn't till years later that i was assigned to the reagan detail and we had an opportunity when i was in the limo with the president to talk about john hinckley. his desire was that john hinckley got the necessary help that he needed. and then he said, but i have to tell you something, it hurt like hell. >> reagan had a very good way of putting things behind him. he was very good at kind of separating himself from that moment. i don't think it bothered him.
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nancy reagan, it bothered her. >> she was concerned about every time that they would make mention that john hinckley might be released she would come to me and say, steve, i just need to make sure that that won't happen. >> in 2003, the year before president reagan died, a federal judge ruled that hinckley was no longer a danger to himself or others and should be allowed limited visits to his mother's home in virginia. to this day, the secret service watches hinckley, tracking his whereabouts, the people he meets, even the books he checks out of the library. >> is he dangerous to other people still? will he do this again? >> i never had any sense that there was any deep remorse, and i don't think that he'd be very capable. he had mental illness at that time. and there are still issues. clearly, i think that he is
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where he should be. >> in the years after the assassination attempt, president ronald reagan's approval rating skyrocketed. >> mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. >> he became one of the most popular presidents in american history. during reagan's second term, jim and sarah brady became vocal supporters of gun control legislation. their efforts paid off in 1993 with the signing of the brady handgun violence prevention act. it required federal background checks on commercial sales of handguns to individuals. unfortunately, the brady bill came too late for john w. hinckley. several months after the shooting, his father asked him what might have stopped him. hinckley replied, maybe if i'd had to wait a while to buy a
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gun, had to fill out forms or get a permit first, or sign in with the police or anything complicated, i probably wouldn't have done it. hello, everyone. i'm don lemon in new york. at this hour, we have breaking news into cnn. there's been a major development in the multistate amber alert case of missing teenager, hanna anderson, and her alleged abductor, james dimaggio. we've been told by investigators, james dimaggio is dead. 16-year-old hanna is safe and with police officers. her father is being transported to meet with her. this happened in western idaho, where dimaggio's car was found yesterday. the teenager was last seen a week ago at her cheerleading practice in san diego county, california.
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cnn is on top of this story. we have reporters in the region, as well as a former fbi profiler, who can speak exactly to how this man was found. why hanna is alive and how he was taken down. according to investigators, a campsite was spotted in the air, at a park in the wilderness in idaho. a tactical unit was sent in. this is at the end of moore head lake in idaho. it happened around 4:22 pacific standard time. we want to go to miguel marquez.
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he's been following this search for us here on cnn. >> one thing you said is moore head lake. this is an area six miles from where that car was ditched on, presumably, late monday, possibly tuesday. they were seen around 5:00 p.m. wednesday, on by a horseback rider near moore head lake. it wasn't until friday morning that this search kicked off. you're talking 48 to 60 hours from the time they were spotted and the time this investigation got going. and here we are on saturday, 72 hours later. they didn't move far from where they were seen at moore head lake. they only got six miles in a day, perhaps two days. it's incredibly rough territory.
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we flew over it today. there is smoke in the air from fires. it's hard to breathe. it's very rough terrain. very steep terrain. very rocky terrain. they, described to me as having gear that was medium to light. not the sort of hardcore gear that you would expect if you were going to be out in that sort of wilderness for an extended period of time. that apparently is what that horse rider felt when he talked to them afterwards realizing, well, you know, it was a little odd, they weren't really dressed appropriately and correctly for being that far out. very, very cold at night. especially up that high. easily you could slip into hypothermia in the low 40s and high 30s. but amazing to see how quickly this thing has come to a head. i can tell you there's this area where we are, where you can can see they're preparing for a press conference here soon. just a block away here in cascade, there's also a huge area where all the law enforcement is. that parking lot is now rammed with vehicles, individuals coming in. the sense around here is one of jubilation, and i'm sure for the family, the grandparents and for
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the anderson family, for brett anderson, despite losing ethan, their son, christina anderson, his wife, and the grandson, and the daughter of all them, there is a real festive attitude and enormous relief this thing has been brought to a conclusion this swiftly. this was a huge concern going into this that not only were these guys doing a search and rescue operation, but they were facing somebody who was potentially armed and dangerous and could have taken a hostage and done harm to her or she could have been injured or killed in the crossfire. don? >> hey, miguel, out of curiosity, you're there on the scene. tell us what's going on around you there. >> reporter: well, i can tell you the media from across san diego, from california, from all over idaho is here. this is the fire station here in cascade, idaho. and people are starting to come
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by. people from idaho, here, one young man is standing here next to me who's just been watching all of this unfold in front of him. the cars are starting to come by. the media always attracts attention when we come to these places. but this has been topic "a" across this place. everybody, you know, i wear this hat into cafes here and the only thing people do is come up to me and say, did they get him, did they kill this person? is she okay? and everybody, everybody was, their hearts were going out to that family. this young woman. and hoping that this thing ended well. it is a great relief that it has. don? >> very well said. very well said. if there's any good news in this, i mean, it's such a horrific story, is 16-year-old hannah has been found alive. please stand by, miguel marquez. we want to go to san diego now. our other cnn correspondent is standing by. paul vercammen who has been following this story for us, as well. paul, the news came from san diego about what happened. of course, it happened in idaho.
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what's happening where you are now? >> well, there's this tremendous sense of relief because, don, in this building behind me, it may seem sort of faceless right now, and if you will, sort of antiseptic. but they are euphoric because a resolution has come to this. they've been working hard on this. some 20 detectives i was told at one point including those from ncis because he does have a military background. he was a navy corpsman. off the record here when you talk to people sort of in the neighborhood, that sort of thing, they said, i hope she lives and one man said, frankly, i hope he dies. we talked with briefly over the phone her grandfather. he said he is absolutely euphoric, thrilled with the news. so the grandparents talking to us over the phone just briefly, don. so there's a great sense of relief here after this terrible tragedy that shattered a family. >> do you know anything, paul, about the dad? we heard that the dad, brett anderson, was on his way to meet with his daughter. do you know where they said they
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were transporting him? where they got him from? and how long is the journey between there? between the two places? >> from what we understand, he, of course, would be the first person informed of all of this and when a crew of ours across town from where we are to try to go to his house, to go to the grandparents' house, he was not there and someone suggested that he had been gone for at least an hour. so i imagine, don, he's headed to the airport where he will be put on a plane and hopefully he can reunite with his daughter tonight. not sure if that would be a commercial flight or a private plane or just what would work out here. it should be about a 2 1/2 hour flight by my estimation, if there are not any stops. sometimes it can be a little difficult to connect to boise. what we understand from boise to this wilderness area is probably going to take, oh, at least another hour's drive. i think it's 70 miles away-plus. i know that driving in the mountains of idaho can be rather painstaking in those curvy, windy mountain roads and cascade is getting to the foot of this remote wilderness. >> all right. paul, thank you very much. appreciate that. listen, i'm just getting this
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into my inbox. paul, stand by. this is a statement from brett anderson. the father of hannah anderson. it says, he just texted this to a cnn, someone here at cnn. it says "i am nervous, excited, saddened for my wife and son and worried what my daughter has been through. it's now healing time. keep us in your prayers." keep us in your prayers. that is from brett anderson, the father of hannah anderson. the information is just coming in now. i want to get now to marissa chavez, a friend of hannah anderson. marissa, you have been speaking as well about your friend. how are you taking this news? >> very happy about it. excited. >> yeah. what do you plan to say to her?
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because i know you're going to talk to her and probably very soon. >> just make sure she's okay and tell her that she got a lot of support and she still does and everyone's still going to be here for her. >> yeah. marissa, you mentioned something about the suspect here who is now dead. you said that you overheard, or she overheard him saying that he had a crush on her? >> yes. i was in the car with him. yeah. >> what did you hear? >> that he told her that he had a crush on her, but he didn't want her to think of him as creepy or anything. he was just saying if she was his age, he'd date her. >> and how did she react to that? >> it was uncomfortable about it. >> yeah. and did it make you uncomfortable as well? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> a little bit. >> yeah. so, you know, when they were
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spotted apparently at this -- at this campsite, or at this park, people didn't think anything out of the ordinary. they said she may have been acting just -- they thought something was a little bit off, but it didn't appear that she was being held against her will. do you think that she was doing that to make sure that she stayed alive? >> yes, i'm very sure of that. i know she wouldn't have just gone willingly with him. >> yeah. tell us about, a little bit more about hannah, because her dad talked about her saying she was someone, or she is -- she's still here -- she is someone who has so many friends, no one would ever say a bad word about her or any of his children. >> yeah. she had a lot of friends and never wanted to start problems with anyone. she was really outgoing. she was really outgoing and fun.
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crazy. >> yeah. and i'm sure you're glad to have her around. did you know her brother? >> yeah. what? >> did you know her brother, ethan? >> yeah. i did. >> yeah. he's no longer with us. >> yeah. >> what kind of kid was he? >> he was always the sweetest, probably, kid i've ever known. he always was, played in sports or played his xbox. he was always a sweet, sweet kid. he was always there for everyone. >> yeah. marissa chavez, thank you very much. we know this is a tough time for you and a happy time because your friend is alive now. thank you. be well. bye. >> all right. viewers of breaking news on cnn that we are following is that the suspect in this case, this missing teenager case, which is a murder case as well, has now been killed. has now been killed. james dimaggio, 40 years old, killed at a campsite in idaho. his 16-year-old person that he had taken, kidnapped, that
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hostage, in many ways, hannah anderson, found alive and is about to be reunited with her father. we're awaiting a press conference in idaho. it should happen at any moment. we'll bring it to you. details after this break.
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hello, everyone, don lemon in new york. cnn breaking news this hour that we are following. we've been following it carefully throughout the week here. a california teenager missing since last weekend and believed to have been kidnapped is alive and well. the man who police believe kidnapped her, and also believe responsible for the death of hannah's mother and her 8-year-old brother, that man is dead. shot dead by an fbi agent in western idaho.
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this ends a frantic weeklong manhunt involving hundreds of police officers and federal agents. 16-year-old hannah anderson's mother, 8-year-old brother, died when their home was burned last sunday. hannah had not been seen since then. a tip led law enforcement to western idaho where james dimaggio was found dead, killed, today by fbi agents. i want get now to marc klaas, of course, the father of polly klaas who went missing almost 20 years ago, october of 1993. marc, you've been a bit critical of the emergency system, the amber alert that was put out in california, and other areas. and -- but now it has come to this. do you think that this amber alert helped in this case? >> ultimately, i do, don. and let me just say how -- how important this is, what an
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object lesson this has to be for a small agency throughout the country, that if one of your, children is taken, you need to get ahold of the fbi. they have resources that are unavailable any place else. they have -- they have the ability to organize massive amounts of agencies, multiagency task forces and bring it to this result. i think my criticism of amber alert stands. i think that it was rolled up very, very badly and i think that many people have probably opted out that wouldn't have opted out had it been rolled out in a more judicious manner. but i do want to say that i think that this is a perfect ending. i'm glad that dimaggio is dead, and -- >> you're happy for this family, i'm sure. >> i'm so happy for the family. i -- it's the perfect ending. she survived and he didn't. so he's finish. we won't have to deal with him anymore.
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he won't be in the headlines anymore. and hannah will be able to move forward with her life and begin her recovery today. >> marc klaas, thank you for the words of encouragement. we want to get to cnn's miguel marquez in idaho with new information on that. miguel, what do you have for us? >> reporter: i just spoke to the grandparents of hannah, sarah and ralph, who are in santee, california. and, you know, they said that they are ecstatic. despite losing two members of their family, they are ecstatic that hannah is coming home to them. they called her their honey bunny. they didn't have a sense of the shape she was in. they fear that she's been through a heck of a traumatic experience the last several days, and certainly today as well. we don't know the details of how mr. dimaggio was taken out today. but they said they are coming home and jokingly at the end of the conversation, sarah said, you know, tell all parents to name their kids hannah. it is remarkable what this family has gone through. to lose so much, but to have days on end to be kept on tenterhooks over whether or not
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16-year-old hannah would be found alive and well, to have this news today is enormous. brett, hannah's father will be coming here in the morning to collect her and take her back to san diego. that is a reunion that i'm sure words and pictures cannot express the joy that will be felt on that day. if i could show you, you know, a couple seconds ago you asked what it was like here. you know, the more we go live, the more the people show up. i think about half the people from cascade, idaho, are here tonight. you guys happy that this is happening? excited this is happening? it is amazing. it is absolutely amazing how the country, the people here, everyone, has focused on this and just this great sense of relief out of such sadness. don? >> miguel, don't go anywhere because you were talking about the father. i want to read this. if we can put that back up. i want to continue on with miguel. this is a statement from the father.
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he says "i am nervous, excited, saddened for my wife and son and worried what my daughter has been through. it's now healing time. keep us in your prayers." miguel, you said the dad will be there in the morning to be reunited with his daughter. what a wonderful moment that will be. >> reporter: oh, i can't even imagine how tearful that is going to be. this is a family that has had its trials. you know, he lost his job in san diego. he was forced to move to tennessee. they've had a tough time in their relationship. christina anderson was raising two kids along with the family there. she was a massage therapist. she was, you know, getting her life together. she was working incredibly hard. ethan was a football player. hannah was a cheerleader. it was constant trips to here and there as parents know. just a good, you know, salt of the earth hardworking people. mr. dimaggio is someone who they came to know and trust for many, many years. he knew them since the kids were
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babies. hannah was about 6 months old when he came into their lives. he knew ethan their entire life. and for this to turn around on him, he was losing his house, he begged christina anderson to come up to the house. one last time, he said, because he was going to lose the house and have to move in texas. instead it turned into this. i can't tell you -- taking advantage of her nature, you know, ethan had football practice the next morning. she was tired from a very long week. but she still went out there and then this happened. it's just -- words can't describe how difficult it has been for this family, and i am so happy for them that it has ended well, and i know there's a great sense of relief in the anderson and brit households tonight. don? >> miguel marquez, thank you very much, in cascade. there's a reason he's there. we're awaiting a press conference there shortly. miguel will cover that. we'll carry it for you live. details on this story. more of them. and that press conference right after a break.
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hello, everyone. don lemon here in new york. breaking news here on cnn. a story we have been following carefully for you all week. a california teenager missing since last weekend, and believed to have been kidnapped is alive and well. the man who police believe kidnapped her, and also believed responsible for the death of hannah's mother and brother, that man is dead. shot dead by an fbi agent in western idaho. this ends a frantic week-long manhunt involving hundreds of police officers and federal agents. the good news in all of this is 16-year-old hannah anderson is alive. we're awaiting a press conference.
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the box that you see there on your screen, the small box, now it is taken full, we've taken it full. a press conference expected to start now at any moment. we'll carry it for you live. we're back in a moment.
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we're following breaking news here on cnn that we have been following really for you all week.
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a california teenager missing since last weekend. believed to have been kidnapped is alive and well. the man who police believe kidnapped her and also believed responsible for the death of hannah anderson's mother and brother, that man is dead. he was shot by an fbi agent in western idaho. we have just been told by officials in cascade, idaho, that we should expect this press conference at any moment. they came out and gave us the warning that they would be ready in minutes, and the sheriff of valley county, idaho, will be speaking among others. our miguel marquez is in cascade, idaho. paul is in san diego, california. this has been a multistate operation. a manhunt really for this man. i'll get to you in just a minute, paul. i want to go to miguel marquez, getting ready for that press conference. i think they said it will happen at about five minutes, should be about four minutes now this is going to happen. you have been speaking to family
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members, as well. and give us an idea of the mood where you are as we await this press conference. >> reporter: well, the mood is jubilation. half of the town of cascade has shown up. how good is this news? and, you know, it's the same with law enforcement. you see around. there's clearly a great relief has been lived off of people's shoulders, and, you know, jason pat coming out here today to say the agent in charge will be speaking with the fbi. there's a lot of credit as mr. clemente, speaking earlier from the fbi, a lot of credit goes to this team for pulling it off successfully. the level of danger, and everybody here understood it. you know, you're deep in the woods. this has been going on for days. they've been in a car driving for days. they've been walking in the woods. they're tired.
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desperate. hungry, perhaps. and, you know, for this to end as well as it has, i got to say, i've been covering this story for a bit. i cover a lot of stories. i was not so hopeful that this would end this way, and i am very, very, very pleased that it did. don? >> stand by, miguel. as we await that. i want to get quickly to paul. paul, i may have to jump in if that press conference gets started. the news was announced where you are in san diego and officials obviously came out and went back inside. is there any new information to garner from san diego since this is where this story started? >> no, there's no new information, but i would like to give you context here. in talking to relatives all week long, this is a story of colossal betrayal. almost of biblical proportions. think cain and able. instead of a brother being dead, it was a wife and son. after all, they considered jim dimaggio an uncle. when you talk to these people all week long, they couldn't believe this ever happened. at one point according to one person who's close to the family, they said jim dimaggio was living with the paternal grandmother and basically
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getting himself on his feet financially. so he could buy the house down toward that border town and move into it. so you can imagine just how heartsick they were. so many people not believing at all that jim dimaggio would shatter this family, don. >>, paul, thank you very much. we'll get back to you if anything happens. i want to get back now to miguel marquez. miguel marquez, this is where this press conference is going to happen where you are, and they are stepping up to the podium now. let's listen in to this press conference about how they got this man, killed this man, and they found hannah anderson, 16 years old, still alive. >> good evening. i'm mary rook, the special agent in charge of the fbi office of the salt lake city division. i want to update you about the rescue operation that just concluded. at approximately 5:20 local
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time, special agents with the fbi's hostage rescue team along with salt lake city's division of the fbi, observed hannah and the suspect near moorhead lake at a campsite. agents moved in to rescue hannah. the suspect is deceased. as a matter of policy, the fbi automatically dispatches a shooting review team from washington to review the circumstances surrounding any situation where a special agent discharges a firearm. the team will interview witnesses and determine exactly what happened. for this reason, no other details can be released at this time. when incidents like this occur, no one ever really knows where the investigation will lead. in this case, our team faced a very challenging situation. our team of fbi agents, valley
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and ada county sheriffs deputies, idaho state police, u.s. marshals, the u.s. border patrol, and the rest of the entire team, worked tirelessly to find hannah. now that hannah is safe and being evaluated in a medical facility, fbi victim specialists are working with hannah and her family to get them the resources they need as they enter this next challenging phase. of this incident. as grateful as we are that she was recovered safely, we also remember the other victims in this case who lost their lives. moving forward, the fbi evidence response team along with detectives from san diego county sheriffs department, will process the crime scene at the site of the rescue. this will still take some time and require a great deal of logistical coordination. as the idaho portion of this case wraps up and transitions back to san diego county, we will continue to work with our
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colleagues, both in idaho and san diego, and provide them with any continuing support they might need. it has been said that the greatest weapon against crime is the cooperation of all law enforcement. with the understanding of the public. and i think this case has proven that. thank you. >> patty, valley county sheriff. excuse me. hannah is safe, and that was our first priority from the very beginning. we're so appreciative of all our law enforcement partners. and members of our community who all played a role in bringing hannah home. thank you. >> can you describe this? >> i'm andrea dearden, officer for this incident. we will attempt to field questions.
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now, again, as the special agent in charge explained, there is a special investigative team that comes in after incidents like this and so there's very little information about what transpired this afternoon that is really simple at this time. so happy to try to answer questions, however, please understand that the details available are very, very limited. >> thermal imaging, how did they see? >> i don't have any information about how they were spotted, but they were spotted from the air. >> how soon after they were spotted -- [ inaudible ] >> i do not have information on that. the exact timing. i also don't have information about whether or not the suspect fired. [ inaudible question ] no, we don't have any details about what hannah is experiencing right now, but our top priority is to make sure she is okay in every way possible. that's important. [ inaudible question ] she was removed from the area by a helicopter.
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>> does she have any apparent injuries? >> rescue team involved? >> this is simply a team that is trained in these kind of situations. and so i don't -- i can't release any specifics on what transpired leading up to this. but these are the teams that go in, whether or not there's negotiation at that time or not. they're trained to handle these kinds of situations no matter what transpires. >> how far from the original site where they were spotted on wednesday were they found today? >> not very far. they were relatively close to the same area. >> andrea, does hannah have any apparent physical injuries? >> no. she does appear to be doing okay. at this point. >> she's in a boise hospital right now? >> i can't tell you exactly where she is. she was taken to a local hospital. >> we had one report that they were swimming when he was taken out? >> i don't have that information. >> they were spotted by a helicopter, by eyesight, or technology that was used? >> i don't have any specifics on
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the type of investigative tools that were used at this point. all of that, of course, part of this investigation. >> andrea, without talking about the evidence, itself, can you just tell us, give us a sense of just how complicated, how sensitive a mission this was given the circumstances. >> of course, this was a homicide suspect that was in a very rugged area and we had a 16-year-old girl who we wanted to bring home safely. that is what we wanted. we wanted it to end safely. we wanted her home. that's exactly what happened. but as with any of these, we want to make sure safety is taken into consideration. we have to look at the tactical issues both because of the nature of the investigation, but also because of the land we're talking about. and so it is certainly a complex search. >> were any law enforcement officers injured in the rescue effort? >> i don't have any reports of any injuries to any of the personnel that were on the ground. >> an you tell us when and where a reunion will take place? >> i don't know when that will happen.
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they will reunite her with family as soon as possible. >> is she being attended to by -- >> absolutely. victim witness counselors are with her, absolutely. we'll make sure she gets as much care physically and emotionally as absolutely possible as with any case like this. >> do you know when he was declared dead? >> no, i haven't released any of the specific times, and so i don't have all of the times on that part of the investigation. >> do you know the direction -- >> i don't have the exact directions. i apologize. so this will be our last on-camera briefing that we will do on this incident. our teams are now demobilizing so a lot of the federal teams will be heading back to their home bases. and so we will continue to send out any updates via e-mail as we get them, but we don't expect any new updates until we can get this team in place and they can process that.
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so all other information after today will come from the fbi office in salt lake city. we appreciate all of your help through all of this. we -- you have been very, very helpful in getting this message to the community and, of course, our thanks to everyone who called in tips. this was a, you know, started essentially in earnest yesterday morning, and today less than 36 hours later she is home and she's safe. hannah is safe and that was -- that's the best outcome that we were hoping for. our top priority. so we appreciate all your help. good afternoon. >> are they going to wait until the morning? >> they will continue to process the scene as they can. i don't know when the crews will be there and all of that. they'll continue to work through the night. >> how many fbi agents were in the hostage recovery team? and how many people were on the ground doing that sort of immediate rescue effort? >> that part is still under investigation.
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it's unclear right now. part of the questions that the shooting review team from washington who's coming will look into. unfortunately we're not going to say much anymore about the incident, itself. the shooting review team will interview the witnesses and determine the facts. if we release anything publicly, that might skew it a little bit. what we want to do is wait on them. it's not good for you all because everybody wants to know what happened. what's good is hannah is safe tonight. thank you, all. >> thank you, guys. >> okay. there's that press conference in cascade, idaho. basically the information coming out of that is that they are still processing the crime scene and there were details about the takedown of this man that they could not go into because the investigation is still going on. you saw miguel marquez there ask one of the questions at the press conference and he is now getting more information from investigators. we're going to talk to miguel on the other side of this break. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, like me,
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saving time by booking an appointment online, even smarter. online scheduling. available now at breaking news here on cnn. we've been following for a week now. and it has come to this.
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california teenager missing since last weekend, believed to have been kidnapped, is found alive and well. the man who police believe kidnapped her, and also believed responsible for the death of her mother and brother, that man is dead. we're getting new information now. there was just a press conference held just a short time ago. just moments ago before the break, in cascade, idaho. and we're getting new video in of the search for that suspect and the search for hannah. this is raw video. unedited. we're just getting it in. i'm seeing it for the first time as you are. you can see members of all those tactical teams that went out in the search for the suspect and the search for hannah. this was taken by miguel marquez's crew. our correspondent who's out there who is at that press briefing in cascade, idaho. miguel, if miguel is up, because you asked a question there, miguel, as we go through this video, and we're seeing, you know, the men in uniform, men
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and women in uniforms and also the search dogs as well, helicopter, tactical van, as well. what did you see? tell us about the hunt for this suspect and for hannah. >> reporter: well, certainly that they saw it at -- it's not clear if mr. dimaggio fired back, but they are saying very little else. a team now coming in from washington to review this shooting. they say. but i can tell you about that video that you're looking at. that was shot by chris hodick, and sonya, our team that was at the cascade airport today. that was midday. something interesting about that video, they were on customs and borders patrol helicopters. they were dressed in their camo gear. very heavily armed. i was asked, how long will these guys be good to go to the woods and go in there for long periods of time and be directed like special forces in a military
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type operation would be directed by somebody back at base? we also know those helicopters, i believe, were late in getting out the door this morning. there was a lot of law enforcement here. there was a lot of poring over of maps. there was a lot of discussion with local officials about where they might be. what is stunning about this is that they weren't very far from where that individual saw them on horseback on wednesday. clearly, they were tired. they were staying near a lake, so they had fresh water. it's a well-known lake around here now that i've been here a couple days. a lot of guys go fishing there. it's way out in the middle of nowhere, but it is a well-known lake here. and they were just north of the lake. i believe from the folks i talked to earlier, they were seen on horseback south of that lake on wednesday -- >> hey, miguel? >> reporter: through all of this -- yes? >> yeah, as you were speaking here, i want to talk to you a
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little bit about these are aerials that we're looking at now, and the reason i jumped in here is because at an earlier press conference, they said they were seen at the campsite
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looking at. these aerial shots. miguel, during the press conference you asked a question, but also, you know, both people who spoke reiterated the fact that the crime scene is still being gone over now. they can't release that much information because it's still an active investigation. >> reporter: an incredibly delicate, complicated situation. it weighed on everybody here. i don't think a lot of people thought this would end very well because here you had a desperate guy who seemed to be, you know, in love with this 16-year-old who had already killed in a very, you know, dramatic and horrible way, that had betrayed the trust of people he'd known for a long time. so there was a sense of what would stop him now. the roughness of the territory that they were going into. the length of time they had been on the run. the tiredness. called his abs, but it was really they said it was skin and bones literally. it suggested somebody who had gone through a radical change physically, but clearly also mentally, and i think that weighed on the minds of everybody moving into this situation. the fact that they brought this around as quickly as they did and as successfully as they did is fantastic, but, you know, brett's statement about hannah and what she's been through, i can't imagine. the death of her brother, her
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mother, the fire. and then on the run. and then into this wilderness. and then to see, presumably, to be nearby as mr. dimaggio is taken down. that is a heck of a lot for anyone to take on, especially a 16-year-old girl. >> so miguel, you've been following this, i want you to go along with me with this timeline as i tell our viewers. you can feel free to jump in at any time if you want to comment on this. we know this all started sunday. san diego county firefighters responded to calls that dimaggio's house was engulfed in flames and found the body of hannah's mother, miguel, inside. christina anderson. correct? >> reporter: correct. and it wasn't until monday that brett anderson got worried. ethan was supposed to be at football practice on sunday morning. he didn't show up. they'd gone up 3:00 p.m., friday, saturday afternoon. ethan didn't show up for football practice the next morning, so presumably they may have already been dead or taken captive at that point. then the fire happened sunday night. monday into monday, the pictures start to come out and people think it's just another normal house fire out in the middle of nowhere in east county san
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diego. brett anderson gets worried, starts calling around. no one's getting back to him. no one's picking up his phone. they think it's -- they're worried, actually, for dimaggio, jim dimaggio, because they think that's his house. something's happened to him. then slowly into monday the realization of what has happened, who is in there and what appears to have happened with mr. dimaggio taking hannah, going on the run and prompting this multistate, multicountry amber alert and just the level of focus and concern and fear, very, very high across the entire area. don? >> miguel, we want to say that brett anderson is the father, you mentioned him there. again, i want to just real quickly here, monday august 5th, california issues the amber alert for dimaggio, hannah and ethan. then by wednesday the teen is spotted with dimaggio by a horseback rider in a remote rugged area 70 miles from boise, idaho, near where miguel is now. friday, idaho state police searched the trailhead there and
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found the car registered to dimaggio. then this morning, confirmation came from the sheriffs department in san diego that the second set of remains found in the burned out house were those of 8-year-old ethan anderson. hannah's brother. don't go anywhere, miguel. i want to get a quick break in then we'll talk more on the other side of this break. we'll be right back. ♪ it guides you to a number that will change your life: your sleep number setting. it will give you the soundest sleep you've ever had. it's a bed so intuitive it even knows you by name. now it's easier than ever to experience deep, restful sleep with our advanced dualair technology you'll only find in a sleep number bed. at the simple touch of a button, the sleep number mattress adjusts to your ideal level of comfort and support, with exceptional pressure relief on each side. experience the newest innovation from sleep
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breaking news here on cnn. a california teenager missing since last weekend believed to have been kidnapped. alive and well now. the man who police believe kidnapped her also believed responsible for the death of hannah's mother and 8-year-old brother. that man is also dead. he was taken down by an fbi tactical agent in western idaho at a campsite. this ends a frantic week-long manhunt involving hundreds of police officers and federal agents. 16-year-old hannah anderson's mother and 8-year-old brother died when their home burned last sunday. hannah had not been seen since then. a tip led law enforcement to western idaho where james dimaggio was found dead and killed today. the information coming just a short time ago. that hannah's father is on his way to meet with his daughter. stay tuned to cnn for more
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details and updates. i'm don lemon in new york. good night. where to begin? we've had a long time to chat with bob haldeman and have the opportunity and the question is where to start? here you were, you worked four years in washington as nixon's number two manxon'


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